How has ITU-T influenced the exchange of information through communication technologies?
ITU-T has produced more than 3000 Recommendations (standards) in areas such as broadband access, multimedia, emeregency telecommunicaitons, optical networking, network management, service definition, network architecture, dial-up modems, and next-generation networks (NGN). Each time you make a telephone call, send a fax, or surf the web, ITU-T Recommendations (standards) facilitate your communication experience.
The collaboration of industry experts participating in ITU-T study groups (SG) has resulted in numerous vital ICT standards, such as Recommendations for the popular H.262/MPEG 2 and H.264/MPEG 4 video compression codecs, as well as the V.90 and V.92 Recommendations for dial-up modems. Today most broadband is delivered to people’s homes using ITU standards for DSL.
For its fiftieth anniversary ITU-T produced a document highlighting some history and achievements. Find it here. It also asked for people to vote on its most influential technological achievement from the list here. Results are here.