WSIS TalkX : Journée internationale des personnes âgées des Nations Unies 2021 - L'équité numérique pour tous les âges
Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT), Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), Coalition mondiale sur le vieillissement (GCOA)
Session 105
Le 1er octobre 2021, la Journée internationale des personnes âgées des Nations Unies (IDOP) sera célébrée sous le thème « L'équité numérique pour tous les âges ». Le sujet vise à aborder la croissance rapide des technologies numériques et les effets transformationnels qu'elles ont dans tous les secteurs de la société. Pour garantir l'inclusivité et l'accès et réaliser les objectifs de la Décennie du vieillissement en bonne santé de l'ONU et de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, l'adoption des technologies numériques doit se faire dans tous les groupes d'âge, en mettant l'accent sur les personnes âgées pour s'assurer qu'elles ne sont pas exclues des opportunités et les avantages apportés par les TIC.
Ce WSIS TalkX est organisé à l'occasion de UN IDOP pour stimuler le dialogue sur l'utilisation des technologies numériques pour améliorer la vie des personnes âgées et :
· Rassembler les voix de plusieurs parties prenantes sur le thème de « l'inclusion numérique et l'équité en santé pour tous les âges »
· Présenter l'innovation dans la technologie numérique pour améliorer les soins aux personnes âgées
· Lancer le Prix de l'innovation pour le vieillissement en bonne santé du Forum SMSI 2022.
· Souligner les célébrations de la Journée mondiale des télécommunications et de la société de l'information, 17 mai 2022 : Technologies numériques pour un vieillissement en bonne santé
- C1. Le rôle des gouvernements et de toutes les parties prenantes dans la promotion des TIC pour le développement
- C3. L'accès à l'information et au savoir
- C4. Le renforcement des capacités
- C7. Les applications TIC et leur apport dans tous les domaines — Télésanté
- C7. Les applications TIC et leur apport dans tous les domaines — Cyberscience
- Objectif 2: Éliminer la faim, assurer la sécurité alimentaire, améliorer la nutrition et promouvoir l’agriculture durable
- Objectif 3: Permettre à tous de vivre en bonne santé et promouvoir le bien-être de tous à tout âge
WSIS Forum: ICTs and Older Persons special track: The ageing of the global population will be the defining demographic trend of the 21st century—yet our societies struggle to see the opportunities that this trend can unfold. The ICTs and Older Persons track addresses the role of technology in achieving healthier ageing, but also how technology helped to build smarter cities, combat age-based discrimination at the workplace, ensure financial inclusion of older persons, raise awareness of ageing and intergenerational issues, and support millions of caregivers across the world. This special track involved collaborations with various stakeholders that work around this matter, including Global Coalition of Aging (GCOA), Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND), E-Seniors, UN Agencies such as WHO, UN DESA and others.
WSIS Forum 2021 Hackathon – Ageing Better with ICTs: ITU, Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA), and other stakeholders, such as WHO, UN DESA, etc. successfully organised the virtual hackathon on ICTs and Older Persons gathering more than 1,100 participants joining from 48 countries. The Hackathon ideated ICT solutions addressing the areas of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline, frailty, transportation and mobility, and financial tools for longevity. Four winners from each challenge areas were awarded during a High-Level Dialogue gathering expert judges in field of technology and ageing. One winning team in each challenge area received a 6-month mentorship with the Global Coalition on Aging and their member companies as well as a $1,000 cash prize.
WSIS Healthy Ageing Innovation Prize: WSIS Forum Special Track on ICTs and Older Persons initiated a special prize this year entitled, the WSIS Healthy Ageing Innovation Prize, focused on ICTs that specifically address the needs of people 60+ to achieve and sustain an active and engaged life as they age. 12 finalists were shortlisted, and the winner was Age Care Technologies (UK). This special prize will be continued for the WSIS Forum 2022.
Ageing in a digital world – from vulnerable to valuable: The first- ever report to be produced by ITU to raise awareness in the ICT sector on the importance of being prepared to respond to the needs and requirements of ageing populations. This report addresses the two global megatrends that reinforce each other: the emergence of digital technologies and ageing populations, both of which are predicted to bring about important socio-economic changes worldwide. The report aims to help ITU members and other stakeholders to understand digital opportunities and take advantage of new possibilities for economic, social and political growth from increased digital inclusion and age-friendly digital environments.
High-Level Dialogue: Ageing in a Digital World: From Vulnerable to Valuable: Organised jointly by ITU, WSIS, and GCOA, this session aimed to raise awareness among policy makers and all public-private sector stakeholders on how the mega-trend of ageing is a great opportunity itself, dependent on age-friendly digital environments for all. During this session, the Hackathon and the WSIS Forum 2021 Healthy Ageing Innovation Prize winners were announced.
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) 2022: The proposed theme for the WTISD 2022 is “Digital technologies for Older Persons and Healthy Ageing”. WTISD 2022 will allow ITU membership, partners and other stakeholders to raise awareness about the important role of telecommunications/ICTs in supporting people to stay healthy, connected and independent, physically, emotionally and financially – to a life of healthy ageing - and as critical for the sustainability of economic and health systems.
GCOA Initiatives - Taking On Longevity with Market Innovation ( Building the Caregiving Workforce Our Aging World Needs — explores the essential truths that must shape the actions of policymakers, healthcare organizations and professionals, NGOs and other public and private stakeholders when they consider the future of the caregiving workforce, and our ability to more effectively serve older adults around the world.
The recommended actions, presented in the study as part of a crucial road map to build a professional global caregiving workforce, include:
1. Change the perception of the caregiving profession – champion campaigns that transform mindsets about caregiving, from a low-skilled job of last resort to a valued, professional career of the future.
2. Bolster training and education standards – if governments and society acknowledge the value of the care workforce, care providers and governments alike will work to establish quality standards.
3. Support and reward professional caregivers commensurate with the demands of the job and the value they provide – employers across public, private and nonprofit sectors must pay more attention to the emotional and financial needs of professional caregivers – especially if they are to attract young, purpose-driven talent.
4. Fully integrate home care workforce into the health and social-care ecosystem – the professional status of home care workers must keep pace with the demand for and value of this type of care.
Digital Health: Friend or Foe of Workforce Shortages? | by Global Coalition on Aging | Global Coalition on Aging | Sep, 2021 | Medium: Digital Opportunities in our global ageing society, linked to the Decade of Healthy Ageing and UN SDGs.
When The Lancet, The Economist Intelligence Unit, and the WHO Agree… | by Global Coalition on Aging | Global Coalition on Aging | Medium