Support programmes for women’s cooperatives

Habitat Association

Session 152

Wednesday, 23 March 2022 14:00–14:40 (UTC+01:00) ICTs and Gender Mainstreaming Thematic Workshop

Through this workshop, we would like to talk about the program we have implemented to support women's cooperatives. We have created an application model in order to increase women's employment and economic growth as well as their digital capacities. Thanks to this model, they establish the websites of their cooperatives, participate in e-commerce and increase their visibility on the internet. In this way, it is aimed to contribute to the strengthening of the socioeconomic status of women who are members of the cooperative. Within the scope of the Support Program, digitalization, technical support (computer) and advertising support were provided to 15 Women's Cooperatives through training and grants. We care about gender equality and women's economic independence. It will reflect the perspectives of people with different missions in the project. The experiences of the project stakeholders, the volunteer trainer and the last beneficiary, the representative of the women's cooperative, will be shared. Accompanied by the moderator, they will explain why this project was started, why it is important and the impact it has had. In this way, it is aimed to inspire the audience. At the same time, since we support women's empowerment all over the world, it is aimed to spread good practice examples by sharing them with people from different countries and institutions. In addition, there will be an opportunity to listen to the importance, impact and transformation of volunteering through our volunteer trainer. In addition, it will be conveyed how the women's cooperative representative experienced changes with this training. Above all, of course, most importantly, the importance of women's empowerment, self-employment, economic independence and social support will be conveyed. In summary, there will be one representative of each party involved in this project. It will convey the created training model and provide experience sharing. Stories of courage and inspiration will be shared.

F. Fatih Görünü
F. Fatih Görünü Inclusive and Sustinable Growth Program Director Habitat Association - Turkey Moderator

I graduated from primary and secondary school in Karaman after that he started a bachelor's degree in Mersin University Business Information Management. In a part of his university life, I had studied at Radom Academy of Economics Department of International Management and I had interned in Turkish Industry Business Association in Brussels. I graduated from Mersin University Faculty of Business Information Management in 2019. From the beginning of university life, I have been active in the field of youth studies and civil society. I have taken part in several civil society organizations and student clubs as a founder and coordinator. Between 2014-2017, I had been a volunteer trainer in Habitat Association in the field of financial literacy and financial risk management. Since 2018, I'm working as Habitat Association Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Program Director

Faik Uyanık
Faik Uyanık Head of Communications for UNDP in Turkey UNDP - Turkey

Graduated from Istanbul University’s Faculty of Economics. Completed his master’s degree in European Studies at Catholic Leuven University in Belgium where he was awarded with the Jean Monnet Scholarship. There he focused on the regional development policy of the EU. Completed master’s and PhD degrees in journalism at Marmara University in Istanbul. Started his journalism and broadcasting career in 1992 at BRT, a TV station of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. He worked for NTV, the first news channel of Turkey, for ten years starting from 1997. Also worked for the BBC Turkish Service for more than three years in London. In 2008 he won the Sedat Simavi Prize of Journalists Association of Turkey (TGC). Since 2010 he has been heading the communications of the United Nations Development Programme in Turkey. He also managed communication partnerships, events and press relations at UNDP Eurasia communications team.

Aylin Kurt
Aylin Kurt Volunteer Habitat Association - Turkey

My name is Aylin Kurt. I was born in Eskisehir, Turkey. Before completing high school, I completed my senior year in the United States as a KL-YES exchange student. After my exchange year, I received a certificate of volunteering by the Department of States. I have been a participant in many projects ever since, such that being a Financial Literacy for Individuals Instructor of Habitat Association. I am passionate about volunteering because I know that it is a way to make an impact and actually change things in a positive way. I chose to become a financial literacy instructor because I believe that especially with the recent drastic changes in economy, people need to be aware of what is happening around them. Being literate in finance will help them make conscious financial decisions. I am trying my best to convey what I know about financial literacy to my community, so that they learn more about financial concepts. I am now an Undergraduate Economics Student at Yildiz Technical University, and I can not wait to learn more about economy and finance throughout my Bachelor's degree.

Suzan Doganay
Suzan Doganay Partner, Business Development & Marketing Strategy Women's Initiative and Production Business Cooperative from Mersin - Turkey

Hello, I am Suzan Soğanay Es, Partner of Women's Cooperative from Mersin.
In Mersinden Women's Cooperative, where we transfer the traditional arts of Mersin to future generations by carrying out production, service, employment and training activities in the social, cultural and economic fields, to create local brands with certified quality and clean production at international standards with added value from production to the market; to involve women in production by creating employment resources and to empower them economically; We aim to strengthen the role of women in society and to eliminate gender inequality by organizing activities that will ensure women's participation in social life. With the sustainable productions we carry out in the field of Food and Cosmetics, we develop a collective working culture with local women and create local guides for economic development.

Digital Transformation Education
WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C3 logo C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4 logo C4. Capacity building

It enables women to be empowered and increase their capacities through technology. In addition, it provides women's socio-economic independence by employing themselves.

Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 4 logo Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 5 logo Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

It helps to reduce inequality between genders by using technology. It increases women's knowledge of technology and at the same time ensures their economic independence. In addition, it makes it possible to empower women who do not have access to education due to regional differences.