-- ============================================================================= -- GDMO definitions extracted from ITU-T Rec. G.774.3 (2001) -- ============================================================================= apsReportRecord MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": eventLogRecord; CHARACTERIZED BY apsReportRecordPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR apsReportRecordBeh; ATTRIBUTES reportedProtectionUnit GET;;; REGISTERED AS { g774-03MObjectClass 1 }; apsReportRecordBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "An instance of the apsReportRecord object is created when a protectionSwitchReportingNotification is generated. The protectionStatusParameter must be included in the management extension. "; protectedTTPBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100": trailTerminationPointBidirectional, protectedTTPSource, protectedTTPSink; CHARACTERIZED BY protectedTTPBidirectionalPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR protectedTTPBidirectionalBeh;;; REGISTERED AS { g774-03MObjectClass 2 }; protectedTTPBidirectionalBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The protectedTTPBidirectional object class is a class of objects that represents the bidirectional protected resources in a protection system. If the SDH bidirectional multiplex section protection switching function is present, this object class shall be supported. "; protectedTTPSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100": trailTerminationPointSink; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100": crossConnectionPointerPackage, protectedTTPSinkPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR protectedTTPSinkBeh; ATTRIBUTES protectedTTPId GET;;; REGISTERED AS { g774-03MObjectClass 3 }; protectedTTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The protectedTTPSink object class is a class of objects that represents the protected resources in a protection system. An instance of this object class is pointed to by the reliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the protectionUnit object class. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated protectionUnit instance which has the reliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. The upstreamConnectivityPointer in an instance of this object class points to either null or its associated unprotected CTP object instance; it indicates the actual signal flow, and when a signal is switched to another unit, the value of the upstreamConnectivityPointer is updated. If the attributeValueChangeNotification package is present, then a change in the value of the supportedByObjectList shall cause an attributeValueChange notification. "; protectedTTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100": trailTerminationPointSource; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100": crossConnectionPointerPackage, protectedTTPSourcePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR protectedTTPSourceBeh; ATTRIBUTES protectedTTPId GET;;; REGISTERED AS { g774-03MObjectClass 4 }; protectedTTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The protectedTTPSource object class is a class of objects that represents the protected resources in a protection system. An instance of this object class is pointed to by the reliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the protectionUnit object class. The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated protectionUnit object instance which has the reliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. The downstreamConnectivityPointer in an instance of this object class points to either null or its associated unprotected CTP object instance(s); it indicates the actual signal flow, and when a signal is switched to another unit, the pointer is updated. If the attributeValueChangeNotification package is present, then a change in the value of the supportedByObjectList shall cause an attributeValueChange notification. "; protectionGroupR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":top; CHARACTERIZED BY protectionGroupPkgR1 PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR protectionGroupR1Beh; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":operationalState GET, "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":availabilityStatus GET, protectionGroupId GET, protectionGroupType GET-REPLACE, revertive REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT DEFAULT VALUE SDHProtASN1.booleanTrueDefault GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation M.3100":supportedByObjectList GET, waitToRestoreTime GET-REPLACE; ACTIONS invokeProtection, releaseProtection; NOTIFICATIONS protectionSwitchReportingR1, "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2":stateChange;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES "Recommendation M.3100":createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", "Recommendation M.3100":attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS { g774-03MObjectClass 12 }; protectionGroupR1Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "A protectionGroup object instance contains zero or more protectionUnit objects for defining a protection switching relationship where one or more standby (i.e. backup) entities provide protection for one or more working (i.e. regular or preferred) entities. The invokeProtection action can be used to request a lockout, a forced switch, or a manual switch (i.e. normal switch) on one or more protectionUnit instances contained in the protectionGroup object. The releaseProtection action can be used to release a lockout, a forced switch, or a manual switch (i.e. normal switch) on one or more protectionUnit instances contained in the protectionGroup object. The protectionSwitchReporting notification is emitted from the protectionGroup object to report any protection switch events, such as protection switching (forced switch, manual switch, or automatic switch), protection release (release of forced switch, manual switch, or automatic switch), lockout or release of lockout. If the attributeValueChangeNotification package is present, then changes to the protectionGroupType attribute, the revertive attribute or the waitToRestoreTime attribute shall cause an attributeValueChange notification to be emitted. The protectionGroupType attribute shall have the value 'colon' when more than one protectionUnit is protected. Changing the value of this attribute between 'plus' and 'colon' is allowed when only one protected protectionUnit and one protecting protectionUnit are contained by the protectionGroup. The change from 'plus' to 'colon' is only allowed if the underlying resources support M:N protection."; protectionUnit MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": top; CHARACTERIZED BY protectionUnitPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR protectionUnitBeh; ATTRIBUTES protectionUnitId GET, protecting GET, reliableResourcePointer GET, unreliableResourcePointer GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES priorityPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", "Recommendation M.3100": attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS { g774-03MObjectClass 6 }; protectionUnitBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "A protectionUnit object represents a protected (i.e. working, regular, or preferred) unit or a protecting (i.e. backup or standby) unit. For a protecting protectionUnit, the attribute protecting shall have the value TRUE. For a protected protectionUnit, the attribute protecting shall have the value FALSE. The value of the unreliableResourcePointer attribute points to an unreliable resource (e.g. equipment hardware or termination point) that is associated with the protectionUnit instance. The value of the reliableResourcePointer attribute points to a reliable resource (e.g. termination point) that is associated with the protectionUnit instance. If the attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage is present, then changes to the unreliableResourcePointer attribute, the priority attribute or the reliableResourcePointer attribute shall cause an attributeValueChange notification to be emitted. "; sdhMSProtectionGroupR1 MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM protectionGroupR1; CHARACTERIZED BY sdhMSProtectionGroupR1Pkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR sdhMSProtectionGroupR1Beh; ATTRIBUTES protectionSwitchMode GET-REPLACE; NOTIFICATIONS protectionSwitchReportingR1 protectionStatusParameter;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES protectionMismatchStatusPkg PRESENT IF "the APS protocol is used", protectionSwitchExercisePkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS { g774-03MObjectClass 13 }; sdhMSProtectionGroupR1Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class is used specifically for representing a SDH multiplex-section protection group in a protection system. Only one protecting protection unit is allowed. The protectionMismatchStatus indicates a mismatch between the provisioned protectionGroupType of this protection group and the provisioned protectionGroupType of the far-end. It also indicates mismatch of uni-directional versus bi-directional switch provisioning between the two protection groups."; sdhMSProtectionUnit MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM protectionUnit; CHARACTERIZED BY sdhMSProtectionUnitPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR sdhMSProtectionUnitBeh; ATTRIBUTES channelNumber GET, protectionStatus GET, reliableResourcePointer PERMITTED VALUES SDHProtASN1.SDHMSResourcePointer, unreliableResourcePointer PERMITTED VALUES SDHProtASN1.SDHMSResourcePointer;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES sdhPriorityPkg PRESENT IF "this is a 1:n system", lastAttemptResultPkg PRESENT IF "the APS protocol is used", extraTrafficControlPkg PRESENT IF "extra traffic may be suspended and resumed"; REGISTERED AS { g774-03MObjectClass 8 }; sdhMSProtectionUnitBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This object class is specific to SDH multiplex section protection systems. Instances of this object class are used to represent a relationship between a protectedTTP and an unprotectedCTP. If this is a protecting protection unit, the reliableResourcePointer points to the protectedTTP for extra traffic or NULL if there is no extra traffic. The channelNumber attribute value represents the number of the channel used by the SDH MSP protocol, if any. If the sdhMSProtectionUnit is protecting, then the channelNumber attribute shall have the value 0. If the sdhMSProtectionUnit is protected, the channelNumber attribute shall have a value between 1 and 14. For Lockout of protecting unit, protected channels 1 to 14 are incapable of being carried on protection. "; unprotectedCTPBidirectional MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100": connectionTerminationPointBidirectional, unprotectedCTPSource, unprotectedCTPSink; CHARACTERIZED BY unprotectedCTPBidirectionalPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR unprotectedCTPBidirectionalBeh;;; REGISTERED AS { g774-03MObjectClass 9 }; unprotectedCTPBidirectionalBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The unprotectedCTPBidirectional object class is a class of objects that represents the unprotected resources in a protection system. "; unprotectedCTPSink MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100": connectionTerminationPointSink; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100": crossConnectionPointerPackage, unprotectedCTPSinkPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR unprotectedCTPSinkBeh; ATTRIBUTES unprotectedCTPId GET;;; REGISTERED AS { g774-03MObjectClass 10 }; unprotectedCTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The unprotectedCTPSink object class is a class of objects that represents the unprotected resources in a protection system. An instance of this object class is pointed to by the unreliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the protectionUnit object class (or its subclasses). The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated protectionUnit object instance which has the unreliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. "; unprotectedCTPSource MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation M.3100": connectionTerminationPointSource; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation M.3100": crossConnectionPointerPackage, unprotectedCTPSourcePkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR unprotectedCTPSourceBeh; ATTRIBUTES unprotectedCTPId GET;;; REGISTERED AS { g774-03MObjectClass 11 }; unprotectedCTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The unprotectedCTPSource object class is a class of objects that represents the unprotected resources in a protection system. An instance of this object class is pointed to by the unreliableResourcePointer attribute in an instance of the protectionUnit object class (or its subclasses). The crossConnectionObjectPointer attribute in an instance of this object class points to its associated protectionUnit object instance which has the reliableResourcePointer attribute pointing back to the instance of this object class. "; extraTrafficControlPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR extraTrafficControlPkgBeh; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": administrativeState GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Package 1 }; extraTrafficControlPkgBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Attribute administrativeState is used to suspend or resume extra traffic on the protecting channel. When in the Locked state, no extra traffic is carried on the protecting channel, however, this does not prevent protected channel traffic from being switched to the protecting channel. When unlocked, extra traffic is resumed on the protecting channel as long as there is no request from a protected channel of higher priority than on the protecting channel. "; lastAttemptResultPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES lastAttemptResult GET; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Package 2 }; protectionSwitchExercisePkg PACKAGE ACTIONS invokeExercise; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Package 3 }; protectionMismatchStatusPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES protectionMismatchStatus GET; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Package 4 }; priorityPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES priority GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Package 5 }; sdhPriorityPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES sdhPriority PERMITTED VALUES SDHProtASN1.SDHMSPriority GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Package 6 }; channelNumber ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.Integer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR channelNumberBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 1 }; channelNumberBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the channel number associated with a protectionUnit. "; lastAttemptResult ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.LastAttemptResult; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR lastAttemptResultBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 2 }; lastAttemptResultBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the last exercise result or the result of a protection group/unit diagnostic or switch attempt which performs at least the same functionality as an exercise, is available from his attribute. If a failure occurs, the availabilityStatus of the protectionGroup object will be set to degraded. The successful completion of a protection group/unit diagnostic or switch attempt which performs at least the same functionality as an exercise causes the availabilityStatus attribute to be set to NULL (i.e. available), and the lastAttemptResult value is set to success. "; priority ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.Integer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR priorityBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 3 }; priorityBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies the priority of the service (e.g. traffic) carried on the resource associated with the protected protectionUnit instance. Valid values for this attribute are integers, where the value 1 indicates the highest priority, and a larger value indicates a lower priority. For a protecting protectionUnit, the value of this attribute indicates the priority of choice of the protecting protectionUnit relative to other available protecting protectionUnit(s) within the same protectionGroup. The lower the value, the more preferred the protectionUnit is relative to other protectionUnits. "; protectedTTPId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR protectedTTPIdBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 4 }; protectedTTPIdBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used as an RDN for naming instances of the protectedTTP object classes. If the string choice of the syntax is used, then matching on substrings is permitted. If the number choice for the syntax is used, then matching on ordering is permitted. "; reportedProtectionUnit ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.RelativeDistinguishedName; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 5 }; protectionGroupId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR protectionGroupIdBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 6 }; protectionGroupIdBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The protectionGroupId attribute is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the protectionGroup object class. If the string choice of the syntax is used, then matching on substrings is permitted. If the number choice for the syntax is used, then matching on ordering is permitted. "; protectionGroupType ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.ProtectionGroupType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR protectionGroupTypeBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 7 }; protectionGroupTypeBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies whether the protection scheme used is 1 + 1 (plus) or M:N (colon). M:N includes the cases where M = 1 and/or N = 1. "; protectionMismatchStatus ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.ProtectionMismatchStatus; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR protectionMismatchStatusBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 8 }; protectionMismatchStatusBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates a mismatch between the local and far-end provisioned values for the protectionGroupType attribute and has a separate indication for a mismatch between the local and far-end provisioned values for the protectionSwitchMode attribute. "; protectionStatus ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.ProtectionStatus; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR protectionStatusBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 9 }; protectionStatusBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to indicate the status of the protection switch in a protectionUnit instance. This attribute is set-valued because some requests are allowed to be pending. The following rule shall be followed: Only one of the values lockout, forcedSwitch, or manualSwitch can be present at the same time, either local or remote. It is also possible to have two or more pending automatic switch requests. The protectionStatus attribute of a protection Unit which provides protection is used to hold the protection request which is actually performed on that protectionUnit. Locally invoked management operations (e.g. manual, forced, lockout switch completions) can be overridden at the near end or the far end, but may only be released at the near end. Single-ended systems keep the status of local and far-end switch requests as separate entities in the protectionStatus attribute. The remainder of this behaviour provides the allowable protectionStatus attribute values for protected and protecting units for both revertive and non-revertive systems. The following allowable protectionStatus values are associated with each protected unit: ( No Request ( No switch request is present on the unit. ( Manual Switch to Protecting Complete ( The unit has completed a Manual Switch. ( Release failed ( A switch has been released or pre-empted and a timeout occurs while waiting for a release of associated bridges, or the near-end switch. ( Automatic Switch (SF) Pending ( The unit has a Signal Fail condition present and the protecting unit is unavailable. ( Automatic Switch (SD) Pending ( The unit has a Signal Degrade condition present and the protecting unit is unavailable. ( Automatic Switch (SF) Complete ( The unit has completed an Automatic Switch to the protecting unit due to a Signal Fail condition. ( Automatic Switch (SD) Complete ( The unit has completed an Automatic Switch to the protecting unit due to a Signal Degrade condition. ( Automatic Switch (SF) Present, Operate failed ( An automatic switch (SF) request is in progress and a time-out occurs while waiting for completion. ( Automatic Switch (SD) Present, Operate failed ( An automatic switch (SD) request is in progress and a time-out occurs while waiting for completion. ( Force Switch Complete, Automatic Switch (SF) Pending ( The unit has completed a Force Switch. Additionally, the unit has an automatic switch (SF) pending. ( Force Switch Complete, Automatic Switch (SD) Pending ( The unit has completed a Force Switch. Additionally, the unit has an automatic switch (SD) pending. ( Automatic Switch Complete, Wait-to-Restore ( The unit has completed an Automatic Switch to the protecting unit. ( Force Switch Complete ( The unit has completed a Force Switch to the protecting unit. ( Protected Unit Lockout Completed ( The unit has been locked out from the protecting unit. ( Protected Unit Lockout complete, Operate Failed ( The unit has been locked out from the protecting unit, and, the previously completed switch could not be released within the expected time-out. When the switch is released, the operate failed status is removed. Additionally, the non-revertive protected protection unit has the following status values: ( Do Not Revert ( The protected unit has been switched to the protecting unit and the request to do so has been released. The switch to the protecting unit is maintained. ( Manual Switch to Protected Unit Complete ( The unit has completed a Manual Switch from the protecting unit to the protected unit. ( Force Switch to Protected Unit Complete ( The unit has completed a Force Switch from the protecting unit to the protected unit. ( Automatic Switch (SF) to Protected Unit Complete ( The protecting unit has a Signal Fail condition present and traffic is now being carried on the protected unit. ( Automatic Switch (SD) to Protected Unit Complete ( The protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present and traffic is now being carried on the protected unit. ( Automatic Switch (SD) to Protected Unit Complete, Signal Degrade Present ( The protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present and traffic is now being carried on the protected unit. Additionally, the protected unit has a Signal Degrade condition present. ( Automatic Switch (SF) to Protected Unit Complete, Signal Degrade Present ( The protecting unit has a Signal Fail condition present and traffic is now being carried on the protected unit. Additionally, the protected unit has a Signal Degrade condition present. ( Force Switch from Protecting Unit Complete, Automatic Switch (SF) Pending ( The unit has completed a Force Switch from the protecting unit to the protected unit. Additionally, the protected unit has an automatic switch (SF) condition present. ( Force Switch from Protecting Unit Complete, Automatic Switch (SD) Pending ( The unit has completed a Force Switch from the protecting unit to the protected unit. Additionally, the protected unit has an automatic switch (SD) condition present. The following allowable protectionStatus values are associated with each protecting unit: ( No Request - No request is present on the protecting unit. ( Manual Switch to Protecting Unit Complete ( The protected unit has completed a Manual Switch. ( Automatic Switch Complete (SF) to Protecting Unit ( The protected unit has completed an automatic switch (SF) to the protecting unit. ( Automatic Switch Complete (SD) to Protecting Unit ( The protected unit has completed an automatic switch (SD) to the protecting unit. ( Automatic Switch Complete (SD) to Protecting Unit, Protecting Unit Signal Degraded ( The protected unit has completed an automatic switch to the protecting unit. Additionally, the protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present. This applies to 1:n systems only. ( Automatic Switch Complete (SF) to Protecting Unit, Protecting Unit Signal Degraded ( The protected unit has completed an automatic switch to the protecting unit. Additionally, the protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present. This applies to 1:n systems only. ( Protecting Unit SD Present ( The protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present. This state may also be a result of invalid or toggling APS byte values. This applies to 1:n systems only. ( Protecting Unit SF Present ( The protecting unit has a Signal Fail condition present. This state may also be a result of invalid or toggling APS byte values. This applies to 1:n systems only. ( Force Switch Complete to Protecting Unit ( The unit has completed a Force Switch of a protected unit to the protecting unit. ( Force Switch Complete to Protecting Unit, SD Present on Protecting Unit ( The unit has completed a Force Switch of a protected unit to the protecting unit. Additionally, there is a Signal Degrade present on the protecting unit. ( Force Switch Complete to Protecting, SF Present on Protecting Unit ( The unit has completed a Force Switch of a protected unit to the protecting unit. Additionally, there is a Signal Fail (1 + 1 unidirectional systems only) present on the protecting unit. ( Protecting Unit Locked Out ( The protecting unit has been locked out. ( Protecting Unit Locked Out, Release Failed ( A release of a lockout is in progress and a timeout occurs waiting for the lockout condition to clear. Additionally, the non-revertive protecting unit has the following values: ( Do Not Revert ( The protected unit has been switched to the protecting unit and the request to do so has been released. The switch to the protecting unit is maintained. ( Manual Switch to Protected Unit Complete ( The unit has completed a Manual Switch from the protecting unit to the protected unit. ( Force Switch to Protected Unit Complete ( The protecting unit has completed a forced switch to the protected unit. ( Force Switch to Protected Unit Complete, Protecting Unit Signal Degraded ( The protecting unit has completed a forced switch to the protected unit. Additionally, there is a Signal Degrade condition on the protecting unit. ( Force Switch to Protected Unit Complete, Protecting Unit Signal Failed ( The protecting unit shows a forced switch to the protected unit. Additionally, there is a Signal Fail condition on the protecting unit. ( Automatic Switch (SF) to Protected Unit Complete ( The protecting unit has a Signal Fail condition present and traffic is now being carried on the protected unit. ( Automatic Switch (SD) to Protected Unit Complete ( The protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present and traffic is now being carried on the protected unit. ( Automatic Switch Complete (SD) to Protecting, Automatic Switch (SD) to Protected Unit Pending ( The protected unit has completed an automatic switch to the protecting unit. Additionally, the protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present. ( Automatic Switch Complete (SF) to Protecting, Automatic Switch (SD) to Protected Unit Pending ( The protected unit has completed an automatic switch to the protecting unit. Additionally, the protecting unit has a Signal Degrade condition present. APS timeout detected by the exerciser, or, during an attempt to invoke a manual or forced switch will not be indicated as APS failure (operate or release fail) in the protectionStatus attribute. Instead, the actionReply for the invoked action will report this. Additionally, attribute lastAttemptResult will provide a record of the failure, until a successful exercise or protection switch causes this attribute to be cleared. "; protectionSwitchMode ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.ProtectionSwitchMode; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR protectionSwitchModeBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 10 }; protectionSwitchModeBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies whether protection switching is done on a unidirectional or bidirectional basis. "; protectionUnitId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR protectionUnitIdBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 11 }; protectionUnitIdBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The protectionUnitId attribute is an attribute type whose distinguished value can be used as an RDN when naming an instance of the protectionUnit object class. If the string choice of the syntax is used, then matching on substrings is permitted. If the number choice for the syntax is used, then matching on ordering is permitted. "; protecting ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.Boolean; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR protectingBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 12 }; protectingBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies the type of the protectionUnit. A value of TRUE indicates that the protectionUnit is a protecting (i.e. backup or standby) unit. A value of FALSE indicates that the protectionUnit is a protected (i.e. a regular, working, or preferred) unit. "; reliableResourcePointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.ResourcePointer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR reliableResourcePointerBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 13 }; reliableResourcePointerBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the reliableResourcePointer attribute points to the reliable resource(s) (e.g. termination point) that is/are associated with the protectionUnit instance. "; revertive ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.Boolean; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR revertiveBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 14 }; revertiveBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates whether the protection scheme is revertive or not. If the value of this attribute is TRUE, the traffic is returned to the protected protectionUnit instance that initiated the switch after the fault clears and the waitToRestoreTime interval (if any) has expired. If the value of this attribute is FALSE, then after the fault has cleared, traffic does not revert to the protectionUnit that initiated the switch. "; sdhPriority ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.Integer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR sdhPriorityBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 15 }; sdhPriorityBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "SDH priority may be High or Low for protected protection units. This is intended for prioritizing SD and SF conditions on 1:n systems. "; unprotectedCTPId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTRINGS; BEHAVIOUR unprotectedCTPIdBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 16 }; unprotectedCTPIdBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used as an RDN for naming instances of the unprotectedCTP object classes. If the string choice of the syntax is used, then matching on substrings is permitted. If the number choice for the syntax is used, then matching on ordering is permitted. "; unreliableResourcePointer ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.ResourcePointer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR unreliableResourcePointerBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 17 }; unreliableResourcePointerBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the unreliableResourcePointer attribute points to the unreliable resource(s) (e.g. equipment hardware or termination point) that is/are associated with the protectionUnit instance. "; waitToRestoreTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.Integer; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR waitToRestoreTimeBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 18 }; waitToRestoreTimeBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to wait after a fault clears before restoring traffic to the protected protectionUnit that initiated the switching. "; notifiedProtectionUnit ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.ProtectionUnit; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Attribute 19 }; invokeExercise ACTION BEHAVIOUR invokeExerciseBeh; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.InvokeExerciseArg; WITH REPLY SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.InvokeExerciseReply; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Action 1 }; invokeExerciseBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The invokeExercise action can be used to request a protection exercise routine to be performed on one or more protectionUnit instances contained in the protectionGroup object. The action argument contains indications of the protected and protecting units to which the request applies. If a protecting unit is identified in the protectedUnits field, or if a protected unit is identified in the protectingUnits field, the action fails. The protectionEntity field may be absent, indicating that the request applies to all contained protection units. While an exercise is in progress, the value of the protectionStatus attribute shall continue to indicate No Request. When an exercise routine has completed for any protectionUnit instances, the lastAttemptResult attribute is updated to reflect pass or fail for each exercised protection unit. "; invokeProtection ACTION BEHAVIOUR invokeProtectionBeh; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS invokeProtectionError; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.InvokeProtectionArg; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Action 2 }; invokeProtectionBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The invokeProtection action can be used to request a lockout, a forced switch, or a manual (i.e. normal switch) on one or more protectionUnit instances contained in the protectionGroup object. The action argument contains a request (Forced Switch, Manual Switch, or Lockout) and indications of the protected and protecting units to which the request applies. If a protecting unit is identified in the protectedUnits field, or if a protected unit is identified in the protectingUnits field, the action fails. If the request is Forced Switch or Manual Switch, the protectedUnits field shall identify one or more protection units. If only one unit is identified in the protectedUnits field, and there is only one protecting unit in the protection group, the protectingUnits field may be omitted. If the protectingUnits field is present, it shall identify the same number of units as the protectedUnits field. If the request is Lockout, the protectionEntity field may be absent, indicating that the request applies to all contained protection units. If the protectionEntity field is present, any number of protection units may be identified in the protectedUnits and/or protectingUnits field, and either field may be absent. For a Lockout request, the specified protected units and/or protecting units are locked out. For requests which cannot be completed, either because the request is the protecting unit is serving a request of higher priority (in the error parameter of the CMIP APDU, reason: pre-empted), or failure occurs (failure), or timeout occurs (timeout), the reply shall indicate why the request could not be completed, and the request shall not be made pending. The CMIP error APDU contains the failure reasons. "; releaseProtection ACTION BEHAVIOUR releaseProtectionBeh; MODE CONFIRMED; PARAMETERS releaseProtectionError; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.ReleaseProtectionArg; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Action 3 }; releaseProtectionBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The releaseProtection action can be used to release a lockout, a forced switch, or a manual (i.e. normal switch) on one or more protectionUnit instances contained in the protectionGroup object. The action argument contains a request (Forced Switch, Manual Switch, or Lockout) and indications of the protected and protecting units to which the request applies. If a protecting unit is identified in the protectedUnits field, or if a protected unit is identified in the protectingUnits field, the action fails. If the request is Forced Switch or Manual Switch, the protectedUnits field shall identify one or more protection units, and the protectingUnits field shall be omitted. For each identified protected unit, if it is not switched to a protecting unit, the action fails. If the request is Lockout, the protectionEntity field may be absent, indicating that the request applies to all contained protection units. If the protectionEntity field is present, any number of protection units may be identified in the protectedUnits and/or protectingUnits field, and either field may be absent. For a Lockout request, the specified protected units and/or protecting units are no longer locked out. That is, the protected units are now under protection and the protecting units are now capable of providing protection. For release requests which cannot be completed, the reply shall indicate why the request could not be completed. "; protectionSwitchReportingR1 NOTIFICATION BEHAVIOUR protectionSwitchReportingR1Beh; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.ProtectionSwitchReportingInfo AND ATTRIBUTE IDS protectingUnit reportedProtectionUnit, additionalInfo "Recommendation X.721": additionalInformation; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Notification 2 }; protectionSwitchReportingR1Beh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The protectionSwitchReporting notification is emitted from the protectionGroup object to report any protection switch events."; invokeProtectionError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.InvokeProtectionError; BEHAVIOUR invokeProtectionErrorBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Parameter 1 }; invokeProtectionErrorBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This parameter is included in the error parameter of the CMIP APDU when the invoke protection action fails. The pre-empted choice means that a higher priority switch request exists on the protecting protection unit. The failure choice indicates that the request has not been performed due to an abnormal condition on the protection system. The timeout choice indicates that the protection switch has not been performed in the required time frame. "; releaseProtectionError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.ReleaseProtectionError; BEHAVIOUR releaseProtectionErrorBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Parameter 2 }; releaseProtectionErrorBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This parameter is included in the error parameter of the CMIP APDU when the release protection action fails. The failure choice indicates that the request has not been performed due to an abnormal condition on the protection system. The timeout choice indicates that the protection switch has not been performed in the required time frame. "; protectionStatusParameter PARAMETER CONTEXT EVENT-INFO; WITH SYNTAX SDHProtASN1.ProtectionStatusParameter; BEHAVIOUR protectionStatusParameterBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03Parameter 3 }; protectionStatusParameterBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This parameter is included in the additional info parameters of the protection switching reporting notification. This notification is sent by the protection group according to the following rules. There are several cases: ( The switch from protected to protecting or protecting to protected has been done without pre-empting an existing switch. In this case the old and new values of the Protection Status attribute of the protecting channel shall be reported in the notification by means of the oldProtectionStatus and newProtectionStatus parameters respectively. ( A switch is preformed by pre-empting an existing one. In this case the old and new values of the Protection Status attribute of the protecting channel shall be reported in the notification by means of the oldProtectionStatus and newProtectionStatus parameters respectively. ( An auto-switch condition exists on a channel but the auto-switch cannot be served due to the unavailability of the channel that otherwise protects it. In this case the oldProtectionStatus and newProtectionStatus parameters refer to the protection status attribute value of the channel on which the autoswitch condition arises. The exception is when the channel is already forced or locked out, in which case no notification is sent. ( A working channel (protected unit) has been locked out or released from lockout without modifying any existing switch. In this case the oldProtectionStatus and newProtectionStatus parameters refer to the protection status attribute value of the working channel which has been locked out. ( A protection channel (protecting unit) has been locked out or release from lockout without modifying the existing switch. In this case the oldProtectionStatus and newProtectionStatus parameters refer to the protection status attribute value of the protection channel which has been locked out. ( The protectionSwitchReporting is not sent when the automatic switch condition is toggling between SD, SF and WTR condition. While in the lockout of forced switch state no notification is sent except for ending of release failure. "; protectedTTPBidirectional-sdhNE NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS protectedTTPBidirectional; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774":sdhNE; WITH ATTRIBUTE protectedTTPId; BEHAVIOUR protectedTTPBidirectional-sdhNEBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03NameBinding 1 }; protectedTTPBidirectional-sdhNEBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the multiplex section protection switching function is present. Instances of this object class may also be instantiated when other types of protection switching functions, such as path protection, are present. "; protectedTTPSink-sdhNE NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS protectedTTPSink; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": sdhNE; WITH ATTRIBUTE protectedTTPId; BEHAVIOUR protectedTTPSink-sdhNEBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03NameBinding 2 }; protectedTTPSink-sdhNEBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the multiplex section protection switching function is present. Instances of this object may also be instantiated when other types of protection switching functions, such as path protection, are present. "; protectedTTPSource-sdhNE NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS protectedTTPSource; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": sdhNE; WITH ATTRIBUTE protectedTTPId; BEHAVIOUR protectedTTPSource-sdhNEBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03NameBinding 3 }; protectedTTPSource-sdhNEBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the multiplex section protection switching function is present. Instances of this object class may also be instantiated when other types of protection switching functions, such as path protection, are present. "; protectionGroupR1-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS protectionGroupR1 AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation M.3100":managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE protectionGroupId; REGISTERED AS { g774-03NameBinding 12 }; augBidirectional-protectedTTPBidirectional NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": augBidirectional; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS protectedTTPBidirectional; WITH ATTRIBUTE"Recommendation G.774": augId; BEHAVIOUR augBidirectional-protectedTTPBidirectionalBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03NameBinding 5 }; augBidirectional-protectedTTPBidirectionalBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the multiplex-section protection switching function is present. "; augSink-protectedTTPSink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": augSink; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS protectedTTPSink; WITH ATTRIBUTE"Recommendation G.774": augId; BEHAVIOUR augSink-protectedTTPSinkBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03NameBinding 6 }; augSink-protectedTTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the multiplex-section protection switching function is present. "; augSource-protectedTTPSource NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": augSource; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS protectedTTPSource; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation G.774": augId; BEHAVIOUR augSource-protectedTTPSourceBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03NameBinding 7 }; augSource-protectedTTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the multiplex-section protection switching function is present. "; protectionUnit-protectionGroupR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS protectionUnit AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS protectionGroupR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE protectionUnitId; REGISTERED AS { g774-03NameBinding 13 }; unprotectedCTPBidirectional-msTTPBidirectional NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS unprotectedCTPBidirectional; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": msTTPBidirectional; WITH ATTRIBUTE unprotectedCTPId; BEHAVIOUR unprotectedCTPBidirectional-msTTPBidirectionalBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03NameBinding 9 }; unprotectedCTPBidirectional-msTTPBidirectionalBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the multiplex section protection switching function is present. "; unprotectedCTPSink-msTTPSink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS unprotectedCTPSink; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": msTTPSink; WITH ATTRIBUTE unprotectedCTPId; BEHAVIOUR unprotectedCTPSink-msTTPSinkBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03NameBinding 10 }; unprotectedCTPSink-msTTPSinkBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the multiplex section protection switching function is present. "; unprotectedCTPSource-msTTPSource NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS unprotectedCTPSource; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": msTTPSource; WITH ATTRIBUTE unprotectedCTPId; BEHAVIOUR unprotectedCTPSource-msTTPSourceBeh; REGISTERED AS { g774-03NameBinding 11 }; unprotectedCTPSource-msTTPSourceBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The subordinate managed objects are instantiated when the multiplex section protection switching function is present. "; --<GDMO.EndDocument>-- -- ============================================================================= -- Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Fri Aug 20 11:20:49 2004