are pleased to invite you to the WSIS Forum 2009
to be held from 18 to 22 May 2009, at the ITU
Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland. This event builds
upon the tradition of annual WSIS May meetings, and
its new format is a result of the open consultations
with all WSIS Stakeholders.
The Forum will
offer participants a series of diverse meetings,
including high-level panels addressing
critical issues to the WSIS implementation and
follow-up in multi-stakeholder set-ups, WSIS
action line facilitation meetings, thematic
workshops, kick-off meetings for new
initiatives and projects, speed-exchanges
facilitating networking among the participants, and
the others. You will have structured opportunities
to network, to learn and to participate in the
multi-stakeholder discussions and consultations on
the WSIS implementation.
case you are the WSIS Stakeholder and you are
interested in organizing a session or having your
kick-off meeting for a new initiative or ongoing
project, please do not hesitate to contact WSIS Team
order to ensure broad participation of the WSIS
Stakeholders in the meeting the live web-casting
will be provided. For High Level Panels video
and audio web cast will be available, for other
meetings audio only.
Click Here to Download
WSIS Forum 2009 Brochure
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