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Testing Laboratories Database​

DISCLAIMER: The database lists Testing Laboratories (TLs) recognized by ITU which compliant with criteria defined in ITU-T Guideline “Testing Laboratories recognition procedure”.

The recognition of a TL by ITU does not imply or otherwise suggest approval of a product or that the recognized TL acts as an agent or representative of the ITU. The ITU does not accept any responsibility for the effects or consequences of services provided by the recognized TL on users of such services.

The status as recognized TL for ITU-T Recommendations is valid within the terms of TL accreditation. Once validity is expired, it will be reflected in ITU database for particular TL entry. The recognized TL needs to inform ITU ( on any changes in their scope of accreditation and their validity accordingly. In the event of misalignment, it may result in full delisting of TL from ITU Database.

TL NameCountryScope of Accreditation (ITU-T Recommendations)Accreditation body name (AB of ILAC MRA)Laboratory IDValidity of accreditation
Hermon Laboratories Ltd IsraelK.20; K.21; K.41; K.44; K.45; G.703; G.823; G.991.2; G.992.1; G.992.3 Cor. 3; G.992.5 Cor. 1; G.993.1; G.993.2; P.313; P.340; P.370; P.862; P.862.1; P.863; T.30; T.38; Q.552 American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) 0839.01 31 May 2025
Bharat Test House Pvt. Ltd. IndiaG.664; G.691; G.693; G.694.1; G.695; G.698.3; G.703; G.709; G.783; G.823; G.824; G.825; G.957; G.959.1; G.984.1; G.984.2; G.984.3; G.984.5; G.987.1; G.987.2; G.989.2; G.991.2; G.992.3; G.992.5; G.993.1; G.993.2; G.993.5; G.8251; G.9700; G.9710; G.9807.1; G.9960; G.9964; Q.23; Q.552; Q.764; Q.781; Q.782; Q.784; Q.931; Q.1912.5; K.20; K.21; O.41; P.360; T.4; V.34; H.248 National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) TC-13278 25 October 2025
Sunren Telecom Laboratory IndiaG.691; G.693; G.694.1; G.695; G.703; G.712; G.783; G.813; G.821; G.821; G.822; G.823; G.825; G.826; G.957; G.959.1; G.984.1; G.984.2; G.984.3; G.987.2; G.989.2; G.992; G.993; G.8251; G.9700; G.9807.1; Q.440; Q.441; Q.442; Q.552; Q.781; Q.782; Q.783; Q.784; Q.931; K.20; K.21; K.44; K.45; O.172; P.57; P.76; P.79; T.4; T.22; V.34; V.90 National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) TC-7995 17 October 2025
CETECOM GmbH GermanyP.1140 National accreditation body of the Federal Republic of Germany (DAkkS) D-PL-12047-01-01 31 December 2030
AA Electro Magnetic Testing Laboratory IndiaL.1320; L.1361; L.1330; K.20; K.21; K.44; K.45; K.63; K.60; K.11; K.12; K.34; K.37; K.42; K.46; K.52; K.55; K.58; K.65; K.74; K.80; K.82; K.102; K.127 ; G.691; G.693; G.703; G.707; G.709 ; G.783; G.823; G.824; G.825; G.826; G.957; G.959.1; G.987.2; G.8251; G.9807.1; Q.23; Q.552; Q.931; Y.1322; National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) T-4843 30 July 2026
Compliance International Telecom Laboratories (A unit of Compliance International Pvt. Ltd.) IndiaG.691; G.693; G.694.1; G.695; G.698.3; G.703; G.707; G.709; G.732; G.751; G.783; G.821; G.822; G.823; G.824; G.825; G.826; G.828; G.957; G.959.1; G.984.1; G.984.2; G.984.3; G.987.1; G.987.2; G.989.2; G.8251; G.9807.1; Q.23; Q.552; Q.781; Q.782; Q.783; Q.784; Q.931; National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) T-5853 02 September 2026
Telecommunication Technology Labs, CAICT ChinaG.650.1; G.650.2; G.650.3; G.651.1; G.652; G.653; G.654; G.655; G.656; G.657; G.661; G.664; G.671; G.691; G.692; G.693; G.694.1; G.694.2; G.695; G.697; G.698.1; G.698.2; G.703; G.704; G.707; G.709; G.712; G.752; G.781; G.783; G.784; G.813; G.823; G.824; G.825; G.826; G.841; G.873.1; G.873.2; G.957; G.959.1; G.961; G.984.1; G.984.2; G.984.3; G.984.4; G.987.1; G.987.2; G.987.3; G.988; G.989.2; G.989.3; G.992.1; G.992.3; G.992.5; G.993.1; G.993.2; G.993.5; G.7712; G.7713; G.7713.2; G.7714; G.7714.1; G.7715; G.7718; G.8011; G.8110.1; G.8112; G.8113.1; G.8131; G.8132; G.8151; G.8152; G.8201; G.8251; G.8261; G.8262; G.8264; G.8272; G.8273.2; G.8275.1; G.9700; G.9807.1; G.9807.2; G.9960; G.9961; G.9964; G.Suppl.43 Q.521; Q.552; Q.764; Q.781; Q.782; Q.783; Q.784; Q.785; Q.921; Q.931; Q.1912.5 H.245; H.248.1; H.264; H.265; H.323 E.180 I.431 K.20; K.21; K.44; K.45 L.10; L.13; L.26; L.43; L.87 P.310; P.342; P.863; P.1203 M.2100 T.621 V.24; V.36 Y.1564; Y.1711; Y.1720; Y.1731 China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) CNAS L0570 19 June 2029
Ke Mei Ou Lab Co., Ltd. ChinaG.703; G.823; G.992.1; G.992.2; G.992.3; G.992.4; G.992.5; G.993.1; G.991.2; G.993.2; Q.552; I.430; K.20; K.21; K.44; K.45; P.340; P313; P360; P.370 ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) AT-1532 22 May 2026
Potin (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd ChinaG.691; G.694.1; G.694.2; G.695; G.697; G.698.1; G.698.2; G.703; G.704; G.707; G.709; G.709.1; G.709.2; G.709.3; G.711; G.719; G.722; G.722.1; G.723.1; G.728; G.729; G.783; G.784; G.811; G.812; G.813; G.821; G.823; G.824; G.825; G.826; G.828; G.829; G.831; G.841; G.872; G.873.1; G.873.2; G.957; G.959.1; G.984.1; G.984.2; G.984.3; G.984.4; G.984.5; G.984.6; G.984.7; G.987.1; G.987.2; G.987.3; G.988; G.989.1; G.989.2; G.989.3; G.7041; G.7042; G.7043; G.7044; G.7713; G.7713.2; G.7714; G.7714.1; G.8011; G.8013/Y.1731; G.8040; G.8110; G.8110.1; G.8112; G.8131;G.8132; G.8151; G.8152; G.8201; G.8251; G.8261; G.8262; G.8272; G.8273.2; G.8275.1; G.9804.3; G.9807.1; G.9807.2; Q.521; Q.552; Q.781; Q.782; Q.783; Q.784; Q.785; Q.921; Q.931; Q.1912.5; H.223; H.245; H.248.1; H.264; H.265; H.323; H.324; E.180; I.431; J.144 K.21; M.2100; M.2101; M.3010; P.310; P.342; P.863; V.24; Y.1711; Y.1720 China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) CNAS L14624 20 April 2027
China Electronics Standardization Institute CESI Laboratory ChinaP.800, P.805, P.830 China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) CNAS L0357 21 November 2030
Chengdu Tairui Telecommunication Equipment Test co., Ltd. ChinaG.694.2, G.7042, G.957, G.807, G.7713, G.7714, G.650.1, G.652, G.654, G.657, H.264, Y.1305 China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) CNAS L5226 26 February 2028
Sterlite Technologies Ltd - OFC Quality Assurance Laboratory IndiaG.650.1; G.655; G.657 (ITU-T G.657.A fibres and ITU-T G.657.B fibres); G.652 (ITU-T G.652.D fibres). National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) T-3552 07 November 2025
STL OF Quality Testing Laboratory IndiaG.650.1, G.650.3, G.652, G.654, G.655, G.656, G.657 National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) T-6264 12 December 2025
Indonesia Digital Test House (IDTH) - Balai Besar Pengujian Perangkat Telekomunikasi IndonesiaK.116 National Accreditation Body of Indonesia (KAN) LP-112-IDN 17 November 2024*

* The validity date is expired.