TL Name | Country | Scope of Accreditation (ITU-T Recommendations) | Accreditation body name (AB of ILAC MRA) | Laboratory ID | Validity of accreditation |
Hermon Laboratories Ltd
| Israel | K.20; K.21; K.41; K.44; K.45;
G.703; G.823; G.991.2; G.992.1; G.992.3 Cor. 3; G.992.5 Cor. 1; G.993.1; G.993.2;
P.313; P.340; P.370; P.862; P.862.1; P.863;
T.30; T.38;
Q.552 |
American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
| 0839.01 |
31 May 2025
Bharat Test House Pvt. Ltd.
| India | G.664; G.691; G.693; G.694.1; G.695; G.698.3; G.703; G.709; G.783; G.823; G.824; G.825; G.957; G.959.1; G.984.1; G.984.2; G.984.3; G.984.5; G.987.1; G.987.2; G.989.2; G.991.2; G.992.3; G.992.5; G.993.1; G.993.2; G.993.5; G.8251; G.9700; G.9710; G.9807.1; G.9960; G.9964;
Q.23; Q.552; Q.764; Q.781; Q.782; Q.784; Q.931; Q.1912.5;
K.20; K.21;
H.248 |
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
| TC-13278 |
25 October 2025
Sunren Telecom Laboratory
| India | G.691; G.693; G.694.1; G.695; G.703; G.712; G.783; G.813; G.821; G.821; G.822; G.823; G.825; G.826; G.957; G.959.1; G.984.1; G.984.2; G.984.3; G.987.2; G.989.2; G.992; G.993; G.8251; G.9700; G.9807.1;
Q.440; Q.441; Q.442; Q.552; Q.781; Q.782; Q.783; Q.784; Q.931;
K.20; K.21; K.44; K.45;
P.57; P.76; P.79;
T.4; T.22;
V.34; V.90 |
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
| TC-7995 |
17 October 2025
| Germany | P.1140 |
National accreditation body of the Federal Republic of Germany (DAkkS)
| D-PL-12047-01-01 |
31 December 2030
AA Electro Magnetic Testing Laboratory
| India | L.1320; L.1361; L.1330; K.20; K.21; K.44; K.45; K.63; K.60; K.11; K.12; K.34; K.37; K.42; K.46; K.52; K.55; K.58; K.65; K.74; K.80; K.82; K.102; K.127 ; G.691; G.693; G.703; G.707; G.709 ; G.783; G.823; G.824; G.825; G.826; G.957; G.959.1; G.987.2; G.8251; G.9807.1; Q.23; Q.552; Q.931; Y.1322; |
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
| T-4843 |
30 July 2026
Compliance International Telecom Laboratories (A unit of Compliance International Pvt. Ltd.)
| India | G.691; G.693; G.694.1; G.695; G.698.3; G.703; G.707; G.709; G.732; G.751; G.783; G.821; G.822; G.823; G.824; G.825; G.826; G.828; G.957; G.959.1; G.984.1; G.984.2; G.984.3; G.987.1; G.987.2; G.989.2; G.8251; G.9807.1;
Q.23; Q.552; Q.781; Q.782; Q.783; Q.784; Q.931; |
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
| T-5853 |
02 September 2026
Telecommunication Technology Labs, CAICT
| China | G.650.1; G.650.2; G.650.3; G.651.1; G.652; G.653; G.654; G.655; G.656; G.657; G.661; G.664; G.671; G.691; G.692; G.693; G.694.1; G.694.2; G.695; G.697; G.698.1; G.698.2; G.703; G.704; G.707; G.709; G.712; G.752; G.781; G.783; G.784; G.813; G.823; G.824; G.825; G.826; G.841; G.873.1; G.873.2; G.957; G.959.1; G.961; G.984.1; G.984.2; G.984.3; G.984.4; G.987.1; G.987.2; G.987.3; G.988; G.989.2; G.989.3; G.992.1; G.992.3; G.992.5; G.993.1; G.993.2; G.993.5; G.7712; G.7713; G.7713.2; G.7714; G.7714.1; G.7715; G.7718; G.8011; G.8110.1; G.8112; G.8113.1; G.8131; G.8132; G.8151; G.8152; G.8201; G.8251; G.8261; G.8262; G.8264; G.8272; G.8273.2; G.8275.1; G.9700; G.9807.1; G.9807.2; G.9960; G.9961; G.9964; G.Suppl.43
Q.521; Q.552; Q.764; Q.781; Q.782; Q.783; Q.784; Q.785; Q.921; Q.931; Q.1912.5
H.245; H.248.1; H.264; H.265; H.323
K.20; K.21; K.44; K.45
L.10; L.13; L.26; L.43; L.87
P.310; P.342; P.863; P.1203
V.24; V.36
Y.1564; Y.1711; Y.1720; Y.1731 |
China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS)
| CNAS L0570 |
19 June 2029
Ke Mei Ou Lab Co., Ltd.
| China | G.703; G.823; G.992.1; G.992.2; G.992.3; G.992.4; G.992.5; G.993.1; G.991.2; G.993.2;
K.20; K.21; K.44; K.45;
P.340; P313; P360; P.370 |
ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB)
| AT-1532 |
22 May 2026
Potin (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd
| China | G.691; G.694.1; G.694.2; G.695; G.697; G.698.1; G.698.2; G.703; G.704; G.707; G.709; G.709.1; G.709.2; G.709.3; G.711; G.719; G.722; G.722.1; G.723.1; G.728; G.729; G.783; G.784; G.811; G.812; G.813; G.821; G.823; G.824; G.825; G.826; G.828; G.829; G.831; G.841; G.872; G.873.1; G.873.2; G.957; G.959.1; G.984.1; G.984.2; G.984.3; G.984.4; G.984.5; G.984.6; G.984.7; G.987.1; G.987.2; G.987.3; G.988; G.989.1; G.989.2; G.989.3; G.7041; G.7042; G.7043; G.7044; G.7713; G.7713.2; G.7714; G.7714.1; G.8011; G.8013/Y.1731; G.8040; G.8110; G.8110.1; G.8112; G.8131;G.8132; G.8151; G.8152; G.8201; G.8251; G.8261; G.8262; G.8272; G.8273.2; G.8275.1; G.9804.3; G.9807.1; G.9807.2; Q.521; Q.552; Q.781; Q.782; Q.783; Q.784; Q.785; Q.921; Q.931; Q.1912.5; H.223; H.245; H.248.1; H.264; H.265; H.323; H.324; E.180; I.431; J.144 K.21; M.2100; M.2101; M.3010; P.310; P.342; P.863; V.24; Y.1711; Y.1720 |
China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS)
| CNAS L14624 |
20 April 2027
China Electronics Standardization Institute CESI Laboratory
| China | P.800, P.805, P.830 |
China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS)
| CNAS L0357 |
21 November 2030
Chengdu Tairui Telecommunication Equipment Test co., Ltd.
| China | G.694.2, G.7042, G.957, G.807, G.7713, G.7714, G.650.1, G.652, G.654, G.657, H.264, Y.1305 |
China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS)
| CNAS L5226 |
26 February 2028
Sterlite Technologies Ltd - OFC Quality Assurance Laboratory
| India | G.650.1; G.655; G.657 (ITU-T G.657.A fibres and ITU-T G.657.B fibres); G.652 (ITU-T G.652.D fibres). |
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
| T-3552 |
07 November 2025
STL OF Quality Testing Laboratory
| India | G.650.1, G.650.3, G.652, G.654, G.655, G.656, G.657 |
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
| T-6264 |
12 December 2025
Indonesia Digital Test House (IDTH) - Balai Besar Pengujian Perangkat Telekomunikasi
| Indonesia | K.116 |
National Accreditation Body of Indonesia (KAN)
| LP-112-IDN |
17 November 2024*
Note: * The validity date is expired.