-- ============================================================================= -- GDMO definitions extracted from ITU-T Rec. Q.822 (1994) -- ============================================================================= currentData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.739:1993": scanner; CHARACTERIZED BY currentDataPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR currentDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The currentData object class is a class of managed support objects that contain the current performance data. This object class is a particular type of scanner (see ITU-T Recommendation X.739) that scans its own attributes. -- In this Recommendation an instance of current data is assumed to be -- contained in the managed object being monitored (such as the -- trailTerminationPointSink managed object defined in Recommenda- tion -- M.3100) and has performance data pertaining to the containing managed object. Performance parameters are modelled as attributes. These attributes either appear explicitly in the definition of subclasses of currentData or the measurementListPkg is used for this purpose if the instantiated object class is currentData. Typically, the performance attributes may be derived from the counter attribute or may be derived from the gauge attribute. Both the counter and gauge attributes are defined in CCITT Recommendation X.721. All attributes with a 'Count' type syntax (e.g. errored seconds) shall be locally cleared (reset) at the end of the granularity period following the scanning function. To provide continuous counters, the granularityPeriod can be set to an arbitrarily large value using the days CHOICE. If the administrativeState is locked or the operationalState is disabled or the currentData object is scheduled off-duty, the values of the counters are undefined and historyData objects, if supported, are not created at the end of the granularityPeriod.";; ATTRIBUTES suspectIntervalFlag REPLACE-WITH-DEFAULT DEFAULT VALUE Q822-PM-ASN1Module.defaultCurrentDataSuspectIntervalFlag GET, elapsedTime GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES filterSuppressionPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and the zeroSuppressionPkg is not present", historyRetentionPkg PRESENT IF "historyData objects are to be created at the end of an interval.", maxSuppressedIntervalsPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and at least one of zeroSuppressionPkg or filterSuppressionPkg is present.", measurementListPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it or the object class is currentData", numSuppressedIntervalsPkg PRESENT IF "suppression counts are required and the filterSuppressionPkg or the zeroSuppressionPkg is present.", observedManagedObjectPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", scheduledPMReportPkg PRESENT IF "scheduled notifications are to be emitted.", thresholdPkg PRESENT IF "a Quality of Service Alarm Notification is to be emitted for threshold crossing.", zeroSuppressionPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and the filterSuppressionPkg is not present."; REGISTERED AS {q822ObjectClass 1}; historyData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721:1992": top; CHARACTERIZED BY historyDataPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR historyDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS Measurement attributes in the historyData object are an exact copy of the attributes in the corresponding currentData object at the end of the interval. The time at the end of the interval is indicated by the value of the attribute periodEndTime.;; ATTRIBUTES historyDataId GET, periodEndTime GET, "Recommendation X.739:1993": granularityPeriod GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES historyDataMeasurementListPkg PRESENT IF "the measurementListPkg is present in the corresponding currentData instance", historyDataSuspectIntervalFlagPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", numSuppressedIntervalsPkg PRESENT IF "this package is present in the corresponding currentData instance.", objectDeleteNotificationPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", observedManagedObjectPkg PRESENT IF "this package is present in the corresponding currentData instance."; REGISTERED AS {q822ObjectClass 2}; thresholdData MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "Recommendation X.721:1992": top; CHARACTERIZED BY thresholdDataPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR thresholdDataBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The thresholdData object class is a class of managed support objects that contains the values of the threshold settings for the PM parameters. At least one of the counterThresholdListPkg or the gaugeThresholdListPkg must be instantiated.";; ATTRIBUTES thresholdDataId GET;;; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES counterThresholdListPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and the gaugeThresholdListPkg is not present.", gaugeThresholdListPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it and the counterThresholdListPkg is not present", thresholdVerificationPkg PRESENT IF "an instance supports it.", "Recommendation M.3100:1992": attributeValueChangeNotificationPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it .", "Recommendation M.3100:1992": createDeleteNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "an instance supports it ."; REGISTERED AS {q822ObjectClass 3}; counterThresholdListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES counterThresholdAttributeList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 1}; filterSuppressionPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR filterSuppressionPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The discriminatorConstruct attribute is used to suppress the creation of historyData objects. The behaviour of the discriminatorConstruct is defined in CCITT Rec. X.734. If the discriminatorConstruct evaluates to FALSE for the filtering criteria on the attributes specified in the discriminatorConstruct, no historyData objects are created. An empty discriminator construct will evaluate to TRUE, thus allowing the creation of historyData objects. Any attribute of the object which includes this package may be used in defining the discriminator construct.";; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.721:1992": discriminatorConstruct DEFAULT VALUE Q822-PM-ASN1Module.defaultDiscriminatorConstruct GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 2}; gaugeThresholdListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES gaugeThresholdAttributeList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 3}; historyDataMeasurementListPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES measurementList GET; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 4}; historyDataSuspectIntervalFlagPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR historyDataSuspectIntervalFlagPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The historyDataSuspectIntervalFlagPkg shall be instantiated in the historyData object only if there are one or more suspected performance measurements in the corresponding accumulation interval.";; ATTRIBUTES suspectIntervalFlag GET; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 5}; historyRetentionPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR historyRetentionPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "At the end of each interval a historyData object instance is created if the historyData creation has not been suppressed (i.e. by zero or filter suppression). The class of the historyData object will correspond to the class of the creating currentData object: an instance of the historyData object will be instantiated if there is an instance of the currentData object. The behaviour in subclasses of currentData should specify the subclass of historyData that may be instantiated. The values of the historyData measurement attributes are a copy of the values of the corresponding attributes of the currentData measurement attributes at the end of the interval. Once the new historyData object is created, it will be retained in the NE for at least the duration equivalent to the number of intervals specified in the historyRetention attribute.";; ATTRIBUTES historyRetention GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 6}; maxSuppressedIntervalsPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES maxSuppressedIntervals GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 7}; measurementListPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR measurementListPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The measurementList attribute contains performance management measurements (each measurement is in the form of an attribute identifier and its value) for a specific monitored object. Typically, the performance attributes may be derived from the counter attribute or may be derived from the gauge attribute. Both the counter and gauge attributes are defined in CCITT Recommendation X.721. All attributes with a 'Count' type syntax (e.g. ES) shall be locally cleared (reset) at the end of the granularity period following the scanning function. The measurement list shall not contain parameters which have already been defined as an attribute of that currentData object subclass. The measurementList is only used when technology specific (currentData subclass) is not available. Typical, but not restrictive use of this package is as a home for not yet standardized performance parameters. This package should not be used as an escape from standardizing technology specific currentData subclasses. NOTE - Measurements in the measurement list cannot be individually reset to zero.";; ATTRIBUTES measurementList GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 8}; numSuppressedIntervalsPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES numSuppressedIntervals GET; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 9}; objectDeleteNotificationPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR objectDeleteNotificationBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "An objectDeletion notification shall not be emitted when a historyData object is deleted as a result of the expiry of the historyRetention duration.";; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992": objectDeletion; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 10}; -- Observed managed object package observedManagedObjectPkg PACKAGE ATTRIBUTES observedObjectClass GET, "Recommendation X.739:1993": observedObjectInstance GET; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 11}; scheduledPMReportPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR scheduledPMReportPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "Instances of the currentData object emit the scanReport notification containing the performance monitoring data, at the end of each performance interval, as indicated by the granularityPeriod attribute. Each performance monitoring attribute is included in the scanReport if its identifier is listed in the scanAttributeIdList or the numericAttributeIdArray. In the latter case, measurements must be included in the scanReport in the same order as specified in the numericAttributeIdArray attribute and valueOnly (in the NumericMeasure choice type) should be the only choice used to report such measurements. Performance monitoring attributes (parameters) in the measurementList attribute are included in the scanReport as if they were individually scanned attributes of a scanned object. That is, the measurementList is scanned as if each measurement in the list were a separate attribute of the currentData object. The measurementList is not included in the scanReport as a single attribute. Specific measurement attributes of subclasses of currentData may be included in the scanReport notification if their identifier is listed in either the scanAttributeIdList or the numericAttributeIdArray. In order to guarantee their inclusion in an event report, the attribute ids for the following attributes of currentData (if instantiated in currentData) must appear in the onceReportAttributeIdList attribute: - The granularityPeriod attribute. - The suspectIntervalFlag attribute. - The numSuppressedIntervals attribute, if present. - The observedObjectClass and observedObjectInstance attributes, if present.";; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.738:1993": scanAttributeIdList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE, "Recommendation X.738:1993": numericAttributeIdArray GET-REPLACE, "Recommendation X.738:1993": onceReportAttributeIdList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.738:1993": scanReport; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 12}; thresholdPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR thresholdPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package is used to report threshold violations on performance data. The thresholdDataInstance attribute is a pointer to a thresholdData object that contains threshold limits for performance parameters. Whenever the value of a PM parameter violates its threshold setting, a qualityofServiceAlarm notification is emitted. The attribute violating the threshold has to be reported using the thresholdInfo field of the alarm. New thresholds resulting from modifying the thresholdDataInstance attribute or from changing a threshold value in the referenced thresholdData object, should take effect immediately. If an alarm condition exists previous to the occurrence of a threshold value change (i.e. an old threshold had been violated), and the new threshold value is outside of the range of the old threshold value (e.g. in the case of an increasing counter, the new threshold value is greater than the old threshold value), and the current value of the measurement is within the allowable range of the new threshold value, then a QOS Alarm notification is emitted with a severity of 'clear'. If the new threshold value is set within the range of the old threshold value, such that the new threshold is violated, a QOS Alarm notification is emitted if an alarm condition is not already outstanding. An alarm report which contains a Perceived Severity parameter with a value of 'cleared' and a Correlated Notifications parameter shall only indicate the clearing of those alarms whose Notification Identifiers are included in the set of Correlated Notifications. An alarm report which contains a Perceived Severity parameter with a value of 'cleared', but no Correlated Notifications parameter, shall indicate the clearing of alarms based on the value of the Alarm Type, Probable Cause, and Specific Problems parameters.";; ATTRIBUTES reportAllAttributes DEFAULT VALUE Q822-PM-ASN1Module.defaultReportAllAttributes GET-REPLACE, suppressAdditionalThresholds DEFAULT VALUE Q822-PM-ASN1Module.defaultSuppressAdditionalThresholds GET-REPLACE, thresholdDataInstance GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; NOTIFICATIONS "Recommendation X.721:1992": qualityofServiceAlarm "Recommendation Q.821:2000": logRecordIdParameter "Recommendation Q.821:2000": correlatedRecordNameParameter "Recommendation Q.821:2000": suspectObjectListParameter; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 13}; thresholdVerificationPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR thresholdVerificationPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package allows for the agent to validate that the threshold settings defined in a created thresholdData object are reasonable. Since the attributes to which a threshold may be applied and the permissible threshold values are dependent on the type of entity being monitored and the granularity period, the agent must be aware of this information. This package provides the monitoredEntityTypes and granularityPeriod attributes needed to verify that the threshold values set in the counterthresholdAttributeList or gaugethresholdAttributeList are reasonable. If the thresholdData object receives a request to set the values in the counterthresholdAttributeList or gaugethresholdAttributeList it may reject the M-SET service request by returning an Error reply of setListError if the values are not appropriate for the monitored entity type and interval combination. In some cases the actual values set in the counterthresholdAttributeList or gaugethresholdAttributeList may be different from the requested values for the threshold. In this case, the next lowest threshold value supported by the managed system is used. This value is returned in the Reply to a confirmed M-SET service request. The values used for the granularityPeriod attribute and monitoredEntityTypes attribute shall be consistent with the actual values of granularityPeriod used in the system and with the class of actual monitored objects.";; ATTRIBUTES "Recommendation X.739:1993": granularityPeriod GET, monitoredEntityTypes GET; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 14}; zeroSuppressionPkg PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR zeroSuppressionPkgBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "When this package is present and an interval terminates with 'all-zeros' performance measurements, there is no scanReport notification issued and no historyData object is created.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Package 15}; counterThresholdAttributeList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.CounterThresholdAttributeList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR counterThresholdAttributeListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute contains a set of threshold settings for performance attributes of the counter type (e.g. errored seconds). Each threshold setting consists of the attribute identifier, the threshold value and (optionally) the severity of the threshold-exceeded event.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 1}; elapsedTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.ElapsedTime; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR elapsedTimeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute represents the difference between the current time and the start of the present summary interval.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 2}; gaugeThresholdAttributeList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.GaugeThresholdAttributeList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR gaugeThresholdAttributeListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute contains a set of threshold settings for performance attributes of the gauge type. Each threshold setting consists of the attribute identifier, the threshold value and (optionally) the severity of the threshold-exceeded event.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 3}; historyDataId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR historyDataIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used as the RDN attribute for instances of the historyData object class.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 4}; historyRetention ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.HistoryRetention; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR historyRetentionBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies the minimum number of intervals that the historyData object instance (just being created) must be preserved.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 5}; maxSuppressedIntervals ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.MaxSuppressedIntervals; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR maxSuppressedIntervalsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "In conjunction with record compression, the maxSuppressedIntervals attribute limits the maximum number of suppressed intervals that will be collected without creating an instance of the historyData object. For example, consider an instance of (a subClass of) currentData with maxSuppressedIntervals set to 32, and the interval set to 15 minutes. For record compression, it means that after 32 consecutive suppressed (e.g. all-zero) intervals (8 hours) at least one historyData record (with all zero PM Parameters) will be generated with a count of 32. This ensures that at least one historyData record per maxSuppressedIntervals will be created. If the numSuppressedIntervalsPkg is present, the value of this attribute cannot exceed the maximum possible value of the numSuppressedIntervals attribute (this maximum value is a local matter). If a request to modify the value of this attribute exceeds this maximum values then a CMIP error of invalid Attribute Value is returned.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 6}; measurementList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.AttributeList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR measurementListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute contains a set of performance parameter measurements for a monitored object. Each measurement is represented by the attribute identifier (e.g. errored seconds) and its value. Measurements may only be included in this list if they do not already exist as explicit measurement attributes of an instance of a subclass of currentData or of an instance of a subclass of historyData.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 7}; monitoredEntityTypes ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.MonitoredEntityTypes; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR monitoredEntityTypesBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute specifies the monitored entities to which the specified thresholds apply.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 8}; numSuppressedIntervals ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.NumSuppressedIntervals; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, ORDERING; BEHAVIOUR numSuppressedIntervalsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute, if present, is used to count the number of consecutive intervals for which suppression (i.e. non-emission of a scanReport notification and non-creation of a historyData instance) has occurred.This attribute reflects performance measurements up to, but not including, the current interval. This attribute gets incremented at the end of an interval if suppression has occurred, otherwise, the attribute is reset.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 9}; observedObjectClass ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.ObjectClass; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR observedObjectClassBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the managed object class of the managed object that is being observed for the purpose of Performance Management.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 10}; reportAllAttributes ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.ReportAllAttributes; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR reportAllAttributesBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to indicate whether all of the measurement attributes in a currentData instance are returned in the Monitored attributes field of the Quality of Service alarm. If the value of this attribute is True, all attribute values are returned. If the value of this attribute is FALSE (default), the Quality of Service alarm does not contain the monitored attributes field.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 11}; periodEndTime ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.PeriodEndTime; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR periodEndTimeBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute records the time at the end of the interval.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 12}; suppressAdditionalThresholds ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.SuppressAdditionalThresholds; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR suppressAdditionalThresholdsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to indicate whether additional threshold crossing notifications will be emitted by the currentData object. The value of true for this attribute indicates that no further threshold crossing notifications will be emitted until the end of the interval.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 13}; suspectIntervalFlag ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.SuspectIntervalFlag; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ; BEHAVIOUR suspectIntervalFlagBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used to indicate that the performance data for the current period may not be reliable. Some reasons for this to occur are: - Suspect data were detected by the actual resource doing data collection. - Transition of the administrativeState attribute to/from the 'lock' state. - Transition of the operationalState to/from the 'disabled' state. - Scheduler setting that inhibits the collection function. - The performance counters were reset during the interval. - The currentData (or subclass) object instance was created during the monitoring period.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 14}; thresholdDataId ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.NameType; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR thresholdDataIdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute is used as the RDN attribute for instances of the thresholdData object class.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 15}; thresholdDataInstance ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX Q822-PM-ASN1Module.ThresholdDataInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY; BEHAVIOUR thresholdDataInstanceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies an instance of the thresholdData object class which contains the threshold settings used by the currentData instance.";; REGISTERED AS {q822Attribute 16}; historyData-currentData NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS historyData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS currentData AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE historyDataId; DELETE DELETES-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {q822NameBinding 1}; thresholdData-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS thresholdData AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "Recommendation M.3100:1992": managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE thresholdDataId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {q822NameBinding 2}; -- ============================================================================= -- Formatted by OpenT2 Version on Fri Aug 20 11:20:49 2004