Closing the digital divide—how capacity building can help communities build sustainable Internet Infrastructure


Session 408

Thursday, 16 March 2023 16:30–17:30 (UTC+01:00) Room C, CICG, Ground Floor Thematic Workshop


Nearly 3 billion people are still unconnected, deprived of the possibilities the Internet offers. Communities living in rural, remote, and low-income areas are the most affected. They are building their own solutions to change that, including municipal and community networks, cooperatives, and other complementary access solutions. But they have two main challenges: the lack of skills and funding to build and maintain sustainable Internet infrastructure. This workshop will explore how a focus on capacity building can help achieve the SDG 9 and the SDGs in general, sharing past experiences and key learnings. 

Marian Pletosu Empowerment Program Advisor Internet Society Foundation Moderator

Kara Niles Senior Director Partnerships and Fundraising Internet Society Foundation

Carlos Francisco Baca Feldman General Coordinator of Techio Comunitario and Training Coordinator in Rhizomatica (México)

Barrack Otieno 【R】 Trustee Kenya ICT Action Network