Terrestrial broadcasting is
on the threshold of a revolutionary transition to digital worldwide. The
process of transition from analogue to digital broadcasting, which
offers advantages in terms of spectrum efficiency, higher video and
audio quality and new business opportunities, is expected to be at peak
level in the next ITU-D cycle in most developing countries. Inevitably,
requests for assistance
will increase, in line with the upcoming transition to digital
terrestrial broadcasting, simulcasting, and the analogue switch-off.
The objectives of the
programme in the area of broadcasting is to enable developing Member
States to overcome the challenges and migrate smoothly from analogue to
digital broadcasting, including terrestrial TV, mobile TV and sound
broadcasting, thereby reaping the full benefits of spectrum efficiency. |
Other activities
- Within the framework of cooperation with EBU and WBU, ITU-BDT representation at the EBU Technical Committee/Assembly
meeting in Mainz
- Concerning the Asia Media Summit, a cooperation agreement has been signed with AIBD (Agenda)
- Cooperation Agreement has been signed with ABU on UHF-VHF Band Planning for Digital TV Broadcasting Services
- Lectures have been delivered by BDT
- Participation and presentation at the ASBU
- Collaboration for the CoE workshops on
digital broadcasting (e.g. Bucharest, Kiev)
- Seminar in Kyrgyzstan: presentation
delivered by the head of the Moscow area office
- Project document for Kyrgyzstan on the
Interactive Multimedia Digital Broadcasting Networks in
countries with mountainous terrain