-- ============================================================================= -- GDMO definitions extracted from ITU-T Rec. M.3100 (2005) -- ============================================================================= abstractLink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "ITU-T X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY createDeleteNotificationsPackage, abstractLinkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR abstractLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The abstract link object class gives a topological description of the capacity between two adjacent Subnetworks, or two Link Ends; or a Subnetwork and an Access Group when Network trail termination points lie outside the boundary of the largest subnetwork. The use made of the individual attributes and notifications is detailed below: - a end: the link end, subnetwork or access group which terminates one end of the Link <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:linkBinds>; - available link capacity: the number of free Link Connections or free bandwidth <ITU-T G.853.8,ATTRIBUTE:pamAvailableLinkCapacity>; - z end: the link end, subnetwork or access group which terminates the other end of the Link <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:linkBinds>; - signal Id: shows the signal Id of the Link Connections that provide the capacity for the Link; - a link must be provided with capacity by Link connections of the same signal Id; attribute value change notification: shall be emitted when the values change of the following attributes: availableLinkCapacity, totalLinkCapacity.";; ATTRIBUTES aEnd GET SET-BY-CREATE, availableLinkCapacity GET, signalId GET SET-BY-CREATE, zEnd GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class", usageCostPackage PRESENT IF "the link has an allocated usage cost ", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "a userLabel is supported. <ITU-T G.852.2,PERMISSION:userLabelFacility>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 44}; -- 7.1.2 AbstractLinkEnd -- The abstractLinkEnd class is not instantiable. abstractLinkEnd MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "ITU-T X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage, createDeleteNotificationsPackage, abstractLinkEndPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR abstractLinkEndBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Abstract Link End object class is a class of managed objects which contains Network Connection Termination Points for the purpose of representing topology. The use made of individual attributes and notification is detailed below: - available link end capacity: represents the spare capacity of the link end; - link pointer: is a distinguished name of the related link managed object instance; - contained in subnetwork list: is a distinguished name that represents the parent subnetwork of the logical link. An attribute value change notification shall be emitted when the value of the availableLinkEndCapacity or the containedInSubNetworkList is changed.";; ATTRIBUTES availableLinkEndCapacity GET, linkPointer GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES containedInSubNetworkListPackage PRESENT IF "this link end object instance is not named from a subnetwork managed object ", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "a userLabel is supported. <ITU-T G.852.2, PERMISSION:userLabelFacility>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 45}; -- 7.1.3 abstractLinkEndR1 abstractLinkEndR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM abstractLinkEnd; CHARACTERIZED BY abstractLinkEndPkgR1 PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES signalId GET;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 70}; -- 7.1.4 accessGroup accessGroup MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY accessGroupPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR accessGroupBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:access group> The Access Group object class is a class of managed objects which groups Network Trail Termination Points for management purposes. <ITU-T Rec.G.852.3,ACTION:create link,ACTION POLICY:inputAEnd> <ITU-T Rec.G.852.3,ACTION:create link,ACTION POLICY:inputZEnd>";; ATTRIBUTES accessGroupId GET, accessPointList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE networkTTPAndAccessGroupNotCompatible failureToAssociateNetworkTTP failureToDisassociateNetworkTTP, topologicalEndDirectionality GET, signalId GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES containedInSubNetworkListPackage PRESENT IF "the access group object is contained in a subnetwork", linkPointerListPackage PRESENT IF "topology management is supported <ITU-T G.852.3,ACTION:create link, ACTION POLICY:inputAEnd>, <ITU-T G.852.3,ACTION:create link, ACTION POLICY:inputZEnd>>", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "a userLabel is supported <ITU-T G.852.2,PERMISSION:userLabelFacility>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 46}; -- 7.1.5 alarmReportingControlManager alarmReportingControlManager MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "ITU-T Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY alarmReportingControlManagerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR alarmReportingControlManagerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The alarm reporting control manager object class is a class of management support object that specifies the alarm report control setting and status for the objects in the managed system.";; ATTRIBUTES alarmReportingControlManagerId GET SET-BY-CREATE, arcDefaultNALMTIInterval GET-REPLACE, -- defined in Amd.3 arcDefaultNALMCDInterval GET-REPLACE, -- defined in Amd.3 alarmReportingControlList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE ;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES objectManagementNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 78}; -- 7.1.6 alarmSeverityAssignmentProfile alarmSeverityAssignmentProfile MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY alarmSeverityAssignmentProfilePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR alarmSeverityAssignmentProfileBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The alarm severity assignment profile object class is a class of management support object that specifies the alarm severity assignment for managed objects. Instances of this object are referenced by the alarmSeverityAssignmentProfilePointer attribute in the managed objects.";; ATTRIBUTES alarmSeverityAssignmentProfileId GET SET-BY-CREATE, alarmSeverityAssignmentList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE ;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES objectManagementNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 22}; -- 7.1.7 arcIntervalProfile arcIntervalProfile MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY arcIntervalProfilePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR arcIntervalProfilePackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object defines the default ARC intervals for the Alarm Reporting Control (ARC) states that support time-based transitions. An interval profile is only applicable for ARC states that automatically transition within an agent with time being a factor (but not necessarily the only factor) in the transition criteria from a mode of inhibited alarm reporting to a mode of allowed alarm reporting. Automatic agent state transitions from a mode of allowed alarm reporting to a mode of inhibited alarm reporting is prohibited. Support for this object is required only when settable intervals for the related ARC states are required.";; ATTRIBUTES arcIntervalProfileId GET SET-BY-CREATE, arcDefaultNALMTIInterval GET-REPLACE, -- interval for the "nalm-ti" state arcDefaultNALMCDInterval GET-REPLACE -- interval for the "nalm-qi" state ;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class", createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this managed object class", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS { m3100ObjectClass 66}; -- 7.1.8 attributeRanges attributeRanges MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY attributeRangesPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR attributeRangesBeh; ATTRIBUTES attributeRangesId GET, kind GET, ranges GET;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 75}; attributeRangesBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The AttributeRanges class allows the managed system to report the minimum and maximum values accepted by a certain attribute, as well as the granularity, or step increments, of the range. Each AttributeRanges instance contains ranges for attributes belonging to one object class. The 'kind' attribute denotes the object class for which ranges are being defined. The 'attributeName' field of the kind attribute specifies the name of the attribute for which a range is being defined. The range is then defined using the 'minimum', 'maximum', and 'granularity' fields. For each ManagedElement instance representing a network element, one or more AttributeRanges instances may be created. AttributeRanges instances are bound to the ManagedElement instance via a containment relationship. Ranges are defined per ManagedElement instance. This allows for an attribute to have different ranges when it belongs to different network elements. In other words, the scope of each AttributeRanges instance is the relevant objects associated with the ManagedElement which contains the AttributeRanges instance."; -- 7.1.9 circuitEndPointSubgroup circuitEndPointSubgroup MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY circuitEndPointSubgroupPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR circuitSubgroupBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "A set of circuit end points that directly interconnects one exchange with another, having common values for the attributes listed in this package. Note that the term exchange includes PBX where applicable." -- Annex A/E.410 defines circuit sub group--;; ATTRIBUTES circuitEndPointSubgroupId GET, numberOfCircuits GET, labelOfFarEndExchange GET, signallingCapabilities GET, informationTransferCapabilities GET, circuitDirectionality GET, transmissionCharacteristics GET, userLabel GET-REPLACE; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992": attributeValueChange, "Recommendation X.721:1992": objectCreation, "Recommendation X.721:1992": objectDeletion;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 31}; -- 7.1.10 circuitPack circuitPack MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM equipmentR1; CHARACTERIZED BY createDeleteNotificationsPackage, administrativeOperationalStatesPackage, stateChangeNotificationPackage, equipmentsEquipmentAlarmR1Package, currentProblemListPackage, equipmentAlarmEffectOnServicePackage, alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage, circuitPackPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR circuitPackBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES circuitPackType GET SET-BY-CREATE, "Recommendation X.721: 1992": availabilityStatus PERMITTED VALUES ASN1DefinedTypesModule.CircuitPackAvailabilityStatus GET;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 30}; circuitPackBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Circuit Pack object class is a class of managed objects that represents a plug-in replaceable unit that can be inserted into or removed from the equipment holder of the Network Element. Examples of plug-in cards include line cards, processors and power supply units. The attribute availability status is used to indicate whether the correct physical circuit pack is inserted or not. This is a set valued attribute and includes the value notInstalled or empty. If the type of the inserted physical circuit pack matches the value of the circuitPackType attribute (relating to the circuitPack instance) then the value of the availabilityStatus is an empty set. Otherwise, the value of the availabilityStatus attribute is notInstalled even if it is one of the acceptable circuit pack type."; -- 7.1.11 circuitPackR1 -- circuitPackR1 object is subclassed from equipmentR2 instead of circuitPack, -- in order to use the attribute values of the availabilityStatus besides -- "notInstall", including "degrade" for indicating that only a subset of the -- ports is not functioning. The textType attribute inherited from equipmentR2 -- is used to indicate the type of the circuit pack (the syntax of textType is -- GraphicString, and the syntax of the circuitPackType attribute is -- printableString). The comment field of the ASN.1 data type SignalRate is an -- OID which reflects the rate and format. circuitPackR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM equipmentR2; CHARACTERIZED BY createDeleteNotificationsPackage, administrativeOperationalStatesPackage, stateChangeNotificationPackage, equipmentsEquipmentAlarmR1Package, currentProblemListPackage, equipmentAlarmEffectOnServicePackage, alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage, circuitPackR1Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR circuitPackR1Behaviour; ATTRIBUTES "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":availabilityStatus GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES circuitPackResetPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", numberOfPortPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", portAssociationsPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", circuitPackConfigurationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", containedBoardPackage PRESENT IF "the resource represented by this circuit pack is allowed to contain other circuit packs"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 43}; circuitPackR1Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The circuitPackR1 object class is a class of managed objects that represents a plug-in replaceable unit that can be inserted into or removed from the equipment holder of the Network Element. Examples of plug-in cards include line cards, processors and power supply units. The inherited attribute textType (of syntax GraphicString) is used to indicate the type of the circuit pack. The value of this attribute should match one of the values of the acceptableCircuitPackTypeList attribute (of syntax PrintableString) of the containing equipmentHolder object. If the type of a circuit pack is of GraphicString characters outside of the PrintableString character set, it will not match any value of the acceptableCircuitPackList attribute. In this case, no instance of circuitPackR1 should be instantiated and the holderStatus attribute of the equipmentHolder object shall have the value 'unknownType'. The attribute availabilityStatus is used to indicate the availability of the circuit pack. The availabilityStatus attribute is a set-valued attribute. The following values may be used: - fail: the circuit pack is failed; - inTest: the circuit pack is in test; - notInstall: the physical circuit pack is not inserted, or if inserted but its type does not match the type specified in the textType attribute of the circuitPackR1 instance (even if the physical circuit pack is one of the acceptable circuit pack type of the containing equipment holder); - degraded: a subset of the ports of the circuit pack has defects; - dependency: the circuit pack is disabled because of a resource which the circuit pack depends on is not available; and - offLine: the circuit pack is under initializing (i.e. resetting). The circuitPackR1 may contain additional circuitPackR1 objects."; -- 7.1.12 connectionR1 connectionR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM pipe; CHARACTERIZED BY connectionR1Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR connectionR1Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Connection object class is a class of managed objects responsible for the transparent transfer of information between connection termination points. A connection is a component of a trail. Several connections can be bundled into a higher rate trail. A sequence of one or more connections are linked together to form a trail. A connection may be either uni- or bidirectional.";; ATTRIBUTES connectionId GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES serverTrailListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", clientTrailPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 23}; -- 7.1.13 connectionTerminationPointBidirectional connectionTerminationPointBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM connectionTerminationPointSource, connectionTerminationPointSink; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 5}; -- 7.1.14 connectionTerminationPointSink connectionTerminationPointSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM terminationPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY connectionTerminationPointSinkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR connectionTerminationPointSinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object terminates a link connection. The downstream connectivity pointer attribute points to the termination point managed object, within the same managed element, that receives information (traffic) from this termination point at the same layer, or is null. The referenced object shall be an instance of one of the following classes or its subclasses: Trail Termination Point Sink, Trail Termination Point Bidirectional, Connection Termination Point Source, Connection Termination Point Bidirectional. The downstream connectivity pointer may identify one or more objects depending on whether the signal is connected to one or more termination point objects.";; ATTRIBUTES downstreamConnectivityPointer PERMITTED VALUES -- The allowed choices for the syntax of this attribute are restricted -- in the subtype CTPDownstreamPointer ASN1DefinedTypesModule.CTPDownstreamPointer GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES ctpInstancePackage PRESENT IF "the name binding used to create an instance of this object class requires this attribute.", channelNumberPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 6}; -- 7.1.15 connectionTerminationPointSource connectionTerminationPointSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM terminationPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY connectionTerminationPointSourcePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR connectionTerminationPointSourceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object originates a link connection. The upstream connectivity pointer attribute points to the termination point managed object, within the same managed element, that sends information (traffic) to this termination point at the same layer, or is null. The referenced object shall be an instance of one of the following classes or its subclasses: Trail Termination Point Source, Trail Termination Point Bidirectional, Connection Termination Point Sink, Connection Termination Point Bidirectional.";; ATTRIBUTES upstreamConnectivityPointer PERMITTED VALUES -- The allowed choices for the syntax of this attribute are restricted -- in the subtype CTPUpstreamPointer ASN1DefinedTypesModule.CTPUpstreamPointer GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES ctpInstancePackage PRESENT IF "the name binding used to create an instance of this object class requires this attribute.", channelNumberPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 7}; -- 7.1.16 controlPoint controlPoint MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM externalPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY controlPointPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR controlPointPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object class is used to control external devices associated with the managed system, such as relay closure for bell, lamp, generator, heater, or air conditioner. Each instance of this class represents one control point. The current state of a control point can be either closed (i.e. activate) or open (i.e. released). A control point may optionally have a normal state (i.e. closed or open, one or the other). The external device represented by a control point can be remotely operated through the 'control' action. A control operation can be momentary (i.e. momentarily close or open) or continuous (continuously close or open). Valid control type of a control point may be momentary only, continuous only, or both. A control action will be denied if the control action type (continuous or momentary) is not valid for the control point. The effect of a control action on a control point is given in Table 1. Current state, valid control type, normal state (optional), text message (such as user-friendly label or text) and location (optional) of the control points are by separate attributes.";; ATTRIBUTES currentControlState GET, validControlType GET-REPLACE SET-BY-CREATE; ACTIONS externalControl;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES normalControlStatePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 41}; -- 7.1.17 crossConnection crossConnection MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY crossConnectionPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR crossConnectionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "A managed object of this class represents an assignment relationship between the termination point or GTP object listed in the From Termination attribute and the termination point or GTP objects listed in the To Termination attribute of this managed object. The To Termination attribute will always be non-NULL. The From Termination attribute will only be NULL in the case of point-to-multipoint configurations. If the From Termination attribute has a value of NULL, the assignment relationship is between the termination point object or the GTP object listed in the From Termination attribute of the containing Multipoint Cross-Connection managed object and the termination point object or GTP object listed in the To Termination attribute of this managed object. A point to point cross-connection can be established between: one of CTP Sink, CTP Bidirectional, TTP Source, TTP Bidirectional, or GTP; and one of CTP Source, CTP Bidirectional, TTP Sink, TTP Bidirectional, or GTP. In a unidirectional cross-connection, the termination or GTP object pointed to by the From Termination and the termination point or GTP object pointed to by the To Termination attribute (in this object or the containing mpCrossConnection) are related in such a way that traffic can flow between the termination points represented by these managed objects. In a bidirectional cross-connection, information flows in both directions. If the objects listed in the From Termination and To Termination attributes are GTPs, the nth element of the From Termination GTP is related to the nth element of the To Termination GTP (for every n). If the fromTermination attribute has a value of NULL, the directionality attribute must have the value 'unidirectional'. The total rate of the From Terminations must be equal to the total rate of To Terminations. The attribute Signal Type describes the signal that is cross-connected. The termination points or GTPs that are cross-connected must have signal types that are compatible. If an instance of this object class is contained in a multipoint cross-connection and the operational state of the containing multipoint cross-connection is 'disabled', the operational state of this object will also be 'disabled'. The following are the definitions of the administrative state and the operational state attributes: Administrative State: - Unlocked: The Cross-Connection object is administratively unlocked. Traffic is allowed to pass through the connection. - Locked: No traffic is allowed to pass through the Cross-Connection. The connectivity pointers in the cross-connected termination points is NULL. Operational State: - Enabled: The Cross-Connection is performing its normal function. - Disabled: The Cross-Connection is incapable of performing its normal cross-connection function.";; ATTRIBUTES crossConnectionId GET, "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":administrativeState GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":operationalState GET, signalType GET, fromTermination GET, toTermination GET, directionality GET;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 15}; -- 7.1.18 crossConnectionR1 -- This managed object class is the preferred replacement of both -- crossConnection and namedCrossConnection. crossConnectionR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM crossConnection; CHARACTERIZED BY crossConnectionR1Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR crossConnectionR1Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "When the attribute value change notification package is present, the attributeValueChange notification shall be emitted when userLabel or redline changes value (when the attributes are present). When the state change notification package is present, the stateChange notification shall be emitted when operationalState or administrativeState changes value.";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", redlinePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this class.", attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 37}; -- 7.1.19 equipment equipment MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY equipmentPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR equipmentBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The equipment object class is a class of managed objects that represents physical components of a managed element, including replaceable components. An instance of this object class is present in a single geographic location. An equipment may be nested within another equipment, thereby creating a containment relationship. The equipment type shall be identified by sub-classing this object class. Either the name of the sub-class or an attribute may be used for identifying the equipment type. When the attribute value change notification package is present, the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 shall be emitted when the value of one of the following atrribute changes: alarm status, affected object list, user label, version, location name and current problem list. Because the above attributes are all in conditional packages, the behaviour for emitting the attribute value change notification applies only when the corresponding conditional packages are present in the managed object. When the state change notification package is present, the stateChangeNotification defined in Recommendation X.721 shall be emitted if the value of administrative state or operational state changes (when the administrativeOperationalStates conditional package is present)." ;; ATTRIBUTES equipmentId GET SET-BY-CREATE, replaceable GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this class.", attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", administrativeOperationalStatesPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", affectedObjectListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", equipmentsEquipmentAlarmPackage PRESENT IF "the equipmentAlarm notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", environmentalAlarmPackage PRESENT IF "the environmentalAlarm notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage PRESENT IF "the communicationsAlarm notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", processingErrorAlarmPackage PRESENT IF "the processingErrorAlarm notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", vendorNamePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", versionPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", locationNamePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", currentProblemListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 2}; -- 7.1.20 equipmentR1 equipmentR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM equipment; CHARACTERIZED BY equipmentR1Package PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES serialNumber GET, supportedByObjectList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the managed object supports configuration of alarm severities", equipmentsEquipmentAlarmR1Package PRESENT IF "the equipmentAlarm notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", environmentalAlarmR1Package PRESENT IF "the environmentalAlarm notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", processingErrorAlarmR1Package PRESENT IF "the processingErrorAlarm notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 28}; -- 7.1.21 equipmentR2 equipmentR2 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM equipmentR1; CHARACTERIZED BY equipmentR2Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR equipmentR2PackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The typeText attribute indicates the type of the equipment";; ATTRIBUTES typeText GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 35}; -- 7.1.22 equipmentHolder equipmentHolder MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM equipmentR1; CHARACTERIZED BY equipmentHolderPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR equipmentHolderBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES equipmentHolderType GET SET-BY-CREATE, equipmentHolderAddress GET SET-BY-CREATE ;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES subordinateCircuitPackPackage PRESENT IF "the resource represented by this equipmentHolder instance is allowed to contain a circuit pack"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 32}; equipmentHolderBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Equipment Holder object class is a class of managed objects that represents physical resources of a network element that are capable of holding other physical resources. Examples of resources represented by instances of this object class are equipment bay, shelf and slot. The conditional package subordinateCircuitPackage consists of three attributes: - acceptableCircuitPackTypeList This attribute specifies the types of circuit packs that are acceptable by the equipment holder. Values may be added, replaced or removed to this set-valued attribute. If the equipmentHolder is currently containing a circuitPack, then the value of corresponding type (of the circuitPack) shall not be replaced or removed from this attribute. The type of the circuitPack contained shall be one of the types specified for this attribute. - holderStatus This attribute indicates the status of the equipment holder. The status of the holder may be one of the following. - empty to indicate that there is no replaceable unit in the holder. - the holder contains a unit that is one of the types in the acceptableCircuitPackType list. - the holder contains a unit recognizable by the network element; but not one of the types in the acceptableCircuitPackTypeList. - unrecognized replaceable unit. if the holder contains a unit that is acceptable and its type matches the value of the circuitPackType attribute(of the circuitPack object), then the availableStatus of the circuitPack will be an empty set. In all other cases the availabilityStatus will include a notInstalled value. - subordinateCircuitPackSoftwareLoad This attribute specifies the software load, if there is any, which is currently designated as the one to be loaded to the subordinate(contained) circuitPack (if it is software loadable) whenever an automatic reload of software is needed."; -- 7.1.23 externalPoint externalPoint MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY createDeleteNotificationsPackage, attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage, stateChangeNotificationPackage, externalPointPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR externalPointBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class is a superclass for controlPoint and scanPoint object classes which are used to control external devices or monitor external conditions respectively. This object class contains common aspects of controlPoint and scanPoint object classes. The operational state and administrative state represent the state of the control and scan functions, i.e. not the state of the external entity.";; ATTRIBUTES "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":operationalState GET, "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":administrativeState GET-REPLACE, supportedByObjectList GET, externalPointId GET SET-BY-CREATE, externalPointMessage GET-REPLACE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES locationNamePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 40}; -- 7.1.24 fabric fabric MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY fabricPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR fabricBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Fabric object represents the function of managing the establishment and release of cross-connections. It also manages the assignment of termination points to TP Pools and GTPs. Administrative State: - Unlocked: The Fabric is allowed to perform its normal functions. ACTIONS will be accepted to setup or remove cross-connections, to rearrange TP Pools, to add/remove termination points to/from GTPs. - Locked: The Fabric is not allowed to perform its normal functions. No ACTIONS will be accepted. No new cross-connection can be setup or removed, no TP Pool can be rearranged, and no termination points can be added/removed to/from GTPs. Operational State: - Enabled: When the Fabric is in the enabled operational state, it may be fully-operational or partially-operational (partially operational is indicated by the availability status attribute). - Disabled: The Fabric is incapable of performing its normal function. For instance, the managing system will not be able to: 1) setup or remove any cross-connection; 2) rearrange TP Pools; and 3) add/remove termination points to/from GTPs. Availability Status: The supported values for this attribute are: - Degraded: The Fabric is degraded in some respect. For instance, the Fabric cannot perform the function of establishing new cross-connections while it can still accept ACTIONs to re-arrange TP Pools. The Fabric remains available for service (i.e. its operational state is enabled) while it is degraded. - Empty SET.";; ATTRIBUTES fabricId GET SET-BY-CREATE, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":administrativeState GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":operationalState GET, "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":availabilityStatus GET, listOfCharacteristicInfo GET SET-BY-CREATE, supportedByObjectList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; ACTIONS addTpsToGTP, removeTpsFromGTP, addTpsToTpPool, removeTpsFromTpPool, connect, disconnect;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 16}; -- 7.1.25 fabricR1 fabricR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM fabric; CHARACTERIZED BY fabricR1Package PACKAGE ACTIONS switchOver;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this class."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 26}; -- 7.1.26 fabricR2 fabricR2 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM fabricR1; CHARACTERIZED BY fabricR2Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR fabricR2Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "When the state change notification package is present, the stateChange notification shall be emitted when operationalState or administrativeState changes value.";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 39}; -- 7.1.27 fabricR3 fabricR3 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM fabricR2; CHARACTERIZED BY fabricR3Pkg PACKAGE ACTIONS bridgeRoll;;; REGISTERED AS { m3100ObjectClass 73 }; -- 7.1.28 fabricR4 fabricR4 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM fabricR3; CHARACTERIZED BY fabricR4Pkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR fabricR4PkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This fabric extends the previous fabrics by adding the ability to migrate between bidirectional and unidirectional connections, between point-to-point and multicast connections, and between unprotected and protected connections. If the fabric supports these features, the appropriate conditional packages are instantiated.";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES splitJoinPkg PRESENT IF "the fabric supports migration from a bidirectional point-to-point connection to two unidirectional connections, and vice versa", multicastConversionPkg PRESENT IF "the fabric supports migration from a unidirectional point-to-point connection to a multicast connection with a single leg, and vice versa", sncpPkg PRESENT IF "the fabric supports subnetwork connection protection"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 74}; -- 7.1.29 genericTransportTTP genericTransportTTP MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM networkTerminationPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY genericTransportTTPPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR genericTransportTTPBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The GenericTransportTTP object is used to represent a physical port or endpoints of transport connections. It may be used by technology-specific models as an abstraction of an underlying transport layer.";; ATTRIBUTES clientLinkEndPointerList GET-REPLACE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES ttpPortIDPackage PRESENT IF "the server TTP port is represented", potentialCapacityPackage PRESENT IF "the TTP represents a rate-adaptive technology"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 76}; -- 7.1.30 genericTransportTTPR1 genericTransportTTPR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM genericTransportTTP; CHARACTERIZED BY genericTransportTTPR1Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR genericTransportTTPR1Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The GenericTransportTTPR1 object is used to represent a GenericTransportTTP which has an associated physical port object and hosts the SignalRateAndMapping list of this physical port. The physicalPort attribute and the inherited conditional ttpPortID attribute store references to the Physical Port that supports this generic transport TTP.";; ATTRIBUTES physicalPortAttribute GET, physicalPortSignalRateAndMappingList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 80}; -- 7.1.31 gtp gtp MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY gtpPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR gtpBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class represents a group of termination points treated as a single unit for management purposes such as cross-connections. The signalType attribute describes the composition of the GTP. When a termination point is involved in a GTP, it cannot be cross-connected independently of that GTP. ";; ATTRIBUTES gtpId GET, crossConnectionObjectPointer GET, signalType GET, tpsInGtpList GET;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 17}; -- 7.1.32 gtpR1 gtpR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM gtp; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this class."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 38}; -- 7.1.33 layerNetworkDomain layerNetworkDomain MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM networkR1; CHARACTERIZED BY layerNetworkDomainPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR layerNetworkDomainBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:layer network domain> This managed object represents a transport administrative domain in which all resources pertain to the same G.805 layer. <ITU-T G.853.1,OBJECT:layerNetworkDomain > It represents the topological aspects of the transport network layer. <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:layerNetworkDomainIsMadeOf >";; ATTRIBUTES signalId GET;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 47}; -- 7.1.34 layerNetworkDomainR1 layerNetworkDomainR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM layerNetworkDomain; CHARACTERIZED BY layerNetworkDomainPkgR1 PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR layerNetworkDomainBehaviourR1 BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The signalId can be set upon creation of an instance of the layerNetworkDomainR1 to support the following typical operations: 1) set the signalId value upon creation of the layer network domain 2) set the signalId attribute of a subnetwork (or abstract link, etc.) based on the value of the layer network domain instance referenced in the create request. ";; ATTRIBUTES signalId GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 69}; -- 7.1.35 linkConnection linkConnection MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM pipeR2; CHARACTERIZED BY linkConnectionPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR linkConnectionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:link connection> The Link Connection object class is a class of managed objects responsible for the transparent transfer of information between Network Connection Termination Points. A Link Connection may be a component of a Trail. A sequence of one or more Link Connections (and subnetwork connections) may be linked together to form a Trail. <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:linkConnectionIsSupportedByTrail>, <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:trailIsMadeOfTransportEntities> A Link Connection may be either uni- or bidirectional. <ITU-T G.853.1,OBJECT:transportConnection > A point-to-point unidirectional Link Connection can be established between a Network connection termination point source or Network connection termination point bidirectional; and a Network connection termination point sink or Network connection termination point bidirectional. A point-to-point bidirectional Link Connection can be established between a Network connection termination point bidirectional; and a Network connection termination point bidirectional. An operation to create a Link Connection will not be successful and will fail with an invalid TP type if a requested endpoint is a Network Trail Termination Point. For all types of Link Connection, the network termination point(s) pointed to by the A End attribute is related to the network termination point(s) pointed to by the Z End attribute in such a way that traffic can flow between the network termination points represented by these managed objects in a unidirectional or bidirectional manner as indicated by the directionality attribute. <ITU-T G.853.3, ATTRIBUTE:directionality>";; ATTRIBUTES connectionId GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES serverTrailListPackage PRESENT IF "the link connection is supported by a server trail <ITU-T G.853.8,RELATIONSHIP:linkConnectionIsSupportedByTrail>", compositePointerPackage PRESENT IF "the link connection is a component of that subnetwork connection <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:subnetworkConnectionIsMadeOfTransportEntities>", clientTrailPackage PRESENT IF "the link connection serves a client trail <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:trailIsMadeOfTransportEntities>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 48}; -- 7.1.36 logicalLink logicalLink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM abstractLink; CHARACTERIZED BY logicalLinkCapacityPackage, logicalLinkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR logicalLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:link> A logical link managed object represents a link that may be administratively composed of link connections or bandwidth that may be provided by one or more topological links or other logical links.";; ATTRIBUTES linkDirectionality GET, linkId GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES linkConnectionPointerListPackage PRESENT IF "pre-provisioned link connections are supported by the transport technology"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 49}; -- 7.1.37 logicalLinkEnd logicalLinkEnd MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM abstractLinkEnd; CHARACTERIZED BY linkEndCapacityPackage, logicalLinkEndPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR logicalLinkEndBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:link end> The Logical Link End object class represents the end of a logical link. When present, the Network CTPs In Link End List Package identifies the network CTPs that are present in the Logical Link End. There is no name binding between or Logical Link End and the network CTPs that are associated with the Logical Link.";; ATTRIBUTES linkEndId GET, logicalEndDirectionality GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES networkCTPsInLinkEndListPackage PRESENT IF "pre-provisioned network CTPs are supported by the transport technology"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 50}; -- 7.1.38 logicalLinkEndR1 logicalLinkEndR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM logicalLinkEnd; CHARACTERIZED BY logicalLinkEndPkgR1 PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES signalId GET;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 71}; -- 7.1.39 managedElement managedElement MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY managedElementPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR managedElementBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Managed Element object class is a class of managed objects representing telecommunications equipment or TMN entities (either groups or parts) within the telecommunications network that performs managed element functions, i.e. provides support and/or service to the subscriber. Managed elements may or may not additionally perform mediation/OS functions. A managed element communicates with the manager (directly or indirectly) over one or more standard Q-interfaces for the purpose of being monitored and/or controlled. A managed element contains equipment that may or may not be geographically distributed. When the attribute value change notification package is present, the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 shall be emitted when the value of one of the following attribute changes: alarm status, user label, version, location name and current problem list. For the above attributes that are in conditional packages, the behaviour for emitting the attribute value change notification applies only when the corresponding conditional packages are present in the managed object. When the state change notification package is present, the stateChangeNotification defined in Recommendation X.721 shall be emitted if the value of administrative state or operational state or usage state changes."; ; ATTRIBUTES managedElementId GET, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":systemTitle GET-REPLACE, alarmStatus GET, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":administrativeState GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":operationalState GET, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":usageState GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721: 1992":environmentalAlarm, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":equipmentAlarm, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":communicationsAlarm, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":processingErrorAlarm;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this class.", attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", audibleVisualLocalAlarmPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", resetAudibleAlarmPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", vendorNamePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", versionPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", locationNamePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", currentProblemListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", externalTimePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", systemTimingSourcePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 3}; -- 7.1.40 managedElementR1 managedElementR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM managedElement; CHARACTERIZED BY managedElementR1Package PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721: 1992":environmentalAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":equipmentAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":communicationsAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":processingErrorAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the managed object supports configuration of alarm severities"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 27}; -- 7.1.41 managedElementR2 managedElementR2 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM managedElementR1; CHARACTERIZED BY managedElementR2Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR managedElementR2Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class is a subclass of ManagedElementR1, and it introduces three additional attributes not present in ManagedElementR1: modelCode, managedElementType, and neAlias.";; ATTRIBUTES managedElementType GET, modelCode GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES neAliasPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 77}; -- 7.1.42 managedElementComplex managedElementComplex MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY managedElementComplexPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR managedElementComplexBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Managed Element Complex object class is a class of managed objects that represents a collection of network elements. An OS can reference and manage one or more NEs belonging to the complex represented by an instance of this object class. "; ; ATTRIBUTES managedElementComplexId GET, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":systemTitle GET-REPLACE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this class."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 34}; -- 7.1.43 mpCrossConnection mpCrossConnection MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY mpCrossConnectionPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR mpCrossConnectionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This class represents an assignment relationship between the termination point or GTP object listed in the From Termination attribute and the termination point or GTP objects listed in the To Termination attributes of the contained crossConnection managed objects. A multipoint cross-connection can be established between one of CTP Sink, CTP Bidirectional, TTP Source, TTP Bidirectional, or GTP; and a set whose members are CTP Source, CTP Bidirectional, TTP Sink, TTP Bidirectional, or GTP. The fromTermination attribute will always be non-NULL. The termination point or GTP object pointed to by the fromTermination attribute is related to all the termination point or GTP objects pointed to by the toTermination attribute of the contained crossConnection managed objects in such a way that traffic can flow between the termination points represented by these managed objects. Information flows from the From Termination to the To Termination of the contained cross-connection objects. If the objects listed in the fromTermination attribute and in the toTermination attribute of the contained crossConnection objects are GTPs, the nth element of the From Termination GTP is related to the nth element of the To Termination GTP (for every n). The total rate of the From Terminations must be equal to the total rate of To Terminations in each contained crossConnection object. The attribute Signal Type describes the signal that is cross-connected. The termination points or GTPs that are cross-connected must have signal types that are compatible. The following are the definitions of the administrative state and the operational state attributes: Administrative State: - Unlocked: The mpCrossConnection object is administratively unlocked. It allows traffic to pass through each contained connection depending on its administrative state. - Locked: No traffic is allowed to pass through the Cross-Connection between the cross-connected termination points. The effect of this value overrides the effect of the administrative state of each contained cross-connection. Operational State: The operational state of a Multipoint Cross-Connection object reflects the overall health of the cross- connection including all the Cross-Connection objects contained in the Multipoint Cross-Connection. - Enabled: The Cross-Connection is performing its normal function. Note that some (but not all) of the cross-connection objects contained in the Multipoint Cross-Connection may be disabled. - Disabled: The Cross-Connection is incapable of performing its normal cross-connection function. All the cross-connection objects contained in the Multipoint Cross-Connection are disabled. Availability Status: The supported values for this attribute are: - In test - Degraded: The Multipoint Cross-Connection is degraded in some respect. For instance, if one or more (but not all) Cross-Connection objects contained in the Multipoint Cross-Connection are disabled, the Multipoint Cross-Connection will be considered as degraded. The Multipoint Cross-Connection remains available for service (i.e. its operational state is enabled) while it is degraded. - Empty SET.";; ATTRIBUTES mpCrossConnectionId GET, "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":administrativeState GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":operationalState GET, "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":availabilityStatus GET, signalType GET, fromTermination GET;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 18}; -- 7.1.44 mpCrossConnectionR1 mpCrossConnectionR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM mpCrossConnection; CHARACTERIZED BY mpCrossConnectionR1Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR mpCrossConnectionR1Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "When the attribute value change notification package is present, the attributeValueChange notification shall be emitted when userLabel or redline changes value (when the attributes are present). When the state change notification package is present, the stateChange notification shall be emitted when operationalState or administrativeState changes value.";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", redlinePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this class.", attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 36}; -- 7.1.45 namedCrossConnection namedCrossConnection MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM crossConnection; CHARACTERIZED BY namedCrossConnectionPackage; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 19}; -- 7.1.46 namedMpCrossConnection namedMpCrossConnection MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM mpCrossConnection; CHARACTERIZED BY namedCrossConnectionPackage; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 20}; -- 7.1.47 network network MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY networkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkDefinition; ATTRIBUTES networkId GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 1}; networkDefinition BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Network object class is a class of managed objects that are collections of interconnected telecommunications and management objects (logical or physical) capable of exchanging information. These objects have one or more common characteristics, for example they may be owned by a single customer or provider, or associated with a specific service network. A network may be nested within another (larger) network, thereby forming a containment relationship. An example of a network that is contained in another network is a transmission sub-network. It is owned by a single Administration and can only perform transmission functions."; -- 7.1.48 networkR1 networkR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM network; CHARACTERIZED BY networkR1Package PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.721:1992":systemTitle GET-REPLACE;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 33}; -- 7.1.49 networkCTPBidirectional networkCTPBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM networkCTPSink, networkCTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY networkCTPBidPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkCTPBidBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:connection termination point> If it is necessary to configure an instance of this object class to be unidirectional, a subclass may be specified for which directionality is permitted to be settable.";;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 51}; -- 7.1.50 networkCTPSink networkCTPSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM networkTerminationPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY networkCTPSinkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkCTPSinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:connection termination point> The Network CTP Sink object class is a class of managed objects that terminates Link connections and/or originates Subnetwork Connections. The resource receives information (traffic), via a Link connection, from an instance representing a NetworkConnection Termination Point, and sends it on, via a Subnetwork Connection, to instances representing either NWCTP Sources or a NWTTP Sink in the same Subnetwork. An instance of this class may only have connectivity relationships (link connection or subnetwork connection) with instances that represent Network Connection Termination Points, Source or Bidirectional, which are at the same layer. <ITU-T G.852.3,COMMUNITY_POLICY:signalid> An instance of this class may be subnetwork connected, via a Subnetwork Connection, to a single instance which represents a Network Trail Termination Point, Sink or Bidirectional, at the same layer. <ITU-T G.853.1:RELATIONSHIP:subnetworkConnectionIsTerminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE:a_endCTP> The Subnetwork Connection Pointer attribute points to the managed object representing the relationship with the network termination point(s), within the same Subnetwork, that receive(s) information (traffic) from this network termination point, or is null. <ITU-T G.853.1: RELATIONSHIP:subnetworkConnectionIsTerminatedByPointToPoint , ROLE: a_endCTP> The referenced managed object shall represent a Subnetwork Connection. Where the NWCTP sink participates in many subnetwork connections for different subnetworks, the Subnetwork Connection Pointer is null. Any network termination points identified by the related Subnetwork Connection indicate that a relationship exists, but this does not indicate that information can flow between the network termination points. This capability is indicated by a combination of the State Attributes including the Operational State. The Connectivity Pointer attribute points to the managed object representing the Connection which relates this instance to the instance representing the Network Connection Termination Point, Source or Bidirectional, that sends information (traffic) to this network termination point, or is null. <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:linkConnectionIsTerminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: z_endCTP>";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES channelNumberPackage PRESENT IF "the channel number attribute is supported by an instance of this managed object class", ctpInstancePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", networkCTPPackage PRESENT IF "pointers to instances of network termination points at higher or lower levels of subnetwork partitioning are supported by this managed object class <G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP: subnetworkTPIsRelatedToExtremity>", serverTTPPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the server trail termination point pointer attribute is supported by an instance of this managed object class <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:networkTTPAdaptsNetworkCTP>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 52}; -- 7.1.51 networkCTPSource networkCTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM networkTerminationPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY networkCTPSourcePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkCTPSourceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:connection termination point> The Network CTP Source object class is a class of managed objects that originates Link connections and/or terminates Subnetwork Connections. The resource sends information (traffic), via a Link connection, to instances representing Network Connection Termination Points, and receives it, via a Subnetwork Connection, from an instance representing either a NWCTP Sink or a NWTTP Source in the same Subnetwork. An instance of this class may only have connectivity relationships (link connection or subnetwork connection) with instances that represent Network Connection Termination Points, Sink or Bidirectional, which are at the same layer. <ITU-T G.852.3,COMMUNITY_POLICY:signalid> An instance of this class may be subnetwork connected, via a Subnetwork Connection, to a single instance which represents a Network Trail Termination Point, Source or Bidirectional, at the same layer. <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:subnetworkConnectionIsTerminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: z_endCTP> The Subnetwork Connection Pointer attribute points to the managed object representing the relationship with the network termination point, within the same Subnetwork, that sends information (traffic) to this network termination point, or is null. The referenced managed object shall represent a Subnetwork Connection. <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:subnetworkConnectionIsTerminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: z_endCTP> Where the NWCTP source participates in many subnetwork connections for different subnetworks, the Subnetwork Connection Pointer is null. Any network termination points identified by the related Subnetwork Connection indicate that a relationship exists, but this does not indicate that information can flow between the network termination points. This capability is indicated by a combination of the State Attributes, including the Operational State. The Connectivity Pointer attribute points to the managed object representing the Connection which relates this instance to the instance representing the Network Connection Termination Point, Sink or Bidirectional, that receives information (traffic) from this network termination point, or is null.";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES channelNumberPackage PRESENT IF "the channel number attribute is supported by an instance of this managed object class", ctpInstancePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", networkCTPPackage PRESENT IF "pointers to instances of network termination points at higher or lower levels of subnetwork partitioning are supported by this managed object class <see G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP: subnetworkTPIsRelatedToExtremity>", serverTTPPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the server trail termination point pointer attribute is supported by an instance of this managed object class <see ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:networkTTPAdaptsNetworkCTP>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 53}; -- 7.1.52 networkTTPBidirectional networkTTPBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM networkTTPSink, networkTTPSource; CHARACTERIZED BY networkTTPBidPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkTTPBidBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:trail termination point> If it is necessary to configure an instance of this object class to be unidirectional, a subclass may be specified for which directionality is permitted to be settable.";;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 55}; -- 7.1.53 networkTTPBidirectionalR1 networkTTPBidirectionalR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM networkTTPBidirectional, networkTTPSinkR1; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 68}; -- 7.1.54 networkTTPSink networkTTPSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM networkTerminationPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY networkTTPSinkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkTTPSinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:trail termination point> The Network TTP Sink object class is a class of managed objects that terminates Trails and Subnetwork Connections in the Network viewpoint. An instance of this class may only have Trail relationships with Network Trail Termination Points, Source or Bidirectional, which are at the same layer. <ITU-T G.852.3,COMMUNITY_POLICY:signalid> An instance of this class may be subnetwork connected, via a Subnetwork Connection, to a single Network Connection Termination Point Sink or Bidirectional, or a Network Trail Termination Point Source at the same layer. <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:subnetworkConnectionIsTerminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: z_endCTP> The Subnetwork Connection Pointer attribute points to the managed object representing the relationship with one or more Network Connection Termination Points, within the same Subnetwork, that send information (traffic) to this network termination point, or is null. Any network termination point identified by the related Subnetwork Connection indicates that a relationship exists, but this does not indicate that information can flow between the network termination points. This capability is indicated in a combination of the State attributes, including the Operational State. The Connectivity Pointer attribute points to the managed object representing the Trail which relates this instance to the instances representing the Network Trail Termination Points, that send information (traffic) to this network termination point at the same layer, or is null. <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:trailIsTerminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: z_endCTP>";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES supportableClientListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", ttpInstancePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", clientCTPListPackage PRESENT IF "management of the client networkCTPs of this managed object is supported <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:networkTTPAdaptsNetworkCTP>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 56}; -- 7.1.55 networkTTPSinkR1 networkTTPSinkR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM networkTTPSink; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES clientCTPListPackage PRESENT IF "management of the client networkCTPs of this managed object is supported <G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:networkTTPAdaptsNetworkCTP>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 67}; -- 7.1.56 networkTTPSource networkTTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM networkTerminationPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY networkTTPSourcePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkTTPSourceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:trail termination point> The Network TTP Source object class is a class of managed objects that originates Trails and Subnetwork Connections in the Network viewpoint. An instance of this class may only have Trail relationships with Network Trail Termination Points, Sink or Bidirectional, which are at the same layer. <ITU-T G.852.3, COMMUNITY_POLICY:signalid> An instance of this class may be subnetwork connected, via a Subnetwork Connection, to a single Network Connection Termination Point Source or Bidirectional, or a Network Trail Termination Point Sink at the same layer. It may also be connected, via a Subnetwork Connection, to multiple instances of Network CTPs at the same layer when it is operating in the broadcast mode in order to transmit multiple copies of the same signal. <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP: subnetworkConnectionIsTerminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: a_endCTP> The Subnetwork Connection Pointer attribute points to the managed object representing the relationship with one or more Network Connection Termination Points, within the same Subnetwork, that receive information (traffic) from this network termination point, or is null. Any network termination point identified by the related Subnetwork Connection indicates that a relationship exists, but this does not indicate that information can flow between the network termination points. This capability is indicated by a combination of the State Attributes, including the Operational State. The Connectivity Pointer attribute points to the managed object representing the Trail which relates this instance to the instances representing the Network Trail Termination Points, that receive information (traffic) from this network termination point at the same layer, or is null. <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP: linkConnectionIsTerminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: z_endCTP > ";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES supportableClientListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", ttpInstancePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", clientLinkEndPointerPackage PRESENT IF "link ends are supported by the subnetwork in the client layer", clientCTPListPackage PRESENT IF "management of the client networkCTPs of this managed object is supported <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:networkTTPAdaptsNetworkCTP>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 57}; -- 7.1.57 networkTerminationPoint networkTerminationPoint MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM terminationPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY createDeleteNotificationsPackage, networkTerminationPointPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkTerminationPointBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object represents the network termination of a transport entity, such as an instance representing a Trail or a Link Connection. The sncPointer is used to point to a Subnetwork Connection. However, not all network termination points will have a flexible connection, and it may be more appropriate to point to another network termination point, for example in a regenerator the two network connection termination points would point to each other as there is no flexibility between them. In this instance the networkTPPointer shall be used. Both pointers are conditional. <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:subnetworkConnectionIsTerminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: a_endCTP or z_endCTP> The Connectivity Pointer attribute points to the managed object representing the Link connection or Trail which relates this instance to other instance(s) representing the Network Termination Point(s). <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:trailIsTerminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: a_endCTP or z_endCTP> <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:linkConnectionIsterminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: a_endCTP or z_endCTP>";; ATTRIBUTES pointDirectionality GET, signalId GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES configuredConnectivityPackage PRESENT IF "configured connectivity indication is supported by this managed object instance", connectivityPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the network termination point terminates a link connection or a trail <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:trailIsTerminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: a_endCTP or z_endCTP>, < ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:linkConnectionIsterminatedByPointToPoint, ROLE: a_endCTP or z_endCTP>", "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":administrativeStatePackage PRESENT IF "the resource represented by this managed object is capable of being administratively removed from service (point view)", "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":availabilityStatusPackage PRESENT IF "the resource represented by this managed object is capable of representing its availability (point view)", locationNamePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", neAssignmentPackage PRESENT IF "the Network Element view of termination points is available", sncPointerPackage PRESENT IF "a network termination point may be flexibly connected to another network termination point <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:extremitiesTerminateSubnetworkConnection>", networkTPPointerPackage PRESENT IF "there is no flexibity between network termination points (degenerate case only)", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "a userLabel is supported < ITU-T G.852.2, PERMISSION userLabelFacility>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 54}; -- 7.1.58 physicalPort physicalPort MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY physicalPortPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR physicalPortBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object class represents the characteristics of physical termination of network equipments. This MOC is a collection of common attributes of physical ports, and it is defined for inheritance. The purpose of modelling the physical port as an individual managed object is to provide more detailed information and possibility to show relationships among a port and its supported TTP(s) and (indirectly) CTP(s). When an instance of this class or its derived classes is instantiated under an instance of circuitPackR1, the conditional package circuitPackConfigurationPackage in the circuitPackR1 class should not be instantiated. A physical port is understood to consist of a physical part and a logical part. The physicalPort MOC is a physical resource that represents the physical part of the physical port while the genericTransportTTP MOC is a logical resource (sometimes called a device interface TP) one or more of which represent the logical part of the physical port. Transmission and mapping capabilities, as represented by the signal rates and mapping lists (and wavelengths) of the physicalPortSignalRateAndMappingList attribute are considered logical properties of a physical port, and so are included in the definition of genericTransportTTP Rev.1. Since the physical port is split into a physical resource part and a logical resource part, the supportedTTPList attribute is used to reference the logical part from the physical part. Conversely, the physicalPort attribute and the conditional ttpPortID attribute of the genericTransportTTPR1 object serve as references from the (pieces of the) logical part to the physical part. The associated genericTransportTTPs, i.e. the logical part of the physical port, are considered the lowest-layer server trail termination points (TTPs) supported by the physical port, e.g. vc4TTP or opticalSPITTP or vpTTP or ETYnTTPBidirectional. The capability to support the directionality for data transfer is represented by the pointDirectionality attribute of the associated genericTransportTTP objects (inherited from networkTerminationPoint).";; ATTRIBUTES physicalPortId GET SET-BY-CREATE, "ITU-T Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992" : administrativeState GET-REPLACE, connectorType GET, reach GET, supportedTTPList GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES objectManagementNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 79}; -- 7.1.59 pipe pipe MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY pipePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR pipeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Pipe object class is a class of managed objects which ensures the transfer of information between two termination points. The pipe object class is not instantiable because the transfer is effected via the client-server relationship of trail and connection. Connectivity direction is determined by the directionality of the a and z termination points. If an instance of this class is bidirectional, the a- and z-termination points shall also be bidirectional. If an instance of this class is unidirectional, the a-point shall be the source TP and the z-termination point shall be the sink TP. The operational state indicates the capability to carry a signal.";; ATTRIBUTES directionality GET, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":administrativeState GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation X.721: 1992":operationalState GET, a-TPInstance GET SET-BY-CREATE , z-TPInstance GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this managed object class", attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class", stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class", characteristicInformationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", protectedPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage PRESENT IF "the communicationsAlarm notification (as defined in Recommendation X.721) is supported by this managed object", alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage package is present AND the managed object supports configuration of alarm severities", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; -- the above package may be used for M.1400 type designations. REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 24}; -- 7.1.60 pipeR2 pipeR2 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM " ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY pipeR2Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR pipeR2Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The pipeR2 object class is a class of managed objects which ensures the transfer of information between two or more termination points. The directionality attribute indicates whether transmission is unidirectional or bidirectional. The Signal Id attribute describes the signal that is transferred across a Connectivity instance. The managed objects representing the network termination points that are related by this instance must have signal Ids that are compatible. If an instance of this class is bidirectional, the a- and z-termination points shall also be bidirectional. If an instance of this class is unidirectional, the a-point shall be the source TP or bidirectional TP and the z-termination point shall be the sink TP or bidirectional TP. For unidirectional connections, the aEndNWTPList attribute shall identify the source end. The operational state indicates the capability to carry a signal.";; ATTRIBUTES directionality GET, signalId GET SET-BY-CREATE, aEndNetworkTPList GET SET-BY-CREATE, zEndNetworkTPList GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":administrativeStatePackage PRESENT IF "the administrativeState attribute defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class (arc view)", alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage package is present AND the managed object supports configuration of alarm severities (arc view)", attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class", "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":availabilityStatusPackage PRESENT IF "the availabilityStatus attribute defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class (arc view)", createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this managed object class", operationalStatePackage PRESENT IF "the operationalState attribute defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class (arc view)", protectedPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", qualityOfConnectivityServicePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class (arc view)", supportedByPackage PRESENT IF "the supportedByObjectList attribute is supported by this managed object", tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage PRESENT IF "the communicationsAlarm notification (as defined in Recommendation X.721) is supported by this managed object (arc view)", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; -- the userLabelPackage may be used for M.1400 type designations. REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 58}; -- 7.1.61 protectionGroupR2 protectionGroupR2 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation G.774.3":protectionGroupR1; CHARACTERIZED BY protectionGroupR2Pkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR protectionGroupR2Beh; ATTRIBUTES lockedInCondition GET-REPLACE; NOTIFICATIONS "Rec. G.774.3":protectionSwitchReportingR1 protectionStatusParameterR1;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES protectionAlarmPkg PRESENT IF "the system is capable of reporting failure of protection mechanism or failure of the protecting resource."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 64}; protectionGroupR2Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class is used for representing a protection system. The invokeProtection action switches always from protected unit to protecting unit. Either all or none of the Protection Unit instances within an Protection Group object shall have the priorityPkg package. It is to be noted that, before the creation of the protectionGroupR2 object, the supported by object list (sbol) attribute of a reliable resource such as termination point object may point to an unreliable resource object such as circuit pack. But once the protection group object is created, the sbol attribute would start pointing at the protection group object"; -- 7.1.62 protectionUnitR1 protectionUnitR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721":top; CHARACTERIZED BY protectionUnitR1Pkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR protectionUnitR1Beh; ATTRIBUTES "Rec. G.774.3":protectionUnitId GET, "Rec. G.774.3":protecting GET, reliableResourcePointerR1 GET, unreliableResourcePointerR1 GET, protectionStatusR1 GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES "Rec. G.774.3":priorityPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", "Rec. M.3100":attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 65}; protectionUnitR1Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of this object class are used to represent the protected (i.e. working, regular, or preferred) or protecting (i.e. backup or standby) resource in a protection system. Instances of this object class are instantiated by the agent according to the protection schemes adopted by the NE. A Protection Unit instance is deleted when the resource object instance pointed to by the Unreliable Resource Pointer attribute is deleted, and may be created automatically when the associated resource object is created. The agent may also create and delete instances of this object class in order to reflect local modifications in the protection schemes. The attributeValueChange notification is used to notify changes of the Reliable Resource Pointer, Protection Status, and Priority attributes."; -- 7.1.63 scanPoint scanPoint MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM externalPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY externalScanPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR externalScanBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object class is used to monitor external conditions related to the managed element, for that, events of external devices (such as power failure, fire alarm, door open, humidity, etc.) are monitored. Each instance of this object class represents one scan point. Environmental alarm will be emitted if a scan point detects an abnormal condition. The text message specified in the externalPointMessage attribute is to be included in the additionalText field of the environmentalAlarm notification when an alarm is emitted for the scan point. The severity of such alarms can be configured through an optional package. The currentProblemList represents the current problems of the external entity being monitored, i.e. not current problems with the scan function itself. The probable cause of the currentProblemList is by itself not a precise indicator of service affecting alarms (e.g. due to standby resources) and the serviceAffected attribute is used as a unifying indicator of service affecting conditions.";; ATTRIBUTES currentProblemList GET, serviceAffected GET; NOTIFICATIONS "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":environmentalAlarm;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 42}; -- 7.1.64 software software MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY softwarePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR softwareBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Software object class is a class of managed objects that represent logical information stored in equipment, including programs and data tables. Software may be nested within other software, thereby creating a containment relationship. When the attribute value change notification package is present, the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 shall be emitted when the value of one of the following attribute changes: alarm status, affected object list, user label, version, and current problem list. Because the above attributes are all in conditional packages, the behaviour for emitting the attribute value change notification applies only when the corresponding conditional packages are present in the managed object. When the state change notification package is present, the stateChangeNotification defined in Recommendation X.721 shall be emitted if the value of administrative state or operational state changes (when the administrativeOperationalStates conditional package is present).";; ATTRIBUTES softwareId GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this class.", attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this class.", administrativeOperationalStatesPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", affectedObjectListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", softwareProcessingErrorAlarmPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", vendorNamePackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", versionPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", currentProblemListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 4}; -- 7.1.65 softwareR1 softwareR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM software; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the managed object supports configuration of alarm severities", softwareProcessingErrorAlarmR1Package PRESENT IF "an instance supports it."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 29}; -- 7.1.66 subNetwork subNetwork MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY createDeleteNotificationsPackage, subNetworkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR subNetworkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:subnetwork> The Subnetwork object class represents logical collections of network termination points. If present the attribute ContainedSubNetworkList will be null if there are no contained Subnetworks. The attribute ContainedInSubNetworkList will also be null if there are no containing (parent) Subnetworks.";; ATTRIBUTES signalId GET SET-BY-CREATE, subNetworkId GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES administrativeOperationalStatesPackage PRESENT IF "the administrativeState and operationalState attributes defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this managed object class", attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class", "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":availabilityStatusPackage PRESENT IF "the availabilityStatus attribute defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class", containedAccessGroupListPackage PRESENT IF "access group instances are contained in the subnetwork", containedInSubNetworkListPackage PRESENT IF "this subnetwork object instance is contained in a subnetwork (partitioning is supported) <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:sNIsPartitionedBySn>", containedLinkEndListPackage PRESENT IF "there are contained link end in the subnetwork object instance (partitioning is supported)", containedLinkListPackage PRESENT IF "there are contained links in the subnetwork object instance (partitioning is supported)", containedNetworkTPListPackage PRESENT IF "there are contained network termination points in the subnetwork object instance <ITU-T G.853.3,topmanSubnetwork:RELATIONSHIP:subnetworkIsDelimitedBy>", containedSubNetworkListPackage PRESENT IF "there are contained subnetworks in this subnetwork object instance (partitioning is supported) < ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:sNIsPartitionedBySn>", linkPointerListPackage PRESENT IF "a topological view using links, subnetworks, and access groups is supported (arc view) <ITU-T G.853.3,topmanSubnetwork:RELATIONSHIP:linkBinds>", stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class", supportedByPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", usageStatePackage PRESENT IF "the usageState attribute defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "the user label attribute is supported by an instance of this managed object class <ITU-T G.852.2, PERMISSION:userLabelFacility >"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 59}; -- 7.1.67 subNetworkConnection subNetworkConnection MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM pipeR2; CHARACTERIZED BY subNetworkConnectionPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR subNetworkConnectionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:subnetwork connection> The Subnetwork Connection object class is a class of managed objects that associates the network termination point object identified in the A end attribute and the network termination point object(s) listed in the Z end attribute of this managed object. The Subnetwork Connection may be set up between network termination points (or groups of network termination points) specified explicitly, or implicitly between managed objects acting as containers of network termination point managed object instances from which any idle network termination point or group may be used. If the managed objects listed in the A End and Z End attributes represent groups, the nth element of the A end group is related to the nth element of every Z end group (for every n). There shall be n elements in each group involved in the Subnetwork Connection. For a group with n elements, the Signal Id shall be taken to be a bundle of n times the characteristic information of the individual elements, all of which are the same. A point-to-point unidirectional Subnetwork Connection can be established between one of Network connection termination point sink, Network connection termination point bidirectional, Network trail termination point source, Network trail termination point bidirectional or Network group termination point; and one of Network connection termination point source, Network connection termination point bidirectional, Network trail termination point sink, Network trail termination point bidirectional or Network group termination point. A point-to-point bidirectional Subnetwork Connection can be established between one of Network connection termination point bidirectional, Network trail termination point bidirectional or Network group termination point; and one of Network connection termination point bidirectional, Network trail termination point bidirectional or Network group termination point. A point-to-multipoint unidirectional Subnetwork Connection can be established between one of Network connection termination point sink, Network connection termination point bidirectional, Network trail termination point source, Network trail termination point bidirectional or Network group termination point; and a set whose members are Network connection termination point sources, Network connection termination point bidirectionals, Network trail termination point sinks, Network trail termination point bidirectional or Network group termination point. A point-to-multipoint bidirectional Subnetwork Connection can be established between one of Network connection termination point bidirectional, Network trail termination point bidirectional or Network group termination; and a set whose members are Network connection termination point bidirectionals, Network trail termination point bidirectionals or Network group termination points. The componentPackage is supported where the Subnetwork Connection is made up of a number of component Subnetwork Connections, and Link Connections, within the same layer.";; ATTRIBUTES subNetworkConnectionId GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES compositePointerPackage PRESENT IF "the Subnetwork Connection is a component of another Subnetwork Connection within the same layer (partitioned subnetworks). <ITU-T G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:subnetworkConnectionisMadeOfTransportEntities>", componentPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the Subnetwork Connection is made up of a number of component Subnetwork Connections, and Link Connections, within the same layer (partitioned subnetworks) <G.853.1,RELATIONSHIP:subnetworkConnectionisMadeOfTransportEntities>", relatedRoutingProfilePackage PRESENT IF "routing profiles are supported", userLabelPackage PRESENT IF "a userLabel is supported <ITU-T G.852.2, PERMISSION:userLabelFacility>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 60}; -- 7.1.68 terminationPoint terminationPoint MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721: 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY terminationPointPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR terminationPointBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object represents the termination of a transport entity, such as a trail or a connection. The characteristic information attribute is used to identify equivalence between subclasses of termination points in order to determine whether cross connection or connectivity is possible. The operational state reflects the perceived ability to generate and/or receive a valid signal. Subclasses of termination point shall specify the attributes and states for which attribute value change and state change notifications will be generated.";; ATTRIBUTES supportedByObjectList GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the objectCreation and objectDeletion notifications defined in Recommendation X.721 are supported by an instance of this managed object class", attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the attributeValueChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class", stateChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "the stateChange notification defined in Recommendation X.721 is supported by an instance of this managed object class", operationalStatePackage PRESENT IF "the resource represented by this managed object is capable of assessing the ability to generate and/or receive a valid signal.", crossConnectionPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the termination point can be flexibly assigned, (i.e. cross connected).", characteristicInformationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", networkLevelPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage PRESENT IF "the communicationsAlarm notification (as defined in Recommendation X.721) is supported by this managed object", alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage PRESENT IF "the tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage package is present AND the managed object supports configuration of alarm severities"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 8}; -- 7.1.69 topologicalLink topologicalLink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM abstractLink; CHARACTERIZED BY topologicalLinkCapacityPackage, topologicalLinkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR topologicalLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:topological link> The topological link object class represents a link in a client layer provided by one and only one server trail. The serverTrail attribute is a pointer to the trail in the server layer network domain that supports this topological link. The serverTrail attribute may be null if the trail in the server layer network domain that supports this topological link is not assigned. The use made of the individual attributes and notifications is detailed below: - total link capacity: the total number of Link Connections or bandwidth available <ITU-T G.853.8,ATTRIBUTE:pamMaxProvisionableCapacity>; - maximum link connection count: the maximum number of link connections available on connection with flexible bandwidth management; - potential link capacity: the number of potential Link Connections or potential bandwidth that could be provisioned <ITU-T G.853.8, ATTRIBUTE:pamPotentialLinkCapacity>; - provisioned link capacity: the number of provisioned Link Connections or the provisioned bandwidth <ITU-T G.853.8,ATTRIBUTE:pamProvisionedLinkCapacity>; - provisioned link connection count: the number of link connections assigned using flexible bandwidth management. An attribute value change notification shall be emitted when the value of the totalLinkCapacity, maximumLinkConnectionCount, potentialLinkCapacity, provisionedLinkCapacity or provisionedLinkConnectionCount is changed.";; ATTRIBUTES directionality GET, linkId GET, serverTrail GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES totalLinkCapacityPackage PRESENT IF "pre-provisioned adaptation or link connection or link management are supported by the transport technology", maximumLinkConnectionCountPackage PRESENT IF "flexible bandwidth allocation is supported", potentialLinkCapacityPackage PRESENT IF "pre-provisioned adaptation or link connection or link management are supported by the transport technology", provisionedLinkCapacityPackage PRESENT IF "pre-provisioned adaptation or link connection or link management are supported by the transport technology", provisionedLinkConnectionCountPackage PRESENT IF "flexible bandwidth allocation is supported"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 61}; -- 7.1.70 topologicalLinkEnd topologicalLinkEnd MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM abstractLinkEnd; CHARACTERIZED BY serverTTPPointerPackage, topologicalLinkEndCapacityPackage, topologicalLinkEndPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR topologicalLinkEndBehavior BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:topological link end> The Topological Link End object class represents the end of a topological link when viewed from the point perspective. The Topological Link End object is related to one and only one network TTP in the server layer. The use made of the individual attributes and notifications is detailed below: - total link end capacity: the total number of network CTPs or the bandwidth available <ITU-T G.853.8,ATTRIBUTE: pamMaxProvisionableCapacity>; - maximum network CTP count: the maximum number of network CTPs available at the LinkEnd when using flexible bandwidth management; - potential link end capacity: the number of potential network CTPs or potential bandwidth that could be provisioned <ITU-T G.853.8, ATTRIBUTE: pamPotentialLinkCapacity>; - provisioned link end capacity: the number of provisioned network CTPs or the provisioned bandwidth <ITU-T G.853.8, ATTRIBUTE: pamProvisionedLinkCapacity>; - provisioned network CTP count: the number of network CTP assigned to the link end when using flexible bandwidth management. An attribute value change notification shall be emitted when the value of the totalLinkEndCapacity, maximumNetworkCTPCount, potentialLinkEndCapacity, provisionedLinkEndCapacity or provisionedNetworkCTPCount is changed.";; ATTRIBUTES linkEndId GET, pointDirectionality GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES totalLinkEndCapacityPackage PRESENT IF "pre-provisioned adaptation or link connection or link management are supported by the transport technology ", maximumNetworkCTPCountPackage PRESENT IF "flexible bandwidth allocation is supported", potentialLinkEndCapacityPackage PRESENT IF "pre-provisioned adaptation or link connection or link management are supported by the transport technology ", provisionedLinkEndCapacityPackage PRESENT IF "pre-provisioned adaptation or link connection or link management are supported by the transport technology ", provisionedNetworkCTPCountPackage PRESENT IF "flexible bandwidth allocation is supported"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 62}; -- 7.1.71 topologicalLinkEndR1 topologicalLinkEndR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM topologicalLinkEnd; CHARACTERIZED BY topologicalLinkEndPkgR1 PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES signalId GET;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 72}; -- 7.1.72 tpPool tpPool MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 : 1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY tpPoolPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR tpPoolBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The tpPool object represents a set of termination points or GTPs that are used for some management purpose, such as routing. A termination point that is a member of a GTP cannot be a member of a tpPool independent of the remainder of the GTP. ";; ATTRIBUTES tpPoolId GET, tpsInTpPoolList GET, totalTpCount GET, connectedTpCount GET, idleTpCount GET;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 21}; -- 7.1.73 trailR1 trailR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM pipe; CHARACTERIZED BY trailR1Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR trailR1Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Trail is a class of managed objects in layer networks which is responsible for the integrity of transfer of characteristic information from one or more other layer networks. A trail is composed of two Trail Termination Points and one or more connection and associated connection termination points.";; ATTRIBUTES trailId GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES serverConnectionListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", clientConnectionListPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 25}; -- 7.1.74 trailR2 trailR2 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM pipeR2; CHARACTERIZED BY trailR2Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR trailR2Behaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "<ITU-T G.852.2,RESOURCE:trail> Trail is a class of managed objects in layer networks which is responsible for the integrity of transfer of characteristic information from one or more other layer networks. A Trail is composed of two or more Network Trail Termination Points and one or more Link Connection or Subnetwork Connections, and associated Network Connection Termination Points. A point-to-point unidirectional Trail can be established between a Network TTP source or Network TTP bid; and a Network TTP sink or Network TTP bid. A point-to-point bidirectional Trail can be established between a Network TTP bid; and a Network TTP bid. For all types of Trail, the termination point(s) pointed to by the A End attribute is related to the network termination point(s) pointed to by the Z End attribute in such a way that traffic can flow between the network termination points represented by these managed objects in a unidirectional or bidirectional manner as indicated by the directionality attribute. The layerConnectionList attribute, when present, lists the subnetwork connections and link connections (in the same layer) which compose the trail. This represents a single partitioned view of the decomposition of a trail into its component subnetwork connections and link connections.";; ATTRIBUTES trailId GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES layerConnectionListPackage PRESENT IF "there is a requirement to view the sequence of subnetwork connections and link connections which make up the trail in the same layer.", trafficDescriptorPackage PRESENT IF "flexible bandwidth allocation is supported <ITU-T G.852.6, ACTION: setupPointToPointTrail, ACTION_POLICY: trafficCharacteristics>", clientLinkPointerPackage PRESENT IF "there is a requirement to view the link(s) in a higher layer which is supported by this trail", clientLinkConnectionPointerListPackage PRESENT IF "there is a requirement to view the link connection(s) in a higher layer which is supported by this trail. <ITU-T G.852.8, ACTION: assign server transport entity to client linking entity, ACTION_POLICY: returnClientTransportEntities>"; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 63}; -- 7.1.75 trailTerminationPointBidirectional trailTerminationPointBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM trailTerminationPointSource, trailTerminationPointSink; CHARACTERIZED BY trailTerminationPointBidirectionalPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR trailTerminationPointBidirectionalBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The operational state is disabled if either the sink or source part of the termination point is disabled.";;;; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 9}; -- 7.1.76 trailTerminationPointSink trailTerminationPointSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM terminationPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY operationalStatePackage, trailTerminationPointSinkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR trailTerminationPointSinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object represents a termination point where a trail is terminated. It represents the access point in a layer network which is a focus for both the trail relationship and the client/server relationship. The operational state reflects the perceived ability to receive a valid signal. If the termination point detects that a signal received has failed or it is unable to process the incoming signal, then the operational state will have the value disabled. When the administrative state is locked, the termination point is administratively removed from service. When the administrative state is unlocked, the termination point is administratively in service. Changes to administrative state have no effect on the connectivity pointer. A change in the operational state shall cause a state change notification. If administrative state is present in an instance of trail termination point sink class, it shall not emit a state change notification. However, subclasses of trail termination point sink class may modify this behaviour to require this notification. Subclasses of trail termination point sink shall specify the attributes for which attribute value change notifications should be generated. The upstream connectivity pointer attribute points to the termination point managed object, within the same managed element, that sends information (traffic) to this termination point at the same layer, or is null. The referenced object shall be an instance of one of the following classes or its subclasses: Connection Termination Point Sink or Bidirectional (single or a concatenated sequence) or Trail Termination Point Source or Bidirectional (single or a concatenated sequence).";; ATTRIBUTES upstreamConnectivityPointer GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES "Recommendation X.721:1992":administrativeStatePackage PRESENT IF "the resource represented by the managed object is capable of being administratively placed in and out of service", supportableClientListPackage PRESENT IF "the object class can support more than one type of client", ttpInstancePackage PRESENT IF "the name binding used to create an instance of this object class requires this attribute."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 10}; -- 7.1.77 trailTerminationPointSource trailTerminationPointSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM terminationPoint; CHARACTERIZED BY operationalStatePackage, trailTerminationPointSourcePackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR trailTerminationPointSourceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object represents a termination point where a trail is originated. It represents the access point in a layer network which is a focus for both the trail relationship and the client/server relationship. The operational state reflects the perceived ability to generate a valid signal. If the termination point detects that a valid signal cannot be generated, then the operational state will have the value disabled. When the administrative state is locked, the termination point is administratively removed from service. When the administrative state is unlocked, the termination point is administratively in service. Changes to administrative state have no effect on the connectivity pointer. A change in the operational state shall cause a state change notification. If administrative state is present in an instance of trail termination point source class, it shall not emit a state change notification. However, subclasses of trail termination point source class may modify this behaviour to require this notification. Subclasses of trail termination point source shall specify the attributes for which attribute value change notifications should be generated. The downstream connectivity pointer attribute points to the termination point managed object, within the same managed element, that receives information (traffic) from this termination point at the same layer, or is null. The referenced object shall be an instance of one of the following classes or its subclasses: Connection Termination Point Source or Bidirectional (single or a concatenated sequence or a set if connected to more than one connection termination point source objects) or Trail Termination Point Sink or Bidirectional (single or a set if connected to more than one trail termination point sink objects).";; ATTRIBUTES downstreamConnectivityPointer GET SET-BY-CREATE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES "Recommendation X.721: 1992":administrativeStatePackage PRESENT IF "the resource represented by the managed object is capable of being administratively placed in and out of service", supportableClientListPackage PRESENT IF "the object class can support more than one type of client", ttpInstancePackage PRESENT IF "the name binding used to create an instance of this object class requires this attribute."; REGISTERED AS {m3100ObjectClass 11}; -- 7.2 Packages -- 7.2.1 administrativeOperationalStatesPackage administrativeOperationalStatesPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.721:1992":administrativeState GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation X.721:1992":operationalState GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 1}; -- 7.2.2 affectedObjectListPackage affectedObjectListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES affectedObjectList GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 2}; -- 7.2.3 alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR alarmSeverityAssignmentPointerPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the alarm severity assignment profile pointer is NULL, then one of the following two choices applies when reporting alarms: a) agent assigns the severity; or b) the value 'indeterminate' is used.";; ATTRIBUTES alarmSeverityAssignmentProfilePointer GET-REPLACE ; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 3}; -- 7.2.4 arcPackage arcPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR arcPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package defines the characteristics required for an object supporting Alarm Reporting Control (ARC). The ARC feature shall be supported by any object that supports alarm reporting. Changes to arcProbableCauseList take effect immediately. The behaviour of the changes for each probable cause is similar to the behaviour exhibited when transitioning to and from the ALM state. The reporting for a probable cause stops when the probable cause is added and starts when removed from the list. When arcProbableCauseList is modified, changes will be made according to best effort. Only non-supported probableCauses shall return errors and not added to list; valid probable causes shall be accepted and added to list. Changes in the default timed intervals (the two in the ARC profile) takes effect only when entering into QI or TI states from any other state as long as an override value is not specified in the arcControl action. Changes in the arcManagementRequestedInterval are allowed only when it has a time value (as opposed to being set to noAdjustment) and then takes effect immediately. Attribute value change notifications shall be sent for changes to arcState, arcProbableCauseList, arcIntervalProfilePointer, and arcManagementRequestedInterval";; ATTRIBUTES arcState GET, -- SCNs shall be used arcQIStatus GET, -- No AVCs or SCNs shall be sent for changes in value arcProbableCauseList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE notSupportedProbableCause, arcIntervalProfilePointer GET-REPLACE, arcManagementRequestedInterval GET-REPLACE, arcTimeRemaining GET, -- No AVCs shall be sent for changes in value of this -- attribute currentProblemList GET; ACTIONS -- need to add error parameters definitions for arcControl action arcControl; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992": attributeValueChange, "Recommendation X.721:1992":stateChange; REGISTERED AS { m3100Package 94}; -- 7.2.5 arcRetrieveAlarmDetailPackage arcRetrieveAlarmDetailPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR arcRetrieveAlarmDetailPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package defines an ability to query useful alarm information beyond alarmStatus and probableCause when alarm notifcations are not sent for a given probableCause (e.g. when the alarm is under Alarm Reporting Conrol (ARC)).";; ACTIONS arcRetrieveAlarmDetail; REGISTERED AS { m3100Package 95}; -- 7.2.6 attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":attributeValueChange; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 4}; -- 7.2.7 audibleVisualLocalAlarmPackage audibleVisualLocalAlarmPackage PACKAGE ACTIONS allowAudibleVisualLocalAlarm, inhibitAudibleVisualLocalAlarm; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 5}; -- 7.2.8 channelNumberPackage channelNumberPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES channelNumber GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 6}; -- 7.2.9 characteristicInformationPackage characteristicInformationPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES characteristicInformation GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 7}; -- 7.2.10 circuitPackConfigurationPackage circuitPackConfigurationPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR circuitPackConfigurationPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES availableSignalRateList GET, portSignalRateAndMappingList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE serviceAffectedErrorParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 44}; circuitPackConfigurationPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "A replace operation of the portSignalRateAndMappingList attribute may cause the deletion and creation of termination point objects. If this is the case, objectDeletion and objectCreation notifications will be emitted from the deleted and created objects. However, if such deletion and/or creation affects existing user services, the replace request should be denied and an error response of processingFailure with syntax defined in the serviceAffectedErrorParameter parameter should be returned."; -- 7.2.11 circuitPackResetPackage circuitPackResetPackage PACKAGE ACTIONS circuitPackReset; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 45}; -- 7.2.12 clientCTPListPackage clientCTPListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES clientCTPList GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 49}; -- 7.2.13 clientConnectionListPackage clientConnectionListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES clientConnectionList GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 35}; -- 7.2.14 clientLinkConnectionPointerListPackage clientLinkConnectionPointerListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES clientLinkConnectionPointerList GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 50}; -- 7.2.15 clientLinkEndPointerPackage clientLinkEndPointerPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES clientLinkEndPointerList GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 51}; -- 7.2.16 clientLinkPointerPackage clientLinkPointerPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES clientLinkPointerList GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 52}; -- 7.2.17 clientTrailPackage clientTrailPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES clientTrail GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 9}; -- 7.2.18 componentPointerPackage componentPointerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR componentPointerPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package identifies a sequence of instances of Link connection and Subnetwork Connection managed objects which are components of a Subnetwork Connection, within a given layer.";; ATTRIBUTES componentPointers GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 53}; -- 7.2.19 compositePointerPackage compositePointerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR compositePointerPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package identifies an instance of the Subnetwork Connection managed object class. Within a given layer, a given subnetwork connection is composed of a sequence of link connections and subnetwork connections. This pointer points from one of these components to the composite subnetwork connection.";; ATTRIBUTES compositePointer GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 54}; -- 7.2.20 configuredConnectivityPackage configuredConnectivityPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES configuredConnectivity GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 55}; -- 7.2.21 connectivityPointerPackage connectivityPointerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR connectivityPointerPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package identifies an instance of a Link connection or Trail managed object class which is terminated by the Network Termination Point.";; ATTRIBUTES connectivityPointer GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 56}; -- 7.2.22 containedAccessGroupListPackage containedAccessGroupListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES containedAccessGroupList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 57}; -- 7.2.23 containedBoardPackage containedBoardPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES acceptableCircuitPackTypeList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 48}; -- 7.2.24 containedInSubNetworkListPackage containedInSubNetworkListPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR containedInSubNetworkListPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package identifies the aggregate subnetwork(s) that a component subnetwork is contained in through partitioning. The component subnetwork may be named from a different layerNetworkDomain (associated with a different networkR1 administrative domain with a compatible signal identification) than the aggregate subnetwork if permitted by a policy.";; ATTRIBUTES containedInSubNetworkList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 58}; -- 7.2.25 containedLinkEndListPackage containedLinkEndListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES containedLinkEndList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 59}; -- 7.2.26 containedLinkListPackage containedLinkListPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR containedLinkListPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package identifies the links that a subnetwork contains through partitioning. The link may be named from a different layerNetworkDomain (associated with a different networkR1 administrative domain with a compatible signal identification) than the aggregate subnetwork if permitted by a policy.";; ATTRIBUTES containedLinkList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 60}; -- 7.2.27 containedNetworkTPListPackage containedNetworkTPListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES containedNetworkTPList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE networkTTPAndSubnetworkNotCompatible failureToAssociateNetworkTTP failureToDisassociateNetworkTTP; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 61}; -- 7.2.28 containedSubNetworkListPackage containedSubNetworkListPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR containedSubNetworkListPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package identifies the component subnetwork(s) that an aggregate subnetwork contains through partitioning. The component subnetwork may be named from a different layerNetworkDomain (associated with a different networkR1 administrative domain with a compatible signal identification) than the aggregate subnetwork if permitted by policy.";; ATTRIBUTES containedSubNetworkList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 62}; -- 7.2.29 createDeleteNotificationsPackage createDeleteNotificationsPackage PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":objectCreation, "Recommendation X.721:1992":objectDeletion; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 10}; -- 7.2.30 crossConnectionPointerPackage crossConnectionPointerPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES crossConnectionObjectPointer GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 11}; -- 7.2.31 ctpInstancePackage ctpInstancePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES cTPId GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 12}; -- 7.2.32 currentProblemListPackage currentProblemListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES currentProblemList GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 13}; -- 7.2.33 environmentalAlarmPackage environmentalAlarmPackage PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":environmentalAlarm; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 14}; -- 7.2.34 environmentalAlarmR1Package environmentalAlarmR1Package PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":environmentalAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 36}; -- 7.2.35 environmentalAlarmR2Package environmentalAlarmR2Package PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES alarmStatus GET, currentProblemList GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":environmentalAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter alarmingResumedParameter affectedObjectListParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 96}; -- 7.2.36 equipmentAlarmEffectOnServicePackage equipmentAlarmEffectOnServicePackage PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":equipmentAlarm alarmEffectOnServiceParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 38}; -- 7.2.37 equipmentsEquipmentAlarmPackage equipmentsEquipmentAlarmPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES alarmStatus GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":equipmentAlarm; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 15}; -- 7.2.38 equipmentsEquipmentAlarmR1Package equipmentsEquipmentAlarmR1Package PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES alarmStatus GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":equipmentAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 37}; -- 7.2.39 equipmentsEquipmentAlarmR2Package equipmentsEquipmentAlarmR2Package PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES alarmStatus GET, currentProblemList GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":equipmentAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter alarmingResumedParameter affectedObjectListParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 97 }; -- 7.2.40 externalTimePackage externalTimePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES externalTime GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 16}; -- 7.2.41 layerConnectionListPackage layerConnectionListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES connectionList GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 63}; -- 7.2.42 linkConnectionPointerListPackage linkConnectionPointerListPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR linkConnectionPointerListPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package identifies the list of link connections associated with a logical link.";; ATTRIBUTES linkConnectionPointerList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 65}; -- 7.2.43 linkEndCapacityPackage linkEndCapacityPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR linkEndCapacityPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides the support for the management of the capacity of a link end. It specifies actions to assign and release network CTPs and/or bandwidth to a link end.";; ACTIONS assignNetworkCTPOnLogicalLinkEnd, deassignNetworkCTPFromLogicalLinkEnd; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 66}; -- 7.2.44 linkPointerListPackage linkPointerListPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR linkPointerListPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package identifies instances of the link managed object class.";; ATTRIBUTES linkPointerList GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 67}; -- 7.2.45 locationNamePackage locationNamePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES locationName GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 17}; -- 7.2.46 logicalLinkCapacityPackage logicalLinkCapacityPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR logicalLinkCapacityPacakageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides the support for the management of the capacity of a logical link. It specifies actions to assign and release link connections and/or bandwidth to a link.";; ACTIONS assignLinkConnectionOnLogicalLink, deassignLinkConnectionFromLogicalLink; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 64}; -- 7.2.47 maximumLinkConnectionCountPackage maximumLinkConnectionCountPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES maximumLinkConnectionCount GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 68}; -- 7.2.48 maximumNetworkCTPCountPackage maximumNetworkCTPCountPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES maximumNetworkCTPCount GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 69}; -- 7.2.49 multicastConversionPkg multicastConversionPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR multicastConversionPkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides actions that allow a unidirectional point-to-point connection to be converted into a multicast connection with a single leg, or vice versa. In both cases the conversion is done without disrupting traffic, unless a particular implementation indicates otherwise.";; ACTIONS convertPtoPToMulticast, convertMulticastToPtoP; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 102}; -- 7.2.50 namedCrossConnectionPackage namedCrossConnectionPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES redline GET-REPLACE, crossConnectionName GET-REPLACE;; -- The package is not registered because it is used as a mandatory package in -- this Recommendation. -- 7.2.51 neAliasPackage neAliasPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES neAliases GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 106}; -- 7.2.52 neAssignmentPackage neAssignmentPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR neAssignmentPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The NE Assignment package provides a pointer from the lowest level Network TP in the partitioning hierarchy to a NE TP which represents the functionality which supports the Network TP. The sub-partition pointer for a NWCTP which utilises the NE assignment pointer will be NULL.";; ATTRIBUTES neAssignmentPointer GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 70}; -- 7.2.53 networkCTPPackage networkCTPPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkCTPPackagePackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Network CTP package identifies instances of the Network CTP managed object class at higher and lower levels of subnetwork partitioning (within a given layer) by the use of partitioning pointers. The Super Partition pointer is a pointer to a Network CTP which is in a higher level partition. This pointer will only be present for the Network CTPs in the lower partition which have a direct correspondence to the Network CTPs at the higher level. The higher level Network CTPs have an inverse pointer, the sub-partition pointer to the lower level. Where the lowest level of NWCTP points to a NE CTP via the NE assignment pointer, the value of the sub-partition pointer is null.";; ATTRIBUTES superPartitionPointer GET, sub-partitionPointer GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 72}; -- 7.2.54 networkCTPsInLinkEndListPackage networkCTPsInLinkEndListPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkCTPsInLinkEndListPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Network CTPs In Link End List Package identifies the network CTPs that are present in the Logical Link End or Topological Link End managed object. ";; ATTRIBUTES networkCTPsInLinkEndList GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 71}; -- 7.2.55 networkLevelPackage networkLevelPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkLevelPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The network level pointer identifies a network level object. The value of the network level pointer shall only be modified by the managing system.";; ATTRIBUTES networkLevelPointer GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 18}; -- 7.2.56 networkTPPointerPackage networkTPPointerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR networkTPPointerPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package defines a pointer to an instance of a network termination point. ";; ATTRIBUTES networkTPPointer GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 73}; -- 7.2.57 normalControlStatePackage normalControlStatePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES normalControlState GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 43}; -- 7.2.58 numberOfPortPackage numberOfPortPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES numberOfPorts GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 46}; -- 7.2.59 objectManagementNotificationsPackage objectManagementNotificationsPackage PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":objectCreation, "Recommendation X.721:1992":objectDeletion, "Recommendation X.721:1992":attributeValueChange; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 20}; -- 7.2.60 operationalStatePackage operationalStatePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.721: 1992":operationalState GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 19}; -- 7.2.61 portAssociationsPackage portAssociationsPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES portAssociations GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 47}; -- 7.2.62 potentialCapacityPackage potentialCapacityPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES potentialCapacity GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 105}; -- 7.2.63 potentialLinkCapacityPackage potentialLinkCapacityPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES potentialLinkCapacity GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 74}; -- 7.2.64 potentialLinkEndCapacityPackage potentialLinkEndCapacityPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES potentialLinkEndCapacity GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 75}; -- 7.2.65 processingErrorAlarmPackage processingErrorAlarmPackage PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":processingErrorAlarm; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 21}; -- 7.2.66 processingErrorAlarmR1Package processingErrorAlarmR1Package PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":processingErrorAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 39}; -- 7.2.67 processingErrorAlarmR2Package processingErrorAlarmR2Package PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES alarmStatus GET, currentProblemList GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":processingErrorAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter alarmingResumedParameter affectedObjectListParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 98 }; -- 7.2.68 protectedPackage protectedPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES protected GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 22}; -- 7.2.69 protectionAlarmPkg protectionAlarmPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES currentProblemList GET; NOTIFICATIONS protectionAlarm; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 93}; -- 7.2.70 provisionedLinkCapacityPackage provisionedLinkCapacityPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES provisionedLinkCapacity GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 76}; -- 7.2.71 provisionedLinkConnectionCountPackage provisionedLinkConnectionCountPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES provisionedLinkConnectionCount GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 77}; -- 7.2.72 provisionedLinkEndCapacityPackage provisionedLinkEndCapacityPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES provisionedLinkEndCapacity GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 78}; -- 7.2.73 provisionedNetworkCTPCountPackage provisionedNetworkCTPCountPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES provisionedNetworkCTPCount GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 79}; -- 7.2.74 qualityOfConnectivityServicePackage qualityOfConnectivityServicePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES qualityOfConnectivityService GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 80}; -- 7.2.75 redlinePackage redlinePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES redline GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 42}; -- 7.2.76 relatedRoutingProfilePackage relatedRoutingProfilePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES relatedRoutingProfile GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 81}; -- 7.2.77 resetAudibleAlarmPackage resetAudibleAlarmPackage PACKAGE ACTIONS "Recommendation Q.821:1992":resetAudibleAlarm; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 23}; -- 7.2.78 serverConnectionListPackage serverConnectionListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES serverConnectionList GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 24}; -- 7.2.79 serverTTPPointerPackage serverTTPPointerPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES serverTTPPointer GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 82}; -- 7.2.80 serverTrailListPackage serverTrailListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES serverTrailList GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 25}; -- 7.2.81 sncPointerPackage sncPointerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR sncPointerPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package defines a pointer to instance(s) of the Subnetwork Connection managed object class, within a given layer. The Subnetwork Connection Pointer attribute points to the managed object representing the relationship with the Network TP or subclass, within the same Subnetwork, that sends information (traffic) to this network TP or subclass, or is null. The referenced managed object shall represent a Subnetwork Connection. Where the network TP participates in many subnetwork connections for different subnetworks, the Subnetwork Connection Pointer is null.";; ATTRIBUTES subNetworkConnectionPointer GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 83}; -- 7.2.82 sncpPkg sncpPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR sncpPkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides actions to establish protected connections and to migrate between protected and unprotected connections.";; ACTIONS "ITU-T Recommendation G.774-04":protectUnprotect, "ITU-T Recommendation G.774-04":protectedConnect; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 103}; -- 7.2.83 softwareProcessingErrorAlarmPackage softwareProcessingErrorAlarmPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES alarmStatus GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":processingErrorAlarm; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 26}; -- 7.2.84 softwareProcessingErrorAlarmR1Package softwareProcessingErrorAlarmR1Package PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES alarmStatus GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":processingErrorAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 40}; -- 7.2.85 softwareProcessingErrorAlarmR2Package softwareProcessingErrorAlarmR2Package PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES alarmStatus GET, currentProblemList GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":processingErrorAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter alarmingResumedParameter affectedObjectListParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 99 }; -- 7.2.86 splitJoinPkg splitJoinPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR splitJoinPkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides actions that allow a bidirectional connection to be converted to two unidirectional connections, or two unidirectional connections between the same termination points to be converted to a single bidirectional connection. In both cases the conversion is done without disrupting traffic, unless a particular implementation indicates otherwise.";; ACTIONS splitXC, joinXC; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 101}; -- 7.2.87 stateChangeNotificationPackage stateChangeNotificationPackage PACKAGE NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":stateChange; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 28}; -- 7.2.88 subordinateCircuitPackPackage subordinateCircuitPackPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES acceptableCircuitPackTypeList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE, holderStatus GET, subordinateCircuitPackSoftwareLoad GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 41}; -- 7.2.89 supportableClientListPackage supportableClientListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES supportableClientList GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 27}; -- 7.2.90 supportedByPackage supportedByPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES supportedByObjectList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 84}; -- 7.2.91 systemTimingSourcePackage systemTimingSourcePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES systemTimingSource GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 29}; -- 7.2.92 tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES alarmStatus GET, currentProblemList GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":communicationsAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 30}; tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR -- The following behaviour text is taken directly from DEFINED AS "An alarm report which contains a Perceived Severity parameter with a value of 'cleared' and a Correlated Notifications parameter shall only indicate the clearing of those alarms whose Notification Identifiers are included in the set of Correlated Notifications. An alarm report which contains a Perceived Severity parameter with a value of 'cleared', but no Correlated Notifications parameter, shall indicate the clearing of alarms based on the value of the Alarm Type, Probable Cause, and Specific Problems parameters. The parameters that are associated with the communications alarm, if present, are placed in individual elements of the SET OF ManagementExtension in the additionalInformation field of the notification."; -- 7.2.93 tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationR1Package tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationR1Package PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR tmnCommunicationsAlarmInformationBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES alarmStatus GET, currentProblemList GET; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992":communicationsAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:1992":logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:1992":suspectObjectListParameter alarmingResumedParameter affectedObjectListParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 100 }; -- 7.2.94 topologicalLinkCapacityPackage topologicalLinkCapacityPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR topologicalLinkCapacityPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides the support for the management of the capacity of a topological link. It specifies actions to assign and release link connections and/or bandwidth to a topological link.";; ACTIONS addCapacityToTopologicalLink, removeCapacityFromTopologicalLink; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 85}; -- 7.2.95 topologicalLinkEndCapacityPackage topologicalLinkEndCapacityPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR topologicalLinkEndCapacityPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package provides the support for the management of the capacity of a topological link end. It specifies actions to assign and release network CTPs and/or bandwidth to a topological link end.";; ACTIONS addCapacityToTopologicalLinkEnd, removeCapacityFromTopologicalLinkEnd; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 86}; -- 7.2.96 totalLinkCapacityPackage totalLinkCapacityPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES totalLinkCapacity GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 87}; -- 7.2.97 totalLinkEndCapacityPackage totalLinkEndCapacityPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES totalLinkEndCapacity GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 88}; -- 7.2.98 trafficDescriptorPackage trafficDescriptorPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES trafficDescriptor GET-REPLACE newServiceCharacteristicsExistsAlready newTrafficDescriptorExistsAlready invalidServiceCharacteristicsRequested invalidTrafficDescriptorRequested; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 89}; -- 7.2.99 ttpInstancePackage ttpInstancePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES tTPId GET SET-BY-CREATE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 31}; -- 7.2.100 ttpPortIDPackage ttpPortIDPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES ttpPortID GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 104}; -- 7.2.101 unknownStatusPackage unknownStatusPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":unknownStatus GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 90}; -- 7.2.102 usageCostPackage usageCostPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES usageCost GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 91}; -- 7.2.103 usageStatePackage usageStatePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES "ITU-T X.721|ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":usageState GET; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 92}; -- 7.2.104 userLabelPackage userLabelPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES userLabel GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 32}; -- 7.2.105 vendorNamePackage vendorNamePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES vendorName GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 33}; -- 7.2.106 versionPackage versionPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES version GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {m3100Package 34}; -- 7.3 Attributes -- 7.3.1 AlarmSeverityAssignmentProfilePointer alarmSeverityAssignmentProfilePointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.PointerOrNull; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR alarmSeverityAssignmentProfilePointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies a Alarm Severity Assignment Profile object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 5}; -- 7.3.2 a-TPInstance a-TPInstance ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.RelatedObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR aTPInstanceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The A-Termination Point Instance attribute type identifies one of the two termination points of an instance of the connectivity object class or one of its subclasses.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 1}; -- 7.3.3 aEnd aEnd ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR aEndBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is a pointer to a subnetwork, a link end or an access group in the same network layer domain.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 85}; -- 7.3.4 aEndNetworkTPList aEndNetworkTPList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR aEndNWTPListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute identifies one or more network termination points of an instance of a subclass of the Connectivity object class. This attribute cannot be null.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 86}; -- 7.3.5 acceptableCircuitPackList acceptableCircuitPackTypeList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.AcceptableCircuitPackTypeList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR acceptableCircuitPackTypeListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the types of the circuit packs that can be contained in an equipment holder object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 58}; -- 7.3.6 accessGroupId accessGroupId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR accessGroupIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Access Group Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the Access Group object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 83}; -- 7.3.7 accessPointList accessPointList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.TPList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR accessPointListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Access Point List attribute lists all the Network Trail Termination Points within an instance of the managed object class Access Group.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 84}; -- 7.3.8 affectedObjectList affectedObjectList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR affectedObjectListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Affected Object List attribute type specifies the object instances which can be directly affected by a change in state or deletion of a given managed object. The attribute does not force internal details to be specified, but only the necessary level of detail required for management.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 2}; -- 7.3.9 alarmReportingControlList alarmReportingControlList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.AlarmReportingControlList; BEHAVIOUR alarmReportingControlListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Alarm Reporting Control List is an attribute type whose value provides a list of (SET OF) ARC setting for the objects in the managed system. Each entry in the list is the setting for an individual object. The setting for an individual object includes an identify of the controlled object (e.g., a TP object intance), the controlled probable causes, the arc state, and optionally the time remaining in the arc.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 165}; -- 7.3.10 alarmReportingControlManagerId alarmReportingControlManagerId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "ITU-T Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992":rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in ITU-T Rec. X.721. alarmReportingControlManagerIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Alarm Reporting Control Manager Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Alarm Reporting Control Manager object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 166}; -- 7.3.11 alarmSeverityAssignmentList alarmSeverityAssignmentList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.AlarmSeverityAssignmentList; BEHAVIOUR alarmSeverityAssignmentListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Alarm Severity Assignment List is an attribute type whose value provides a listing of all abnormal conditions that may exist in instances of an object class, and shows the assigned alarm severity information (minor, major, etc.) for each condition.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 3}; -- 7.3.12 alarmSeverityAssignmentProfileId alarmSeverityAssignmentProfileId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 alarmSeverityAssignmentProfileIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Alarm Severity AssignmentProfile Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Alarm SeverityAssignment Profile object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 4}; -- 7.3.13 alarmStatus alarmStatus ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.AlarmStatus; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR alarmStatusBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Alarm Status attribute type indicates the occurrence of an abnormal condition relating to an object. This attribute may also function as a summary indicator of alarm conditions associated with a specific resource. It is used to indicate the existence of an alarm condition, a pending alarm condition such as threshold situations, or (when used as a summary indicator) the highest severity of active alarm conditions. When used as a summary indicator, the order of severity (from highest to lowest) is: activeReportable-Critical activeReportable-Major activeReportable-Minor activeReportable-Indeterminate activeReportable-Warning activePending cleared.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 6}; -- 7.3.14 arcDefaultNALMCDInterval arcDefaultNALMTIInterval ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.ArcDefaultNALMTIInterval; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR arcDefaultNALMTIIntervalBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute defines the default/initial value for the ARC interval timer of the ARC nalm-ti state if another interval is not specified in the management request to transition to the state.";; REGISTERED AS { m3100Attribute 148}; -- 7.3.15 arcDefaultNALMCDInterval arcDefaultNALMCDInterval ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4. ArcDefaultNALMCDInterval; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR arcDefaultNALMCDIntervalBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute defines the default/initial value for the ARC interval timer of the ARC nalm-qi state if another interval is not specified in the management request to transition to the state.";; REGISTERED AS { m3100Attribute 149 }; -- 7.3.16 arcIntervalProfileId arcIntervalProfileId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR arcIntervalProfileIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The arcIntervalProfileId is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the arcIntervalProfile object class.";; REGISTERED AS { m3100Attribute 150}; -- 7.3.17 arcIntervalProfilePointer arcIntervalProfilePointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.PointerOrNull; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR arcIntervalProfilePointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the associated arc interval profile object. The value of this attribute is NULL when settable persistence and timed intervals are not used (i.e. for nalm-qi and nalm-ti states).";; REGISTERED AS { m3100Attribute 151 }; -- 7.3.18 arcManagementRequestedInterval arcManagementRequestedInterval ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.ArcTime; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR arcManagementRequestedIntervaBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This identifies the management requested time for an ARC interval. This attribute changes value only upon management request or when a resource automatically transitions to the ALM state. Management requests to change the value of this attribute are denied when it is invalid to do so. For example, when the managed resource is in the ALM or NALM state. The value of this attribute reflects whether or not the ARC interval can be adjusted via management request at a given moment.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 152}; -- 7.3.19 arcProbableCauseList arcProbableCauseList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.ArcProbableCauseList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR arcProbableCauseListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The probable causes in this list are inhibited when alarm reporting is turned off. An empty list indicates all probable causes the resource supports are inhibited. Should one of these probable cause indications be raised when alarm reporting is inhibited, the currentProblemList shall be updated with the probable cause as normal but the alarm status for the probable cause shall be 'activePending'.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 153}; -- 7.3.20 arcState arcState ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.ArcState; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR arcStateBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute defines the Alarm Reporting Control (ARC) state of the object. The initial state and the set of ARC states required to be supported for a given object shall be defined in the object class behaviour. State change notifications shall be used to indicate value changes for this attribute.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 154}; -- 7.3.21 arcQIStatus arcQIStatus ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.ArcQIStatus; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR arcQIStatusBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute defines the Alarm Reporting Control (ARC) status of the object. Neither state change notifications nor attribute value change notifications shall be used to indicate value changes for this attribute.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 155}; -- 7.3.22 arcTimeRemaining arcTimeRemaining ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.ArcTime; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR arcTimeRemainingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This identifies the time remaining for an ARC interval (i.e. persistence interval for the nalm-qi state and timed interval for the nalm-ti state). Note that it does not necessarily indicate the time remaining in the state. For example, the arcTimeRemaining could be 30 minutes in the nalm-qi state and if a qualified problem is raised for the managed resource before the ARC interval timer expires it will exit the timer and wait indefinately until it once again becomes qualified problem-free, restarts the timer, and begins to decrement the time remaining again. When a resource transitions to the nalm-ti, nalm, or nalm-qi state, the value of this attribute is initialized to the management requested interval. When there is no timer running, the value will indicate that the timer is not running (i.e. no adjustments in time taking place).";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 156}; -- 7.3.23 assignedLinkEndCapacity assignedLinkEndCapacity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.PointCapacity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR assignedLinkEndCapacityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the number of Network CTPs associated with a Link End that have been assigned or the bandwidth that has been assigned.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 87}; -- 7.3.24 attributeRangesId attributeRangesId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 attributeRangesIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Attribute Ranges Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Attribute Ranges object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 164}; -- 7.3.25 availableLinkEndCapacity availableLinkEndCapacity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.PointCapacity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR availableLinkEndCapacityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the number of Network CTPs associated with a Link End that have spare capacity or the amount of spare bandwidth associated with a Link End.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 88}; -- 7.3.26 availableLinkCapacity availableLinkCapacity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Capacity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR availableLinkCapacityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the available capacity of a link expressed as either the number of link connections that are avaiable or the bandwidth that is available to that link.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 89}; -- 7.3.27 availableSignalRateList availableSignalRateList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.AvailableSignalRateList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR availableSignalRateListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the signal rates supported by the circuit pack entity.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 77}; -- 7.3.28 cTPId cTPId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour; -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 13}; -- 7.3.29 channelNumber channelNumber ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ChannelNumber; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 7}; -- 7.3.30 characteristicInformation characteristicInformation ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.CharacteristicInformation; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR characteristicInformationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute is used to verify the connectability of instances of the termination point subclasses.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 8}; -- 7.3.31 circuitDirectionality circuitDirectionality ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.CircuitDirectionality; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR circuitDirectionalityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The attribute type specifies the directionality of the circuits in the circuit subgroup.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 66}; -- 7.3.32 circuitEndPointSubgroupId circuitEndPointSubgroupId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 circuitEndPointSubgroupIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The circuitEndPointsubgroup Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the circuitEndPointsubgroup object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 61}; -- 7.3.33 circuitPackType circuitPackType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.CircuitPackType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR circuitPackTypeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the type of the circuit pack.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 54}; -- 7.3.34 clientCTPList clientCTPList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR clientCTPListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute defines the CTP or list of CTPs which are clients of a TTP or TTPs in another layer. Usually a single TTP in a higher order layer will support a number of CTPs in a lower order layer. Alternatively, where concatenation is used, a number of TTPs in a lower order layer may serve a CTP or CTPs in a higher order layer.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 90}; -- 7.3.35 clientConnectionList clientConnectionList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR clientConnectionListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The values of this attribute identify the client connections served by a trail. These client connections may be either of a lower or same rate as the trail. In the latter case, the list consists of only one client connection.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 53}; -- 7.3.36 clientLinkConnectionPointerList clientLinkConnectionPointerList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR clientLinkConnectionPointerListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute of a trail that is a set of pointers to the link connections in the client layer network domain(s) that are supported by the trail.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 93}; -- 7.3.37 clientLinkEndPointerList clientLinkEndPointerList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR clientLinkEndPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is a set of pointers to the link ends that reflect the properties of a network trail termination point in the client layer network domain(s).";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 91}; -- 7.3.38 clientLinkPointerList clientLinkPointerList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR clientLinkPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is a set of pointers to the topological links that reflect the capacity of a trail in the client layer network domain(s).";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 92}; -- 7.3.39 clientTrail clientTrail ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR clientTrailBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute identifies the trail object instance in the same network layer as the connection served by a connection object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 10}; -- 7.3.40 componentPointers componentPointers ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR componentPointersBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used where the Subnetwork Connection is made up of a number of component Subnetwork Connections and Link connections within the same layer.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 94}; -- 7.3.41 compositePointer compositePointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.RelatedObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR compositePointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used where the connectivity instance is a component of a Subnetwork Connection within the same layer.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 95}; -- 7.3.42 configuredConnectivity configuredConnectivity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ConfiguredConnectivity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR configuredConnectivityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the configured connectivity of a Network Termination Point managed object (or subclass). The possible values for this attribute are sourceConnect, sinkConnect, bidirectionalConnect and noConnect. For a Network Termination Point managed object with pointDirectionality equal to sink, the allowed values for this attribute are noConnect and sinkConnect. For a Network Termination Point managed object with pointDirectionality equal to source, the allowed values for this attribute are noConnect and sourceConnect. For a Network Termination Point managed object with pointDirectionality equal to bidirectional, the allowed values for this attribute are noConnect and bidirectionalConnect. For some technologies, sinkConnect and sourceConnect may also be allowed for a bidirectional Network Termination Point managed object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 96}; -- 7.3.43 connectedTpCount connectedTpCount ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.Count; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR connectedTpCountBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the total number of termination points associated with a tpPool that have been connected.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 11}; -- 7.3.44 connectionId connectionId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 connectionIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Connection Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Connection object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 12}; -- 7.3.45 connectionList connectionList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR connectionListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute defines the list of Link Connections and subnetwork connections in a given layer which may compose a Trail in the same layer. This composition of Connectivity instances may be a simple sequence or, in the multipoint case, a tree structure.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 97}; -- 7.3.46 connectivityPointer connectivityPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ConnectivityPointer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR connectivityPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute points to the Link connection or Trail terminated by the Network Termination Point.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 98}; -- 7.3.47 connectorType connectorType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ConnectorType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR connectorTypeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute describes the connector type used for this port. The value of this attribute can be one of the following: FC(Fibre Connector), LC(Lucent Connector), SC(Subscriber Connector), etc.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 170}; -- 7.3.48 containedAccessGroupList containedAccessGroupList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR containedAccessGroupListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute defines the list of Access Group instances which are contained in the Subnetwork.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 99}; -- 7.3.49 containedInSubNetworkList containedInSubNetworkList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR containedInSubNetworkListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute defines the list of parent Subnetworks which contain the Access Group, Link End, or Subnetwork in a given layer.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 100}; -- 7.3.50 containedLinkEndList containedLinkEndList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR containedLinkEndBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to describe the internal topology of a subnetwork from the point perspective (in a given layer). This topology comprises link ends and subnetworks. The link ends are listed in this attribute.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 101}; -- 7.3.51 containedLinkList containedLinkList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR containedLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to describe the internal topology of a subnetwork (in a given layer). This topology comprises links and subnetworks. The links are listed in this attribute.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 102}; -- 7.3.52 containedNetworkTPList containedNetworkTPList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR containedNetworkTPListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is a list of pointers to network TPs that are contained in a subnetwork.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 103}; -- 7.3.53 containedSubNetworkList containedSubNetworkList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR containedSubNetworkListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to describe the internal topology of a subnetwork (in a given layer). This topology comprises links and subnetworks. The subnetworks are listed in this attribute.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 104}; -- 7.3.54 crossConnectionId crossConnectionId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 crossConnectionIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Cross-Connection Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the crossConnection object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 14}; -- 7.3.55 crossConnectionName crossConnectionName ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.CrossConnectionName; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR crossConnectionNameBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is a descriptive name for a cross-connection or multipoint cross-connection managed object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 15}; -- 7.3.56 crossConnectionObjectPointer crossConnectionObjectPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.CrossConnectionObjectPointer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR crossConnectionObjectPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute points to a managed object such as a Cross-connection, a GTP or a Fabric. When a termination point is neither connected nor reserved for connection, its crossConnectionObjectPointer points to the Fabric object responsible for its connection.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 16}; -- 7.3.57 currentControlState currentControlState ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ControlState; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR currentControlStateBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the current state of the control point";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 71}; -- 7.3.58 currentProblemList currentProblemList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.CurrentProblemList; BEHAVIOUR currentProblemListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Current Problem List attribute type identifies the current existing problems, with severity, associated with the managed object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 17}; -- 7.3.59 directionality directionality ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.Directionality; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR directionalityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Directionality attribute type specifies whether the associated managed object is uni- or bi-directional.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 18}; -- 7.3.60 downstreamConnectivityPointer downstreamConnectivityPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.DownstreamConnectivityPointer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR downstreamConnectivityPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The matching for equality is applicable for all choices of the syntax. The set operations are permitted only when the choice of the syntax correspond to either broadcast or concatenated broadcast.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 19}; -- 7.3.61 equipmentHolderAddress equipmentHolderAddress ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.EquipmentHolderAddress; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR equipmentHolderAddressBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the physical location of the resource represented by the equipmentHolder instance. Depending on the containment hierarchy of the equipmentHolder in the managed system, the value of this attribute may vary. For example, if a system has three levels of equipment holders representing Bay, Shelf and Slot respectively (i.e. the managed Element contains multiple Bay equipment holders, each Bay equipment holder contains multiple Shelf equipment holders and each Shelf equipment holder contains multiple Slot equipment holders), then: - for the equipmentHolder representing a Bay, the Frame Identification code may be used as the value of this attribute; - for the equipmentHolder representing a Shelf, the Bay Shelf code may be used as the value of this attribute; - for the equipmentHolder representing a Slot, the position code may be used as the value of this attribute. If the system uses only one level of equipment holder, that represents the Shelves (i.e., the managedElement contains multiple Shelf equipment holders, and each Shelf equipment holder contains a circuit pack), then the value of this attribute is a sequence of the Frame Identification code and the Bay Shelf Code.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 56}; -- 7.3.62 equipmentHolderType equipmentHolderType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.EquipmentHolderType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR equipmentHolderTypeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The equipment holder type attribute indicates the type of equipment holder using a character string. The example values for the character string may be bay, shelf, drawer, slot and rack.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 57}; -- 7.3.63 equipmentId equipmentId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 equipmentIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Equipment Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Equipment object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 20}; -- 7.3.64 externalTime externalTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ExternalTime; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR externalTimeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The External time attribute provides time-of-day system time. The attribute functions as a reference for all time stamp activities in the managed element.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 21}; -- 7.3.65 externalPointId externalPointId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Integer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR externalPointIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the port number where the monitored or controlled external device is attached. It also serves as the naming attribute for the managed object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 74}; -- 7.3.66 externalPointMessage externalPointMessage ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ExternalPointMessage; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR externalPointMessageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attibute can provide some textual definition of the external point. It can also be used for identifying the location of the external point";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 76}; -- 7.3.67 fabricId fabricId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 fabricIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Fabric Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Fabric object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 22}; -- 7.3.68 fromTermination fromTermination ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.PointerOrNull; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR fromTerminationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies a TTP (source or bidirectional), a CTP (sink or bidirectional) or a GTP composed of members of one of these categories.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 23}; -- 7.3.69 gtpId gtpId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 gtpIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The gtp Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the gtp object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 24}; -- 7.3.70 holderStatus holderStatus ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.HolderStatus; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR holderStatusBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The holderStatus attribute indicates the status of the physical holder. It specifies if the holder is empty or has a circuitPack of specific type (that may or not be acceptable to the holder) or has an indeterminate type.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 59}; -- 7.3.71 idleTpCount idleTpCount ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.Count; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR idleTpCountBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the total number of termination points associated with a tpPool that are in an operational state of enabled and that are available for Cross-Connection.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 25}; -- 7.3.72 informationTransferCapabilities informationTransferCapabilities ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.InformationTransferCapabilities; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR informationTransferCapabilitiesBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The attribute type specifies the different service types such as speech, 64 kbits unrestricted data supported by the circuit subgroup.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 65}; -- 7.3.73 kind kind ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule7.Kind; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR kindBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute holds a string representing the name of an object class for which the AttributeRanges instance is defining attribute ranges.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 157}; -- 7.3.74 labelOfFarEndExchange labelOfFarEndExchange ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.UserLabel; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR labelOfFarEndExchangeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute type assigns a user friendly name to the Far End Exchange terminating this circuit subgroup.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 63}; -- 7.3.75 layerNetworkDomainId layerNetworkDomainId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 105}; -- 7.3.76 linkConnectionPointerList linkConnectionPointerList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR linkConnectionPointerListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute defines the list of Link Connections in a given layer which may compose a Logical Link in the same layer.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 106}; -- 7.3.77 linkDirectionality linkDirectionality ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.LinkDirectionality; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR linkDirectionalityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Link Directionality attribute type specifies whether the associated link managed object is uni- or bidirectional, or undefined";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 107}; -- 7.3.78 linkEndId linkEndId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR linkEndIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Link End Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the Link End object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 108}; -- 7.3.79 linkId linkId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR linkIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Link Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the Link object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 109}; -- 7.3.80 linkPointer linkPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.RelatedObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR linkPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Link Pointer attribute points to a link from a link end.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 110}; -- 7.3.81 linkPointerList linkPointerList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR linkPointerListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute points to the links terminated by the subnetwork or the link terminated by an access group";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 111}; -- 7.3.82 listOfCharacteristicInfo listOfCharacteristicInfo ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ListOfCharacteristicInformation; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR listOfCharacteristicInfoBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute lists the characteristic information types that can be cross-connected by a Fabric.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 26}; -- 7.3.83 locationName locationName ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.LocationName; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR locationNameBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Location Name attribute type identifies a location.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 27}; -- 7.3.84 lockedInCondition lockedInCondition ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1Module3.LockedInCondition; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR lockedInConditionBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This read-write attribute specifies the criteria of the locked-in condition. The criteria includes the automatic protection switching (APS) rate and the associated setting and releasing time windows. If the number of APS of a Protection Unit reaches the value specified in the hitsCount field within a moving time window of specified length, the Protection Unit will enter the locked-in condition. Each switch to protection and its subsequent release is considered as one hit. The length of the time window for entering the locked-in condition is specified in the settingWindowTime field. Once a Protection Unit is in the locked-in condition, future request of APS will be denied until the locked-in condition is released. The release criterion is no APS request within another moving time window. The length of this time window is specified in the releasingWindowTime field. ";; REGISTERED AS { m3100Attribute 145}; -- 7.3.85 logicalEndDirectionality logicalEndDirectionality ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.PointDirectionality; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR logicalEndDirectionalityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Logical End Directionality attribute type specifies whether the associated link end managed object is sink, source, or bidirectional.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 112}; -- 7.3.86 managedElementComplexId managedElementComplexId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 managedElementComplexIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Managed Element Complex Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Managed Element Complex object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 68}; -- 7.3.87 managedElementId managedElementId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 managedElementIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Managed Element Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Managed Element object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 28}; -- 7.3.88 managedElementType managedElementType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule7.ManagedElementType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR managedElementTypeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute holds a set of either textual strings or values from a predefined set (Object Identifiers), that describe the generic type of the Network Element modelled by the ManagedElementR2 instance. Multiple managed element type values may be used to describe hybrid equipment.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 158}; -- 7.3.89 maximumLinkConnectionCount maximumLinkConnectionCount ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Count; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR maximumLinkConnectionCountBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the maximum number of link connections associated with a link when flexible bandwidth allocation is supported.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 113}; -- 7.3.90 maximumNetworkCTPCount maximumNetworkCTPCount ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Count; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR maximumNetworkCTPCountBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the maximum number of Network CTPs associated with a Link End.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 114}; -- 7.3.91 modelCode modelCode ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule7.ModelCode; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR modelCodeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute stores the product model code of the Network Element. The product model code is the manufacturer's model identification information. It is vendor-provided information that the vendor uses to distinguish the network element among a family of products. This attribute is useful for OSSs performing equipment discovery and inventory processes.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 159}; -- 7.3.92 mpCrossConnectionId mpCrossConnectionId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 mpCrossConnectionIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The mp Cross-Connection Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the mpCrossConnection object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 29}; -- 7.3.93 neAlias neAliases ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule7.NeAliases; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR neAliasBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to hold aliases given by the EMS to a certain Managed Element instance. Having such aliases available via the EMS/NMS interface is useful for relating Network Element names entered at the EMS, via the Graphical User Interface or otherwise, to those found on the NMS user interface. More importantly, these aliases may appear in alarms sent by certain EMS software outside the interface. Thus, it would be crucial for the NMS to recognize such aliases in order to perform alarm correlation or other fault and performance functions.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 160}; -- 7.3.94 neAssignmentPointer neAssignmentPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.NeAssignmentPointer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR neAssignmentPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The NE Assignment Pointer attribute points from the lowest level Network TP in the partitioning hierarchy to a NE TP which represents the functionality which supports the Network TP. The sub-partition pointer for a NWCTP which utilises the NE assignment pointer will be NULL.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 115}; -- 7.3.95 networkCTPsInLinkEndList networkCTPsInLinkEndList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.TPList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR networkCTPsInLinkEndListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute lists the NetworkCTPs that are represented by a Link End.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 116}; -- 7.3.96 networkId networkId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 networkIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Network Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Network object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 30}; -- 7.3.97 networkLevelPointer networkLevelPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 31}; -- 7.3.98 networkTPPointer networkTPPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.RelatedObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR networkTPPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Network TP Pointer attribute points to a network termination point.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 117}; -- 7.3.99 normalControlState normalControlState ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ControlState; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR normalControlStateBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the normal state of the control point";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 72}; -- 7.3.100 numberOfCircuits numberOfCircuits ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NumberOfCircuits; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR numberOfCircuitsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The number of circuits in a circuit subgroup.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 62}; -- 7.3.101 numberOfPorts numberOfPorts ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Count; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR numberOfPortsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the total number of ports supported by the circuit pack.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 78}; -- 7.3.102 physicalPortAttribute physicalPortAttribute ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR physicalPortAttributeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute stores a reference to the Physical Port that supports this generic transport TTP.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 173}; -- 7.3.103 physicalPortId physicalPortId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.PortNumber; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR physicalPortIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is the value of the port number. The port number may be used in constructing the name of the managed entity Physical Port.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 168}; -- 7.3.104 physicalPortSignalRateAndMappingList physicalPortSignalRateAndMappingList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.PhysicalPortSignalRateAndMappingList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR physicalPortSignalRateAndMappingListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the signal rate associated with a supported TTP of a physical port (e.g., rate=stm1) and its payload mapping (e.g., au3 or au4). The signal rate and payload mapping is provisionable. For example, a port with signal rate stm4 may have a payload mapping of au4-4c. Another possible mapping of this rate is a sequence of four individual au4 (i.e., au4, au4, au4, au4) or a sequence of mixed au3 and au4 (e.g., au3, au3, au3, au4, au4, au3, au3, au3). This attribute supports two choices depending on whether the signal may be sent with the same rate in both directions or depends on the direction. It is also possible to support only one direction for signal transfer, which is a special case of different rates in the two directions. In addition if the port terminates an optical signal, different rates may be supported on different wavelengths. The port mapping list shall be consistent with the value of the attribute pointDirectionality. For example if the directionality is source, 'uniform' choice in the port mapping list is not a valid option.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 169}; -- 7.3.105 pointDirectionality pointDirectionality ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.PointDirectionality; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR pointDirectionalityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the directionality of a networkTP managed object instance.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 118}; -- 7.3.106 portAssociations portAssociations ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.PortAssociations; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR portAssociationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is a sequence of pairs that relate a port on the multiport circuit pack with the associated entity.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 79}; -- 7.3.107 portSignalRateAndMappingList portSignalRateAndMappingList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.PortSignalRateAndMappingList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR portSignalRateAndMappingListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the signal rate associated with a circuit pack port (e.g. port=0, rate=stm1) and its payload mapping (e.g. au3 or au4). The signal rate and payload mapping is provisionable. For example, a port with signal rate stm4 may have a payload mapping of au4-4. Another possible mapping of this rate is a sequence of four individual au4 (i.e. au4, au4, au4, au4) or a sequence of mixed au3 and au4 (e.g. au3, au3, au3, au4, au4, au3, au3, au3).";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 80}; -- 7.3.108 potentialCapacity potentialCapacity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Capacity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR potentialCapacityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the number of link connections or the amount of bandwidth that has not yet been assigned to a Link, but that could be assigned to the Link from the server trail.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 161}; -- 7.3.109 potentialLinkCapacity potentialLinkCapacity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Capacity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR potentialLinkCapacityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the number of link connections or the amount of bandwidth that has not yet been assigned to a Link, but that could be assigned to the Link from the server trail.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 119}; -- 7.3.110 potentialLinkEndCapacity potentialLinkEndCapacity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.PointCapacity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR potentialLinkEndCapacityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the number of Network CTP or the amount of bandwidth that have not yet been assigned to a Link End, but that could be assigned to the Link End from the server trail termination point.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 120}; -- 7.3.111 protected protected ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.Boolean; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR protectedBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies whether the associated managed object is protected or not. The value TRUE implies it is protected.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 32}; -- 7.3.112 protectionStatusR1 protectionStatusR1 ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1Module3. ProtectionStatusR1; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR protectionStatusR1Beh; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 144}; protectionStatusR1Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " -- See description of this attribute in 2.2.-- "; -- FIXME -- 7.3.113 provisionedLinkCapacity provisionedLinkCapacity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Capacity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR provisionedLinkCapacityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the number of link connections assigned to a Link or the amount of bandwidth assigned to a Link.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 121}; -- 7.3.114 provisionedLinkConnectionCount provisionedLinkConnectionCount ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Count; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR provisionedLinkConnectionCountBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the number of link connections assigned to that link when flexible bandwidth allocation is supported.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 122}; -- 7.3.115 provisionedLinkEndCapacity provisionedLinkEndCapacity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.PointCapacity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR provisionedLinkEndCapacityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the number of network CTPs assigned to a LinkEnd or the amount of bandwidth assigned to a LinkEnd.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 123}; -- 7.3.116 provisionedNetworkCTPCount provisionedNetworkCTPCount ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Count; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR provisionedNetworkCTPCountBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the number of Network CTPs associated with a Link End that have been assigned.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 124}; -- 7.3.117 qualityOfConnectivityService qualityOfConnectivityService ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR qualityOfConnectivityServiceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the quality of service for Connectivity and its subclasses, and requires further definition.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 125}; -- 7.3.118 ranges ranges ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule7.Ranges; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR rangesBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute stores the ranges for attributes. Ranges may be defined for attributes of type INTEGER or type REAL. The 'attributeName' field specifies the name of the attribute for which a range is being defined. The range is then defined using the 'minimum', 'maximum', and 'granularity' fields.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 162}; -- 7.3.119 reach reach ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.Reach; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR reachBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the length a signal may travel before requiring termination or regeneration. This attribute is useful for both planning and operations.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 171}; -- 7.3.120 redline redline ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.Boolean; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR redlineBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies whether the associated managed object is red lined, e.g. identified as being part of a sensitive circuit.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 33}; -- 7.3.121 relatedRoutingProfile relatedRoutingProfile ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 126}; -- 7.3.122 reliableResourcePointerR1 reliableResourcePointerR1 ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1Module3.ResourcePointer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; BEHAVIOUR reliableResourcePointerR1Beh; REGISTERED AS { m3100Attribute 146}; reliableResourcePointerR1Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the reliableResourcePointerR1 attribute points to the reliable resource(s) (e.g. the functional objects) that is/are associated with the Protection Unit instance."; -- 7.3.123 replaceable replaceable ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.Replaceable; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR replaceableBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Replaceable attribute type indicates whether the associated managed object is replaceable or non-replaceable.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 34}; -- 7.3.124 serialNumber serialNumber ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.SerialNumber; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR serialNumberBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The serial number attribute type identifies the serial number of the physical resource.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 69}; -- 7.3.125 serverConnectionList serverConnectionList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.SequenceOfObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR serverConnectionListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute identifies one or more connection objects within the same network layer as the trail that are connected in series to constitute the trail.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 35}; -- 7.3.126 serverTrail serverTrail ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2. RelatedObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR serverTrailBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute pointer to a trail in the server layer that supports the link in a client.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 127}; -- 7.3.127 serverTrailList serverTrailList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR serverTrailListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute identifies the trail objects (in most cases one) in a lower order network layer which may be used in parallel to serve a connection object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 36}; -- 7.3.128 serverTTPPointer serverTTPPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR serverTTPPointerbehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute defines the TTP which may serve a CTP and/or link End in another layer. Usually a TTP or TTPs in a higher order layer will serve a CTP or CTPs in a lower order layer.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 128}; -- 7.3.129 serviceAffected serviceAffected ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Boolean; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR serviceAffectingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates whether the alarm condition for monitored external device is service affecting or not.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 75}; -- 7.3.130 signalId signalId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.SignalId; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR signalIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute defines the characteristic information of the layer (in the G.805 sense) to which the entity under consideration belongs. It is used to determine whether subnetwork connection/connectivity is possible. The signal Id may be a simple rate and format, a bundle of entities with the same characteristic information which form an aggregate signal, or a complex type containing groupings of different bundles. The complex type may be applicable to certain multi-media applications involving multiple parallel connections between endpoint locations";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 129}; -- 7.3.131 signallingCapabilities signallingCapabilities ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.SignallingCapabilities; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR signallingCapabilitiesBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The attribute type specifies the signalling types supported by the circuit subgroup.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 64}; -- 7.3.132 signalType signalType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.SignalType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR signalTypeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute uniquely identifies the signal type of a cross-connection, TP pool or GTP. The signal type can either be simple, bundle, or complex. If the signal type is simple, it consists of a single type of characteristic information. If the signal type is bundle, it is made up of a number of signal types all of the same characteristic information. If the signal type is complex, it consists of a sequence of bundle signal type. The order in the complex signal type represents the actual composition of the signal.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 37}; -- 7.3.133 softwareId softwareId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 softwareIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Software Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Software object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 38}; -- 7.3.134 subordinateCircuitPackSoftwareLoad subordinateCircuitPackSoftwareLoad ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.SubordinateCircuitPackSoftwareLoad; BEHAVIOUR subordinateCircuitPackSoftwareLoadBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the software, if any, that is currently designated as the one to be loaded to the containing circuit pack whenever automatic reload of software is needed. The values of this attribute may be one of the following: sequence of printable string, sequence of object instance or NULL. The NULL choice is used when the contained circuit pack is not software loadable, or no software load has been designated. The choice of sequence of ObjectInstance identifies an ordered set of software instances. This ordered set can be used to specify the order in which the software is to be downloaded. It is recommended to note in the ICS if the ordering is significant. When the choice of PrintableString is used, the semantics is a local matter.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 60}; -- 7.3.135 sub-partitionPointer sub-partitionPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.RelatedObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR sub-partitionPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Sub-partition Pointer is a pointer to a Network CTP which is in a lower level partition. Where the lowest level of NWCTP points to a NE CTP via the NE Assignment Pointer, the value of the Sub-partition Pointer is null.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 130}; -- 7.3.136 subNetworkConnectionId subNetworkConnectionId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR subNetworkConnectionIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Subnetwork Connection Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the subnetwork Connection object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 131}; -- 7.3.137 subNetworkConnectionPointer subNetworkConnectionPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.SubNetworkConnectionPointerList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR subNetworkConnectionPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Subnetwork Connection Pointer attribute points to the ordered list of subnetwork Connection(s) which have a relationship with the network termination point When no subnetwork connection is present this pointer points to a subnetwork or is NULL. This list has a single entry for point-to-point applications, and may have mutliple entries for point-to-multipoint applications.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 132}; -- 7.3.138 subNetworkId subNetworkId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR subNetworkIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Subnetwork Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the Subnetwork object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 133}; -- 7.3.139 superPartitionPointer superPartitionPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.RelatedObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR superPartitionPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Super Partition Pointer is a pointer to a Network CTP which is in a higher level partition. It will only be present for those Network CTPs in the lower partition which have a direct correspondence to the Network CTPs at the higher level. It can be null.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 134}; -- 7.3.140 supportableClientList supportableClientList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.SupportableClientList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR supportableClientListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute is the list of object classes representing the clients which the particular managed object is capable of supporting. This may be a subset of the client layers identified in Recommendation G.803 by the particular server layer managed object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 39}; -- 7.3.141 supportedByObjectList supportedByObjectList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR supportedByObjectListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Supported By Object List is an attribute type whose value identifies a set of object instances which are capable of directly affecting a given managed object. The object instances include both physical and logical objects. This attribute does not force internal details to be specified, but only the necessary level of detail required for management. If the object instances supporting the managed object are unknown to that object, then this attribute is an empty set.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 40}; -- 7.3.142 supportedTTPList supportedTTPList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR supportedTTPListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute stores references to the lowest-layer Generic Transport Trail Termination Points with Physical Port SignalRateAndMapping List (genericTransportTTPR1) supported by this physical port.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 172}; -- 7.3.143 systemTimingSource systemTimingSource ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.SystemTimingSource; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR systemTimingSourceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The System Timing Source attribute is used to specify the primary and secondary managed element timing source for synchronization.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 41}; -- 7.3.144 tTPId tTPId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 ttpIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Trail Termination Point Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Trail Termination Point object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 48}; -- 7.3.145 toTermination toTermination ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.Pointer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR toTerminationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies a CTP (source or bidirectional), a TTP (sink or bidirectional) or a GTP composed of members of one of these categories.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 43}; -- 7.3.146 topologicalEndDirectionality topologicalEndDirectionality ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.TopologicalEndDirectionality; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR topologicalEndDirectionalityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Topological End Directionality attribute type specifies whether the associated link end managed object is sink, source, bidirectional, or undefined.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 135}; -- 7.3.147 topologicalGroupPointer topologicalGroupPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.RelatedObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR topologicalGroupPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Topological Group Pointer is an attribute type which identifies an instance of the Topological Point managed object class or identifies an instance of the Access Group managed object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 136}; -- 7.3.148 topologicalPointId topologicalPointId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR topologicalPointIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Topological Point Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the Topological Point object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 137}; -- 7.3.149 totalLinkCapacity totalLinkCapacity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Capacity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR totalLinkCapacityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the total capacity of a Link which may be the number of Link connections contained in a Link or the total bandwidth available to the Link.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 138}; -- 7.3.150 totalLinkEndCapacity totalLinkEndCapacity ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.PointCapacity; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR totalLinkEndCapacityBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the total capacity of a Link End which is either the total number of NetworkCTPs associated with a Link End or the total bandwidth of the Link End.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 139}; -- 7.3.151 totalTpCount totalTpCount ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.Count; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR totalTpCountBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the total number of termination points associated with a tpPool.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 42}; -- 7.3.152 tpPoolId tpPoolId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 tpPoolIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The TP Pool Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the tpPool object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 44}; -- 7.3.153 tpsInGtpList tpsInGtpList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.TpsInGtpList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR tpsInGtpListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute lists the termination points that are represented by a GTP.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 45}; -- 7.3.154 tpsInTpPoolList tpsInTpPoolList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ListOfTPs; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR tpsInTpPoolListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute lists the termination points that are represented by a TP Pool.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 46}; -- 7.3.155 trafficDescriptor trafficDescriptor ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.TrafficDescriptor; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR trafficDescriptorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute contains the traffic descriptor of a trail. It is to be used with flexible bandwidth allocation.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 140}; -- 7.3.156 trailId trailId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR "Recommendation X.721 : 1992" : rDNIdBehaviour, -- The above behaviour is defined as part of discriminatorId in -- Recommendation X.721 trailIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Trail Id is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as a RDN when naming an instance of the Trail object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 47}; -- 7.3.157 transmissionCharacteristics transmissionCharacteristics ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.TransmissionCharacteristics; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR transmissionCharacteristicsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The attribute type specifies the different transmission characteristics such as satellite, echo control supported or not supported by the circuit subgroup. The bit positions are set to indicate if a particular characteristic is supported.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 67}; -- 7.3.158 ttpPortId ttpPortID ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule7.PortIDType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 163}; -- 7.3.159 typeText typeText ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.TypeText; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR typeTextBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute gives a textual description of the type of the resource";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 70}; -- 7.3.160 unreliableResourcePointerR1 unreliableResourcePointerR1 ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1Module3.ResourcePointer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; BEHAVIOUR unreliableResourcePointerR1Beh; REGISTERED AS { m3100Attribute 147}; unreliableResourcePointerR1Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the unreliableResourcePointerR1 attribute points to the unreliable resource(s) (e.g. circuit pack) that is/are associated with the Protection Unit instance."; -- 7.3.161 upstreamConnectivityPointer upstreamConnectivityPointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ConnectivityPointer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR upstreamConnectivityPointerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The matching for equality is applicable for all the choices of the syntax.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 49}; -- 7.3.162 usageCost usageCost ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.UsageCost; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR usageCostBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute contains the costs for a transport entity. It is to be used as selection/routing criteria.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 141}; -- 7.3.163 userLabel userLabel ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.UserLabel; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR userLabelBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The User Label attribute type assigns a user friendly name to the associated object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 50}; -- 7.3.164 validControlType validControlType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ValidControlType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR validControlTypeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the valid type of control signal for this control point";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 73}; -- 7.3.165 vendorName vendorName ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.VendorName; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR vendorNameBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Vendor Name attribute type identifies the vendor of the associated managed object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 51}; -- 7.3.166 version version ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.Version; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR versionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Version attribute type identifies the version of the associated managed object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 52}; -- 7.3.167 z-TPInstance z-TPInstance ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.RelatedObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR z-TPInstanceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Z-Termination Point Instance attribute type identifies one of the two termination points of an instance of the connectivity object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 55}; -- 7.3.168 zEnd zEnd ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR zEndBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is a pointer to a subnetwork, a link end, or access group in the same network layer domain.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 142}; -- 7.3.169 zEndNetworkTPList zEndNetworkTPList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR zEndNetworkTPListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute identifies one or more network termination points of an instance of a subclass of the Connectivity object class.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Attribute 143}; -- 7.4 Actions -- 7.4.1 addCapacityToTopologicalLink addCapacityToTopologicalLink ACTION BEHAVIOUR addCapacityToTopologicalLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action adds capacity to a topological link by adding link connections or increasing the available bandwidth. This action will return an AddCapacityToTopologicalLinkResult with a resultingLinkConnections field containing a NULL value when dynamic bandwidth is being assigned. <ITU-T G.854.8:OPERATION, addCapacityToTopologicalLink >";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS noSuchLink, insufficientCapacity, invalidChannelsNumber, channelsAlreadyProvisioned, failureToCreateLCs, failureToAssociateLCs, failureToSupportLCs, failureToIncreaseCapacity; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.AddCapacityToTopologicalLinkInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.AddCapacityToTopologicalLinkResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 12}; -- 7.4.2 addCapacityToTopologicalLinkEnd addCapacityToTopologicalLinkEnd ACTION BEHAVIOUR addCapacityToTopologicalLinkEndBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action adds capacity to a topological link end by adding network CTPs or by increasing the available bandwidth. <ITU-T G.854.8:OPERATION, addCapacityToTopologicalLinkEnd >";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS noSuchLinkEnd, insufficientCapacity, invalidChannelsNumber, channelsAlreadyProvisioned, failureToCreateLCs, failureToAssociateLCs, failureToSupportLCs, failureToIncreaseCapacity; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.AddCapacityToTopologicalLinkEndInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.AddCapacityToTopologicalLinkEndResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 13}; -- 7.4.3 addTpsToGTP addTpsToGTP ACTION BEHAVIOUR addTpsToGtpBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to arrange termination points into GTPs. If the group termination point instance does not exist then a new one is automatically created and its identity returned in the result. Otherwise the termination points are added to those already in the GTP. Termination points may be members of zero or one GTP. This action will fail if the GTP is involved in a cross-connection, if the GTP is a member of a TP pool or if the termination point is already a member of a GTP. A bidirectional termination point that can provide independent unidirectional connectivity may be a member of zero or one GTP for each direction of connectivity.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.AddTpsToGtpInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.AddTpsToGtpResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 1}; -- 7.4.4 addTpsToTpPool addTpsToTpPool ACTION BEHAVIOUR addTpsToTpPoolBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to arrange termination points or GTPs into pools of termination points or GTPs that are all equivalent for some management purpose such as routing. If the tpPool instance does not exist then a new one is automatically created and its identity returned in the result. Otherwise the termination points or GTPs are added to those already in the tpPool. If an Indirect Adaptor is specified, a GTP representing the CTPs contained from the Indirect Adaptor will be created and it will be added to the tpPool.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.AddTpsToTpPoolInformation ; WITH REPLY SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.AddTpsToTpPoolResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 2}; -- 7.4.5 allowAudibleVisualLocalAlarm allowAudibleVisualLocalAlarm ACTION BEHAVIOUR allowAudibleVisualLocalAlarmBehaviour; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 3}; allowAudibleVisualLocalAlarmBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The allow Audible Visual Local Alarm action allows a managed system to present audible and/or visual indications."; -- 7.4.6 arcControl arcControl ACTION BEHAVIOUR arcControlBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The arcControl action provides management control for alarm reporting. This control is to be used either to turn reporting on or to turn reporting off. This is achieved by identifying the desired ARC state. In some cases the action will be denied because a state is not supported for a given resource type. In addition to specifying the state, the manager may request an arcInterval other than the default for a one time use. Such an override is only applicable in transitions to the nalm-qi and naml-ti states.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.ArcControlRequest; REGISTERED AS { m3100Action 20 }; -- 7.4.7 arcRetrieveAlarmDetail arcRetrieveAlarmDetail ACTION BEHAVIOUR arcRetrieveAlarmDetailBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The arcRetrieveAlarmDetail action provides a mechanism for querying a subset of the information relating to all current problems (i.e. probable cause, alarm status, perceived severity, and event time) and may be executed at any time, even when the the current problem is under management control for alarm reporting.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.ArcAlarmDetailSet; REGISTERED AS { m3100Action 21 }; -- 7.4.8 assignLinkConnectionOnLogicalLink assignLinkConnectionOnLogicalLink ACTION BEHAVIOUR assignLinkConnectionOnLogicalLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action assigns link connections to a Logical Link. The pointers to the link connections that are assigned will be added to the linkConnectionPointerList attribute of the logicalLink managed object. <ITU-T G.854.10:OPERATION, assignLinkConnectionOnLink >";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS linkAndLinkConnectionNotCompatible, invalidLinkConnection, notEnoughLinkConnections, linkConnectionAlreadyAssigned, inconsistentSignalIdentification, inconsistentDirectionality, failureToSetLinkConnectionCallerId, failureToDecreaseCapacity; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.AssignLinkConnectionOnLogicalLinkInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.AssignLinkConnectionOnLogicalLinkResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 14}; -- 7.4.9 assignNetworkCTPOnLogicalLinkEnd assignNetworkCTPOnLogicalLinkEnd ACTION BEHAVIOUR assignNetworkCTPOnLogicalLinkEndBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action assigns networkCTPs to a logical link end. <ITU-T G.854.10:OPERATION, assignNetworkCTPOnLinkEnd >";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS linkEndAndNetworkCTPNotCompatible, invalidNetworkCTP, notEnoughNetworkCTPs, networkCTPAlreadyAssigned, inconsistentSignalIdentification, inconsistentDirectionality, failureToSetNetworkCTPCallerId, failureToDecreaseCapacity; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.AssignNetworkCTPOnLogicalLinkEndInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.AssignNetworkCTPOnLogicalLinkEndResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 15}; -- 7.4.10 bridgeRoll bridgeRoll ACTION BEHAVIOUR bridgeRollBeh; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule5.BridgeRollArg; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule5.BridgeRollReply; REGISTERED AS { m3100Action 22 }; bridgeRollBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to control the bridge and roll process. This process is used to move a signal from one leg of an existing cross-connection to new leg. The results of a bridge and roll operation take one of two forms: - bridgeRollFailed, which indicates that the requested operation was not successful. This response uses the same logicalProblems as the connect action of the fabric to report problems with the creation of a bridge. When the requested action cannot be performed because the identified termination points are not part of the connection, the logicalProblem notAlreadyConnected is used. - bridgeRollComplete, which indicates that the requested operation was successful. For a bridge operation, the manager must specify the affected cross-connection, the termination point of that cross-connection that is to be replaced (bridgeRollFromTp), and the new termination point that will replace it (bridgeRollToTp). The results of the bridge operation depend on the type of cross-connection: - if the connection is bidirectional, or the connection is unidirectional point-to-point and the bridgeRollFromTp is the toTermination of the crossConnection, the bridge operation will bridge the signal to the new leg, causing the creation of a new one-way crossConnection. If the operation is successful, the bridgeRollComplete field indicates the newly created crossConnection. - if the connection is unidirectional point-to-multipoint, and the bridgeRollFromTp is the toTermination of the crossConnection, the bridge operation will result in the addition of another leg to the multicast. If the operation is successful, the bridgeRollComplete field indicates the newly created crossConnection. - if the connection is unidirectional (point-to-point or point-to-multipoint), and the bridgeRollFromTp is the fromTermination of the connection, the bridge operation will reserve the bridgeRollToTp for use (if the network element supports such resource reservation), but will not cause a new connection to be created; the reservation is indicated by pointing the crossConnectionObjectPointer of the bridgeRollToTp to the existing crossConnection or mpCrossConnection object instance. If the operation is successful, the bridgeRollComplete field is NULL. For a roll operation, the manager must specify the same cross-connection and termination points that were specified in the bridge operation. The bridgeRollFromTp identifies the termination point from which service will be rolled. The results of a roll operation depend on the type of connection: - If the connection is bidirectional, the crossConnection associated with the bridgeRollFromTp is made unidirectional, and the crossConnection associated with the bridgeRollToTp is made bidirectional. If the operation is successful, the bridgeRollComplete field is NULL. - If the connection is unidirectional (point-to-point or point-to-multipoint), and the bridgeRollFromTp is the toTermination of the connection, there is no change to the configuration. - - If the operation is successful, the bridgeRollComplete field is NULL. - If the connection is unidirectional (point-to-point or point-to-multipoint), and the bridgeRollFromTp is the fromTermination of the connection, the fromTermination of the connection is changed from the bridgeRollFromTp to the bridgeRollToTp. If the operation is successful, the bridgeRollComplete field is NULL. For a releaseBridge operation, the manager must specify the same cross-connection and termination points that were specified in the bridge operation. The bridgeRollFromTp identifies the termination point that is to be removed from the cross-connection. The results of a releaseBridge operation depend on the type of connection: - If the connection is bidirectional, or the connection is unidirectional (point-to-point or point-to-multipoint) and the bridgeRollFromTp is not the toTermination of the connection, the releaseBridge operation causes the crossConnection that is associated with the bridgeRollFromTp to be deleted. If the operation was successful, the bridgeRollComplete field indicates the crossConnection that was deleted. - If the connection is unidirectional (point-to-point or point-to-multipoint) and the bridgeRollFromTp is reserved by the connection, but is not the fromTermination of the connection, the releaseBridge operation causes the bridgeRollFromTp to be unreserved; this is indicated by pointing the crossConnectionObjectPointer of that termination point to the fabric. If the operation was successful, the bridgeRollComplete field is NULL."; -- 7.4.11 circuitPackReset circuitPackReset ACTION BEHAVIOUR circuitPackResetBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to request to initialize a circuit pack. The request can be a complete reset or a partial reset. A complete reset request is indicated by the value of NULL in the action argument. A partial request is indicated by a non-negative integer. The value zero implies the least level of reset. The higher integer value implies a more thorough reset. The determination of the highest integer that is equivalent to a complete reset is a local matter. When the circuit pack in the process of resetting, the value offLine of the availabilityStatus attribute shall be indicated. If the circuit pack is user service sensitive, then a reset shall be performed only when the circuit pack is in the locked adiministrariveState. If the circuit pack is not in the locked administrariveState, a reset request shall be denied and the value entityInService of the resetError parameter shall be returned.";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS circuitPackResetError; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ResetLevel; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 11}; -- 7.4.12 connect connect ACTION BEHAVIOUR connectBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to establish a connection between termination points or GTPs. The termination points to be connected can be specified in one of two ways: 1) by explicitly identifying the two termination points or GTPs; 2) by specifying one termination point or GTP, and specifying a tpPool from which any idle termination point/GTP may be used. The result, if successful, always returns an explicit list of termination points or GTP. There are two basic forms of cross-connection arrangement: point-to-point and point to multi-point (broadcast). A single cross-connection is created if either the explicitPtoP or ptoTpPool option is selected in this action. This cross-connection object points to the termination points or GTPs involved in the cross-connection. Connections are indicated in termination points by the connectivityPointer attribute. If the administrativeState in the crossConnection object is unlocked, this attribute is set, as a result of this action, to the local name of the termination point to which it is connected. Also, the crossConnectionObjectPointer in the termination points or GTPs points to the cross-connection object. For point to multi-point cross-connection (indicated by choosing the explicitPtoMp or ptoMPools option), one multi-point cross-connection object will be created containing one crossConnection object for each termination point specified in the toTps parameter. In the source TP the crossConnectionObjectPointer will point at the newly created Multi-point cross-connect object. In each Tp named in the toTPs list (possibly selected from a specified tpPool), the CrossConnectionObject pointer will point at the corresponding cross-connection object. The connectivity pointers in the connected termination points will be updated to reflect the new connectivity. The idleTPcount and the connectedTPcount attributes in the tpPool object (if any) are updated as a result of the action. If a GTP is implicitly defined by specifying several termination points to be connected together, the GTP object will be automatically created and its id will be returned in the action reply. If an Indirect Adaptor is specified, a GTP representing the CTPs contained from the Indirect Adaptor will be created and it will be connected. The administrative state of the created cross-connection or multi-point cross-connection objects is specified as an optional parameter of this action. If this parameter is omitted, the administrative state will be set to 'unlocked' (unless the addLegs parameter is specified). This action will fail if any of the termination points specified is already involved in a cross-connection or if part of an existing GTP is specified. If the addLeg parameter is specified, one or more Legs will be added to an existing multi-point cross-connection arrangement. Selected termination points or GTPs must support a similar signal type to that of the termination points already connected to the arrangement. The result, if successful, always returns the termination points or GTPs involved in the multi-point cross-connection. A cross-connection object is created as a result of this action. This object will be named from the specified mpCrossConnection object instance. The administrative state of the created cross-connection object will be the same as that of the containing multi-point cross-connection object unless otherwise specified in the action parameters. When the namedCrossConnection parameter is present, a namedCrossConnection (or subclass of namedCrossConnection) instance will be created. When userLabel and/or redline is present, crossConnectionR1 (or subclass of crossConnectionR1) instance will be created. When none of these parameters are present, it is up to the local system to deduce which instance will be created. The namedCrossConnection field shall not be used together with either the userLabel field or the redline field in the same action request.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ConnectInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.ConnectResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 4}; -- 7.4.13 convertMulticastToPtoP convertMulticastToPtoP ACTION BEHAVIOUR convertMulticastToPtoPBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to convert a multicast connection with a single leg into a point-to-point unidirectional cross-connection. This action can be applied to either protected or unprotected connections. The action argument indicates the existing multicast (mpCrossConnection or mpConnectionProtection) that is to be converted. When this action is successfully performed, the existing multicast is deleted, and replaced with a unidirectional point-to-point. This action fails if the specified multicast contains more than one subordinate connection.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule6.ConvertMulticastToPtoPInfo; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule6.ConvertMulticastToPtoPReply; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 23}; -- 7.4.14 convertPtoPToMulticast convertPtoPToMulticast ACTION BEHAVIOUR convertPtoPToMulticastBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to convert a unidirectional point-to-point cross-connection into a multicast connection with a single leg. This action can be applied to both protected and unprotected connections. When this action is successfully performed, the existing connection (or subclass) is deleted, and replaced with a multicast connection and a subordinate connection to represent the leg.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule6.ConvertPtoPToMulticastInfo; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule6.ConvertPtoPToMulticastReply; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 24}; -- 7.4.15 deassignLinkConnectionFromLogicalLink deassignLinkConnectionFromLogicalLink ACTION BEHAVIOUR deassignLinkConnectionFromLogicalLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action de-assigns a link connection in a layer domain to a logical link in the same layer domain. <ITU-T G.854.10:OPERATION, deassignLinkConnectionFromLink >";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS linkAndLinkConnectionNotCompatible, invalidLinkConnection, notAssignedToCaller, failureToDeassignLinkConnection, failureToIncreaseCapacity; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.DeassignLinkConnectionFromLogicalLinkInformation; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 16}; -- 7.4.16 deassignNetworkCTPFromLogicalLinkEnd deassignNetworkCTPFromLogicalLinkEnd ACTION BEHAVIOUR deassignNetworkCTPFromLogicalLinkEndBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action de-assigns a network CTP instance from a logical link end. <ITU-T G.854.10:OPERATION, deassignNetworkCTPFromLinkEnd >";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS linkEndAndNetworkCTPNotCompatible, invalidNetworkCTP, notAssignedToCaller, failureToDeassignNetworkCTP, failureToIncreaseCapacity; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.DeassignNetworkCTPFromLogicalLinkEndInformation; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 17}; -- 7.4.17 disconnect disconnect ACTION BEHAVIOUR disconnectBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to take down a cross-connection. The connection to be taken down is specified by identifying termination point(s) [or GTP(s)] of the connection. If the connection was point-to-point, then the other termination point or GTP is implicitly disconnected as well and the cross-connection object is deleted. If the connection was point to multi-point and the action referred to the master, all the termination points or GTPs that are legs are implicitly disconnected as well and the multi-point cross-connection and cross-connection objects are deleted. If the connection was point-to-multi-point and the action referred to a leg, then just that leg is disconnected, unless it is the last leg, in which case the master termination point is also implicitly disconnected and the multipoint cross-connection and cross-connection objects are deleted. The idleTPcount and the connectedTPcount attributes in the tpPool objects (if any) are updated as a result of the action. The connectivity pointers in the disconnected termination points will be set to NULL as a result of this action. This action has no effect on the composition of GTPs and GTPs are not deleted as a result of this action. This action will fail if part of a GTP is specified.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.DisconnectInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.DisconnectResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 5}; -- 7.4.18 externalControl externalControl ACTION BEHAVIOUR externalControlBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action instructs the NE to momentarily operate (close or open) or continuously operate (close or open) an external control device (such as a relay closure) represented by a control point. The control action type parameter is included in the request.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ControlActionType; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ControlResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 10}; -- 7.4.19 inhibitAudibleVisualLocalAlarm inhibitAudibleVisualLocalAlarm ACTION BEHAVIOUR inhibitAudibleVisualLocalAlarmBehaviour; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 6}; inhibitAudibleVisualLocalAlarmBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The Inhibit Audible/Visual Local Alarm action inhibits a managed system from presenting audible and/or visual indications."; -- 7.4.20 joinXC joinXC ACTION BEHAVIOUR joinXCBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to convert two unidirectional connections into a single bidirectional connection. This conversion is only allowed if the two connections are between the same bidirectional endpoints. This action can be applied to both protected and unprotected connections. When this action is successfully performed, the existing connections are deleted, and a bidirectional connection is created.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule6.JoinXCInfo; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule6.JoinXCReply; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 25}; -- 7.4.21 removeCapacityFromTopologicalLink removeCapacityFromTopologicalLink ACTION BEHAVIOUR removeCapacityFromTopologicalLinkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action removes capacity from the topological link by removing link connections and/or bandwidth from the link. <ITU-T G.854.8:OPERATION, removeCapacityFromTopologicalLink >";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS noSuchLink, insufficientCapacity, invalidChannelsNumber, failureToDecreaseCapacity, failureToRemoveLC; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.RemoveCapacityFromTopologicalLinkInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.RemoveCapacityFromTopologicalLinkResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 18}; -- 7.4.22 removeCapacityFromTopologicalLinkEnd removeCapacityFromTopologicalLinkEnd ACTION BEHAVIOUR removeCapacityFromTopologicalLinkEndBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action removes capacity from a topological link end by removal of network CTPs from the topological link end and/or by the removal of bandwidth. This action will return an RemoveCapacityToTopologicalLinkResult with a resultingLinkConnections field containing a NULL value when dynamic bandwidth is being unassigned. <ITU-T G.854.8:OPERATION, removeCapacityFromTopologicalLinkEnd >";; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS noSuchLinkEnd, insufficientCapacity, invalidChannelsNumber, failureToDecreaseCapacity, failureToRemoveLC; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.RemoveCapacityFromTopLinkEndInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.RemoveCapacityFromTopLinkEndResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 19}; -- 7.4.23 removeTpsFromGTP removeTpsFromGTP ACTION BEHAVIOUR removeTpsFromGtpBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to remove termination points from GTPs. This action will fail if the GTP is involved in a cross-connection or if it is a member of a TP pool. Removing the last termination point from a GTP has the effect of deleting the GTP object. If the GTP is deleted, the name of the GTP will be sent back in the ACTION reply.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.RemoveTpsFromGtpInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.RemoveTpsFromGtpResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 7}; -- 7.4.24 removeTpsFromTpPool removeTpsFromTpPool ACTION BEHAVIOUR removeTpsFromTpPoolBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to remove termination points from termination point pools. Removing the last termination point from a pool has the effect of deleting the TP Pool object. If the TP pool is deleted, the name of the TP Pool will be sent back in the ACTION reply.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.RemoveTpsFromTpPoolInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.RemoveTpsFromTpPoolResult; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 8}; -- 7.4.25 splitXC splitXC ACTION BEHAVIOUR splitXCBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action is used to convert a bidirectional connection into two unidirectional connections. This action can be applied to both protected and unprotected connections. When this action is successfully performed, the existing bidirectional connection is deleted, and two unidirectional connections are created.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule6.SplitXCInfo; WITH REPLY SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule6.SplitXCReply; REGISTERED AS {m3100Action 26}; -- 7.4.26 switchOver switchOver ACTION BEHAVIOUR switchOverBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action offers the capability, in an atomic way, to: Switch an existing connection to another one of the same type maintaining one of the original cross-connected termination points. If the operation succeeds, this will result in the deletion of the old connection indicated in the action information and the connection of the new termination point. The new termination point indicated in the action information must be available (disconnected for the respective direction) in order to establish the new cross-connection. The switch over of an individual connection is considered an atomic operation. Switch a bundle of existing connections. Each of these connections are switched over as described above. In this case, the action will behave according to a best effort policy and only those connections which can be successfully switched over will be performed independently of each other. In any case, a connection designates a unidirectional or bidirectional point-to-point connection (i.e. crossConnection), a leg of a multi-point connection (i.e. crossConnection contained in a mpCrossConnection), or a leg of a multipoint connection protection defined in Recommendation G.774.04.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.SwitchOverInformation; WITH REPLY SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.SwitchOverResult; REGISTERED AS { m3100Action 9}; -- 7.5 Notifications -- 7.5.1 protectionAlarm protectionAlarm NOTIFICATION BEHAVIOUR protectionAlarmBeh; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX M3100ASN1Module3.ProtectionAlarmInfo AND ATTRIBUTE IDS probableCause "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992": probableCause, additionalInfo "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992": additionalInformation; REGISTERED AS { m3100Notification 1}; protectionAlarmBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The protectionAlarm notification is emitted from the Protection Group object to report any protection mechanism failure or protecting resource failure."; -- 7.6 Name bindings -- 7.6.1 accessGroup accessGroup-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS accessGroup AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE accessGroupId; BEHAVIOUR accessGroup-layerNetworkDomainBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If, during a create operation, the topologicalEndDirectionality attribute fails to be set or the access group object fails to be created, the create operation will fail with the specific error with the value of either failureToSetDirectionality or failureToCreateAccessGroup respectively. If, during a delete operation, the accessPointList is not NULL the delete operation will fail with the specific error with the value networkTTPsExisting. If the access group managed object is not deleted, the delete operation will fail with the specific error with the value failureToRemoveAccessGroup. <ITU-T G.854.3:OPERATION,createAccessGroup, OUTPUT_PARAMETERS:accessGroup> <ITU-T G.854.3:OPERATION,createAccessGroup, OUTPUT_PARAMETERS:none>";; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT failureToSetDirectionality failureToCreateAccessGroup; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS networkTTPsExisting failureToRemoveAccessGroup; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 63}; -- 7.6.2 alarmSeverityAssignment alarmSeverityAssignment-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS alarmSeverityAssignmentProfile AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE alarmSeverityAssignmentProfileId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 1}; -- 7.6.3 applicationProcess applicationProcess-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.723 (1993)" : applicationProcess AND SUBCLASSES ; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES ; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.723 (1993)" : applicationProcessId ; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 54}; -- 7.6.4 arcIntervalProfile arcIntervalProfile-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS arcIntervalProfile AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE arcIntervalProfileId; BEHAVIOUR arcIntervalProfile-managedElementBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of an arcIntervalProfile relative to a managedElement instance. The creation of a single instance of the arcIntervalProfile object is the result of the creation of the containing managedElement instance." ;; REGISTERED AS { m3100NameBinding 90}; arcIntervalProfile-managedElementComplex NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS arcIntervalProfile AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElementComplex AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE arcIntervalProfileId; BEHAVIOUR arcIntervalProfile-managedElementComplexBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of an arcIntervalProfile relative to a managedElementComplex instance. The creation of a single instance of the arcIntervalProfile object is the result of the creation of the containing managedElementComplex instance." ;; REGISTERED AS { m3100NameBinding 91}; arcIntervalProfile-network NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS arcIntervalProfile AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS network AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE arcIntervalProfileId; BEHAVIOUR arcIntervalProfile-networkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of an arcIntervalProfile relative to a network instance. The creation of a single instance of the arcIntervalProfile object is the result of the creation of the containing network instance." ;; REGISTERED AS { m3100NameBinding 92}; -- 7.6.5 attributeRanges attributeRanges-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS attributeRanges AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE attributeRangesId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 93}; -- 7.6.6 circuitPack circuitPack-equipmentHolder-autoCreated NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS circuitPack AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipmentHolder AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR circuitPack-equipmentHolder-autoCreateBeh; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 32}; circuitPack-equipmentHolder-autoCreateBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of an circuitPack relative to another equipmentHolder instance. The creation of the circuitPack object is the result of inserting the physical circuit pack into the resource represented by the superior object. When the superior object contains a circuitPack object, the superior object shall not contain more than one circuitPack object, and shall not contain other equipmentHolder objects."; circuitPack-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreated NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS circuitPack AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipmentHolder AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR circuitPack-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreateBeh; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING createErrorParameter; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 33}; circuitPack-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreateBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of a circuitPack relative to another equipmentHolder instance. The creation of the circuitPack object is the result of system management protocol. When the superior object contains a circuitPack object, the superior object shall not contain more than one circuitPack object, and shall not contain other equipmentHolder objects."; circuitPack-equipmentHolder-autoCreated-R1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS circuitPack AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipmentHolder AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR circuitPack-equipmentHolder-autoCreated-R1-Beh; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS generalErrorParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 37}; circuitPack-equipmentHolder-autoCreated-R1-Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of an circuitPack relative to another equipmentHolder instance. The creation of the circuitPack object is the result of inserting the physical circuit pack into the resource represented by the superior object. The management system may delete this circuit pack and recreate a new one in order to plan the specific type of the circuit pack, using the explicitlyCreated name binding"; circuitPack-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreated-R1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS circuitPack AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipmentHolder AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR circuitPack-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreated-R1-Beh; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING createErrorParameter generalErrorParameter; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 46}; circuitPack-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreated-R1-Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of a circuitPack relative to another equipmentHolder instance. The creation of the circuitPack object is the result of system management protocol. If the circuitPackType is incompatible with the types supported by the equipmentHolder, the create request will result in a CMIP processing failure error. The generalErrorParameter is then used to report the error and may provide the value of the circuitPackType attribute. This parameter may be used for other CMIP processing failure if needed."; -- 7.6.7 circuitPackR1 circuitPackR1-circuitPackR1-autoCreated NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS circuitPackR1 AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS circuitPackR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR circuitPackR1-circuitPackR1-autoCreateBeh; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 89}; circuitPackR1-circuitPackR1-autoCreateBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used only when a circuitPack provides slots for the contained boards (e.g. lower-order termination). When the circuitPack is inserted into the containing board, the circuitPack object representing the inserted board is automatically created."; circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-autoCreated-Delete NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS circuitPackR1 AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipmentHolder AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-autoCreate-Delete-Beh; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 59}; circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-autoCreate-Delete-Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of a circuitPack relative to an equipmentHolder instance. The creation of the circuitPack object is the result of inserting the physical circuit pack into the resource represented by the superior object. The circuit pack including contained objects can be deleted as the result of system management."; circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreated-Delete NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS circuitPackR1 AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipmentHolder AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreate-Delete-Beh; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING createErrorParameter generalErrorParameter; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 60}; circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreate-Delete-Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of a circuitPack relative to another equipmentHolder instance. The creation of the circuitPack object is the result of system management. The circuit pack including contained objects can be deleted as the result of system management."; circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-autoCreated NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS circuitPackR1 AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipmentHolder AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-autoCreated-Beh; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS generalErrorParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 61}; circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-autoCreated-Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of a circuitPack relative to another equipmentHolder instance. The creation of the circuitPack object is the result of inserting the physical circuit pack into the resource represented by the superior object. The management system may delete this circuit pack and recreate a new one in order to plan the specific type of the circuit pack, using the explicitlyCreated name binding. The circuit pack can only be deleted as the result of system management when there are no contained objects."; circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreated NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS circuitPackR1 AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipmentHolder AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreated-Beh; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING createErrorParameter generalErrorParameter; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 62}; circuitPackR1-equipmentHolder-explicitlyCreated-Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of a circuitPack relative to another equipmentHolder instance. The creation of the circuitPack object is the result of system management protocol. If the circuitPackType is incompatible with the types supported by the equipmentHolder, the create request will result in a CMIP processing failure error. The generalErrorParameter is then used to report the error and may provide the value of the circuitPackType attribute. The circuit pack can only be deleted as the result of system management when there are no contained objects."; -- 7.6.8 connectionR1 connectionR1-network NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS connectionR1; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS network; WITH ATTRIBUTE connectionId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 25}; -- 7.6.9 connectionTerminationPointSink connectionTerminationPointSink-trailTerminationPointSink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS connectionTerminationPointSink; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS trailTerminationPointSink AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE cTPId; BEHAVIOUR cTPSink-TTPBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 5}; connectionTerminationPointSink-trailTerminationPointBidirectional NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS connectionTerminationPointSink; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS trailTerminationPointBidirectional AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE cTPId; BEHAVIOUR cTPSink-TTPBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 6}; cTPSink-TTPBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The name binding represents a relationship in which a TTP sends information (traffic) to a sink CTP. When automatic instance naming is used, the choice of name bindings left as a local matter."; -- 7.6.10 connectionTerminationPointSource connectionTerminationPointSource-trailTerminationPointSource NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS connectionTerminationPointSource; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS trailTerminationPointSource AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE cTPId; BEHAVIOUR cTPSource-TTPBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 3}; connectionTerminationPointSource-trailTerminationPointBidirectional NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS connectionTerminationPointSource; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS trailTerminationPointBidirectional AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE cTPId; BEHAVIOUR cTPSource-TTPBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 4}; cTPSource-TTPBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The name binding represents a relationship in which a TTP receives information (traffic) from a source CTP. When automatic instance naming is used, the choice of name bindings left as a local matter."; -- 7.6.11 crossConnection crossConnection-fabric NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS crossConnection AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS fabric AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE crossConnectionId; BEHAVIOUR crossConnection-fabricBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the fromTermination attribute in the Cross-Connection object shall not be NULL. When an instance of cross-connection is deleted, the following attributes will be affected. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in the termination point objects or in the GTP objects that were pointing to the deleted cross-connection instance shall be set to point to the Fabric responsible for the connection of the termination points. The counters in the appropriate TP Pool objects (if applicable) shall be updated. The connectivityPointer attributes in the disconnected termination points shall be set to NULL. Deleting a cross-connection object instance has no effect on the composition of any GTP.";; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 7}; crossConnection-fabric-R1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS crossConnection AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS fabric AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE crossConnectionId; BEHAVIOUR crossConnection-fabricBehaviour; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS generalErrorParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 39}; crossConnection-mpCrossConnection NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS crossConnection AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS mpCrossConnection AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE crossConnectionId; BEHAVIOUR crossConnection-mpCrossConnectionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the fromTermination attribute in the Cross-Connection object must be NULL. When an instance of cross-connection is deleted, the following attributes will be affected. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in the termination point object or in the GTP object that was pointing to the deleted cross-connection instance shall be set to point to the Fabric responsible for the connection of the termination points. The counters in the appropriate TP Pool objects (if applicable) shall be updated. The connectivity pointers in the disconnected termination point shall be set to NULL. Deleting the last cross-connection contained in a multipoint cross-connection object instance has the effect of also deleting the multipoint cross-connect object instance (and updating the appropriate pointers). Deleting a cross-connection object instance has no effect on the composition of any GTP.";; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 8}; crossConnection-mpCrossConnection-R1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS crossConnection AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS mpCrossConnection AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE crossConnectionId; BEHAVIOUR crossConnection-mpCrossConnectionBehaviour; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS generalErrorParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 40}; -- 7.6.12 equipment equipment-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS equipment AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR equipmentNameBindingBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 9}; equipment-equipment NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS equipment AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipment AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR equipmentNameBindingBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 10}; equipmentNameBindingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "When automatic instance naming is used, the choice of name binding is left as a local matter."; equipment-managedElement-R1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS equipment AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR equipmentNameBindingBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING generalErrorParameter; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS generalErrorParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 41}; equipment-equipment-R1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS equipment AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipment AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR equipmentNameBindingBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING generalErrorParameter; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS generalErrorParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 42}; -- 7.6.13 equipmentHolder equipmentHolder-equipmentHolder NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS equipmentHolder AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipmentHolder AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE equipmentId; BEHAVIOUR equipmentHolder-equipmentHolderBeh; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING createErrorParameter; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 31}; equipmentHolder-equipmentHolderBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name an instance of an equipmentHolder relative to another equipmentHolder instance."; -- 7.6.14 eventForwardingDiscriminator eventForwardingDiscriminator-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation X.721:1992":eventForwardingDiscriminator; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.721:1992":discriminatorId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 11}; eventForwardingDiscriminator-managedElement-R1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation X.721:1992": eventForwardingDiscriminator AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.721:1992": discriminatorId; BEHAVIOUR equipmentNameBindingBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING generalErrorParameter; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS generalErrorParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 43}; -- 7.6.15 externalPoint externalPoint-equipment NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS externalPoint AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipment AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE externalPointId; CREATE; DELETE; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 56}; externalPoint-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS externalPoint AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE externalPointId; CREATE; DELETE; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 57}; externalPoint-managedElementComplex NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS externalPoint AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElementComplex AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE externalPointId; CREATE; DELETE; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 58}; -- 7.6.16 fabric fabric-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS fabric AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE fabricId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 12}; fabric-managedElement-R1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS fabric AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE fabricId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING generalErrorParameter; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS generalErrorParameter; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 44}; -- 7.6.17 genericTransportTTP genericTransportTTP-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS genericTransportTTP AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE tTPId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 94}; -- 7.6.18 gtp gtp-fabric NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS gtp; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS fabric AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE gtpId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 13}; -- 7.6.19 layerNetworkDomain layerNetworkDomain-networkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS networkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE networkId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 64}; -- 7.6.20 linkConnection linkConnection-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS linkConnection AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE connectionId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 66}; linkConnection-topologicalLink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS linkConnection AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS topologicalLink AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE connectionId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 67}; -- 7.6.21 log-managedElement log-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation X.721:1992":log; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.721:1992":logId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 14}; -- 7.6.22 logicalLink logicalLink-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS logicalLink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE linkId; BEHAVIOUR logicalLink-layerNetworkDomainBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The logicalLink managed object is created by the establishLink or establishLinkAndLinkEnds action. <ITU-T G.854.3,OPERATION:createLink,OUTPUT_PARAMETERS:link> The logicalLink managed object is deleted by the removeLink or removeLinkAndLinkEnds. <ITU-T G.854.3,OPERATION:deleteLink,OUTPUT_PARAMETERS:none>";; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 65}; -- 7.6.23 logicalLinkEnd logicalLinkEnd-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS logicalLinkEnd AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE linkEndId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 68}; logicalLinkEnd-subNetwork NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS logicalLinkEnd AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS subNetwork AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE linkEndId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 69}; -- 7.6.24 managedElement managedElement-network NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS network; WITH ATTRIBUTE managedElementId; BEHAVIOUR managedElementCreateBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Managed Element object is not created or deleted by system management protocol. The object is created when initializing the managed element.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 15}; managedElement-organization NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "ITU-T Rec. X.521": organization AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE managedElementId; BEHAVIOUR managedElement-organizationBeh; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 27}; managedElement-organizationBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name the managedElement object to an organization directory object. The managedElement object is not created or deleted by system management protocol. The managed element object is created when initializing the network element."; managedElement-organizationalUnit NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "ITU-T Rec. X.521": organizationalUnit AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE managedElementId; BEHAVIOUR managedElement-organizationalUnitBeh; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 28}; managedElement-organizationalUnitBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name the managedElement object to an organizationalUnit directory object. The managedElement object is not created or deleted by system management protocol. The managed element object is created when initializing the network element."; managedElement-managedElementComplex NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElementComplex AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE managedElementId; BEHAVIOUR managedElementCreateBehaviour; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 34}; managedElement-managedElementComplex-explicitlyCreated NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElementComplex AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE managedElementId; BEHAVIOUR managedElement-managedElementComplex-explicitlyCreateBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING createErrorParameter; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 45}; managedElement-managedElementComplex-explicitlyCreateBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name the managedElement object instance relative to a managedElementComplex object. The managedElement object is explicitly created by management protocol. Creation of the managedElement may trigger the automatic creation of certain inherent objects contained within the managedElement, and the deletion of the managedElement may trigger automatic deletion of all objects contained in the managedElement."; -- 7.6.25 managedElementComplex managedElementComplex-organization NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS managedElementComplex AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "ITU-T Rec. X.521": organization AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE managedElementComplexId; BEHAVIOUR managedElementComplex-organizationBeh; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 35}; managedElementComplex-organizationBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name the managedElementComplex object to an organization directory object. The managedElementComplex object is not created or deleted by system management protocol."; managedElementComplex-organizationalUnit NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS managedElementComplex AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "ITU-T Rec. X.521": organizationalUnit AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE managedElementComplexId; BEHAVIOUR managedElementComplex-organizationalUnitBeh; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 36}; managedElementComplex-organizationalUnitBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name the managedElementComplex object to an organizationalUnit directory object. The managedElementComplex object is not created or deleted by system management protocol."; managedElementComplex-network NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS managedElementComplex AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS networkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE managedElementComplexId; BEHAVIOUR managedElementComplex-networkBeh; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 53}; managedElementComplex-networkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name the managedElementComplex object to a network object. The managedElementComplex object is not created or deleted by system management protocol."; -- 7.6.26 mpCrossConnection mpCrossConnection-fabric NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS mpCrossConnection AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS fabric AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE mpCrossConnectionId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 16}; -- 7.6.27 network network-network NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS network AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS network AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE networkId; BEHAVIOUR networkCreateBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Network object is not created or deleted by system management protocol. The object is created when initializing the network.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 17}; network-organization NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS network AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "ITU-T Rec. X.521": organization AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE networkId; BEHAVIOUR network-organizationBeh; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 29}; network-organizationBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name the network object to an organization directory object. The network object is not created or deleted by system management protocol. The object is created when initializing the network."; network-organizationalUnit NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS network AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "ITU-T Rec. X.521": organizationalUnit AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE networkId; BEHAVIOUR network-organizationalUnitBeh; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 30}; network-organizationalUnitBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This name binding is used to name the network object to an organizationalUnit directory object. The network object is not created or deleted by system management protocol. The object is created when initializing the network."; -- 7.6.28 networkCTPSink networkCTPSink-subNetwork NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS networkCTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS subNetwork AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE cTPId; BEHAVIOUR networkCTPSink-subNetworkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed object is automatically instantiated deleted when the superior managed object is instantiated, or when additional resources (including planned resources) are added to, or removed from, the subnetwork, according to the configuration of the Subnetwork.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 72}; networkCTPSink-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS networkCTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE cTPId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 73}; -- 7.6.29 networkCTPSource networkCTPSource-subNetwork NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS networkCTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS subNetwork AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE cTPId; BEHAVIOUR networkCTPSource-subNetworkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed object is automatically instantiated deleted when the superior managed object is instantiated, or when additional resources (including planned resources) are added to, or removed from, the subnetwork, according to the configuration of the subnetwork.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 74}; networkCTPSource-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS networkCTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE cTPId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 75}; -- 7.6.30 networkTTPSink networkTTPSink-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS networkTTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE tTPId; BEHAVIOUR networkTTPSink-layerNetworkDomainBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " If, during a delete operation, the networkTTP terminates a trail then the delete operation will fail with a specific error with the value networkTTPTerminatesTrail. If, during a delete operation, the networkTTP is associated with a subnetwork or an access group then the delete operation will fail with a specific error with the value networkTTPAssociatedWithSubnetwork or the value networkTTPAssociatedWithAccessGroup respectively. <ITU-T G.854.6,OPERATION:createNetworkTTP,OUTPUT_PARAMETERS:networkTTP> <ITU-T G.854.6,OPERATION:deleteNetworkTTP,OUTPUT_PARAMETERS:none>";; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING failureToCreateNetworkTTP; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS networkTTPTerminatesTrail networkTTPAssociatedWithSubnetwork networkTTPAssociatedWithAccessGroup failureToCreateNetworkTTP; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 76}; networkTTPSink-subNetwork NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS networkTTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS subNetwork AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE tTPId; BEHAVIOUR networkTTPSink-subNetworkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If, during a delete operation, the networkTTP terminates a trail then the delete operation will fail with a specific error with the value networkTTPTerminatesTrail.";; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING failureToCreateNetworkTTP; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS networkTTPTerminatesTrail failureToRemoveNetworkTTP; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 77}; -- 7.6.31 networkTTPSource networkTTPSource-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS networkTTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE tTPId; BEHAVIOUR networkTTPSource-layerNetworkDomainBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If, during a delete operation, the networkTTP terminates a trail then the delete operation will fail with a specific error with the value networkTTPTerminatesTrail. If, during a delete operation, the networkTTP is associated with a subnetwork or an access group then the delete operation will fail with a specific error with the value networkTTPAssociatedWithSubnetwork or the value networkTTPAssociatedWithAccessGroup respectively.";; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING failureToCreateNetworkTTP; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS networkTTPTerminatesTrail networkTTPAssociatedWithSubnetwork networkTTPAssociatedWithAccessGroup failureToRemoveNetworkTTP; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 79}; networkTTPSource-subNetwork NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS networkTTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS subNetwork AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE tTPId; BEHAVIOUR networkTTPSource-subNetworkBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If, during a delete operation, the networkTTP terminates a trail then the delete operation will fail with a specific error with the value networkTTPTerminatesTrail.";; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING failureToCreateNetworkTTP; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS networkTTPTerminatesTrail failureToRemoveNetworkTTP; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 80}; -- 7.6.32 physicalPort physicalPort-equipment NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS physicalPort AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipment AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE physicalPortId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 95}; physicalPort-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS physicalPort AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE physicalPortId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 96}; -- 7.6.33 scheduler scheduler-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.746 (1995)" : scheduler AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.746 (1995)" : schedulerID; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING "Rec. X.738 (1993)":conflictingPackagesRequestedError; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 51}; -- 7.6.34 simpleScanner simpleScanner-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.738 (1993)" : simpleScanner AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.739 (1993)" : scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 49}; -- 7.6.35 software software-equipment NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS software AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS equipment AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE softwareId; BEHAVIOUR softwareNameBindingBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 18}; software-software NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS software AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS software AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE softwareId; BEHAVIOUR softwareNameBindingBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 19}; software-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS software AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE softwareId; BEHAVIOUR softwareNameBindingBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 20}; softwareNameBindingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "When automatic instance naming is used, the choice of name binding is left as a local matter."; -- 7.6.36 subNetwork subNetwork-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS subNetwork AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE subNetworkId; BEHAVIOUR subNetwork-layerNetworkDomainBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If, during a create operation in which networkTTP managed object instances are required to be created or associated with the subnetwork, the networkTTP managed object instances failed to be created or associated then a specific error will be returned with the values failureToCreateNetworkTTP or failureToAssociateNetworkTTP respectively and the create operation will fail. If, during a delete operation, the subnetwork is found to be in use (to have subnetwork connection present) or is bound to other resources a specific error with the value subnetworkInUse or boundSubnetwork respectively will be returned and the create operation will fail. <ITU-T G.854.1,OPERATION:ssccSetupSubnetworkConnection, OUTPUT_PARAMETERS:newSNC>, <ITU-T G.854.1,OPERATION:ssccReleaseSubnetworkConnection, OUTPUT_PARAMETERS:none>";; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING failureToAssociateNetworkTTP failureToCreateNetworkTTP failureToCreateSubnetwork; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS subnetworkInUse boundSubnetwork failureToRemoveSubnetwork; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 81}; -- 7.6.37 subNetworkConnection subNetworkConnection-subNetwork NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS subNetworkConnection AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS subNetwork AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE subNetworkConnectionId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 82}; -- 7.6.38 subsystem subsystem-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.723 (1993)" : subsystem AND SUBCLASSES ; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES ; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.723 (1993)" : subsystemId ; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 55}; -- 7.6.39 testActionPerformer testActionPerformer-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.745 (1993)" : testActionPerformer AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.745 (1993)" : testActionPerformerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 47}; -- 7.6.40 testObject testObject-testActionPerfomer NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.745 (1993)" : testObject AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.745 (1993)" : testActionPerformer AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.745 (1993)" : testObjectId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 48}; -- 7.6.41 topologicalLink topologicalLink-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS topologicalLink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE linkId; BEHAVIOUR topologicalLink-layerNetworkDomainBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The topologicalLink managed object is either automatically created when the trail in the server network layer domain that supports the link is created or is created by an establishTopologicalLink or an establishTopologicalLinkAndLinkEnds action. <ITU-T G.854.3,OPERATION:createTopologicalLink OUTPUT_PARAMETERS:topologicalLink>, The topologicalLink managed object is deleted either by a removeTopologicalLink or removeTopologicalLinkAndLinkEnds action or by the deletion of the trail if the topologicalLink managed object had previously been created automatically. <ITU-T G.854.3,OPERATION:deleteTopologicalLink,OUTPUT_PARAMETERS:none>";; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 83}; -- 7.6.42 topologicalLinkEnd topologicalLinkEnd-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS topologicalLinkEnd AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE linkEndId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 70}; topologicalLinkEnd-subNetwork NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS topologicalLinkEnd AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS subNetwork AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE linkEndId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 71}; -- 7.6.43 tpPool tpPool-fabric NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS tpPool; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS fabric AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE tpPoolId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 21}; -- 7.6.44 trailR1 trailR1-network NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS trailR1; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS network; WITH ATTRIBUTE trailId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 26}; -- 7.6.45 trailR2 trailR2-layerNetworkDomain NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS trailR2 AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS layerNetworkDomain AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE trailId; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 84}; -- 7.6.46 trailTerminationPointSink trailTerminationPointSink-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS trailTerminationPointSink AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE tTPId; BEHAVIOUR trailTerminationPointNameBindingBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 24}; -- 7.6.47 trailTerminationPointSource trailTerminationPointSource-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS trailTerminationPointSource AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE tTPId; BEHAVIOUR trailTerminationPointNameBindingBehaviour; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 23}; trailTerminationPointNameBindingBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "When automatic instance naming is used, the choice of name binding is left as a local matter."; -- 7.6.48 usageMeteringControl usageMeteringControl-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Rec. X.742 (1995)" : usageMeteringControlObject AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Rec. X.742 (1995)" : controlObjectId; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {m3100NameBinding 50}; -- 7.7 Parameters -- 7.7.1 AffectedObjectListParameter affectedObjectListParameter PARAMETER CONTEXT EVENT-INFO; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.ArcAffectedObjectList; BEHAVIOUR affectedObjectListParameterBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The affectedObjectListParameter may be attached to alarm notifications. The purpose of this parameter is to identify the list of resources that are affected by the problem.";; REGISTERED AS { m3100Parameter 66 }; -- 7.7.2 alarmEffectOnServiceParameter alarmEffectOnServiceParameter PARAMETER CONTEXT EVENT-INFO; WITH SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.AlarmEffectOnServiceParameter; BEHAVIOUR alarmEffectOnServiceParameterBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The alarmEffectOnServiceParameter is a parameter to be included as an element of a set in the AdditionalInformation parameter of the AlarmInfo defined in Recommendation X.721. The alarmEffectOnServiceParameter indicates whether the service is affected by the alarm.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 1}; -- 7.7.3 alarmingResumedParameter alarmingResumedParameter PARAMETER CONTEXT EVENT-INFO; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.AlarmingResumed; BEHAVIOUR alarmingResumedBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The alarmingResumedParameter shall be attached to alarm notifications emitted as a result of the resumption of alarming on a resource. The purpose of this parameter is to clarify the reason for any discrepancy between the time the event is received and the timestamp in the alarm notification. The timestamp of the alarm notification shall be the time that the problem was declared.";; REGISTERED AS { m3100Parameter 67}; -- 7.7.4 boundSubnetwork boundSubnetwork PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 6}; -- 7.7.5 channelsAlreadyProvisioned channelsAlreadyProvisioned PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Channels; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 7}; -- 7.7.6 circuitPackResetError circuitPackResetError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ResetError; BEHAVIOUR circuitPackResetErrorBeh; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 4}; circuitPackResetErrorBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This parameter is included in the error parameter of the CMIP APDU when the reset action fails for any other reason than the package not being implemented. If the managed system is unable to return an error because of the reset action itself, it is expected that other failures within the managed system will occur and be reported, or be detected by the managing system (e.g. loss of association)."; -- 7.7.7 createErrorParameter createErrorParameter PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.CreateError; BEHAVIOUR createErrorParameterBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If the maximum number of instances of the object class exist within the superior (containing) managed object, attempts to create additional instances will result in the CMIP processing failure error. The syntax of the specific error is an integer defined by CreateError. The value of the integer indicates the number of instances that are currently contained in the superior object.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 2}; -- 7.7.8 failureToAddLinkConnections failureToAddLinkConnections PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 8}; -- 7.7.9 failureToAddNetworkCTPs failureToAddNetworkCTPs PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 9}; -- 7.7.10 failureToAssociateLCs failureToAssociateLCs PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 10}; -- 7.7.11 failureToAssociateNetworkTTP failureToAssociateNetworkTTP PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 11}; -- 7.7.12 failureToBindLink failureToBindLink PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 17}; -- 7.7.13 failureToBindLinkEnd failureToBindLinkEnd PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 18}; -- 7.7.14 failureToBindTopologicalLink failureToBindTopologicalLink PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 19}; -- 7.7.15 failureToCreateAccessGroup failureToCreateAccessGroup PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 20}; -- 7.7.16 failureToCreateLCs failureToCreateLCs PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 22}; -- 7.7.17 failureToCreateLink failureToCreateLink PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 21}; -- 7.7.18 failureToCreateLinkEnd failureToCreateLinkEnd PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 23}; -- 7.7.19 failureToCreateNetworkTTP failureToCreateNetworkTTP PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 24}; -- 7.7.20 failureToCreateSubnetwork failureToCreateSubnetwork PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 25}; -- 7.7.21 failureToDeassignLinkConnection failureToDeassignLinkConnection PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 12}; -- 7.7.22 failureToDeassignNetworkCTP failureToDeassignNetworkCTP PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 13}; -- 7.7.23 failureToDecreaseCapacity failureToDecreaseCapacity PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Capacities; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 14}; -- 7.7.24 failureToDisassociateNetworkTTP failureToDisassociateNetworkTTP PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 26}; -- 7.7.25 failureToIncreaseCapacity failureToIncreaseCapacity PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Capacities; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 15}; -- 7.7.26 failureToRemoveAccessGroup failureToRemoveAccessGroup PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 27}; -- 7.7.27 failureToRemoveLC failureToRemoveLC PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 16}; -- 7.7.28 failureToRemoveNetworkCTPs failureToRemoveNetworkCTPs PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 28}; -- 7.7.29 failureToRemoveNetworkTTP failureToRemoveNetworkTTP PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 29}; -- 7.7.30 failureToRemoveSubnetwork failureToRemoveSubnetwork PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 30}; -- 7.7.31 failureToSetDirectionality failureToSetDirectionality PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 31}; -- 7.7.32 failureToSetLinkConnectionCallerId failureToSetLinkConnectionCallerId PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 32}; -- 7.7.33 failureToSetNetworkCTPCallerId failureToSetNetworkCTPCallerId PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 33}; -- 7.7.34 failureToSetUserIdentifier failureToSetUserIdentifier PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 34}; -- 7.7.35 failureToSupportLCs failureToSupportLCs PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 35}; -- 7.7.36 generalErrorParameter generalErrorParameter PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.GeneralError; BEHAVIOUR generalErrorParameterBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "If an error or set of errors occurs that cannot be described by existing CMISE errors or other error parameters, the error(s) will be communicated using this parameter, with the error or errors described by a cause code and optionally provided text. An attributeList can be provided if the error condition can be further described by the state of the object attributes. Related object(s) can also be provided. The related objects may contribute to the condition that does not allow the operation to take place. An example would be if objects are configured for a particular service offering that is in conflict with the service offering that is being provisioned.";; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 3}; -- 7.7.37 inconsistentDirectionality inconsistentDirectionality PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 36}; -- 7.7.38 inconsistentSignalIdentification inconsistentSignalIdentification PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 37}; -- 7.7.39 insufficientCapacity insufficientCapacity PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Capacity; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 38}; -- 7.7.40 invalidChannelsNumber invalidChannelsNumber PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Channels; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 39}; -- 7.7.41 invalidLinkConnection invalidLinkConnection PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 40}; -- 7.7.42 invalidNetworkCTP invalidNetworkCTP PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 41}; -- 7.7.43 invalidServiceCharacteristicsRequested invalidServiceCharacteristicsRequested PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 42}; -- 7.7.44 invalidTPType invalidTPType PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 43}; -- 7.7.45 invalidTrafficDescriptorRequested invalidTrafficDescriptorRequested PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 44}; -- 7.7.46 linkAndLinkConnectionNotCompatible linkAndLinkConnectionNotCompatible PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 47}; -- 7.7.47 linkConnectionAlreadyAssigned linkConnectionAlreadyAssigned PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 45}; -- 7.7.48 linkEndAndNetworkCTPNotCompatible linkEndAndNetworkCTPNotCompatible PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectList; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 46}; -- 7.7.49 networkCTPAlreadyAssigned networkCTPAlreadyAssigned PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 48}; -- 7.7.50 networkTTPAndAccessGroupNotCompatible networkTTPAndAccessGroupNotCompatible PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2. None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 49}; -- 7.7.51 networkTTPAndSubnetworkNotCompatible networkTTPAndSubnetworkNotCompatible PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2. None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 50}; -- 7.7.52 networkTTPAssociatedWithAccessGroup networkTTPAssociatedWithAccessGroup PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2. ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 51}; -- 7.7.53 networkTTPAssociatedWithSubnetwork networkTTPAssociatedWithSubnetwork PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2. ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 52}; -- 7.7.54 networkTTPTerminatesTrail networkTTPTerminatesTrail PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 54}; -- 7.7.55 networkTTPsExisting networkTTPsExisting PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 53}; -- 7.7.56 newServiceCharacteristicsExistsAlready newServiceCharacteristicsExistsAlready PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.SignalId; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 55}; -- 7.7.57 newTrafficDescriptorExistsAlready newTrafficDescriptorExistsAlready PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.SignalId; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 56}; -- 7.7.58 noLinkCapacity noLinkCapacity PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 57}; -- 7.7.59 noLinkEndCapacity noLinkEndCapacity PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 58}; -- 7.7.60 noSuchLink noSuchLink PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 59}; -- 7.7.61 noSuchLinkEnd noSuchLinkEnd PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 60}; -- 7.7.62 notAssignedToCaller notAssignedToCaller PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ObjectInstance; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 61}; -- 7.7.63 notEnoughLinkConnections notEnoughLinkConnections PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Count; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 62}; -- 7.7.64 notEnoughNetworkCTPs notEnoughNetworkCTPs PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.Count; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 63}; -- 7.7.65 notSupportedProbableCause notSupportedProbableCause PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule4.NotSupportedProbableCause; BEHAVIOUR notSupportedProbableCauseBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The probable cause values that are not supported by the object due to the fact that the object does not declare the probable cause.";; REGISTERED AS { m3100Parameter 68}; -- 7.7.66 protectionStatusParameterR1 protectionStatusParameterR1 PARAMETER CONTEXT EVENT-INFO; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1Module3.ProtectionStatusParameterR1; BEHAVIOUR protectionStatusParameterR1Beh; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 65}; protectionStatusParameterR1Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This parameter is included in the additional info field of the protectionSwitchReporting notification. This parameter is used according to the following rules. - See description in 2.2"; -- 7.7.67 serviceAffectedErrorParameter serviceAffectedErrorParameter PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.ServiceAffectingErrorParameter; BEHAVIOUR serviceAffectedErrorParameterBeh; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 5}; serviceAffectedErrorParameterBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This parameter is included in the processingFailure response when the operation fails for the reason that the operation affects existing user service."; -- 7.7.68 subnetworkInUse subnetworkInUse PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX M3100ASN1TypeModule2.None; REGISTERED AS {m3100Parameter 64}; --The following GDMO directive is added to help automatic processing of the --Recommendation: -- ============================================================================= -- Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Tue May 03 13:36:22 2005