Future Media Accessibility
ITU Intersector Rapporteur Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility
Session 361
Efforts towards virtual reality and metaverse
The session will discuss trends and future perspectives of audiovisual media accessibility.
Chair: Masahito Kawamori
1. How can we help the world to understand accessibility needs? - Masahito Kawamori
2. What happens to accessibility in the world of VR and the metaverse? What have we learned so far? - Pilar Orero and Andy Quested
3. Toward a universal system of user profiles – Pradipta Biswas
4. Questions and Discussion
Captioning for this event will be available at the following link: https://www.streamtext.net/text.aspx?event=ITU-WSIS2

Masahito Kawamori is a Project Prof. at the Media and Governance School, Keio University, Japan. Before joining Keio University in 2013, he had been a senior research engineer of NTT, which he joined in 1989 to do research and development in application of artificial intelligence, to convergent systems for mobile and fixed telecommunication, such as conversational robots and humanoids. This became, in 1998, a part of Japan Science and Technology Agency's program called Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology Program that aimed at "Creating the Brain". Since 2000, he was involved in several projects in and outside of Japan to apply metadata and ontology for various services including, but not limited to, telecommunication and broadcasting, which have led to global standards that are currently commercially deployed in several services. He is also actively involved with the International Telecommunication Union, part of the United Nations.

Pilar Orero, PhD (UMIST, UK) works at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) in the TransMedia Catalonia Lab. She has written and edited many books, nearly 100 academic papers and almost the same number of book chapters --all on Media Accessibility. Leader and participant on numerous EU funded research projects focusing on media accessibility. She works in standardisation and participates in the UN ITU IRG-AVA - Intersector Rapporteur Group Audiovisual Media Accessibility, ISO and ANEC. She has been working on Immersive Accessibility for the past 4 years first in a project called ImAc, which results are now further developed in TRACTION, MEDIAVERSE, MILE, and has just started to work on green accessibility in GREENSCENT. She leads the EU network LEADME on Media Accessibility. In the presentation she will show development for media accessibility in 360 interactive accessible narratives from MEDIAVERSE and TRACTION.

Andy Quested started as a BBC Technical Assistant in 1978 becoming a video-tape editor in 1985 where he worked on many comedy, children’s and documentary series.
In 1998 Andy moved to a new technology department working on the BBC’s first HD programmes including Planet Earth I and the first UHD programme, Planet Earth II.
He is technical lead of the UK’s Digital Production Partnerships AS-11 format and leads the EBU Production Strategic Group looking at all areas of content production. He is an active member of SMPTE becoming a Fellow in 2014 for work relating to standards
Andy is currently the chair of ITU-R Working Party 6C where he initiated new areas of study on Advanced Immersive Audio-Visual Systems and Artificial Intelligence in content production and international programme exchange.

Pradipta Biswas is an assistant professor at the Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM) and affiliated faculty at the Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems (RBCCPS) of Indian Institute of Science. His research focuses on user modelling and multimodal human-machine interaction for aviation and automotive environments and for assistive technology. He set up and leads the Interaction Design (I3D) Lab at CPDM, IISc. Pradipta is a Co-Chair of the IRG AVA and Focus Group on Smart TV at International Telecommunication Union. He is a member of the UKRI International Development Peer Review College, Society of Flight Test Engineers and was a professional member of the British Computer Society, Associate Fellow at the UK Higher Education Academy and Royal Society of Medicine. Earlier, he was a Senior Research Associate at Engineering Department, Research Fellow at Wolfson College and Research Associate at Trinity Hall of University of Cambridge. He completed PhD in Computer Science at the Rainbow Group of University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory and Trinity College in 2010 and was awarded a Gates-Cambridge Scholarship in 2006.
C3. Access to information and knowledge
C4. Capacity building
C9. Media
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable