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ITU-T work programme

[2025-2028] : [SG21] : [Q9/21]

[Declared patent(s)]  - [Associated work]

Work item: F.742 (V2)
Subject/title: Service description and requirements for distance learning services
Status: Consented on 2025-01-24 [Issued from previous study period]
Approval process: AAP
Type of work item: Recommendation
Version: Rev.
Equivalent number: -
Timing: 2025-01 (Low priority)
Liaison: -
Supporting members: -
Summary: This Recommendation specifies the service description and requirements for distance learning services. The 2025 edition of Recommendation F.742, compared to the 2005 edition, mainly includes the addition of "use cases and scenarios for distance learning service providers," the inclusion of VR, MR, and AR equipment as learner tools, as well as an overall revision and restructuring of the content.
Comment: -
  Historic references:
Xiuying Nie, Editor
Ge Chen, Editor
Chuanyang Miao, Editor
Hongru Zhu, Editor
Jin Peng, Editor
ITU-T A.5 justification(s):
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First registration in the WP: 2020-07-20 15:48:40
Last update: 2025-02-07 12:13:01