The feasibility studies on DTTB and MTV were carried out from January 2008 to July 2008 by two experts. To this end a questionnaire was developed and circulated within African countries to explore the African Broadcasters requirements and programs in shifting from Analogue to DTTB and MTV Broadcasting. All 53 African countries were encouraged to actively participate in ITU-D feasibility studies and reply to the questionnaire through ITU Web-page that was created for survey purposes. Within a short period of time (less than two month) ITU has received positive reply from 22 countries (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Djibouti, Angola, Egypt, C�te d'Ivoire, Burundi, Ethiopia, Botswana, Tunisia, Gambia, Seychelles, South Africa, Ghana, Lesotho, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Togo). Access to the result of the survey for each individual country was limited only to the identified national experts of each country which replied to the questionnaire. A brief summary of survey�s result is as follows:
- Plans to introduce digital terrestrial broadcasting services:
- No plans at this moment: 7 countries;
- Currently developing a plan for the introduction of digital broadcasting services: 7 countries;
- Finalising a plan for the introduction of digital broadcasting services: 5 countries;
- Trial: 1 country
- Introduction of terrestrial/mobile digital broadcasting:
- until 2010 : 9/6 countries;
- until 2015 : 1/0 country;
- until 2020 : 1/1 country.
- The end of transition period:
- until 2010 : 1 country;
- until 2015 : 8 countries;
- until 2020 : 9 countries
- Assistances expected from ITU:
- Adapting the roadmap to the requirements of the country: 19 countries;
- Ensuring national legislation is ready for the transition to digital broadcasting: 18 countries;
- Identifying potential sources of financing and preparation of budget: 15 countries;
- Providing technical information: 18 countries;
- Development of customer awareness: 14 countries;
- Technical or regulatory expertise: 20 countries.
A proposal document for the 2nd phase of the project, including scope, budget and duration, was developed and 4 countries (Egypt, Ghana, South Africa and Tunisia) were recommended as potential pilot countries for the customization and deployment of pilot systems based on the analysis of the survey by experts.