Everyone has a collective responsibility for the security of the Internet: multistakeholder cross-border collaboration is an essential component.
The focus of this workshop is to address the notion of collaborative security through concrete examples and practices in addressing Unsolicited Communications (e.g. “spam”) and establishing Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRT). The discussion will also be informed by outcomes from IGF 2014 Best Practices Forums (BPFs) on both topics.
The panel members will cover the expanding multistakeholder opportunities needed to enhance cooperation between organizations and networks, and help secure vital Internet infrastructure and systems. The discussion will address the mitigation of security threats enabled by unsolicited spam as the delivery mechanism for malware, botnets, and phishing attacks and the national CSIRT model including the formation of trust relationships and voluntary cooperation among CSIRT members to enable better Internet security outcomes.
Cooperation and collaboration for Internet security has been a key enabler in the WSIS implementation and will remain essential in order to sustain the benefits of the Information Society beyond 2015.
Speakers / panellists
Olaf Kolkman, Chief Internet Technology Officer, Internet Society
Opening Remarks:
Brahima Sanou, Director, ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)
- Vladimir Radunovic, Director, Cybersecurity Programmes, DiploFoundation
- Dr. Serge Droz, Head Security SWITCH
- Dr. Greg Shannon, Chief Scientist for the CERT® Division at Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute; he is also Chair of the IEEE Cyber-security initiative.
- Markus Kummer, IGF Best Practice Forums - Spam and CSIRTs
- Dominique Lazanski – GSMA Public Policy Director
- Eliot Lear, Principal Engineer, Cisco Systems
Session's link to the Sustainable Development Process
Mitigating Internet security threats through effective collabiration is essential to ensure trust and resilience of networks that will drive sustainable development beyond 2015. An approach based on sharing best practices can offer a powerful approach to achieve these goals.