[ General distribution list of Study Group 11 ]
[ Network signalling and control functional architectures in emerging NGN environments ]
[ Service test specification for NGN ]
[ QoS tests specification for NGN ]
[ USN and RFID test specification ]
[ Coordination of work on Emergency Communications within an NGN environment ]
[ Security Coordination For NGN Protocols ]
[ End-to-end Multicast ]
[ Application control and signalling requirements and protocols ]
[ Session control and signalling requirements and protocols ]
[ Bearer control and signalling requirements and protocols ]
[ Resource control and signalling requirements and protocols ]
[ Coordination of signalling requirements and protocol development ]
[ Signalling and control requirements and protocols supporting network attachment and identification in NGN environment ]
[ Protocol Test Specifications for NGN ]
[ Monitoring parameters for NGN protocols ]
[ Protocol Architecture and Application Control ]
[ Session, bearer, resource control ]
[ Multicast and attachment ]
[ Test specifications ]
[ General distribution list of Study Group 12 ]
[ SG 12 Electronic Working Methods issues ]
[ Work programme, QoS/QoE coordination and bridging the standardization gap ]
[ Transmission planning and performance considerations for voiceband, data and multimedia services ]
[ Transmission planning, interworking and traffic management for networks supporting voice, data and multimedia services ]
[ Operational aspects of telecommunication network service quality ]
[ QoE, QoS and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimedia including IPTV ]
[ Development of parametric models and tools for audiovisual and multimedia quality measurement purposes ]
[ Objective assessment of speech and sound transmission performance quality in networks ]
[ Framework for diagnostic functions and their interaction with external objective models predicting media quality ]
[ Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologies ]
[ Conferencing and telemeeting assessment ]
[ Multimedia performance considerations for IP gateways ]
[ Speech transmission characteristics of speech terminals for fixed circuit-switched, mobile and packet-switched (IP) networks ]
[ Hands-free communication in vehicles ]
[ Telephonometric methodologies for handset and headset terminals ]
[ Analysis methods using complex measurement signals including their application for speech enhancement techniques and hands-free telephony ]
[ Methods, tools and test plans for the subjective assessment of speech, audio and audiovisual quality interactions ]
[ E-Model extension towards wideband transmission and future telecommunication and application scenarios ]
[ Perceptual-based objective methods for voice, audio and visual quality measurements in telecommunication services ]
[ Quality of service development group ]
[ Regional Group of SG12 on QoS for the Africa Region ]
[ Terminals and multimedia subjective assessment ]
[ Objective models and tools for multimedia quality ]
[ IP related QoS and QoE ]
[ General distribution list of Study Group 13 ]
[ Coordination and planning }
[ Identification of evolving IMT-2000 systems and beyond ]
[ Convergence of existing and evolving IMT and fixed networks ]
[ Evolution towards integrated multi-service networks and interworking ]
[ Step-by-step migration to NGN networks ]
[ Service scenarios and deployment models of NGN ]
[ Applying IMS and IMT in Developing Country mobile telecom networks ]
[ Security and identity management ]
[ Packet forwarding and deep packet inspection for multiple services in packet-based networks and NGN environment ]
[ Requirements and framework for enabling COTS components in an open environment ]
[ Distributed services networking (DSN) ]
[ Network terminology ]
[ Public data networks ]
[ Future networks ]
[ Mobility Management and Fixed Mobile Convergence ]
[ Service scenarios, deployment models and migration issues ]
[ Coordination, Planning, and Terminology ]
[ Cloud computing ecosystem, inter-cloud and general requirements ]
[ Cloud functional architecture, infrastructure and networking ]
[ Cloud computing resource management and virtualization ]
[ Requirements and implementation scenarios for emerging services and capabilities in an evolving NGN ]
[ Requirements and frameworks for QoS enablement in the NGN ]
[ Principles and functional architecture for NGN (including ubiquitous networking) ]
[ Mobile telecom network architecture for NGN ]
[ Impact of IPv6 to an NGN ]
[ Mobility management ]
[ MM mechanisms supporting multi-connections for multiple access technologies ]
[ Coordination, Planning and Global Outreach of NGN including Mobile ]
[ Service requirements, scenarios and evolution aspects ]
[ QoS and Security ]
[ Future Networks ]
[ Cloud Computing ]
[ General distribution list of Study Group 15 ]
[ SG 16 general announcements ]
[ Audio/speech coding (Q7, 8, 9, 10/16) ]
[ MM systems and terminals (Q.1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27/16) ]
[ Action plan in support of developing countries ]
[ E-health multimedia framework (Q28/16) ]
[ Voiceband modems and facsimile terminals and protocols (Q14/16) ]
[ Voice gateway signal processing functions and circuit multiplication equipment / systems (Q15/16) ]
[ Speech enhancement functions in signal processing network equipment (Q16/16) ]
[ Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment (Q18/16) ]
[ Multimedia coordination ]
[ Accessibility to Multimedia Systems & Services ]
[ Telepresence interoperability (Q5/16) ]
[ Standardization of generic sound activity detectors (Q8/16) ]
[ Vehicular gateway platform (Q27/16) ]
[ WP 1/16 (Network signal processing and voiceband terminals) general announcements ]
[ WP 2/16 general announcements ]
[ WP 3/16 (Media coding) general announcements ]
[ General distribution list of Study Group 17 ]
[ LSG role on languages and description techniques ]
[ Telecommunications systems security project ]
[ Identity management architecture and mechanisms ]
[ Directory services, Directory systems, and public-key/attribute certificates ]
[ Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1), Object Identifiers (OIDs) and associated registration ]
[ Formal languages and telecommunication software ]
[ Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) ]
[ Security architecture and framework ]
[ Telecommunications information security management ]
[ Cybersecurity ]
[ Countering spam by technical means ]
[ Security aspects of ubiquitous telecommunication services ]
[ Secure application services ]
[ Service oriented architecture security ]
[ Telebiometrics ]
[ Network and information security ]
[ Application security ]
[ Identity management and languages ]
[ General distribution list of Study Group 2 ]
[ Cell Broadcasting ]
[ Child Helpline and Emergency Number Harmonization ]
[ Calling Party Number Delivery ]
[ Definitions on Numbering Terminology ]
[ Issues related to developing countries ]
[ E.164.1 Editor’s Group ]
[ E.212 ]
[ ENUM Administration Issues ]
[ SG 2 Electronic Working Method issues ]
[ Interworking framework among NGN Directories ]
[ Future of Numbering ]
[ Harmonization of Global Numbers ]
[ Internationalized Domain Name ]
[ IPv6 and IPv4 ]
[ Best Practice Guide on Misuse ]
[ Applications for shared numbering resources ]
[ Application of Numbering, Naming, Addressing and Identification Plans for fixed and mobile telecommunications services ]
[ Specialized requirements, analysis and design for management interfaces ]
[ Protocols and Security for Management ]
[ Telecommunications management and OAM project ]
[ Service provider/network operator requirements and priorities for telecommunication management ]
[ Common measurement techniques and results collections for use on NGN telecommunications systems and their constituent parts ]
[ Routing and Interworking Plans for Fixed and Mobile Networks ]
[ Service and operational aspects of telecommunications, including service definition ]
[ Human factors related issues for improvement of the quality of life through international telecommunications ]
[ Network and Service Operations ]
[ Terms and definitions related to operational aspects of service provision and telecommunication management activities ]
[ Requirements for business to business and customer to business management interfaces ]
[ Management framework and architecture ]
[ Methodology and generic requirements, analysis and design for management interfaces ]
[ Study Group 2 Arab Regional Group ]
[ Study Group 2 Regional Group for East Africa (SG2RG-EACO) ]
[ Service Provider Network Identification ]
[ Telecommunications Finance ]
[ Numbering, naming, addressing, routing and service provision ]
[ Telecommunication management ]
[ Study on Alternative Calling Procedure ]
[ General distribution list of Study Group 3 ]
[ IIC traffic flow methodology ]
[ Dispute prevention and resolution ]
[ International Internet Connectivity ]
[ Internet of Things ]
[ IP telephony ]
[ Revision of the ITRs ]
[ Mobile termination and mobile roaming ]
[ Network externality ]
[ Tariff study related to NGN ]
[ Mobile origination (HCD, IFS) ]
[ Terms and Definition for D-Series Recommendations ]
[ SG 3 Regional Group for Asia and Oceania ]
[ SG 3 Regional Group for Latin America and the Caribbean ]
[ New monthly accounting system ]
[ Studies on international short message service (SMS) ]
[ General distribution list of Study Group 5 ]
[ SG 5 Electronic Working Methods issues ]
[ EMC issues arising from the liberalization of telecommunications networks ]
[ Outside and indoor network elements for broadband applications ]
[ Safety in the telecommunications networks ]
[ EMC telecommunications recommendations ]
[ Protective components and assemblies ]
[ Guides and terminology ]
[ Security of telecommunication and information systems regarding the electromagnetic environment ]
[ EMC requirements for the Information Society ]
[ Coordination and planning of ICT&CC related standardization ]
[ Methodology of environmental impact assessment of ICT ]
[ Power feeding systems ]
[ Data collection for energy efficiency for ICTs over the lifecycle ]
[ Environmental protection and recycling of ICT equipment/facilities ]
[ Setting up a low cost sustainable telecommunication infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries ]
[ Using ICTs to enable countries to adapt to climate change ]
[ Interference to telecommunication networks due to power systems and electrified railway systems ]
[ Study Group 5 Regional Group for Africa (SG5 RG-AFR) ]
[ Regional Group of SG5 for the Arab Region (SG5 RG-ARB) ]
[ Regional Group of SG5 for the Americas and the Caribbean (SG5 RG-LAC) ]
[ Damage prevention and safety ]
[ Electromagnetic fields: emission, immunity and human exposure ]
[ ICT and climate change ]
[ General distribution list of Study Group 9 ]
[ Transmission of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distribution ]
[ Requirements and methods to delivery sound and television programmes and other multimedia services over IP networks for advanced service platforms ]
[ Transmission of multichannel analogue and/or digital television signals over optical access networks ]
[ Objective and subjective methods for evaluating perceptual audiovisual quality in multimedia services within the terms of Study Group 9 ]
[ Transmission of Large Screen Digital Imagery programmes for contribution and distribution purposes ]
[ Measurement and control of the Quality of Service (QoS) for television transmission on contribution and distribution networks ]
[ Methods and practices for conditional access, protection against unauthorized copying and against unauthorized redistribution ("redistribution control" for digital cable television distribution to the home) ]
[ Application programming interfaces (API) for advanced content distribution services within the scope of Study Group 9 ]
[ Functional requirements for a universal integrated receiver or set-top box for the reception of advanced content distribution services ]
[ Digital programme delivery controls for multiplexing, switching and insertion in compressed bit streams, possibly encapsulated in TS or IP packets ]
[ Cable television delivery of digital services and applications that use Internet Protocols (IP) and/or packet-based data ]
[ Voice and video IP applications over cable television networks ]
[ The extension of network-based content distribution services over broadband in Home Networks ]
[ Video transport and quality ]
[ Terminals and applications ]
[ Correspondence Group on Plenipotentiary Resolution 178 ]
[ General distribution list of TSAG ]
[ Correspondence Group on Bridging the Standardization Gap and Developing Country Issues ]
[ TSAG Reflector on Conformity and Interoperability Issues ]
[ Correspondence group on deadlines and registration ]
[ Correspondence Group on External Relations ]
[ Correspondence Group on the synchronized appointment of a registration authority by ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 ]
[ Correspondence Group on Strategic and Operational Plan ]
[ Correspondence Group on Working Methods including Electronic Working Methods ]
[ Correspondence Group on Work Programme ]
[ Mailing list of the Chairmen of TSAG and ITU-T Study Groups ]
[ SG15 general announcements ]
[ Coordination of access and Home Network Transport standards ]
[ Interfaces, Interworking, OAM and Equipment specifications for Packet based Transport Networks ]
[ Signal structures, interfaces, equipment functions, and interworking for optical transport networks ]
[ Transport network architectures ]
[ Network synchronization and time distribution performance ]
[ Management and control of transport systems and equipment ]
[ Optical systems for fibre access networks ]
[ Broadband in-premises networking ]
[ Broadband access over metallic conductors ]
[ Characteristics and test methods of optical fibres and cables ]
[ Characteristics of optical systems for terrestrial transport networks ]
[ Optical physical infrastructures ]
[ Characteristics of optical fibre submarine cable systems ]
[ Access network transport ]
[ Optical physical infrastructure and technologies ]
[ Transport network structure ]
[ SG16 ad hoc group on metaverse (AHG-MV) ]
[ Artificial intelligence-enabled multimedia applications (Q5/16) ]
[ SG2 general announcements ]
[ Calling Party Number Delivery, Calling Line Identification and Origination Identification ]
[ Best Practice Guide on Misuse ]
[ Mailing list for SG2 next study period discussions ]
[ Applications for shared numbering resources ]
[ Application of numbering, naming, addressing and identification plans for fixed and mobile telecommunications services ]
[ Routing and interworking plan for fixed and mobile networks ]
[ Service and operational aspects of telecommunications, including service definition ]
[ Requirements, priorities and planning for telecommunication management and OAM Recommendations ]
[ Management Architecture and Security ]
[ Interface specifications and specification methodology ]
[ Standardization Vocabulary Committee (SCV) relevant issues ]
[ Numbering, naming, addressing, routing and service provision ]
[ Telecommunication management and network and service operations ]
[ SG5 general announcements ]
[ Electrical protection, reliability, safety and security of ICT systems ]
[ Climate change mitigation and smart energy solutions ]
[ Adaptation to climate change through sustainable and resilient digital technologies ]
[ Building circular and sustainable cities and communities ]
[ Protecting equipment and devices against lightning and other electrical events ]
[ Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) due to digital technologies ]
[ Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) aspects in ICT environment ]
[ Environmental efficiency of digital technologies ]
[ E-waste, circular economy and sustainable supply chain management ]
[ Guides and terminology on environment ]
[ Climate change and assessment of digital technologies in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement ]
[ TSAG general announcements ]
[ TSAG Rapporteur group on sustainable digital transformation (RG-DT) ]
[ TSAG Rapporteur Group on Industry Engagement, Metrics ]
[ TSAG Rapporteur Group on Strategic and Operational Plan ]
[ TSAG Rapporteur Group on Working Methods ]
[ TSAG Working Party 1 on Working Methods and related WTSA preparations ]
[ TSAG Working Party 2 on Industry Engagement, Work Programme, Restructuring ]
[ TSAG Rapporteur Group on Work Programme and Restructuring, SG work, SG Coordination ]
[ TSAG Rapporteur Group on WTSA Preparations ]
[ SG11 general announcements ]
[ Signalling and protocol architectures for telecommunication networks and guidelines for implementations with emerging technologies ]
[ Testing of Internet of Things (IoT), its applications and identification systems ]
[ Monitoring and measuring parameters for protocols used in emerging networks, including cloud/edge computing and software-defined networking/network function virtualization (SDN/NFV) ]
[ Testing of cloud/edge computing, software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV)]
[ Combating counterfeit and stolen telecommunication/ICT devices and their software ]
[ Test specifications for protocols, networks and services for emerging technologies, including benchmark testing and federated testbeds ]
[ Signalling requirements and protocols for services and applications in telecommunication environments ]
[ Signalling requirements and protocols for emergency telecommunications ]
[ Protocols for control, management and orchestration of network resources ]
[ Signalling requirements and protocols for border network gateways in the context of network virtualization and intelligentization ]
[ Protocols supporting control and management technologies for International Mobile Telecommunications networks ]
[ Signalling requirements and protocols for network attachment and edge computing for future networks, IMT-2020 networks and beyond ]
[ Protocols supporting distributed content networking, information centric network (ICN) technologies for future networks, IMT-2020 networks and beyond ]
[ SG12 general announcements ]
[ SG12 work programme and quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) coordination in ITU-T ]
[ Conferencing and telemeeting assessment ]
[ Operational aspects of telecommunication network service quality and end-to-end performance considerations ]
[ Quality of experience (QoE), quality of service (QoS) and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimedia applications ]
[ Development of models and tools for multimedia quality assessment of packet-based video services ]
[ Parametric and E-model-based planning, prediction and monitoring of conversational speech and audio-visual quality ]
[ Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologies ]
[ Objective and subjective methods for evaluating perceptual audiovisual quality in multimedia and television services ]
[ Definitions, guides and frameworks related to quality of service/quality of experience (QoS/QoE) ]
[ Perceptual and field assessment principles for quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) of digital financial services (DFS) ]
[ Objective methods for speech and audio evaluation in vehicles ]
[ Telephonometric methodologies for handset and headset terminals ]
[ Analysis methods for speech and audio using complex measurement signals ]
[ Methodologies, tools and test plans for the subjective assessment of speech, audio and audiovisual quality interactions ]
[ Perceptual-based objective methods and corresponding evaluation guidelines for voice and audio quality measurements in telecommunication services ]
[ Ad-hoc on "Future ICT Evolution for emerging Web Era" (Web3-adhoc) ]
[ SG13 general announcements ]
[ Correspondence Group for datasets applicable for AI/ML in networks (CG-datasets for AI/ML in networks) ]
[ Ad-hoc group on Next Study Period ]
[Innovative convergence service including service model, scenarios, technical aspects in future network]
[ Future Networks: Trustworthy and Quantum Enhanced Networking and Services]
[Requirements and capabilities for computing including cloud computing and data handling]
[Functional architecture for computing including cloud computing and data handling]
[End-to-end management, governance, and security for computing including cloud computing and data handling]
[ Next-generation network (NGN) evolution by adoption of emerging network technologies ]
[International mobile telecommunications (IMT) networks and artificial intelligence/machine learning: Requirements and architecture]
[Network softwarization]
[Enhanced information-centric networking (ICN) and emerging network technologies]
[Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence]
[Applying future networks and innovation in developing countries]
[International mobile telecommunications (IMT) networks and quantum communications: Quality of service (QoS) mechanisms]
[Network awareness and network intelligence including big data driven networking and human-like networking]
[Working Party 1 - IMT Systems - General distribution list]
[Working Party 2 - Cloud Computing and Data Handling - General distribution list]
[Working Party 3 - Future Networks - General distribution list]
[Working Party 4 - Scenarios and technologies - General distribution list]
[ SG17 general announcements ]
[ SG17 Correspondence Group on AI security (CG-AISEC) ]
[ SG17 Correspondence Group on child online protection (CG-COP) ]
[ SG17 Correspondence group to SG17 restructuring (CG-RES) ]
[ SG17 Correspondence group on security capability and architecture (CG-SECAPA) ]
[ Security standardization strategy, incubation and coordination]
[ Identity management and telebiometrics architecture and mechanisms]
[ Generic technologies to support secure applications]
[ Intelligent transport system (ITS) and connected autonomous vehicle (CAV) security]
[ Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) security]
[ Quantum-based security]
[ Security architecture and network security]
[ Telecommunication information security management and security services]
[ Cybersecurity and countering spam]
[ Security for telecommunication services, Internet of Things (IoT), digital twin, and metaverse]
[ Secure application services ]
[ Cloud computing and Big data infrastructure security]
[ This mailing list is for the ITU-T SG20 ad hoc group on IoT, digital twins and AI for effective energy management (AHG-EEM) ]
[ SG20 general announcements ]
[ Mailing list to foster collaboration between ITU-T SG20 membership and designated experts from oneM2M ]
[ Interworking between smart city platforms including digital twins ]
[ Requirements, capabilities and architectural frameworks of Internet of Things (IoT) and smart sustainable cities and communities (SSC&C) across verticals ]
[ Architectures, functionalities and protocols in applications of verticals and infrastructures of Internet of Things (IoT) and smart sustainable cities and communities (SSC&C) ]
[ Data analytics, sharing, processing and management, including big data aspects, of Internet of Things (IoT) and smart sustainable cities and communities (SSC&C) ]
[ Terminology and definitions, study and research of emerging digital technologies ]
[ Security, privacy, trustworthiness, and identification of Internet of Things (IoT) and smart sustainable cities and communities (SSC&C) ]
[ Evaluation and assessment of smart sustainable cities and communities and digital services ]
[ Human-centric digital services enabled by Internet of Things (IoT) and smart sustainable cities and communities (SSC&C) related to digital health, accessibility and inclusion ]
[ Decentralized/distributed Internet of Things (IoT) ]
[ SG21 general announcements ]
[ Multimedia system, service and application accessibility for digital inclusion (Q1/21) ]
[ Vehicular multimedia communications, systems, networks, and applications (Q10/21) ]
[ Multimedia systems, terminals, gateways and data conferencing (Q11/21) ]
[ Multimedia aspects of distributed ledger technologies and related services (Q12/21) ]
[ Multimedia streaming-related systems and services including content delivery, application platforms and end systems (Q13/21) ]
[ Multimedia framework for digital health applications (Q2/21) ]
[ Digital culture-related systems and services (Q3/21) ]
[ Human factors for intelligent user interfaces and services (Q4/21) ]
[ AI-enabled multimedia applications (Q5/21) ]
[ Visual, audio and signal coding (Q6/21) ]
[ Intelligent visual systems and services (Q7/21) ]
[ Immersive live experience systems and services (Q8/21) ]
[ Multimedia framework, applications and services (Q9/21) ]
[ All discussions of WP1/21 matters related to integrated broadband and cable television systems. The Questions under WP1/21 use the mailing list of WP1 to exchange information ]
[ SG3 general announcements ]
[ Development of charging and accounting/settlement mechanisms for current and future international telecommunication/ICT services and networks ]
[ Competition policy and relevant market definitions related to the economic aspects of international telecommunication services and networks ]
[ Economic and policy aspects of big data and digital identity in international telecommunication services and networks ]
[ Economic and policy issues pertaining to international telecommunication/ICT services and networks that enable mobile financial services (MFS) ]
[ Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication services ]
[ International Internet fibre cables and satellite Internet connectivity including relevant aspects of Internet protocol (IP) peering, regional traffic exchange points, fibre cables optimization, cost of provision of services and impact of Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) deployment ]
[ International mobile roaming issues (including charging, accounting and settlement mechanisms and roaming at border areas) ]
[ Economic aspects of alternative calling procedures in the context of international telecommunication/ICT services and networks ]
[ Economic and policy aspects of the Internet, convergence (services or infrastructure) and OTTs in the context of international telecommunication/ICT services and networks ]
TDAG Correspondence Group on Strategic Plan, Operational plan and Declaration
TDAG Correspondence Group on streamlining Resolutions
TDAG Working Group on WTDC Preparations (TDAG-WG-Prep)
TDAG Working Group on WTDC Resolutions, Declaration and Thematic Priorities (TDAG-WG-RDTP)
TDAG Working Group on Strategic and Operational Plans (TDAG-WG-SOP)
[ The Technology Watch mailing list ]
[ Technology Watch Steering Committee ]
[ITU-T e-FLASH test]
[ this is the description part ]
[ List for testing ]
[ ITU/WMO/UNESCO-IOC Joint Task Force ]
[ Opt-in mailing list to receive a copy of new TSB Circulars ]
[ Conformity Assessment Steering Committee ]
[ Study Group 11 Regional Group for Africa (SG11RG-AFR) ]
[ Study Group 11 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia (SG11RG-EECAT) ]
[ Study Group 12 Regional Group on QoS for Africa (SG12RG-AFR) ]
[ Study Group 12 Regional Group for the Americas (SG12RG-AMR) ]
[ Study Group 13 Regional Group for Africa (SG13RG-AFR) ]
[ Study Group 13 Regional Group for EECAT (SG13RG-EECAT) ]
[ Access network transport ]
[ SG 15 Electronic Document Handling issues ]
[ tsg15initiatives ]
[ Optical Transport Networks and Technologies ]
[ Coordination of Access Network Transport standards ]
[ OAM and network management for OTN ]
[ Signal structures, interfaces and interworking for transport networks ]
[ Transport network architectures ]
[ Network synchronization and time distribution performance ]
[ Management and control of transport systems and equipment ]
[ Test and measurement techniques and instrumentation ]
[ Outside plant and related indoor installation ]
[ Physical network planning ]
[ Development of optical networks in the access area ]
[ Protection and security of other aspects of outside plant ]
[ Optical systems for fibre access networks ]
[ General characteristics of transport networks ]
[ Transceivers for customer access and in-premises networking systems on metallic conductors ]
[ old tsg15q4 list]
[ Broadband access over metallic conductors ]
[ Broadband in-premises networking ]
[ Communications for Smart Grid ]
[ Characteristics and test methods of optical fibres and cables ]
Q5 and Q6 joint virtual list
[ Characteristics of optical systems for terrestrial transport networks ]
[ Characteristics of optical components and subsystems ]
[ Characteristics of optical fibre submarine cable systems ]
[ Transport equipment and network protection/restoration ]
[ Discussions on the future structure of SG 15 ]
[ Access network transport ]
[ Optical physical infrastructure and technologies ]
[ Study Group 17 Regional Group for Africa (SG17RG-AFR) ]
[ Study Group 17 Regional Group for the Arab Region (SG17RG-ARB) ]
[ Study Group 20 Regional Group for Africa (SG20RG-AFR) ]
[ Study Group 20 Regional Group for Asia Pacific (SG20RG-AP) ]
[ Study Group 20 Regional Group for the Arab Region (SG20RG-ARB) ]
[ Study Group 20 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia (SG20RG-EECAT) ]
[ Study Group 20 Regional Group for Latin America (SG20RG-LATAM) ]
[ Study Group 2 Regional Group for Africa Region (SG2RG-AFR) ]
[ Study Group 2 Regional Group for Americas Region (SG2RG-AMR) ]
[ Study Group 2 Regional Group for the Arab Region (SG2RG-ARB) ]
[ Study Group 3 Regional Group for Africa (SG3RG-AFR) ]
[ Study Group 3 Regional Group for Asia and Oceania (SG3RG-AO) ]
[ Study Group 3 Regional Group for the Arab Region (SG3RG-ARB) ]
[ Study Group 3 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia (SG3RG-EECAT) ]
[ Study Group 3 Regional Group for Latin America and the Caribbean (SG3RG-LAC) ]
[ Study Group 5 Regional Group for Africa (SG5RG-AFR) ]
[ Study Group 5 Regional Group for Asia and the Pacific (SG5RG-AP) ]
[ Study Group 5 Regional Group for the Arab Region (SG5RG-ARB) ]
[ Study Group 5 Regional Group for Latin America (SG5RG-LATAM) ]