Assistance in applying for a Visa We would remind you that citizens from some countries are required to obtain a visa in order to enter and spend time in Switzerland. The visa must be requested and obtained from the office (embassy or consulate) representing Switzerland in your country or, if there is no such office in your country, from the one that is closest to the country of departure. If problems are encountered, the Union can, at the official request of the Member State or Sector Member, approach the competent Swiss authorities in order to facilitate delivery of the visa.Visa requests should be made via an official covering letter from the Member State or Sector Member you represent. This letter must specify your name and function, date of birth, passport number as well as the date of issuance and expiration. The letter must be accompanied by a photocopy of your passport and completed registration and must be sent by fax to the ITU-R Document Planning and Documentation Unit. The fax number is +41 22 730 6600. Please note that the Union needs at least four weeks to process all papers required for the delivery of a visa. |