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FAQs (Electronic Working Methods)
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About ITU-T
FAQs (Electronic Working Methods)
What is TIES?
Who is eligible for TIES?
How do I register for a TIES account?
Why do I get an "Authorization Required" message even if I entered my correct username and password?
I do not remember my TIES password. What should I do?
How can I modify the information on my TIES account (password, email forwarding, etc.)?
How do I subscribe to the TIES Email Notification System?
Where can I find more information about TIES?
What is a Guest account?
How can I register for a Guest account?
What are the different types of ITU-T and TSB documents?
How can I access the documents on the ITU-T Website?
Where can I find the Study Group documents?
How can I be notified whenever new or updated ITU-T documents are posted on the web?
How do I download study groups documents from DMS?
What are the different tools for information retrieval in DMS?
What is the ITU DMS "Quicklink" facility?
What are the publications of ITU-T?
How and where can I submit my documents electronically to the TSB?
How do I know if my document has been received by TSB?
Where can I find the standard Study Group document templates?
What are the informal FTP areas (IFAs)?
How are the informal FTP areas structured?
Who can access to a Study Group's informal FTP area (IFA)?
What account should I use to access a Study Group's informal FTP area (IFA)?
How can I access and upload documents to the informal FTP areas?
What is the Mailing list subscription service?
Who can subscribe to a mailing list?
What are TIES and Guest accounts?
With what email address am I subscribed to the mailing list?
How do I change my email addresses?
How do I subscribe to a mailing list?
How do I unsubscribe from a mailing list?
How do I find out which email mailing lists I have subscribed to?
How can I see the email addresses that I use for the mailing lists?
How do I find out who is subscribed to a specific mailing list?
How do I access the mailing lists archives?
How do I send emails to a mailing list?
How do I connect to the ITU LAN?
How do I connect to the ITU Wireless LAN?
As a participant in ITU meetings in Geneva, how can I map my TIES directory to a network drive in the delegates' PC area?
How do I connect my laptop to the overhead projectors?
What is RSS (Really Simple Syndication)?
How can I make use of RSS?
How do I get a News Reader?
What is iCalendar?
What do I need to subscribe to a calendar?
How do I subscribe to a calendar?
What if I don't have an electronic calendar application installed?
What are the web conferencing tools available for the use of ITU-T members?
How to request an online meeting?
Where can I find a schedule of ITU-T online meetings?
How to open and save Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 files in earlier versions of Office (Office 2003) programs
What are the ITU-T Discussion Forums?
How can I access the ITU-T Discussion Forums?
How do I log in to the ITU-T Discussion Forums?
Participating in ITU Webinar as a Remote Delegate
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