Meeting: WSIS Action Line C6
19 May 2009, 11:00 -
ITU Headquarters, Room B1
A fundamental role of ITU, strengthen by the
World Summit on the Information Society
(SIS) is to promote the creation of an
enabling environment for the development of
ICTs and for extending their benefits to
all. Enacting an appropriate regulatory
framework and establishing competition and
investment incentives is essential with this
regard. This will be the first meeting that
ITU organizes in its role of lead
facilitator on WSIS AL C6 after officially
taking over the facilitation on this action
line from UNDP in May 2008.
Countries around the
world put forward efforts to create an
enabling environment for investment and for
ICT development. They are shaping policies
based on the premise that providing access
to basic and advanced telecommunications/ICT
services have a wide-ranging socio-economic
rationale. In terms of reaping the benefits
of ICTs, further discussion is needed on
what the success factors of a competitive
and inclusive market are and what the best
mechanisms to spur competition and growth in
the sector are, how to bring fresh
investment in developing countries, and what
is good regulation in the current
circumstances of economic downturn.
Call for contributions
In an effort to provide a
forum for an open and constructive dialogue
on the implementation of this action line,
ITU convenes this meeting involving
regulators, policy-makers, industry and
civil society to exchange experiences and
best practices in creating an enabling
environment and building regulatory capacity
in developing countries. The meeting will be
driven by stakeholders� contributions. As
the lead facilitator, ITU will capitalize on
this opportunity to capture the positives
synergies among stakeholders and build on
the momentum of the multiple initiatives in
WSIS implementation.
ITU is launching a call for contributions to
the forthcoming WSIS C6 facilitation
identify issues that are related to
the creation of the enabling
environment in your country or
formulate concrete questions to be
addressed by both the panelists and
the participants during the meeting.
you have a valuable experience to
share as part of the implementation
of WSIS AL C6, please prepare a
contribution to the meeting. This
could be an innovative policy or a
forward-looking regulatory
framework, a major new initiative or
smaller scale project, an incisive
report or a project to overcome
barriers that persist. Your
contribution will be used to feed
the discussion during this
facilitation meeting. |
We invite original
contributions to the meeting to be sent to
by May 10th 2009 at the latest.
All contributions will be posted on the
following dedicated web portal:
To follow the meeting
through the web-cast,
please click here!