Policy statements will be delivered during the high-level policy sessions by high-ranking officials of the WSIS Stakeholder community.
Participate in building a collage of photographs from around the world demonstrating how ICTs are playing an enabling role in achieving the SDGs.
Remain updated on the WSIS Process
firstly, I must say thank you to The WSIS for providing this tremendous opportunity. The future of the planet lies in the hands of our young and upcoming generation. As such, from a tender age they should be exposed to the world of Information Technology. This will nurture their minds, unlock new and exciting interests, and encourage critical and creative thinking that will propel the world forward. It is my aim to highlights effort that are made in Jamaica to develop a vibrant, creative and technological society. Teaching our youths is the best option, and this pictures aims to bring this message across.
Black River, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
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