Study Group |
Name |
Chairman |
Group 1 |
Coordination of studies of line transmission and general
transmission problems |
Mr. G.H. Bast (Netherlands) |
Study Group 2 |
General coordination for operation and tariffs |
Mr. A. Langenberger (Switzerland) |
Study Group 3 |
of radio relay links into the general line telecommunication network. Linking-up of radio circuits to the general network
Mr. V. Gori (Italy) |
Study Group 4 |
Maintenance of the general telecommunication network |
Mr. J. Valloton (Switzerland) |
Study Group 5 |
Protection against dangers and disturbances of electromagnetic
origin |
Mr. L.J. Collet (France) |
Study Group 6 |
Protection and specifications of cable sheaths and poles
Mr. H.L. Halstrom (Denmark) |
Study Group 7 |
Definitions, Vocabulary, Symbols |
Mr. G. Gella (Spain) |
Study Group 8 |
Telegraph apparatus and local connecting lines. Facsimile and
phototelegraphy |
Mr. P. Pell� (France) |
MP |
Joint Study Group CCIR-CCITT for phototelegraphy |
Mr. P. Pell� (France) |
Study Group 9 |
Quality of telegraph transmission, specification of channel
equipments and directives for maintenance of telegraph channels |
Mr. H.L. van Lommel (Netherlands) |
Study Group 10 |
Telegraph and Telex switching |
Mr. E.H. Jolley (United Kingdom) |
Study Group 11 |
Telephone signalling and switching |
Mr. D.A. Barron (United Kingdom) |
Study Group 12 |
Telephone transmission quality and local telephone networks |
Mr. G. Swedenborg (Sweden) |
General plan for the development of the international network |
Mr. Antinori (Italy) |