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  主页 : ITU-R; : 大会和会议; :
[Inter-conference Representative Group (IRG) & Group of technical experts (GTE)]

[The 1997 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-97) in its Resolution 532, resolved to establish an Inter-conference Representative Group (IRG) to study the feasibility of increasing the minimum capacity of the broadcasting-satellite service (BSS) Plan and its associated feeder link Plan for countries in Regions 1 and 3 to around the equivalent of ten analogue channels. Pursuant to Annex 2 of Resolution 532, the IRG has been structured to include a.Group of Technical Experts (GTE) working under the guidance of the IRG. Meeting documents and reports of these groups are available below.]

[Circular Letters related to the IRG & GTE]

[IRG Documents]

[GTE Documents]


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