Supavadee Aramvith (Chulalongkorn University, TH)
Ms Supavadee Aramvith took her M.S. in 1996 and Ph.D in 2001 in Electrical
Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. She studied and
completed in 1993 her B.Sc. gaining the First Class Honors in Computer Science
at Mahidol Univerity, Thailand. She was awarded of the Royal Thai Government
Scholarship – Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment (1994-2000)
and the Invitation Fellowship for Research in Japan (Short-term), Information
System Synthesis Laboratory, Graduate School of Information Science and
Technology, Osaka University, Japan, April 16 – May 30 2005. Supavadee
research interests include computer vision techniques in surveillance
applications; digital video coding and processing; transmissions of digital
video over wireless and IP networks; image/video retrieval techniques - video
classification; and applications in multimedia communication System.
Tomonori Aoyama (Keio University, Japan)
Tomonori Aoyama received the B.E., M.E.
and Dr. Eng. from the University of
Tokyo, Japan, in 1967, 1969 and 1991,
respectively. Since he joined NTT Public
Corporation in 1969, he has been engaged
in research and development on
communication networks and systems in
the NTT Electrical Communication
Laboratories. From 1973 to 1974, he
stayed in MIT as a visiting scientist.
In 1994, he was appointed to Director of
the NTT Opto-Electronics Laboratory, and
in 1995 he became Director of the NTT
Optical Network Systems Laboratory. In
1997, he left NTT, and joined the
University of Tokyo where he was
Professor in the School of Information
Science and Technology. He moved to Keio
University in April, 2006 and is
currently Professor in the Research
Institute for Digital Media and
Contents, Keio University. He is also
serving as Program Director in National
Institute of Information and
Communications Technology (NICT).
Dr. Aoyama is IEEE Fellow and IEICE
(Institute of Electronics, Information
and Communication Engineers in Japan)
Fellow. He served as Vice-President of
IEICE. He served as a member of the IEEE
ComSoc Board of Governors, and an editor
of the IEEE JSAC issues three times
He is a member of Science Council of
Japan. He is currently serving as Chair
of the Photonic Internet Forum in Japan,
and the Digital Cinema Consortium of
Japan, and the Digital Cinema Technology
Forum, and Vice-chair of the Ubiquitous
Networking Forum and the New Generation
Network Promotion Forum. He received a
number of awards from IEICE and various
organizations in Japan. |
Tullio Bertini (National Telecommunications Agency, BR)
Tullio Bertini received M.Sc degree in
Economics and Finance from Federal
University of Santa Catarina, Brazil in
2007. His master’s thesis is about
financial integration and the estimation
of cost of equity capital in the new
Brazilian telecommunications context of
regulation tariffs. He has been worked
at Anatel (National Telecommunications
Agency of Brazil) since 2005. Nowadays,
he is working at Anatel's Department of
Competition as Specialist on
Telecommunication Public Service
Regulation. |
Mario Canazza (National Telecommunications Agency, BR)
Mario R. Canazza received his Public
Administration Degree from Funda�ao
Getulio Vargas in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
From 2001 to 2006, he performed
consulting on CRM, business processes,
telecommunication services and billing
systems implementation for fixed and
mobile telephone operators in Brazil,
Europe, Israel, Southeast Asia and the
In 2007, he joined the National
Telecommunication Agency of Brazil (Anatel)
as a Telecommunication Regulation
Specialist, and has been an Adviser at
the International Affairs Office of
Anatel since January 2008. He was part
of the Brazilian delegation at the ITU-T
World Telecommunication Standardization
Assembly in 2008, occasion in which he
debated the elaboration of Resolutions
concerning the enhanced participation of
developing countries in global
telecommunication standardization
efforts. Currently, he is one of the
representatives of Brazil at the ITU
Council meetings related to the role of
the ITU in the implementation of the
results of the World Summit on the
Information Society. |
Lina Gomez (Centro de Investigacion de las Telecomunicaciones, CO)
Lina Mar�a G�mez is an Industrial
Engineer with a Master of Science in
Industrial Engineering from Universidad
de Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia.
She is currently a staff member of
CINTEL, Colombian Telecommunications
Research Center. She has participated in
several research projects including
surveillance technology,
telecommunications market research,
forecasting telecommunications demand,
and measuring impact of ICT-based social
programs. |
Eva Ibarrola (University of the Basque Country, ES)
Eva Ibarrola received the B.S. and M.S.
degrees in Telecommunications
Engineering from the University of the
Basque Country, Spain, in 1991. She is
currently a lecturer at the Faculty of
Engineering in Bilbao. She was
previously working in the CNSO (National
Centre for Supervision and Operations)
of Telef�nica from 1991-2000. Her
research interests focus mainly on
user’s oriented Quality of Service (QoS)
management models and frameworks. She
has been cooperating in different R&D
projects related with telecommunications
QoS evaluation and measurement.
Currently, she is working on her PhD
thesis in the area of QoS deployment
methodologies. |
Masugi Inoue (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan)
Masugi Inoue received the B.E. degree
from Kyoto University in 1992 and the
M.E. and D.E. degrees from the
University of Tokyo in 1994 and 1997,
respectively, all in electrical
engineering. He is currently a Research
Manager of Network Architecture Group at
NICT. He is leading researches on future
mobile and sensor access networks,
ID/locator split architecture, and
secure personal and group networking and
is a member of AKARI Architecture Design
Project for New Generation Networks. He
has been engaged in R&D on
ultrahigh-speed WLANs, wireless and
mobile networks, ubiquitous computing,
and future generation network
architecture since he joined the
Communications Research Laboratory
(CRL), which was reorganized as NICT in
2004. He was a visiting researcher at
Polytechnic University (now, Polytechnic
Institute of NYU), Brooklyn, NY, in
2000. He is a member of Technical
Committees on Information Networks,
Mobile Multimedia Communications, and
Ubiquitous Sensor Networks of IEICE, a
member of New Generation Network
Promotion Forum, Ubiquitous Networking
Forum, and Next Generation IP Network
Promotion Forum. |
Kai Jakobs (RWTH Aachen University, DE)
Kai joined RWTH Aachen University's Computer Science Department as a
member of technical staff in 1985. Since 1987, he has been Head of
Technical Staff at the Chair of Informatik 4 (Communication &
Distributed Systems). He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the
University of Edinburgh.
Kai is (co)-author/editor of a text book on data communication networks
and, more recently, fourteen books on standards and standardisation
processes, with a focus on the ICT sector. More than 170 of his papers
have been published in conference proceedings, books, and journals. He
has been on the programme committee and editorial board of numerous
international conferences and journals, respectively, and has served as
an external expert on evaluation panels of various European R&D
programmes, on both technical and socio-economic issues. Kai is also
Vice President of the European Academy for Standardisation (EURAS), as
well as founder and editor-in-chief of the 'International Journal on IT
Standards & Standardization Research', and of the 'Advances in
Information Technology Standards and Standardization Research' book series.
Ved Kafle (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, JP)
After receiving a Ph.D. in Informatics
in 2006, Ved P. Kafle has been working
as a researcher at the National
Institute of Information and
Communications Technology (NICT), Japan.
He is involved in designing the new
generation network architecture and
protocols, considering the newly emerged
(as well as future) network environment
and application requirements. More
specifically, he is currently
investigating the research challenges of
node identifying and locating in the
future Internet. He is a member of the
IEEE, and actively participating in the
IETF and ITU-T standardization
activities. |
Kamugisha Kazaura (Waseda University, JP)
Kamugisha Kazaura received the B.Eng. (Hons)
degree in Electronics and Communications
Engineering from the University of Bath,
in U.K., in 1995. He received the M.Sc.
and Ph.D. degrees in Global Information
and Telecommunication Studies from
Waseda University's Graduate School of
Global Information and Telecommunication
Studies in 2002 and 2007 respectively.
Prior to joining Waseda University he
worked as an Executive Engineer for the
Tanzania telecommunications Company Ltd.
(TTCL) between 1996 and 2002. Since
2008, he has been a visiting lecturer
with the Research Institute for Science
and Engineering of Waseda University and
a principal investigator in various
projects. His research interests lie in
the general field of fixed and mobile
high-speed wireless communications
networks, communication network design
and free-space optics systems. |
Dhananjay Kumar (Anna University, IN)
Mr. Dhananjay Kumar has received an
undergraduate degree in Electronics &
Communication Engineering from
Institution of Engineers, Calcutta,
India in year 1997. He was rewarded a
Master of Engineering (M.E.) degree in
Electronic Engineering at M. S.
University, Baroda, in the year 1999 and
subsequently a Master of Technology (M.Tech.)
degree in Communication Engineering at
Pondicherry Engineering College,
Pondicherry in the year 2001. He has
concluded his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.
D.) in Mobile Computing. Currently he is
working as Senior Lecturer in the
department of Information Technology,
Anna University, Chennai. His research
area includes mobile communication &
computing, multimedia communication, and
signal processing. |
Louis Masi (IBM Corporation)
Louis Masi led strategy and operations
that transformed and extended IBM's
university outreach.
Areas of particular focus include
collaborative research enablement,
growth market university outreach,
university and industry IP practice
efficiency, technology skills education
and minority serving university
Recent successful program launches and
collaborations include; the IBM Academic
Initiative and its Ambassador Program,
the University & Industry Innovation
Forum, IBM’s Open Collaborative Research
Initiative, Services Science university
outreach, and the 2008 Latin American
Grid Project (LA Grid).
Before moving to University Programs,
Lou was a services business offering
executive and managed IBM's Return on
Web Investment Consulting Practice. His
worldwide practitioner teams helped
clients focus on the strategic value of
information technology.
Lou earned his dual undergraduate
degrees in Business Administration and
Accounting from Rutger's University and
his MBA in Financial Management from
Drexel University. |
Yoshitoshi Murata (Iwate Prefectural University, JP)
Yoshitoshi Murata received his M.E from
Nagoya University, Japan. He received
his Ph.D from Shizuoka University,
Japan. From 1979 to 2006, he was
belonging to NTT and NTT DoCoMo and
developing mobile communication systems,
mobile terminals and services. Since
2006, he is a professor of faculty of
Software and Information Science, Iwate
Prefectural University and a researcher
of National Institute of Information and
Communications Technology. Prof. Murata
was awarded the best paper of the ITU-T
“Innovations in NGN” Kaleidoscope
Academic Conference 2008. His research
interests include mobile communication,
sensor network, sensor database and
integrated media communication. He is a
member of IEEE, IEICE and IPSJ. |
Virgilio Puglia (IT)
Virgilio Puglia is currently a Solution
Technical Leader at Italtel (Italian
Telecommunication Company), he has more
than 10 years of experience in
telecommunication system integration of
complex networks. He was involved in
projects related to IP and MPLS
Backbone, DCN, LAN, Access Network (IP,
Dial UP and DSL), SS7 and SIGTRAN
Signaling Network and SDH/DWDM/CWDM
Backbone/Regional/MAN infrastructures.
He collaborated in National Network
services implementation for IP Services
Shaping/Policing based on uppers three
ISO/OSI layers, Disaster Recovery
solutions based on SDH/DWDM technology,
QoS, MPLS VPN, VPLS and VoIP and in OSS
System integration.
For several years, he was the technical
leader for migration and integration of
the IP national Backbone of a challenge
Italian Service Provider.
He received his Engineering Degree at
the University of Florence (Italy) in
1996. In the past, he worked as software
developer. |
Sigurd Schuster (Nokia Siemens Networks, Germany)
Mr. Schuster is currently Head of
Technology in Nokia Siemens Networks’
Team serving Telef�nica globally.
Telef�nica is one of the company’s
largest customers and one of the leading
telecommunication carriers worldwide,
with operations throughout Europe and
Latin America.
Mr. Schuster qualified as Engineer in
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
at Munich Technical University, where he
also made his MBA. In 1984, he began his
career in Siemens’ Corporate Research
and Development as a Strategic Research
and Development Planning consultant. He
held various management positions in the
company’s communications businesses in
R&D, Sales, and General Management, in
Germany and abroad. From 1999 until
2004, Mr. Schuster was first responsible
for the Product Portfolio Management in
Siemens’ Mobile Networks Division and
then for Strategy Development in the I&C
Networks Group. From 2004 to 2007 he
served as Head of Strategic Portfolio
Management in the Chief Technology
Office in Siemens’ Communications Group. |
DongBack Seo (University of Groningen, NL)
DongBack Seo has worked as a software
engineer at Aeris wireless
telecommunications company in Silicon
Valley and as an entrepreneur in Seoul,
Korea. Her publications include two
books in Korean, as well as a class
manual and several chapters. Her papers
was published many journals and
conference proceedings. Her research
interests include modeling and analyzing
competitive dynamics in rapidly changing
industries including tranport and
logistic fields, organizational
standards strategy, converge in
information and communications
technology (ICT) areas, analysis of
organizations’ and users’ behaviors
toward ICT, and datamining. She holds a
Ph.D in Management of Information
Systems from University of Illinois at
Chicago. She is an assistant professor
in the department of Business and ICT at
the University of Groningen, the
Netherlands and fellow of the SOM
research school. |
Jose Sim�es (FOKUS Fraunhofer Institute, DE)
Jose Sim�es has graduated with
distinction in Telecommunications and
Computer Engineering in 2006 at
Instituto Superior das Ciencias do
Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE), Portugal.
He also studied at Universidade Federal
de Santa Catarina in Brazil. In the past
he has worked for Netcall (1st VoIP
Provider in Portugal) as Network
Engineer and Business Consultant.
Currently he is a Ph.D student at
Technical University of Berlin and a
research fellow at Fraunhofer Institute
FOKUS in the competence center for next
generation network infrastructures -
NGNI. His current interests are User
Quality of Experience (QoE) applied to
next generation services
(personalization, contextualization,
adaptation, mobility and interactivity)
and advertising, focusing on
architectures for next generation
heterogeneous networks. |
Vasileios Spyropoulos (Technological Education Institute of Athens, GR)
B.Sc. in Physics, University of Athens,
Greece, Ph.D. Universities of Heidelberg
and Saarland, Germany. Positions in
CERN, Switzerland, in the Radiology and
Clinical Chemistry Institute, University
of Heidelberg, Germany, Head of the
Biomedical Engineering Department of the
Hospital Construction Authority, Athens,
Greece, Patent Examiner, in the European
Patent Office, Munich, Germany. Since
1987, he is full Professor of Biomedical
Technology, in the Medical
Instrumentation Technology Department of
the Technological Education Institute
(TEI) of Athens, Greece. Head of the
Biomedical Technology Laboratory of TEI,
encompassing activities related to
Health-Care Information Technology,
Biomedical Technology and Hospital
Management, Medical Decision Supporting
Systems, and Radiological Protection
Methods and Policies. He served or still
serves as Visiting Professor/Researcher
in the National Schools of Public
Health, of Public Administration,
Athens, NIKHEF, Amsterdam, in the
Universities of Athens, Crete and Patras,
Greece, Heidelberg and Ilmenau, Germany,
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, and
Harvard Medical School, Boston MA, in
the USA. |
Richard M Stallman (President, Free Software Foundation, USA)
Dr. Richard Stallman launched the Free
Software Movement in 1983 and began
development of the GNU operating system
(see www.gnu.org) in 1984. GNU is free
as in freedom (libre): everyone has the
freedom to copy it and redistribute it,
as well as to make changes either large
or small. The GNU/Linux system,
basically the GNU system with Linux
added, is now used on tens of millions
of computers. Stallman launched the Free
Software Foundation in 1985 and remains
its president. Now he campaigns for
computer users' freedom to change and
redistribute software and other
functional works, and to noncommercially
share all published works.
Stallman has received the ACM Grace
Hopper Award, a MacArthur Foundation
fellowship, the Electronic Frontier
Foundation's Pioneer award, the Takeda
Award for Social/Economic Betterment,
and the Premio Extremadura al
Conocimiento Libre, as well as several
honorary doctorates. |
Erkki Allan Sutinen, University of Joensuu, Finland
Professor Erkki Sutinen is the leader of
the edTechΔ
group (www.cs.joensuu.fi/edtech). He
received his PhD in Computer Science
from the University of Helsinki in 1998.
Since 2006, he is the head of the
Department of Computer Science and
Statistics at the University of Joensuu.
His research interests include ICT for
development (ICT4D) and designing and
analyzing technologies for complex
subject domains, like programming, in
developing countries, and within special
education. The applied techniques cover
visualization, information retrieval,
data mining, robotics, and design
models. Most of his research projects,
funded by e.g. the Academy of Finland,
the Finnish Funding Agency for
Technology and Innovation TEKES, and EU
(ESF, ERDF, EDULINK), have involved
diverse users as active designers of
novel technical solutions. He has
co-authored and published over 100
research papers, and twelve of his
supervised or co-supervised PhD students
have completed their studies. He has
been working also at Purdue University
(1998-99), University of Link�ping
(2000-01) and Massey University (2006),
and is an adjunct professor at Tumaini
University, Tanzania. |
Alfredo Terzoli (Rhodes University, ZA)
Alfredo Terzoli obtained a Laurea cum
Laude in Physics from the University of
Pavia, Italy, in 1980. Having developed
a keen interest in computing, he soon
left academia for the industry, working
first for the internal Information
Systems of Honeywell Italia and later
for Snamprogetti, an engineering society
supporting the activity of ENI (Ente
Nazionale Idrocarburi, a large Italian
parastatal in mining and oil sector).
After spending a few years teaching
Computer Science and computer-assisted
Industrial Automation in an Italian
technical high school, he joined Rhodes
University, South Africa, in 1989. He is
currently Professor in the department of
Computer Science at that university,
where he heads the Telkom Centre of
Excellence in Distributed Multimedia. He
is also Research Director of the Telkom
Centre of Excellence in Developmental
e-Commerce, hosted by the nearby
University of Fort Hare. His main
technical research interest is the
building of advanced telecom services
that merge realtime and non-realtime
multimedia streams, in the context of
convergence. A strong ancillary interest
is ICT for development, where he started
and leads a multi-disciplinary, long
term, cooperative research project sited
in the marginalized rural area of Dwesa,
South Africa. |
Hannah Thinyane (Rhodes University, ZA)
Hannah Thinyane completed her PhD at
University of South Australia, where she
investigated interaction techniques for
next generation command and control
centres with the Defence Science and
Technology Organisation. She moved to
South Africa in mid 2005 and completed
her post doctoral research with the
Telkom Centre of Excellence at Rhodes
University. Since completing this post,
she has taken up a lecturing position in
the Computer Science Department at
Rhodes University. Dr. Thinyane’s
current research focuses on mobile human
computer interaction, in particular
within the development context. |
Daniele Trinchero (Politecnico di Torino, IT)
Daniele Trinchero (IEEE an SCA Member)
was born in Torino, Italy, on December
23, 1968. He received the Laurea Degree
in electronic engineering in 1993 and
the PhD degree in electronic and
telecommunication engineering in 1997,
both from Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
He worked for the Italian National
Council of Research in Torino, Italy. In
1997 he was in charged with a visiting
position at Loughborough University, UK.
Starting from December 1997 he has been
working for the Electronics Department
of Politecnico di Torino, Italy, where
in Semptember 2005 he founded the iXem
Labs, and since then he has been the
responsible. His research interests are
in the following fields: Wireless Sensor
Networks, Geographical Wireless
Networks, Long Distance Communications,
Antennas, Propagation, Electromagnetic
Field Measurements, Electromagnetic
Compatibility, Microwave Devices,
Frequency Selective Surfaces, Shielding
Devices. He coauthored more than 120
refereed publications.
Dr. Trinchero is member of the Italian
Electrotechnical Committee. Since 2005
he has been convenor of the Italian
working group on wideband digital
measurements. He is member of the IEC TC
106, IEEE TC 34, Cenelec TC 106, Cost BM
0704 working group. He is serving as a
reviewer for many international
publications. |
Carlos Uzal (Telef�nica Latin America, Argentina)
Carlos Uzal is Regional Technology and
Innovation Manager in Telef�nica’s Latin
America CTO office. He has studied in
the National Technological University in
Buenos Aires where he graded as
Electronics Engineer in 1983. In
addition, he made his MBA in El Salvador
University in 2002.
Carlos Uzal has joined the Telef�nica
Group in November 1991. His current main
responsibility is to drive and
coordinate technology projects for
Telef�nica’s Latin American operations
across all layers of the network. At the
same time he is in charge of the Labtest,
evaluating the latest technological
developments and innovations regarding
to their value for Telef�nica’s
From 1991 on he was a project and
engineering Manager concerning Radio,
Satellite, NGN and Infrastructure
As a previous experience, he worked in
GTE Telecommunications from 1978 to 1991
in several positions like Project leader
and System Engineer. |
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