
We took crucial steps in 2024 to help advance meaningful connectivity, protect communities with timely disaster alerts, and chart new terrain for sustainable development.

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By 2024, we surpassed USD 54 billion worth of pledges from public and private sector partners through our flagship initiative to extend meaningful digital access to the world’s hardest-to-connect communities. How is P2C bridging the digital divide?

Digital Infrastructure Investment Initiative

Brazil’s G20 Presidency helped us launch our new initiative with six development finance institutions to mobilize funding for critical digital infrastructure worldwide.

Early Warnings for All

We are leading a vital pillar of the UN Secretary-General’s initiative to ensure that everyone on Earth is protected from hazardous weather, water, or climate events through life-saving early warning systems by 2027.

AI to reduce hazards

We are working closely with our UN partners to develop artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for a range of development challenges, including reducing hazards and disaster risks.

Shaping the metaverse & virtual worlds

Our metaverse focus group concluded essential groundwork, giving rise to the new Global Initiative on Virtual Worlds – also known as the Citiverse Initiative.

Digital Divide Among ‘Biggest Challenges of Our Generation’: UN


Photographs ©ITU