PP-18 Badging desks will be located at:
Dubai World Trade Centre
Sheikh Zayed Road
P.O. Box 9292
Dubai, UAE

The opening hours of the badging desks will be as follows:
Friday, 26 October 2018: 10.00-12.00 and 14.00-18.00
Saturday, 27 October 2018: 07.30-12.00 and 14.00-18.00
Sunday, 28 October 2018
: 08.30-12.00 and 14.00-18.00
Monday, 29 October 2018: 07.30-18.00
Tuesday, 30 October to Friday, 16 November 2018 (except Saturdays and Sundays): 08.30-12.30 and 13.30-17.30

Full information on registration may be found here.

The list of participants may be found here.

Practical Info

Practical information can be found here.

Floor plan

DWTC – Za’abeel Halls 6,5,4
Select area:


Registration to PP-18 is carried out exclusively online by each participant interested in participating. Every request for participation must be validated by the Focal Points (DFPs) designated by each administration and entity of the following categories entitled to participate:

    • Member States of the ITU (CV 268)
    • State of Palestine (Res. 99 (Rev. Busan, 2014))
    • the United Nations (CV 269A)
    • Regional Telecommunications Organizations (CV 269B)
    • Intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems (CV 269C)
    • specialized agencies of the UN and the IAEA (CV 269D)
    • Sector Members referred to in CV 229 (ROA, SIO or FDI) and CV 231 (Regional and other international telecommunication, standardization, financial or development organizations)

Provision of information through the online registration system does not exempt Member States from the need to submit an original credentials document (see Credentials section).

As per the ITU Secretary-General's commitment as an International Gender Champion, we encourage you to include women in your delegation. 

Important information on visa: Entry visas to the United Arab Emirates cannot be obtained through the ITU secretariat. Participants can complete visa information in the online registration form. Visa request, together with participant passport details, will be transmitted to the authorities of the United Arab Emirates. In addition, participants still have to proceed officially with visa request through the Host Country website at http://www.pp18dubai.ae/visa.php


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 In order to register for PP-18, you must have an ITU user account or TIES access.

--> You already have an ITU user account or TIES access: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER 

--> You do NOT have an ITU user account yet: please follow these three STEPS:

  2.   ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT [TIES access* to conference documents can be requested at the same time – this request will have to be validated by focal point]
  3.   REGISTERConfirmation of registration will be sent as soon as focal points for registration have validated the requests for registration.

Information for Delegate Registration Focal Points (DFPs):

    • you need your user account or TIES access to register yourself (step 3. above) or access the list of participants related to your delegation.
    • when a participant registers, you will receive an email inviting you to validate/reject this request.
    • once a registration is validated by you, the participant will receive a confirmation e-mail with registration ID and further details.
    • when you register yourself, as DFP, your registration will be automatically confirmed.

* * * * * * * * * *

* TIES Access (formerly called TIES account): the TIES access allows a delegate to access the registration form, as well as to open TIES-protected documents, and access other ITU services. The creation of the User Account does not automatically provide a TIES access. To request this TIES access rights, login to your user account and click on request TIES access. It will have to be validated by the Focal Point. Without TIES Access, a delegate will be able to register via the User account, but will not be able to open TIES-protected PP-18 documents. 


In accordance with Article 31 of the ITU Convention – Credentials for Conferences - and Nos 324, 325, and 328 to 331 in particular, accreditation of delegations sent by Member States to Plenipotentiary Conferences shall be by means of instruments signed by the Head of State, by the Head of Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs

The credentials submitted shall, moreover, fulfil one of the following criteria:

  • confer full powers on the delegation;
  • authorize the delegation to represent its government, without restrictions;
  • give the delegation, or certain members thereof, the right to sign the Final Acts.

The original credentials document should be sent to the Secretary-General. Following established practice, credentials or transfers of power sent by fax or e-mail are considered as not being in order. Under No. 333 of the ITU Convention, a delegation whose credentials are found not to be in order by the Plenary Meeting shall not be entitled to exercise the right to vote or to sign the Final Acts until the situation has been rectified.

Attention is drawn to No. 338 of the ITU Convention which states that credentials and transfers of powers sent by telegram shall not be accepted. By analogy and in accordance with constant practice, credentials and transfers of powers sent by fax or e-mail shall neither be accepted.

To enable Member States to fully exercise their sovereign rights at PP-18, the competent authorities are invited to send the original credentials document to ITU headquarters in Geneva - accompanied, where necessary, by a certified translation in one of the official languages of the Union – before the opening of the Conference.

Member States in a position to deposit credentials before the opening of the Conference are invited to do so by registered letter, to the following address:

ITU Secretary-General PP-18 Credentials Committee secretariat - Office T.1216
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
CH - 1211 GENEVA 20

Credentials may also be deposited with the PP-18 Credentials Committee secretariat at the Conference venue in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, as from 27 October 2018.

A model instrument of credentials for use by delegations which fulfils the criteria set out in the relevant provisions of the ITU Convention is available here

Circular letter CL-18/18, "Credentials for delegations participating in the Plenipotentiary Conference", is available here. A follow-up circular letter (CL-18/34) was sent on 16 July 2018 and is available here.


have been sent the following categories entitled to participate (ref. CV/Art. 23): 

  • Member States [CV/268]
    • CL-17/41: Invitation on behalf of the United Arab Emirates
    • CL-17/42: Invitation from the ITU Secretary-General 
  • Palestine [Res. 99 (Rev. Busan, 2014)]
  • Observers which participate in an advisory capacity (Annex 2 to Res. 145 (Antalya, 2006)):
    • the United Nations [CV/269A]
    • regional telecommunications organizations [CV/269B]
    • intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems [CV/269C]
    • specialized agencies of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency [CV/269D]
    • DM-17/1004: Invitation from the ITU Secretary-General 
  • Observers which do not participate in an advisory capacity (Annex 3 to Res. 145 (Antalya, 2006)):
    • Sector Members referred to in CV/229 (recognized operating agencies, scientific or industrial organizations and financial or development institutions) and CV/231 (regional and other international telecommunication, standardization, financial or development organizations)
    • DM-17/1005: Invitation from the ITU Secretary-General 

General information on organizational arrangements was sent in CL-18/33.

Information on organizational arrangements for Ministers and high-level delegates was sent in CL-18/29.