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  Домашний : МСЭ-R : Конференции и собрания : : [ITU Forum on Technical Compatibility between Power Line Telecommunication systems (PLT) and Radiocommunication Services, Geneva, 27 May 2011]
Сектор радиосвязи (МСЭ-R)  
[ITU Forum on Technical Compatibility between Power Line Telecommunication systems (PLT) and Radiocommunication Services, Geneva, 27 May 2011]
[Objectives of the Forum - Let�s get compatible]

[The objective of this one-day forum is to discuss the potential interference effects of PLT technology into the radio frequency spectrum in light of the latest technological PLT developments that touch the radio spectrum up to the frequency ranges used in homes for broadcasting reception. Mitigation techniques need to be developed and standardization efforts are necessary to overcome these technical challenges.]


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[Newsroom - Press Release]

[Delegate Registration]


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Обновлено : 2013-01-30