Hackathon — Innovating for a Sustainable Post-Pandemic World

WSIS Forum 2020 Hackathon is collaborating with the Open Seventeen Summer Challenge towards Innovating for a Sustainable Post-Pandemic World

The Open Seventeen Summer Challenge from 6–31 July coaches teams of high-school, undergraduate and master students from all fields of study. The focus of this online month-long event is on achieving real-world impact while learning about crowdsourced innovation methodologies. Specific challenges include frugal medical equipment, crowdsourced health research, post-pandemic environmental sustainability, tackling unemployment, helping the elderly and reinventing remote collaboration. Top teams win weekly prizes to accelerate their projects. Interested students or student team should apply by 10 June. Partnering Universities : University of Geneva, University of Paris, Politecnico di Milano, University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, New York University, Tsinghua University. Supported by: the EC Horizon 2020 project Crowd4SDG and the Geneva Tsinghua Initiative.