List of poster session papers
P.1 |
Lower the Frequency to Trigger
Digital Inclusion? A Comparative Study
Among Different VHF/UHF/SHF Solutions for
the Implementation of Broadband Wireless
Access Daniele Trinchero (Politecnico
di Torino, IT); Riccardo Stefanelli,
Federico Longobardi, Alessandro
Galardini, Benedetta Fiorelli (iXem
Labs, Politecnico di Torino, IT) [
P.2 |
On the relevance of Open Wireless
Sensors for NGN Marco Zennaro (KTH,
IT); Herve' Ntareme (KTH, SE); Antoine
Bagula, Gordon Inggs, Simon Scott
(University of Cape Town, ZA) [
P.3 |
Techno-Economical Comparison Between
Gpon And Epon Networks Mauricio
L�pez Bonilla, Felipe Rudge Barbosa,
Edson Moschim (State University of
Campinas, BR) [
P.4 |
A demonstrative link design of RoFSO
and its Optimum performance - Indoor
short range experiment and a new model
of optical scintillation Takeshi Higashino, Katsutoshi Tsukamoto, Shozo
Komaki (Osaka University, JP); Kamugisha
Kazaura, Kazuhiko Wakamori, Mitsuji
Matsumoto (Waseda University, JP) [
P.5 |
Strategies for using international
domain standards within a national
context: the case of the Dutch temporary
staffing industry Erwin Folmer
(University of Twente, NL); Jack
Verhoosel, Michael van Bekkum (TNO-ICT,
NL) [
P.6 |
Application of emerging wireless
technologies for videoconference and
telehealth in rural migrant comunities
in Oaxaca, Mexico
Arturo Serrano Santoyo, Alvaro Armenta (CICESE,
MX) [
P.7 |
Digital Inclusion and Cyberart: the
case of the project PROEJA Transiarte
Tube Lucio Teles, Aline Zim
(University of Bras�lia, BR) [
P.8 |
A Design of XML Schema for
Information Presentation System using
Augmented Reality in New Generation
Network Management Kei Wada,
Yoshihiro Kawahara, Tohru Asami (The
University of Tokyo, JP) [
P.9 |
Feasibility study and implementation
by means of a pilot plan of a system of
transmission of medical images for the
diagnosis of patients between general
doctors and medical specialists
Juan Bernal, Karen Espitia (Universidad
Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, CO) [
P.10 |
Policy-based Charging and High
Precision Control for Converged
Multi-gigabit IP Networks
Taesang Choi, Sangsik Yoon, Sangwan Kim, Dongwon Kang, Joonkyung Lee (Electronic and Telecommunications
Research Institute, KR) [
P.11 |
Digital Inclusion through Localism
Paul Plantinga (Monash University, ZA) [
P.12 |
Digital inclusion opportunities in
the telecommunications sector through
NGN and Open Source tools: the Open IMS
core experience Alberto Diez
Albaladejo, Peter Weik, Dragos Vingarzan,
Thomas Magedanz (Fraunhofer FOKUS, DE) [
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