-- ============================================================================= -- ITU-T Rec. X.738 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-13 : 1995 -- ============================================================================= --<GDMO.Alias "ITU-T Rec. X.738 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-13 : 1995" -- "Rec. X.738|ISO/IEC 10164-13:1992", -- "Rec. X.738 (1993)", -- "Recommendation X.738:1993", -- "ITU-T Rec. X.738:1993", -- "ITU-T Recommendation X.738">-- -- ========================================================= --<GDMO.Document "ITU-T Rec. X.738 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-13 : 1995">-- --<GDMO.Alias "ITU-T Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992" -- "CCITT Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992", -- "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992">-- --<GDMO.Alias "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994" -- "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994">-- bufferedScanner MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994":scanner; CHARACTERIZED BY bufferedScannerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR bufferedScannerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; ATTRIBUTES bufferedObservationIdList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE, reportPeriod GET-REPLACE, suppressObjectInstance GET-REPLACE; ACTIONS reportBuffer scanActionError; NOTIFICATIONS bufferedScanReport;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES timeStampReportPackage PRESENT IF "time stamping supported"; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 1 }; bufferedScanReportRecord MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":eventLogRecord; CHARACTERIZED BY bufferedScanReportPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR bufferedScanReportRecordBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object is used to represent logged information that resulted from buffered scan report notifications or event reports.";; ATTRIBUTES "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994":granularityPeriod GET, bufferedObservationList GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES firstScanInitiationTimePackage PRESENT IF "the firstScanInitiationTime parameter is present in report", suspectIntervalsPackage PRESENT IF"the number of suspect intervals is non-zero and therefore present in the report.", incompleteScanPackage PRESENT IF "the scan could not be completed."; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 2 }; dynamicScanner MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":top; CHARACTERIZED BY dynamicScannerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR dynamicScannerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; ATTRIBUTES "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994":scannerId GET, "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":operationalState GET, "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":administrativeState GET-REPLACE;;; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 3 }; dynamicSimpleScanner MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM dynamicScanner; CHARACTERIZED BY dynamicSimpleScannerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR dynamicSimpleScannerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; ACTIONS activateDynamicSimpleScanReport scanActionError;;; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 4 }; ensembleStatisticScanner MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM homogeneousScanner; CHARACTERIZED BY ensembleStatisticScannerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR ensembleBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; ATTRIBUTES numericAttributeIdList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE, suppressObjectInstance GET-REPLACE; ACTIONS activateStatisticalReport scanActionError; NOTIFICATIONS statisticalReport;;; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 5 }; heterogeneousScanner MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994":scanner; CHARACTERIZED BY heterogeneousScannerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR heterogeneousScannerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; ATTRIBUTES observationIdList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE, suppressObjectInstance GET-REPLACE; ACTIONS activateScanReport scanActionError; NOTIFICATIONS scanReport;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES timeStampReportPackage PRESENT IF "time stamping supported", onceReportAttributeIdListPackage PRESENT IF "the once report attribute Id list mechanism is supported"; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 6 }; homogeneousScanner MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994":scanner; CHARACTERIZED BY homogeneousScannerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR homogeneousScannerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; ATTRIBUTES scanAttributeIdList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE;;; -- this may be empty CONDITIONAL PACKAGES timeStampReportPackage PRESENT IF "time stamping supported", scopedSelectionPackage PRESENT IF "the managedObjectInstanceSelectionPackage is not present in an instance", timingSelectionPackage PRESENT IF "timing attributes present", managedObjectInstanceSelectionPackage PRESENT IF "the scopedSelectionPackage is not present in an instance"; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 7 }; meanScanner MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM ensembleStatisticScanner; CHARACTERIZED BY meanScannerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR meanScannerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See 8.1.4. 2and";;;; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 8 }; meanVarianceScanner MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM meanScanner; CHARACTERIZED BY meanVarianceScannerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR meanVarianceScannerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See and";;;; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 9 }; minMaxScanner MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM ensembleStatisticScanner; CHARACTERIZED BY minMaxScannerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR minMaxScannerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See and";;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES meanCalculationPackage PRESENT IF "mean calculation is supported"; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 10 }; percentileScanner MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM ensembleStatisticScanner; CHARACTERIZED BY percentileScannerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR percentileScannerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See and";; ATTRIBUTES "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994":configurablePCT GET-REPLACE;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES meanCalculationPackage PRESENT IF "mean calculation is supported"; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 11 }; scanReportRecord MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":eventLogRecord; CHARACTERIZED BY scanReportRecordPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR scanReportRecordBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object is used to represent logged information that resulted from scan report notifications or event reports.";; ATTRIBUTES observationScanList GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES scanInitiationTimePackage PRESENT IF "the scanInitiationTime parameter is present in report", onceReportAttributeListPackage PRESENT IF "the onceReportAttributeList parameter is present in report", incompleteScanPackage PRESENT IF "the scan could not be completed."; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 13 }; simpleScanner MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM homogeneousScanner; CHARACTERIZED BY simpleScannerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR simpleScannerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; ATTRIBUTES numericAttributeIdArray GET-REPLACE,--This list may be empty. suppressObjectInstance GET-REPLACE; ACTIONS activateScanReport scanActionError; NOTIFICATIONS scanReport;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES onceReportAttributeIdListPackage PRESENT IF "once report is supported"; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 14 }; statisticalReportRecord MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":eventLogRecord; CHARACTERIZED BY statisticalReportPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR statisticalReportRecordBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This managed object is used to represent logged information that resulted from statistical report notifications or event reports.";; ATTRIBUTES algorithmOutputs GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES scanInitiationTimePackage PRESENT IF "the scanInitiationTime parameter is present in the report", observationReportListPackage PRESENT IF "the observationReportList parameter is present in the report", algorithmParametersPackage PRESENT IF "the algorithmParameters parameter is present in the behaviour", incompleteScanPackage PRESENT IF "the scan could not be completed."; REGISTERED AS { summarizationManagedObjectClass 15 }; -- The following calculation package defines behaviour associated with -- calculation of statistics for each numeric attribute type across all selected -- managed objects. meanCalculationPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR meanCalculationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 1 }; algorithmParametersPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES algorithmParameters GET; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 2 }; firstScanInitiationTimePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES firstScanInitiationTime GET; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 3 }; incompleteScanPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES incompleteScan GET; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 14 }; managedObjectInstanceSelectionPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES objectList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 4 }; observationReportListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES observationReportList GET; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 5 }; onceReportAttributeIdListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES onceReportAttributeIdList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 6 }; onceReportAttributeListPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES onceReportAttributeList GET; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 7 }; scanInitiationTimePackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES scanInitiationTime GET; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 9 }; scopedSelectionPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR scopedSelectionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; ATTRIBUTES baseManagedObject GET-REPLACE, scope GET-REPLACE, scanningFilter DEFAULT VALUE SummarizationASN1Productions.scanningFilterDefault GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 10 }; suspectIntervalsPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES suspectIntervals GET; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 11 }; timeStampReportPackage PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES timeStampReportMode DEFAULT VALUE SummarizationASN1Productions.timeStampingDefault GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 12 }; timingSelectionPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR timingSelectionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; ATTRIBUTES beginTimeOffset GET-REPLACE, endTimeOffset GET-REPLACE, timeAttributeIdentifier GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS { summarizationPackage 13 }; algorithmOutputs ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.AlgorithmOutputBuffer; BEHAVIOUR algorithmOutputsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute includes the outputs of a statistical algorithm that was applied to scanned attribute values. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 1 }; algorithmParameters ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.AlgorithmParameters; BEHAVIOUR algorithmParametersBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute includes one or more parameters of a statistical algorithm that was applied to scanned attribute values. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 2 }; baseManagedObject ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.ObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR baseManagedObjectBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies an existing managed object which is the base of the scoping process for selecting managed objects. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 3 }; beginTimeOffset ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.TimePeriod; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR beginTimeOffsetBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute, subtracted from the current time, indicates the beginning of a time window. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 4 }; bufferedObservationIdList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.BufferedObservationIdList; BEHAVIOUR bufferedObservationIdListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies observed objects, and observed attributes within those managed objects, to be scanned. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 5 }; bufferedObservationList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.BufferedObservationList; BEHAVIOUR bufferedObservationListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See, A.4.";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 6 }; endTimeOffset ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.TimePeriod; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR endTimeOffsetBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute, subtracted from the current time, indicates the end of a time window. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 7 }; firstScanInitiationTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.FirstScanInitiationTime; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR firstScanInitiationTimeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the start time of the first scan in buffer. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 8 }; incompleteScan ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.IncompleteScan; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR incompleteScanBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute indicates the reason a scan could not be completed. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 30 }; numericAttributeIdArray ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.NumericAttributeIdArray; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR numericAttributeIdArrayBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is an ordered list of identifiers of attributes whose values are to be scanned. The identified attributes must be of either the integer or the real type. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 10 }; numericAttributeIdList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.NumericAttributeIdList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR numericAttributeIdListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is a list of identifiers of attributes whose values are to be scanned. The identified attributes must be of either the integer or the real type. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 11 }; objectList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.ObjectList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR objectListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the managed objects whose attributes are to be scanned.";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 12 }; observationIdList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.ObservationIdList; BEHAVIOUR observationIdListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies observed objects, and observed attributes within those managed objects, to be scanned.";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 13 }; observationReportList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.NonStatisticalReportInformation; BEHAVIOUR observationReportListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies the set of managed objects and their attributes values that were scanned. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 14 }; observationScanList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.ObservationScanList; BEHAVIOUR observationScanListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies the set of managed objects and their attributes values that were scanned. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 15 }; onceReportAttributeIdList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.OnceReportAttributeIdList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; BEHAVIOUR onceReportAttributeIdListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 16 }; onceReportAttributeList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.OnceReportAttributeList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-INTERSECTION, SET-COMPARISON; BEHAVIOUR onceReportAttributeListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 17 }; reportPeriod ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.ReportPeriod; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING ; BEHAVIOUR reportPeriodBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute indicates the number of granularity periods in a report period. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 19 }; scanAttributeIdList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.ScanAttributeIdList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR scanAttributeIdListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies attributes of any ASN.1 type whose attribute identifiers are to be included in summary reports along with the attribute values. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 21 }; scanInitiationTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.ScanInitiationTime; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR scanInitiationTimeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 22 }; scanningFilter ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.CMISFilter; BEHAVIOUR scanningFilterBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies a set of criteria for selecting managed objects, used in the filtering process. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 24 }; scope ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.Scope; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ; BEHAVIOUR scopeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies a set of managed objects, used in the scoping process for selecting managed objects. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 25 }; suppressObjectInstance ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.SuppressObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR suppressObjectInstanceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies a boolean value which, if true, causes the observed object instance parameter to be suppressed from all summary reports. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 26 }; suspectIntervals ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.SuspectIntervals; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR suspectIntervalsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 27 }; timeAttributeIdentifier ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.TimeAttributeIdentifier; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR timeAttributeIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies which attribute within an observed managed object is used for time-based selection. See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 28 }; timeStampReportMode ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.TimeStampReportMode; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR timeStampReportModeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of this attribute identifies which method of time stamping reports should be used: timeStampingOff (0), globalTimeStampOnly (1), or individualTimeStamping (2). See";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAttribute 29 }; bufferedScanReport NOTIFICATION BEHAVIOUR bufferedScanReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This notification is emitted upon completion of the last scan in the report period, and includes attribute values scanned within the report period which has just completed.";; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.BufferedScanReportInformation AND ATTRIBUTE IDS granularityPeriod "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994":granularityPeriod, firstScanInitiationTime firstScanInitiationTime, suspectIntervals suspectIntervals, bufferedObservationList bufferedObservationList, incompleteScan incompleteScan, additionalText "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":additionalText, additionalInformation "CCITT Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":additionalInformation; REGISTERED AS { summarizationNotification 1 }; scanReport NOTIFICATION BEHAVIOUR scanReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This notification is emitted upon completion of a scan, and includes attribute values observed during the scan.";; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.ScanReportInformation AND ATTRIBUTE IDS scanInitiationTime scanInitiationTime, onceReportAttributeList onceReportAttributeList, observationScanList observationScanList, incompleteScan incompleteScan, additionalText "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":additionalText, additionalInformation "CCITT Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":additionalInformation; REGISTERED AS { summarizationNotification 2 }; statisticalReport NOTIFICATION BEHAVIOUR statisticalReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This notification is emitted upon completion of a scan, and includes statistical summary information.";; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.StatisticalScanReportInformation AND ATTRIBUTE IDS scanInitiationTime scanInitiationTime, observationReportList observationReportList, algorithmOutputs algorithmOutputs, algorithmParameters algorithmParameters, incompleteScan incompleteScan, additionalText "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":additionalText, additionalInformation "CCITT Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":additionalInformation; REGISTERED AS { summarizationNotification 3 }; activateDynamicSimpleScanReport ACTION BEHAVIOUR activateDynamicSimpleScanReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The contents of SummarizationASN1Productions.ScanReportInformation may be sent in multiple replies. See 8.3";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.DynamicSimpleScanArgument; WITH REPLY SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.ScanReportInformation; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAction 1 }; activateScanReport ACTION BEHAVIOUR activateScanReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action initiates a scan according to the current object and attribute selection attributes of the scanner. The reply includes all scanned attribute values. The contents of SummarizationASN1Productions.ScanReportInformation may be sent in multiple replies.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH REPLY SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.ScanReportInformation; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAction 2 }; activateStatisticalReport ACTION BEHAVIOUR activateStatisticalReportBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This action initiates a scan according to the current object and attribute selection attributes of the scanner. The reply includes scanned attribute values and/or statistical summary information calculated from those values. The contents of SummarizationASN1Productions.StatisticalScanReportInformation may be sent in multiple replies.";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH REPLY SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.StatisticalScanReportInformation; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAction 3 }; reportBuffer ACTION BEHAVIOUR reportBufferBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The report buffer action initiates a scan of the attributes specified in the report time attribute Id list. The retained values of the previously scanned attributes together with the results of this scan are returned in the action result. The contents of SummarizationASN1Productions.BufferedScanReportInformation may be sent in multiple replies. See";; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH REPLY SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.BufferedScanReportInformation; REGISTERED AS { summarizationAction 4 }; dynamicSimpleScanner-system NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS dynamicSimpleScanner AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":system AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994":scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING conflictingPackagesRequestedError; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS { summarizationNameBinding 2 }; conflictingPackagesScanner-system NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994":scanner AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "CCITT Rec. X.721 (1992) | ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992":system AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "ITU-T Rec. X.739 (1993) | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994":scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING conflictingPackagesRequestedError; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS { summarizationNameBinding 9 }; conflictingPackagesRequestedError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.PackageConflict; BEHAVIOUR conflictingPackagesRequestedErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This error is returned when an object creation is requested either with attributes defined for conditional packages all of which shall not be present together or attributes of packages that have to be present together but are not specified in the request.";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationParameter 2 }; scanActionError PARAMETER CONTEXT SPECIFIC-ERROR; WITH SYNTAX SummarizationASN1Productions.ScannerActionError; BEHAVIOUR scannerActionErrorBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The scan action request to a summarization managed object was not performed because of one of the following reasons: administrative state is locked, administrative state is shutting down, scan is terminated because administrative state was set to locked when performing the scan action or an unspecified error occurred.";; REGISTERED AS { summarizationParameter 1 }; --<GDMO.EndDocument>-- -- ============================================================================= -- Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Fri Aug 20 11:20:49 2004