Work item | Question | Equiv. Num. | Status | Timing | Approval process | Version | Liaison relationship | Subject / Title | Priority |
F.3DCS-reqts | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2026 | AAP | New | 3GPP, ISO/IEC, IEC TC110, IEEE Metaverse Standards Committee | Requirements and functional architecture for 3D collaborative design services | Medium |
F.740.11 (ex F.CAR-reqs) | Q9/21 | | Consented 2025-01-24 | 2025-01 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG9, ITU-T SG12, ITU-T SG13, ITU-T FG-MV, 3GPP SA 4, ETSI ISG ARF | Requirements and framework of cloud-based augmented reality systems | Medium |
F.742 (V2) | Q9/21 | | Consented 2025-01-24 | 2025-01 | AAP | Rev. | - | Service description and requirements for distance learning services | Low |
F.743.31 (ex F.DADOCM) | Q9/21 | | Consented 2025-01-24 | 2025-01 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, ITU-T SG20, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC42/WG2, ITU-T FG-MV | Requirements for multimedia data asset development and operations | Medium |
F.743.32 (ex F.FMDAV) | Q9/21 | | Consented 2025-01-24 | 2025-01 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG3, ITU-T SG13, ITU-T SG20, ITU-T FG-MV, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC42/WG2 | Framework for multimedia data asset valuation | Medium |
F.ACSMRF | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2025 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG2, ITU-T SG13, ITU-T FG-MV, 3GPP SA4 | Requirements and framework for advanced call services with media enhancements | Medium |
F.AIMMSM-RF | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2026 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 | Requirements and framework for AI-enabled metadata management services for multimedia applications | Medium |
F.CEMP-DHS (ex Planned F.748.42) | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2024 | AAP | New | - | Requirements and architectures of multimedia platform for digital human services using edge cloud | Medium |
F.DPLM-REM | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2026 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 | Requirements and evaluation methods of data provision capability for large models in multimedia applications | Medium |
F.HIM | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2025 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, ETSI MEC, ITU-T FG-MV | Requirements of holographic interactive multimedia service based on core cloud and edge cloud | Medium |
F.ICNMMS | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2024 | AAP | New | - | Requirements and architecture for ICN-based mobile multimedia services | Medium |
F.LPSReqs | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2024 | AAP | New | - | Requirements for location-based processing services | Medium |
F.NRCRS-FAR | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2026 | AAP | New | - | Functional architecture and requirements of non-realtime cloud rendering system | Medium |
F.VDASAF | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2024 | AAP | New | - | Use cases and requirements for video distribution platform as a service | Medium |
H.CAR-FA | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2026 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG9, ITU-T SG12, ITU-T SG13, ITU-T FG-MV; ETSI ISG, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38, SC 42, SC 24 | Functional Architecture for cloud-based augmented reality systems | Medium |
H.CVR-OP | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2026 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG9, SG12, SG13, FG-MV, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24 | Functional architecture of optimized processing for cloud virtual reality systems | Medium |
H.MMAuth | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2026 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG17, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 | Framework for authentication of multimedia content | Medium |
H.OIMSArch | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2024 | AAP | New | - | Architecture for on-demand service based on interactive multimedia streaming | Low |
H.USMArch | Q9/21 | | Under study | 2024 | AAP | New | - | Architecture for unified status monitoring systems | Medium |