Seminars and Workshops
on Regulatory, Economic and Financial issues |
Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs in Telecommunication/ICT
for CIS Countries
Odessa, Ukraine
24-26 October 2012
ITU Expert
Level Training on Mobile Network Cost Modeling for the Pacific - ITU Centres of Excellence
Apia, Samoa
15-18 October 2012
12th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR)
Colombo, Sri Lanka
2-4 October 2012
13th Forum on Telecom/ICT
Regulation and Partnership in Africa, FTRA 2012
Libreville, Gabon
18-20 June 2012
ITU Regional Seminar on
Costs and Tariffs for Member Countries of the Study Group 3 Regional Group
for Asia and Oceania (SG3RG-AO)
Bali, Indonesia
28-30 May 2012
Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs and Meeting of Study Group 3 Regional
Group for Africa (SG3RG-AFR)
Cotonou, Benin
8-9 May 2012
Workshop on Origin Identification and
Alternative Calling Procedures
Geneva, Switzerland,
19-20 March 2012
ITU Regional
Seminar on the economic and financial aspects of
telecommunications for
member countries of the Study
Group 3 Regional Group
for Latin America and
Caribbean (SG3RG-LAC)
Asunci�n, Paraguay
13-16 March 2012
Workshop on Apportionment of Revenues and International Internet
Geneva, Switzerland,
23-24 January 2012
Workshop for Central America on Number Portability, Roaming and Efficient
Operator Modeling
Managua, Nicaragua,
5-7 December 2011
11th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR)
Armenia City, Colombia
21-23 September 2011
Workshop on taxation of telecommunications services and related products
Geneva, Switzerland
1-2 September 2011
Executive-level training for Heads of Regulatory Authorities: Strategic
impact of cost modeling and
dispute resolution mechanisms
Geneva, Switzerland 27-28 June 2011
ITU seminar for CIS Countries "Number Portability: Regulatory
Issues and Implementation Impacts"
Chisinau, Moldova
19�20 May 2011
Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs and Meeting of Study Group 3 Regional
Group for Africa (SG3RG-AFR)
Gaborone, Botswana
17�18 May 2011
Regional Seminar on
Costs and Tariffs for Member Countries of the Study Group 3 Regional Group
for Asia and
Oceania (SG3RG-AO)
Phuket, Thailand
8-11 March 2011
Regional Seminar on the economic and financial aspects of telecommunications
for member countries of the
Study Group 3 Regional Group for Latin America
and Caribbean (SG3RG-LAC)
San Salvador, El Salvador
15-18 February 2011
ITU Seminar �New Technologies and Their Impact on Regulation�
Yerevan (Tsakhkadzor), Armenia
14-16 December 2010
ITU Expert-Level Training on
network cost modeling for Latin American Countries - Level II
Panama, Panama
22-26 November 2010
ITU Expert-Level Training on
network cost modeling for French-Speaking African Countries - Level II
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
22-26 November 2010
ITU Expert-Level Training on
3G mobile network cost modeling for the Asia Pacific
Region Bangkok, Thailand 15-19 November 2010
10th Global Symposium for Regulators "Enabling Tomorrow's
Digital World"
Dakar, Senegal
10-12 November 2010
ITU Expert-Level Training on
network cost modeling for English-Speaking African Countries - Level II
Mangochi, Malawi 1-5 November 2010
ITU Expert-Level Training on
network cost modeling for the Caribbean countries - Level I
Kingston, Jamaica 4-8 October 2010
ITU Seminar on Tariff
Policies and Interconnection of Telecommunication Operators� Networks
Odessa, Ukraine
15-17 September 2010
ITU Asia-Pacific Center of Excellence: Infrastructure Sharing
Bangkok, Thailand
31 August - 3 September 2010
ITU Expert-Level Training on
network cost modeling for Arab States - Level II
Damascus, Syria
1-5 August 2010
The 11th Forum on Telecommunication/ICT Regulation and Partnership in Africa
(FTRA-2010) on Fiber Optic
broadband and sharing the capacity and open access principles to achieve
Connect Africa Goal 1, Partnership
and regulatory challenges
Banjul, The Gambia
12-14 July 2010
Regional Seminar on
Costs and Tariffs for Member Countries of the Study Group 3 Regional Group
Latin America and the Caribbean (SG3RG-LAC)
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 6-9 July 2010
WSIS Action Line C6 (the Enabling Environment) Facilitation
Geneva, Switzerland
10 May 2010
Regional Workshop on Numbering Planning and Convergence of Numbering
(Regional Workshop on Numbering
Planning and Convergence of Numbering)
28-30 April 2010
Regional Seminar on
Costs and Tariffs for Member Countries of the Study Group 3 Regional Group
Asia and Oceania (SG3RG-AO)
Beijing, China
27-30 April 2010
Regional Seminar on
Costs and Tariffs for Member Countries of the Study Group 3 Regional Group
Africa (SG3RG-AFR)
Dakar, Senegal 16-19 Mars 2010
Subregional Telecommunication
Ministerial Forum for Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam
Nha Trang, Vietnam
11-12 December 2009
ITU Expert-Level
Training on network cost modeling for the French-Speaking African countries
Dakar, Senegal
7-11 December 2009
ITU Regional Workshop on Policy
and Regulations for Newly Established Regulators,
Nha Trang, Vietnam
8-9 December 2009
9th Global Symposium for
Regulators (GSR) /
Beirut, Lebanon
10-12 November 2009
ITU Expert-Level
Training on network cost modeling for the Asia Pacific Region
Bangkok, Thailand
9-13 November, 2009
Informal meeting for regional
regulators associations
Beirut, Lebanon
9 November 2009
ITU Expert-Level Training for
national regulatory authorities and operators on cost modeling
Damascus, Syria 11-15 October, 2009
ITU Training on Regulatory Accounting for Latin American Countries Buenos Aires, Argentina 21-23
September, 2009
ITU Expert-Level Training on cost modeling for Latin American Countries Buenos Aires, Argentina 14-18
September, 2009
ITU Seminar on Tariff Policies and Interconnection of Telecommunication
Operators' Networks
Odessa, Ukraine
15�17 September 2009
ITU Expert-Level Training for
national regulatory authorities on cost modeling for English-speaking
African Countries in coordination with AFRALTI Maseru, Lesotho 6-10 July 2009
Regional Seminar on the economic and financial aspects of telecommunications
for member countries of the
Study Group 3 Regional Group for Latin America
and Caribbean (SG3RG-LAC) (former TAL Group)
Lima, Peru
23-26 June 2009
10th Forum on Telecom/ICT Regulation
and Partnership in Africa (FTRA)
Lusaka, Zambia,
20-22 May 2009
WSIS Action Line C6 (the
Enabling Environment) Facilitation Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
19 May 2009
Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs for Member Countries of the Study
Group 3 Regional Group for
Africa (SG3RG-AFR) (former TAF Group)
Maputo, Mozambique
4-8 May 2009
Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs for Member Countries of the Study
Group 3 Regional Group for
Asia and Oceania (SG3RG-AO) (former TAS Group)
Hanoi, Vietnam
4-6 March 2009
The Preliminary Planning Meeting for the project
on �Enhancing Competitiveness in the Caribbean
through the Harmonization of ICT Policies, Legislation and Regulatory Procedures
15-16 December 2008
ITU-EC Project to support harmonization
of ICT Policies in Sub Sahara Africa
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
11-12 December 2008
Expert-Level Training for national regulatory authorities on cost model
development, Geneva, Switzerland 10-21 November 2008
Executive-Level Training for Heads of Regulatory Authorities: Strategic
Impact of Cost modeling
on ICT development
Geneva, Switzerland, 10-11 November 2008
Seminar on Tariff policies and interconnection of operator networks
Odessa, Ukraine 7-9 October 2008
ICT legislation and regulation workshop for Central American Countries
Tegucigalpa Honduras 6-8 October 2008
Workshop on tariff policies, tariff models and methodologies for the
determination of costs of services
provided with NGN - in the framework of
the Study Group 1 Question 12-2/1
Geneva, Switzerland
8 September 2008
Workshop on �Regulatory policies on universal access
to broadband services�, ITU-D
Study Group 1,
Question 7-2/1
Geneva, Switzerland
8 September 2008
Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs for the
Tariff Group for Asia and Oceania (TAS Group) on Economics of
Cybersecurity together
with the Regional Cybersecurity Forum
Brisbane, Australia
15-18 July 2008
9th Forum on Telecom/ICT Regulation and
Partnership in Africa (FTRA 2008)
Dakar, Senegal
4-6 June 2008
Joint Facilitation Meeting on Action Lines C2,
C4, and C6
Geneva, Switzerland
19-21 May 2008
8th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR)
Pattaya, Thailand
11-13 March 2008
Seminar on Costs and Tariffs and Regional meeting of the Tariff
Group for Latin America and
the Caribbean (TAL Group)
Trinidad &
18-22 February 2008
Seminar on Costs and Tariffs and Regional
meeting of the Tariff Group for Africa (TAF Group)
Djibouti, Djibouti
28-31 January 2008
West Africa Workshop on
Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for Cybersecurity and CIIP
Praia, Cape Verde
27-29 November 2007
Training on Competition
and Changing Market Conditions: Impact on ICT Regulation
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
6-9 November 2007
Workshop for users of COSITU in Central America
Panama City, Panama 31 October - 1 November 2007
The ITU/ACMA International Training Program 2007 (ITP 2007)
Melbourne and Canberra
22 October-2 November 2007
Central American forum on telecommunication economics and finance
Panama City, Panama 29-30 October 2007
Seminar on Establishing
New Regulators in the Asia Pacific Region
Ventiane, Lao PDR
26-27 October 2007
Arab Region Regulatory
Harmonization Initiative Kick-off Meeting
Manama, Bahrain
21-22 October 2007
Caribbean Region Seminar: Issues in telecommunication economics and
financing Antigua and Barbuda 10-13 September 2007
Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs and regional meeting of the
Tariff Group for Asia and
Oceania (TAS Group) Seoul, Rep. of Korea 3-6 July 2007
Seminar on economic aspects of national radiofrequency spectrum
management Kyiv, Ukraine 3-5 July 2007
Forum on
Telecommunication Regulation in Africa (FTRA-2007)- Infrastructure
Nairobi, Kenya
6-7 June 2007
Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs and regional meeting of the
Tariff Group for Africa
(TAF Group) Banjul, Gambia 7-10 May 2007
Workshop on NGN
Interconnection in the Arab Region
Manama, Bahrain
2-3 May 2007
Workshop on strategic planning for provision of services to rural
and remote areas of Central Africa
Bangui, Central African Republic 6-8 March 2007
Regional seminar on costs and tariffs and regional meeting of the
Tariff Group for Latin America
and the Caribbean (LAC Group)
Havana, Cuba 20-23 February 2007
7th Global
Symposium for Regulators (GSR)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
5-7 February 2007
Fourth annual Meeting of
Regional Regulators' Associations
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
4 February 2007
ITU - InfoDev Executive Level
Training for Regulators and Policy Makers
Hong-Kong, China
2-3 December 2006
13th Sub regional Telecommunication
Meeting for Cambodia, Lao P.D.R., Myanmar and Vietnam
Yangon, Myanmar
4-8 October 2006
Workshop on telecommunication market and business studies for broadband in a convergence scenario
for Andean countries Quito, Ecuador 27-29 September 2006
COSITU forum for experts and users from Southern and East Africa
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
11-14 September 2006
Workshop on Interconnection and NGN
Networks: Addressing the Regulatory Challenges
Buenos Aires, Argentina
11 September 2006
Global seminar on quality of service
and consumer protection
Geneva, Switzerland
31 August - 1 September 2006
Central American workshop on the model for the calculation of costs, tariffs and rates for telephone
services (COSITU)
Managua, Nicaragua 24-28 July 2006
West Africa Sub-regional workshop on
Regulatory Challenges of VoIP
Dakar, Senegal
4-7 July 2006
European Regional Seminar -
Telecommunication Liberalization Challenges and Opportunities for the
CEE, CIS and Baltic States
Chisinau, Moldova
20-23 June 2006
Telecommunication Regulation in
Africa (FTRA-2006): "IP Networks and related services: Challenges
for Africa Regulators"
Yaound�, Cameroon
7-8 June 2006
Regional seminar on costs and tariffs and regional meeting of the Tariff Group for Asia and Oceania (TAS)
Tokyo, Japan
16-17 May 2006
Regional seminar on costs and tariffs of the Tariff Group for Latin America and the Caribbean (TAL)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2-3 May 2006
Regional seminar on costs and tariffs of the Tariff Group for Africa (TAF)
Conakry, Guinea 28-29 March 2006
European Regional Meeting on Regulatory and Economic aspects of VoIP and Broadband Promotion
Istanbul, Turkey 29-30 November 2005
Training workshop on COSITU for Asia-Pacific countries
Yogyakarta, Indonesia 21-25 November 2005
6th Global
Symposium for Regulators (GSR)
Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
14-15 November 2005
Third annual Meeting of Regional
Regulators' Associations
Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
13 November 2005
Effective Regulation,
Executive-level Training for Regulators
Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
12-13 November 2005
Workshop on the economic and financial aspects of network interconnection
Kigali, Republic of Rwanda 24-28 October 2005
Training workshop on COSITU for Central African French-speaking countries
Kigali, Republic of Rwanda 17-21 October 2005
WATRA Workshop on Harmonized ICT
Regulatory Guidelines
Accra, Ghana
5-7 September 2005
Seminar on Universal Service and the
Consumer Rights Protection
Guiyang, China
24 - 25 August 2005
Training Workshop on
Telecommunications Policy and Regulation for Competition
Bangkok, Thailand
11-15 July 2005
Regional seminar on costs and tariffs and regional meeting of the Tariff Group for Africa (TAF
Midrand, South Africa 28 June-1 July 2005
Regional seminar on costs and tariffs and regional meeting of the Tariff Group for Latin America
and the Caribbean (TAL Group)
Buenos Aires, Argentina 14-17 June 2005
Arab States Regional Dispute
Resolution Workshop
Manama, Bahrain
31 May - 1 June 2005
Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs for TAS Group Member Countries
Cyberjaya, Malaysia 31 May-3 June 2005
Forum on Telecommunication
Regulation in Africa
Maputo, Mozambique
27-28 April 2005
Training workshop on the software for the calculation of costs, tariffs and rates for
telephone services (COSITU) - (co-organised in conjunction with the Centre of Excellence, Dakar, Senegal)
Dakar, Senegal 21-25 March 2005
Arab Regulatory Network Meeting,
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
2-3 March 2005
Seminar on Enforcing
Telecommunications Law, Policy, and Regulations
Geneva Switzerland
8 March 2005
5th Global
Symposium for Regulators (GSR)
Geneva, Switzerland
8-10 December 2004
ITU-WTO Workshop on Telecom and ICT
Regulation relating to WTO Obligations and Commitments
Geneva, Switzerland
1-7 December 2004
Training workshop on COSITU for English-speaking Caribbean countries
Cura�ao, Netherlands Antilles 9-12 November 2004
Adjusting Forecasting Methods to the Needs of the Telecommunication Sector
Geneva, Switzerland 25-26 October 2004
Managing Risk in the Competitive Environment of the Telecommunication Sector
Geneva, Switzerland 28-29 October 2004
Training workshop on COSITU for Asia Pacific countries
Jakarta, Indonesia 5-8 October 2004
Seminar on telecommunication market analysis for the CEE countries and Baltic States
Vilnius, Lithuania 5-7 October 2004
ITU/EC West Africa ICT Market
Harmonization Project - Validation Workshop on Universal
Abuja, Nigeria
28-30 September 2004
Training workshop on COSITU for French-speaking Arab countries
Tunis, Tunisia 20-23 September 2004
Training workshop on COSITU for Latin American countries
Santiago, Chile 7-10 September 2004
European Regional Workshop on
Dispute Resolution
Geneva, Switzerland
31August -2 September 2004
Seminar on Next Generation Networks
and Telecommunication Regulations
Wuxi, China
25-26 August 2004
Workshop on telecommunication accounting and audit for Western African countries
Banjul, Gambia 19-23 July 2004
COSITU Training the trainers
Geneva, Switzerland 23-25 June 2004
Kick-Off Meeting on West Africa
Common Market Project and Global Benchmarking Workshop
Dakar, Senegal,
2-4 June 2004
European Regional Meeting on Fair
Competition and Interconnection
Oslo, Norway,
1-3 June 2004
Regional seminar on costs and tariffs and regional meeting of the Tariff Group for
Latin America (TAL Group)
Paramaribo, Suriname 10-13 May 2004
ESCAP/ITU Regional Training Workshop
on Enabling Policies and Regulatory Frameworks for ICT
Development in the Asia-Pacific Region
Bangkok, Thailand,
3-7 May 2004
Training workshop on COSITU for English-speaking Arab countries
Cairo, Egypt 19-22 April 2004
Current Issues in Enforcing
Telecommunications Law, Policy and Regulations in the Americas Region
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
19-20 April 2004
Regional seminar on costs and tariffs and regional meeting of the Tariff Group for Africa (TAF
Yaound�, Cameroon 5-8 April 2004
Training workshop on COSITU for CIS countries
Baku, Azerbaijan 23-26 March 2004
4th Global
Symposium for Regulators (GSR)
Geneva, Switzerland
8-9 December 2003
Workshop on Developing a Policy and Regulatory Framework for Developing Economies of the South Pacific
Suva, Fiji 1-3 December 2003
Training workshop: Software application of TAL cost models to estimate costs, tariffs and rates for telephone
services in Caribbean countries
Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago 25-28 November 2003
Forum on Telecommunication
Regulation in Africa
Accra, Ghana
11-13 November 2003
Training workshop on COSITU for Central American countries
Managua, Nicaragua
4-7 November 2003
ITU/UNESCAP/WTO Regional Seminar on
Current WTO Negotiations and Implications for the
Future Development of the Telecommunications Sector
Bangkok, Thailand
28-30 October 2003
Seminar on economic and market analysis for Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC)
and Baltic states
Prague, Czech Republic 9-11 September 2003
Seminar on costs and tariffs and meeting of the Tariff Group for Latin America and the
Caribbean (TAL Group)
Canc�n, Quintana Roo, Mexico 21-25 July 2003
Training on Competition Policy and
interconnection in Telecommunications Market of Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
4-7 July 2003
Workshop for the creation of new
Numbering Plans in Africa
Cotonou, Benin
30 June - 4 July 2003
Training workshop on COSITU for Eastern and Southern African countries
Maputo, Mozambique 24-27 June 2003
Training workshop on COSITU for West African English-speaking countries
Abuja, Nigeria 27-30 May 2003
Training workshop on COSITU for West African countries (French-speaking)
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 22-25 April 2003
Regional Workshop on Costs, Tariffs
and Universal Service for CEE and CIS countries
Moscow, Russia
14-18 April 2003
Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs and Regional Meeting of the Tariff Group
for Africa (TAF Group)
Bamako, Mali 7-11 April 2003
Training workshop on COSITU for Central African countries (French-speaking)
Kinshasa, Dem. Rep. of Congo 26-28 March 2003
ITU/CTO Workshop on Universal Access
Banjul, The Gambia
10-14 March 2003
Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR)
Hong Kong, China
7-8 December 2002
Workshop on telecommunication network interconnection - trials and
trends in global markets
Bangkok, Thailand 28-29 November 2002
Forum on Telecommunication
Regulation in Africa
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
19-21 November 2002
Seminar on ITU pricing models
Tbilisi, Georgia 14-15 November 2002
BDT/TSB Regional Expert Group Workshop on TAL Cost Model
Guatemala City, Guatemala 4-8 November 2002
Caribbean workshop on costing/interconnection
Bridgetown, Barbados 15-16 October 2002
ITU Regional Regulatory Seminar
Dalian, China
5-8 August 2002
TRASA, ITU and CTO Universal Access
and Rural Connectivity Regional Workshop
for Southern and Eastern Africa
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
8-12 July 2002
Training workshop on tariff calculation software for English-speaking African countries
Abuja, Nigeria 19-21 June 2002
Training workshop on tariff calculation software for French-speaking African countries
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 27-29 May 2002
African Seminar on Costs and Tariffs
Arusha, Tanzania 15�17 April 2002
Seminar on Universal Access and
Services for CEE and Baltic States
Bratislava, Slovak Republic
5-7 March 2002
2nd Global
Symposium for Regulators (GSR)
Geneva, Switzerland
3-5 December 2001
Tariff Seminar and meeting of the Tariff Group for Latin America and the Caribbean
(TAL Group) Havana, Cuba 22-25 October 2001
Seminar on new trends in tariff policies (EUR)
Bratislava, Slovakia 25-27 September 2001
Forum on Telecommunication Regulation in Africa and in the
Arab States
Rabat, Morocco
17-19 September 2001
Workshop on Price Caps and Interconnection
Islamabad, Pakistan
2-4 August 2001
Workshop in network interconnection rules and rates & universal access for English Speaking
African Countries
Accra, Ghana 18-22 June 2001
Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs and Regional Meeting of the Tariff Group for Africa
(TAF Group)
Niamey, Niger 23-27 April 2001
Workshop on cost calculation for Central African Countries
Libreville, Gabon 2-6 April 2001
Seminar on pricing for frequency usage
Yerevan, Armenia
21-23 March 2001
Sub-regional Workshop on tariff policies for UEMOA/CTOA countries
Dakar, Senegal 26 Feb � 3 March 2001
First Eastern and Southern Africa countries workshop on costs, tariffs and interconnection
rates calculation
Windhoek, Namibia 15-19 January 2001