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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG09 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG09� C�


Broadband cable and TV

Periodo de estudios 2022

Resultados :12 documentos
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q4/9�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 169 ]
Functional requirements for terminal devices of the integrated broadband cable network � Dem. Rep. of the Congo Q4/9 2024-08-19
[ 161 ]
Proposal to add clear definition of hybrid cable network to draft revision of J Supplement 11 " Guidelines for installing a digital television service for cable networks based on ITU-T Recommendations" � Japan Cable Laboratories Q4/9 2024-08-19
[ 136 ]
Integrating rural areas through the deployment of OTT-TV services, case of least developed countries � Conseil National des T�l�communications (CONATEL) (Haiti) , Minist�re de l'Economie Num�rique des Postes et T�l�communications (Central African Rep.) , Soci�t� des T�l�communications du Mali (SOTELMA) Q4/9 2024-07-22
[ 135 ]
Contribution on the issue of IPTV and illegal streaming � Agence de R�gulation des Postes et des Communications Electroniques (ARPCE) (Congo (Rep. of the)) Q4/9, Q1/9 2024-07-22
[ 132 ]
Contribution on extended reality � Agence de R�gulation des Postes et des Communications Electroniques (ARPCE) (Congo (Rep. of the)) Q9/9, Q4/9 2024-07-10
[ 114 ]
Proposal for consent - Recommendation ITU-T J.cable-5G-arch "System architecture for cable television services to use IMT-2020 radio system" � Japan Cable Laboratories Q4/9, Q1/9 2024-04-24
[ 87 ]
Proposal of revised text for J. Supple 11 to include use cases of hybrid cable network � Japan Cable Laboratories Q4/9 2023-10-31
[ 85 ]
Proposal of a revised text for Recommendation ITU-T J.cable-5G-arch "System Architecture for cable television services to use IMT-2020 radio system" � Japan Cable Laboratories Q4/9, Q1/9 2023-10-31
[ 69 ]
Proposed baseline text for Draft new Recommendation J.cable-5G-arch "System Architecture for cable television services to use 5G radio system" � Japan Cable Laboratories Q4/9, Q1/9 2023-04-26
[ 68 ]
Proposal for consent - Recommendation ITU-T J.cable-5G-req "Requirements for cable television services to use 5G radio system" � Japan Cable Laboratories Q4/9, Q1/9 2023-04-26
[ 27 ]
Proposal for a new work item J.cable 5G "Functional requirements for cable television services to use 5G radio system" � Japan Cable Laboratories Q4/9, Q1/9 2022-08-23
[ 2 ]
Transmission of multi-channel digital television signals over optical and hybrid access networks for African countries � Central African Rep. Q4/9 2022-07-25
Resultados :12 documentos
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