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ITU-T work programme

[2017-2020] : [SG5] : [Q6/5]

[Declared patent(s)]  - [Publication]

Work item: L.1304 (ex L.Proc_DC)
Subject/title: Procurement Criteria for Sustainable Data Centres
Status: Approved on 2020-12-14 
Approval process: AAP
Type of work item: Recommendation
Version: New
Equivalent number: -
Timing: -
Liaison: ETSI EE, ISO
Supporting members: Argentina, Huawei
Summary: This Recommendation aims to support public authorities in purchasing data centres related products, services and items with reduced environmental impacts through establishing a set of procurement criteria.
Comment: This Recommendation aims at facilitating public authorities the purchase of products, services and works with reduced environmental impacts, by establishing a set of procurement criteria. The use of the criteria is voluntary. The criteria should be formulated in such a way that it could be, if deemed appropriate, integrated into tender documents. According to recent studies, there are some types of Procurement Criteria such as: a. Selection criteria (SC), assess the suitability of an economic operator to carry out a contract, may be relate to: - (a) suitability to pursue the professional activity; - (b) economic and financial standing; - (c) technical and professional ability. b. Technical specifications (TS), the required characteristics of a product or a service including requirements relevant to the product at any stage of the life cycle of the supply or service and conformity assessment procedures; c. Award criteria (AC), qualitative criteria with a weighted scoring which are chosen to determine the most economically advantageous tender. The criteria are linked to the subject-matter of the public contract in question and may comprise, for instance: - Environmental performance characteristics, including technical merit, functional and other innovative characteristics; - Organisation, qualification and experience of staff assigned to performing the contract, where the quality of the staff assigned can have a significant impact on the level of performance of the contract; or - After-sales service and technical assistance, delivery conditions such as delivery date, delivery process and delivery period or period of completion.
  Historic references:
Claudio Bianco, Editor
Paolo Gemma, Editor
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First registration in the WP: 2017-11-27 18:49:44
Last update: 2021-05-12 15:56:55