Study Group |
Name |
Chairman |
Study Group I |
Definition, operation and quality of service
aspects of telegraph, data transmission and telematic services (facsimile, Teletex, Videotex, etc.) |
Mr. M. Israel (Canada) |
Study Group II |
Operation of telephone network and ISDN |
Mr. G. Gosztony (Hungary) |
Study Group III |
General tariff principles including accounting |
Mr. B. Rouxeville (France) |
Study Group IV |
Transmission maintenance of
international lines, circuits and chains of circuits; maintenance of automatic and semi-automatic networks |
Mr. H.L. Marchese
(United States) |
Study Group V |
Protection against dangers and disturbances of electromagnetic origin |
Mr. G. Gratta (Italy) |
Study Group VI |
Outside plant |
Mr. K. Nikolski (USSR) |
Study Group VII |
Data Communication networks |
Mr. J.O. Wedlake
(United Kingdom) |
Study Group VIII |
Terminal equipment for telematic services (facsimile, Teletex, Videotex, etc.) |
Mr. W. Staudinger
(Germany, Fed. Rep. of) |
Study Group IX |
Telegraph networks and
terminal equipment |
Mr. M. Matsubara (Japan) |
Study Group X |
Languages and methods for
telecommunications applications |
Mr. C. Carelli (Italy) |
Study Group XI |
ISDN and telephone network
switching and signalling |
Mr. J.S. Ryan (United
States) |
Study Group XII |
Transmission performance of
telephone networks and terminals |
Mr. P. Lorand (France) |
Study Group XV |
Transmission systems |
Mr. A.M. Nouri (Saudi
Arabia) |
Study Group XVII |
Data transmission over the
telephone network |
Mr. K. Kern
(Germany, Fed. Rep of) |
Study Group XVIII |
Digital networks including ISDN |
Mr. H.K. Pfyffer
(Switzerland) |
Special Study Group “S” |
CCITT Study Groups structure |
Mr. W.G. Simpson
(United Kingdom) |
Preparatory Committee WATTC-88 |
Mr. F. Molina Negro (Spain) |
Television and sound transmission (Joint CCIR/CCITT Study Group) |
Mr. Y. Angel (France) |
Definitions and symbols (Joint CCIR/CCITT Study Group) |
Mr. M. Thu� (France) |
Plan Committees
(CCITT/CCIR Joint Committees administered by CCITT)
World Plan Committee |
General Plan for the development of the International Telecommunication Network |
Mr. C. Crump (United States) |
Plan Committee for Africa |
General Plan for the development of the Regional Telecommunication Network in Africa |
Mr. E. Kamdem Kamga (Cameroon) |
Plan Committee for Latin America |
General Plan for the development of the Regional Telecommunication Network in Latin America |
Mr. C. Romero Sanjines (Peru) |
Plan Committee for Asia and Oceania |
General Plan for the development of the Regional Telecommunication Network in Asia and Oceania |
Mr. A.M. Al-Sabej (Kuwait) |
Plan Committee for Europe and the Mediterranean Basin |
General Plan for the development of the Regional Telecommunication Network in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin |
Mr. L. Terol Miller (Spain) |