Agenda and Programme

ICTs and Older Persons Special Track

View Full Agenda

22 June – 26 June

Past Sessions

Monday 22 June

Opening of the ICTs and older persons track GCOA and ITU. Digital Inclusion Across the Generations to Enable the Decade of Healthy Ageing

14:00 – 15:00 CEST (UTC+02:00)
As the WHO/UN Decade of Healthy Ageing launches this year, Older Persons are increasingly adopting, and adapting to, technology to protect and maintain their health and to improve their lives. This acceptance and use of technology goes against…
Session recording available Supporting Partner ICTs and Older Persons Thematic Workshop

Tuesday 23 June

ICTs and Older Persons Empower seniors to be e-included
EURAG Federation of European Associations of Seniors + E-Seniors association (Paris)

14:00 – 15:00 CEST (UTC+02:00)
all the speakers of this panel agree on the importance, more than ever in a pandemic, of supporting seniors in the use of digital technologies for healthy and active , to fight against isolation and intergenerational divide and enhance care…
Session recording available Covid-19 related ICTs and Older Persons Thematic Workshop

Wednesday 24 June

ICTs and Older Persons: Combining High-Tech and High Touch: How ICTs are Enhancing the Caregiving Space

14:00 – 15:00 CEST (UTC+02:00)
Caring for older persons is a global challenge, as there are now more older people in OECD regions than younger people for the first time in human history, and this will soon be true globally. With fewer family members to provide this care and a…
Session recording available Supporting Partner ICTs and Older Persons Thematic Workshop

Thursday 25 June

ICTs and Older Persons: Responsible use of the cyberspace: tips and hints for Seniors
EC Medici Framework

14:00 – 15:00 CEST (UTC+02:00)
ICT is stimulating changes in the way most people earn their incomes, varying the balance between our roles as consumers and producers, changing the way we educate succeeding generations and train ourselves, changing the fruition of the world’s…
Session recording available Covid-19 related ICTs and Older Persons Thematic Workshop

Friday 26 June

ICTs and Older Persons: ICT Literacy to Empower and Include Older Persons
Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development

14:00 – 15:00 CEST (UTC+02:00)
This event will explore ICT technologies deployed for different functional areas in promoting the wellbeing and inclusion of the older persons, such as in mental health, physical health, safety, employability, learning, and related social…
