-- ============================================================================= -- GDMO definitions extracted from ITU-T Rec. G.774.1 (2001) -- ============================================================================= sdhCurrentData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation Q.822" : currentData; CHARACTERIZED BY "Recommendation Q.822": zeroSuppressionPkg, "Recommendation Q.822": thresholdPkg, sdhCurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR sdhCurrentDataBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation M.3100": currentProblemList GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES historyPackage PRESENT IF "an instance does not support flexible assignment of the history length", unavailableTimeAlarmPackage PRESENT IF "starting and ending of unavailable period has to be reported and the granularity period is 24 hours"; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 1}; sdhCurrentDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The sdhCurrentData class is used to define generic characteristic for SDH performance monitoring from which subclasses are defined in order to hold performance event counts for a specific monitoring point. Subclasses of this class are used in order to support performance monitoring of SDH paths at various layers as described in Recommendation G.803. The performance monitoring events ES, SES and BBE which are monitored by some of the subclasses of this subclass are defined in 4.1.1/G.826. The granularityPeriod attribute can only be assigned a value at creation time. This class can only contain one reference to an instance of the thresholdData object class in the thresholdDataInstance attribute. The 15' and 24 hours granularity period must be supported fully. If a threshold is reached or crossed then the currentProblemList attribute shall indicate it with the probable cause 'Threshold crossed'. Subclass of this class is used to monitor the near end of the path in case of bidirectional path the far end of the path shall be supported additionaly. In case of monitoring of a bidirectional path and Far End unavailability is monitored, an unavailable period starts if either the near end or the far end is in an unavailable condition. In case of monitoring of a unidirectional path only the near end is considered. An unavailable condition starts when 10 consecutive severely errored seconds have been detected; these 10 seconds belong to the unavailable time. An unavailable condition ends when 10 consecutive seconds with no severely errored second are detected. These 10 seconds belong to the available time. The unavailable period entry/exit criteria are described in Annex A/G.826. For threshold reset subclasses of this object class the following rules apply: * No more than one QOS alarm shall be generated until there has been a 15-minute rectangular fixed window with less error count than the low error count threshold and no unavailable period exists. * To provision the high and low threshold value, the counterThresholdAttributList attribute of the Q.822-ThresholdDataInstance is used. In this attribute all the thresholds (high and low) for each necessary counter are stored in a list. This means for example, that the high threshold for ES and the low threshold for ES are individually stored in the same list. It is up to the network element to recognize which is the high and which is the low one. If the unavailableTimeAlarmPackage is present and if an unavailable period starts, then a communication alarm shall be sent with a probable cause of 'Unavailable' and the presence of this unavailable condition is indicated by the currentProblemList attribute. If an unavailable period is ending, then a communication alarm shall be sent with a probable cause of 'Unavailable' and a severity of 'Cleared'. An available condition is indicated by the absence of the unavailable condition in the current problem list. The unavailable condition has no effect on the operationalState. Each subclass of this class shall define the performance attributes required to hold the mandatory or optional performance events. These performance event counts are inhibited during unavailable time. Attributes which are defined in a subclass of this class shall be included in history information using the historyData, or one of its subclass, unless it is explicitly specified in the subclass of this class that a particular attribute be not included. Each subclass of this class shall indicate which subclass of the history data is used for history retention. The following conditional packages are not used in this class: filterSuppressionPkg, observedManagedObjectPkg. Concerning the subclasses of this class the following rule applies: If a subclass of this class has a granularity period of 15 minutes, it should be either an instance with the threshold reset functionality or an instance without this functionality instantiated (per termination point), but not both. "; pathTerminationCurrentData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM sdhCurrentData; CHARACTERIZED BY pathTerminationCurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR pathTerminationCurrentDataBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.739":granularityPeriod REQUIRED VALUES SDHPMASN1.SDHGranularityPeriod, -- According to ITU-G.784 (1999), only the 24 h (one day) granularity -- period has to be supported. "Recommendation X.739":scannerId GET, bBE REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET, eS REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET, sES REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES cSESCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", farEndCSESCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it" , uASCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", farEndCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "monitoring of the far end is supported and the monitored point is Bidirectional"; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 9}; pathTerminationCurrentDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of the pathTerminationCurrentData managed object Class are used to hold the current register counts for a High Order Path and or Low Order Path during a collection period. An instance of this object class, for a monitored managed object instance, holds the current register counts of each performance events (BBE, ES, SES, FEBBE, FEES, FESES, UAS). This managed object class uses the pathTerminationHistoryData managed object class for history retention. A QOS alarm shall be sent as soon as a threshold is reached or crossed. At the end of the granularity period the QOS alarm is implictly cleared and, provided there are no other outstanding threshold crossing QOS alarms, 'Threshold crossing' removed from the currentProblemList (i.e. No Notification is Sent) and a new QOS alarm shall be sent if the threshold is reached or crossed again during the next granularity period. Only one threshold value per performance counter will be supported. "; pathTerminationHistoryData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation Q.822": historyData; CHARACTERIZED BY pathTerminationHistoryDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR pathTerminationHistoryDataBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES bBE GET, eS GET, sES GET ;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES uASHistoryDataPackage PRESENT IF "the containing pathTerminationCurrentData or contains the uASCurrentDataPackage", farEndHistoryDataPackage PRESENT IF "the containing pathTerminationCurrentData or pathTerminationCurrentDataTR instance contains the farEndCurrentDataPackage"; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 17}; pathTerminationHistoryDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of this class are used to store the observed events of a pathTerminationCurrentData or pathTerminationCurrentDataTR object at the end of an observation interval. An instance of this managed object is contained by a pathTerminationCurrentData or pathTerminationCurrentDataTR managed object instance."; cSESCurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR cSESCurrentDataPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES cSESEvent GET, nCSES PERMITTED VALUES SDHPMASN1.NCSESRange GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 1}; cSESCurrentDataPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to hold Consecutive Severely Errored Second (CSES) events. A CSES is detected each time x consecutive SES appear. The number of consecutive SES that generate a CSES is given by the nCSES attribute, in the range of 2 to 9. The cSES events are not detected during unavailable time. The CSES events are recorded in the cSESEvent attribute, this attribute contains the time at which the consecutive severely errored seconds started and the value of the nCSES attribute at the time the event has occured. The cSESEvent attribute shall at least support recording of 6 CSES events. When the cSESEvent attribute is full, a wrapping mechanism is used to discard the oldest CSES event. These attributes are not reset and are not stored in history data objects at the end of the granularity period. The cSESEvent attribute is initialized as an empty set when the corresponding object that holds this attribute is created. The CSES event is described in Recommendation G.784."; farEndCSESCurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR farEndCSESCurrentDataPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES fECSESEvent GET, nCSES PERMITTED VALUES SDHPMASN1.NCSESRange GET-REPLACE ; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 2}; farEndCSESCurrentDataPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to hold Far End Consecutive Severely Errored Second (FECSES) events. A fECSES is detected each time x consecutive fESES appear. The number of consecutive fESES that generate a fECSES is given by the nCSES attribute, in the range of 2 to 9. The fECSES events are not detected during unavailable time. The fECSES events are recorded in the fECSESEvent attribute, this attribute contains the time at which the far end consecutive severely errored seconds started and the value of the nCSES attribute at the time the event has occured. The fECSESEvent attribute shall at least support recording of 6 fECSES events. When the fECSESEvent attribute is full, a wrapping mechanism is used to discard the oldest fECSES event . These attributes are not reset and are not stored in history data objects at the end of the granularity period. The fECSESEvent attribute is initialized as an empty set when the corresponding object that holds this attribute is created."; farEndCurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR farEndCurrentDataPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES fEBBE REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET, fEES REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET, fESES REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 3}; farEndCurrentDataPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to record the far end performance event counts."; farEndHistoryDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR farEndHistoryDataPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES fEBBE GET, fEES GET, fESES GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 4}; farEndHistoryDataPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to record the corresponding current data attribute values at the end of the granularity period."; historyPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR historyPackageBehaviour; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 5}; historyPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "At the end of each performance interval an instance of historyData or one of its subclass shall be created if history retention was not suppressed by other means such as zero suppression. The values of the historyData object or one of its subclass is the copy of the values of the corresponding attributes of the currentData or one of its subclass at the end of each performance interval. Once the new historyData instance is created or one of its subclass this instance shall be retained in the Network Element at least for 16 periods of 15 minutes for 15' performance interval and 1 period of 1 day for 1 day performance interval. The storing of history data is described in 5.3.2/G.784."; thresholdResetPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR thresholdResetPackageBehaviour; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 14}; thresholdResetPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The following rules apply to the thresholds mechanism: - ES thresholds: Two thresholds are defined: The upper ES threshold and the low ES threshold - No more than one QOS alarm shall be generated until there has been a 15-minute rectangular fixed window with less ES than the low ES threshold and no unavailable period. At the end of the first 15-minute rectangular period with less ES than the low ES threshold and no unavailable period, if a threshold crossing has been previously generated, then a QOS alarm shall be sent which indicates the clearing of the low ES threshold, and the 'Threshold crossing' removed from the currentProblemList. If the upper ES threshold is reached or crossed, after a 15-minute rectangular fixed window with less ES than the low ES threshold, then a QOS alarm shall be sent. - SES threshold: One threshold is defined - No more than one QOS alarm shall be generated until there has been a 15-minute rectangular fixed window with zero SES. At the end of the first 15-minute rectangular period with zero SES, a QOS alarm shall be sent which indicates the clearing of a zero threshold. If after a 15-minute rectangular fixed window with zero SES the SES threshold is reached or crossed then a QOS alarm shall be sent. - BBE threshold: refer to the ES threshold. For any of the above thresholds, A QOS clear will not be sent if the Performance Monitoring Data is suspect, as defined by the suspectIntervalFlag attribute. "; uASCurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR uASCurrentDataPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES uAS REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 15}; uASCurrentDataPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to store the counter of one second intervals pertaining to an Unavailable Time."; uASHistoryDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR uASHistoryDataPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES uAS GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 16}; uASHistoryDataPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to record the corresponding current data attribute values at the end of the granularity period."; unavailableTimeAlarmPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR unavailableTimeAlarmPackageBehaviour; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721 ": communicationsAlarm; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 17}; unavailableTimeAlarmPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used when a Communication Alarm Notification with the probable cause. Unavailable is to be emitted to indicate the beginning of an unavailable time period. The end of an unavailable time period shall be indicated by the clearing of this alarm."; cSESEvent ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHPMASN1.CSES; BEHAVIOUR cSESEventBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the cSESEvent attribute represents the recording of at least 6 cSES events. A cSES event is generated each time x consecutive SES appear during the available time of the monitored resource.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 1}; eS ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": counter; BEHAVIOUR eSBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the eS attribute represents the count of seconds with one or more errored blocks during the available time of the monitored resource during the corresponding granularity period. The ES performance event is described in 3.1.1/G.826.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 2}; fEES ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": counter; BEHAVIOUR ffEESBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the fEES attribute represents the count of seconds with one or more far end errored blocks detected at the remote terminal during the available time of the monitored resource during the corresponding granularity period.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 3}; fEBBE ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": counter; BEHAVIOUR fEBBEBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the fEBBE attribute represents the count of errored blocks (Estimate Errored Block on Bip-n violation) not occuring as part of an fESES.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 4}; fECSESEvent ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHPMASN1.CSES; BEHAVIOUR fECSESEventBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the fECSESEvent attribute represents the recording of at least 6 fECSES events. A fECSES event is generated each time x consecutive fESES appear during the available time of the monitored resource during the corresponding granularity period.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 5}; nCSES ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX SDHPMASN1.NCSESRange; BEHAVIOUR nCSESBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the nCSES attribute represents the number of consecutive (near or far end) SES which will lead to the generation of a (near or far end) cSES event. The nCSES is in the range 2 to 9.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 12}; bBE ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": counter; BEHAVIOUR bBEBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the BBE attribute represents the count of errored blocks (Estimate Errored Block on Bip-n violation) not occuring as part of an SES. The BBE performance event is described in 3.1.1/G.826.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 13}; sES ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": counter; BEHAVIOUR sESBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the sES attribute represents the count of one second periods containing greater than or equal to 30% of errored blocks, or at least one Severely Disturbed Period (SDP) that is one second containing one or more defects during the available time of the monitored resource during the corresponding granularity period. An SES is also counted as an ES. The SES performance event is described in Recommendation G.826.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 17}; fESES ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": counter; BEHAVIOUR fESESBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the fESES attribute represents the count of one second periods containing greater than or equal to 30% of far end errored blocks as detected at the remote terminal (fEBC), or at least one Far End Severely Disturbed Period (SDP) that is one second containing one or more far end defects as detected at the remote terminal (FERF) during the available time of the monitored resource during the corresponding granularity period. An fESES is also counted as an fEES.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 18}; uAS ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": counter; BEHAVIOUR uASBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the uAS attribute represents the count of one second intervals pertaining to an UnavailableTime. A period of unavailable time begins when the SES continues for a period of ten consecutive seconds. These seconds are considered to be unavailable time. A new period of available time begins with the first second of ten consecutive non-SES. The unavailable time entry/exit criteria is described in Annex A/G.826.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 22}; historyData-sdhCurrentData NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation Q.822": historyData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS sdhCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation Q.822": historyDataId; BEHAVIOUR historyData-sdhCurrentDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instance of the historyData object class or one of its subclass is created at the end of the granularity period of an instance of the sdhCurrentData object or one of its subclass and is directly contained by that instance.";; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 1}; pathTerminationCurrentData-vc4TTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS pathTerminationCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": vc4TTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739":scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 23}; pathTerminationCurrentData-vc3TTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS pathTerminationCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": vc3TTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739":scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 24}; pathTerminationCurrentData-vc2TTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS pathTerminationCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": vc2TTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739":scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 25}; pathTerminationCurrentData-vc12TTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS pathTerminationCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": vc12TTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739":scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 26}; pathTerminationCurrentData-vc11TTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS pathTerminationCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": vc11TTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739":scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 27}; electricalSourceSPICurrentData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM sdhCurrentData; CHARACTERIZED BY transmitPowerLevelCurrentDataPackage, electricalSourceSPICurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR electricalSourceSPICurrentDataBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.739":scannerId GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES transmitPowerLevelTideMarkPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it"; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 4}; electricalSourceSPICurrentDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of the electricalSPICurrentData managed object Class are used to hold the monitoring of the physical characteristics of the output of an electrical source (electricalSPITTP). These characteristics are handled by gauge attributes. The following performance event is defined: transmit Power Level. When a Tide Mark Package is used ( in conjunction with its associated gauge), the corresponding Tide Mark attribute shall be reported in the history data at the end of the granularity period and the values of the tide marks shall be reset to the current values of the associated gauge at the end of the granularity period. The unavailableTimeAlarmPackage is not used in this class. This managed object class uses the electricalSPIHistoryData managed object class for history retention."; opticalSourceSPICurrentData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM sdhCurrentData; CHARACTERIZED BY opticalSourceSPICurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR opticalSourceSPICurrentDataBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.739":scannerId GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES transmitPowerLevelCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", transmitPowerLevelTideMarkPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and transmitPowerLevelCurrentDataPackage is present", laserBiasCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", laserBiasTideMarkPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and laserBiasCurrentDataPackage is present", laserTemperatureCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", laserTemperatureTideMarkPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and laserTemperatureCurrentDataPackage is present"; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 5}; opticalSourceSPICurrentDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of the opticalSPICurrentData managed object Class are used to hold the monitoring of the physical characteristics of the output of an optical source (opticalSPITTP). These characteristics are handled by gauge attributes. The following performance primitives are observed: OSL Optical Signal Level For the OSL performance primitive, the following performance events are defined: transmit Power Level LB Laser Bias For the LB performance primitive, the following performance events are defined: laser Bias LT Laser Temperature For the LT performance primitive, the following performance events are defined: laserTemperature These performance event counts are inhibited under certain failure or unavailable conditions as specified in the following list: Laser Shutdown When a Tide Mark Package is used (in conjunction with its associated gauge), the corresponding Tide Mark attribute shall be reported in the history data at the end of the granularity period and the tide marks shall be reset to the current values of the associated gauge at the end of the granularity period. The unavailableTimeAlarmPackage is not used in this class. This managed object class uses the opticalSPIHistoryData managed object class for history retention."; msCurrentData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM sdhCurrentData; CHARACTERIZED BY msCurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR msCurrentDataBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.739":granularityPeriod REQUIRED VALUES SDHPMASN1.SDHGranularityPeriod, "Recommendation X.739":scannerId GET, bBE REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET, eS REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET, sES REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES cSESCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", farEndCSESCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", uASCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", farEndCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "monitoring of the far end is supported and the monitored point is bidirectional."; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 6}; msCurrentDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS *Instances of the msCurrentData managed object Class are used to hold the current register counts for a multiplex section trail termination point during a collection period. The following performance primitives are observed: EB Errored Block For the EB performance primitive, the following performance events are defined: BBE Background Block Error For the EB performance primitive and the following defect: MS-AIS, Excessive-Error, the following performance events are defined: ES Errored Second SES Severely Errored Second This managed object class uses the msHistoryData managed object class for history retention. A QOS alarm shall be sent as soon as a threshold is reached or crossed. At the end of the granularity period the QOS alarm is implictly cleared, providing there are no other outstanding threshold crossing QOS alarms, "Threshold crossing" removed from the currentProblemList (i.e. No Notification is Sent) and a new QOS alarm shall be sent if the threshold is reached or crossed again during the next granularity period. Only one threshold value per performance counter will be supported.*; msCurrentDataTR MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM sdhCurrentData; CHARACTERIZED BY thresholdResetPackage, msCurrentDataTRPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR msCurrentDataTRBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.739": granularityPeriod PERMITTED VALUES SDHPMASN1.SDHPVGranularityPeriod, "Recommendation X.739":scannerId GET, bBE REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET, eS REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET, sES REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES cSESCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", farEndCSESCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", uASCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", farEndCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "monitoring of the far end is supported and the monitored point is bidirectional."; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 7}; msCurrentDataTRBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of the msCurrentDataTR managed object Class are used to hold the current register counts for a multiplex section trail termination point during a collection period. The following performance primitives are observed: EB Errored Block For the EB performance primitive, the following performance events are defined: BBE Background Block Error For the EB performance primitive and the following defect: MS-AIS, Excessive-Error, the following performance events are defined: ES Errored Second SES Severely Errored Second This managed object class uses the msHistoryData managed object class for history retention."; protectionCurrentData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM sdhCurrentData; CHARACTERIZED BY protectionCurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR protectionCurrentDataBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.739":granularityPeriod REQUIRED VALUES SDHPMASN1.SDHGranularityPeriod, "Recommendation X.739":scannerId GET, pSC REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET, pSD REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 8}; protectionCurrentDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of the protectionCurrentData managed object Class are used to hold the current register counts for a protection during a collection period. The following performance primitives are observed: PSC Protection Switch Count. PSD Protection Switch Duration. This managed object class uses the protectionHistoryData managed object class for history retention."; pathTerminationCurrentDataTR MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM sdhCurrentData; CHARACTERIZED BY thresholdResetPackage, pathTerminationCurrentDataTRPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR pathTerminationCurrentDataTRBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.739":granularityPeriod PERMITTED VALUES SDHPMASN1.SDHPVGranularityPeriod, "Recommendation X.739":scannerId GET, bBE REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET, eS REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET, sES REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES cSESCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", farEndCSESCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", uASCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it", farEndCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "if monitoring of the far end is supported and the monitored point is Bidirectional"; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 10}; pathTerminationCurrentDataTRBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of the pathTerminationCurrentDataTR managed object Class are used to hold the current register counts for a High Order Path and or Low Order Path during a collection period. An instance of this object class, for a monitored managed object instance, holds the current register counts of each performance events (BBE, ES, SES, FEBBE , FEES, FESES, UAS). Near End Monitoring The following performance primitives are observed: EB Errored Block For the EB performance primitive, the following performance events are defined: BBE Background Block Error For the EB performance primitive and the following defect: AU-AIS/TU-AIS, Path Trace Mismatch, Signal Label Mismatch, and Loss of TU Multiframe the following performance events are defined: ES Errored Second SES Severely Errored Second Far End Monitoring The following performance primitive are observed: FEEB Far End Errored Block For the FEEB performance primitive, the following performance events are defined: FEBBE Far End Background Block Error For the FEEB performance primitive and the following defect: Far End Remote Failure the following performance events are defined: FEES Far End Errored Second FESES Far End Severely Errored Second This managed object class uses the pathTerminationHistoryData managed object class for history retention."; electricalSPIHistoryData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation Q.822": historyData; CHARACTERIZED BY transmitPowerLevelCurrentDataPackage, electricalSPIHistoryDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR opticalSPIHistoryDataBehaviour;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES transmitPowerLevelTideMarkPackage PRESENT IF "the containing electricalSPICurrentData instance contains this package"; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 13}; electricalSPIHistoryDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of this class are used to store the observed events of an electricalSourceSPICurrentData object at the end of an observation interval. An instance of this managed object is contained by an electricalSourceSPICurrentData managed object instance."; opticalSPIHistoryData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation Q.822": historyData; CHARACTERIZED BY opticalSPIHistoryDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR opticalSPIHistoryDataBehaviour;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES transmitPowerLevelCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "the containing opticalSourceSPICurrentData instance contains this package", transmitPowerLevelTideMarkPackage PRESENT IF "the containing opticalSourceSPICurrentData instance contains this package", laserBiasCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "the containing opticalSourceSPICurrentData instance contains this package", laserBiasTideMarkPackage PRESENT IF "the containing opticalSourceSPICurrentData instance contains this package", laserTemperatureCurrentDataPackage PRESENT IF "the containing opticalSourceSPICurrentData instance contains this package", laserTemperatureTideMarkPackage PRESENT IF "the containing opticalSourceSPICurrentData instance contains this package"; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 14}; opticalSPIHistoryDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of this class are used to store the observed events of an opticalSourceSPICurrentData object at the end of an observation interval. An instance of this managed object is contained by an opticalSourceSPICurrentData managed object instance."; msHistoryData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation Q.822": historyData; CHARACTERIZED BY msHistoryDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR msHistoryDataBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES bBE GET, eS GET, sES GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES uASHistoryDataPackage PRESENT IF "the containing msCurrentData contains the uASCurrentDataPackage", farEndHistoryDataPackage PRESENT IF "the containing msCurrentData or msCurrentDataTR instance contains the farEndCurrentDataPackage"; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 15}; msHistoryDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of this class are used to store the observed events of an msCurrentData or msCurrentDataTR object at the end of an observation interval. An instance of this managed object is contained by an msCurrentData or msCurrentDataTR managed object instance."; protectionHistoryData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation Q.822": historyData; CHARACTERIZED BY protectionHistoryDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR protectionHistoryDataBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES pSC GET, pSD GET;;; REGISTERED AS {g774-01MObjectClass 16}; protectionHistoryDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of this class are used to store the observed events of a protectionCurrentData object at the end of an observation interval. An instance of this managed object is contained by a protectionCurrentData or subclass managed object instance."; laserBiasCurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR laserBiasCurrentDataPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES laserBias GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 6}; laserBiasCurrentDataPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to store the gauge of percentage of laser bias of an SDH optical source."; laserBiasTideMarkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR laserBiasTideMarkPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES laserBiasTideMarkMax GET, laserBiasTideMarkMin GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 7}; laserBiasTideMarkPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to store the minimum and maximum values reached by the laser bias gauge during an observation period."; laserTemperatureCurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR laserTemperatureCurrentDataPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES laserTemperature GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 8}; laserTemperatureCurrentDataPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to store the gauge of laser temperature value of an SDH optical source."; laserTemperatureTideMarkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR laserTemperatureTideMarkPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES laserTemperatureTideMarkMax GET, laserTemperatureTideMarkMin GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 9}; laserTemperatureTideMarkPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to store the minimum and maximum values reached by the laser temperature gauge during an observation period."; transmitPowerLevelCurrentDataPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR transmitPowerLevelCurrentDataPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES transmitPowerLevel GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 12}; transmitPowerLevelCurrentDataPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to store the gauge of transmit power level value of a physical source."; transmitPowerLevelTideMarkPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR transmitPowerLevelTideMarkPackageBehaviour; ATTRIBUTES transmitPowerLevelTideMarkMax GET, transmitPowerLevelTideMarkMin GET; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Package 13}; transmitPowerLevelTideMarkPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to store the minimum and maximum values reached by the transmit power level gauge during an observation period."; laserBias ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": gauge; BEHAVIOUR laserBiasBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the laserBias attribute represents the percentage of the normalized value of laser bias current at a SDH optical SPI source or a SDH optical SPI bidirectional trail termination point.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 6}; laserBiasTideMarkMax ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": tideMark; BEHAVIOUR laserBiasTideMarkMaxBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The laserBias TideMark Maximum attribute stores the maximum value reached by the laser bias during a granularity period.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 7}; laserBiasTideMarkMin ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": tideMark; BEHAVIOUR laserBiasTideMarkMinBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The laserBias TideMark Minimum attribute stores the minimum value reached by the laser bias during a granularity period.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 8}; laserTemperature ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": gauge; BEHAVIOUR laserTemperatureBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the laserTemperature attribute represents the laser temperature of a physical optical source.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 9}; laserTemperatureTideMarkMax ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": tideMark; BEHAVIOUR laserTemperatureTideMarkMaxBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The laserTemperature TideMark Maximum attribute stores the maximum value reached by the laser temperature during a granularity period.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 10}; laserTemperatureTideMarkMin ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": tideMark; BEHAVIOUR laserTemperatureTideMarkMinBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The laserTemperature TideMark Minimum attribute stores the minimum value reached by the laser temperature during a granularity period.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 11}; pSC ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": counter; BEHAVIOUR pSCBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "In the case of a protected unit, the value of the pSC attribute represents the count of switches to the protecting unit. In the case of a protecting unit, this attribute represents the count of switches from any protected unit to that protecting unit. Editor Note: This behaviour needs clarification in accordance with protection management.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 15}; pSD ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": counter; BEHAVIOUR pSDBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the pSD attribute represents the count of seconds during which the service was switched from working to protection.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 16}; transmitPowerLevel ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": gauge; BEHAVIOUR transmitPowerLevelBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The value of the transmitPowerLevel gauge attribute represents the value of the output signal level emitted by a physical (electrical or optical) source.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 19}; transmitPowerLevelTideMarkMax ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": tideMark; BEHAVIOUR transmitPowerLevelTideMarkMaxBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The transmitPowerLevelTideMark Maximum attribute stores the maximum value reached by the transmit power level during an observation period.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 20}; transmitPowerLevelTideMarkMin ATTRIBUTE DERIVED FROM "Rec. X.721 | ISO/IEC 10165-2": tideMark; BEHAVIOUR transmitPowerLevelTideMarkMinBeh BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The transmitPowerLevelTideMark Minimum attribute stores the minimum value reached by the transmit power level during an observation period.";; REGISTERED AS {g774-01Attribute 21}; msCurrentData-msTTPSink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS msCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": msTTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 2}; msCurrentDataTR-msTTPSink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS msCurrentDataTR AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": msTTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 3}; msCurrentData-protectedTTPSink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS msCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774.03": protectedTTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 4}; msCurrentDataTR-protectedTTPSink NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS msCurrentDataTR AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774.03": protectedTTPSink AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 5}; protectionCurrentData-protectionUnit NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS protectionCurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774.03": protectionUnit AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 6}; pathTerminationCurrentDataTR-vc4TTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS pathTerminationCurrentDataTR AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": vc4TTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 28}; pathTerminationCurrentDataTR-vc3TTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS pathTerminationCurrentDataTR AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": vc3TTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 29}; pathTerminationCurrentDataTR-vc2TTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS pathTerminationCurrentDataTR AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": vc2TTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 30}; pathTerminationCurrentDataTR-vc12TTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS pathTerminationCurrentDataTR AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": vc12TTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 31}; pathTerminationCurrentDataTR-vc11TTPSinkR1 NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS pathTerminationCurrentDataTR AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": vc11TTPSinkR1 AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 32}; electricalSourceSPICurrentData-electricalSPITTPSource NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS electricalSourceSPICurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": electricalSPITTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 19}; opticalSourceSPICurrentData-opticalSPITTPSource NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS opticalSourceSPICurrentData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation G.774": opticalSPITTPSource AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE "Recommendation X.739": scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {g774-01NameBinding 20}; -- ============================================================================= -- Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Fri Aug 20 11:20:49 2004