ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Compatibility analysis and results for radiolocation systems planned to operate in the 15.4 to 17.3 GHz band and aircraft landing system operating in the 15.4-15.7 GHz band as well as the radio astronomy service operating in the adjacent band 15.35-15.40 GHz, FSS systems and aeronautical radionavigation systems

Report M.2170

Managed by SG05

Title Status
M.2170-0 (2009)
Compatibility analysis and results for radiolocation systems planned to operate in the 15.4 to 17.3 GHz band and aircraft landing system operating in the 15.4-15.7 GHz band as well as the radio astronomy service operating in the adjacent band 15.35-15.40 GHz, FSS systems and aeronautical radionavigation systems  
Note - This Report has been published only in English
In force (Main)