N�mero� |
� |
N�mero� |
Puesta a disposici�n |
� |
� |
� |
[ R�15 ]�
2024-09-12 |
ITU-T Study Group 9
� |
Report of the Fifth meeting of Study Group 9 (Tokyo, 2-10 September 2024)
� |
� |
[ R�15 ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-13 [11:20]�
207'747� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�766-GEN ]�
2024-06-06 |
� |
List of participants � �
� |
� |
[ TD�766-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) |
2024-09-12 [15:46]�
72'860� octetos |
� |
[ TD�766-GEN ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) |
2024-09-05 [09:38]�
325'793� octetos |
� |
� |
[ R�14 ]�
2024-09-11 |
Chair WP2/9
� |
Report of Working Party 2/9 meeting (Tokyo, 2-10 September 2024)
� |
Q11/9, Q3/9, Q5/9, Q8/9, Q9/9
� |
[ R�14 ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-12 [12:58]�
79'928� octetos |
� |
� |
[ R�13 ]�
2024-09-11 |
Acting Chair WP1/9
� |
Report of Working Party 1/9 meeting (Tokyo, 2-10 September 2024)
� |
Q1/9, Q2/9, Q4/9, Q6/9, Q7/9
� |
[ R�13 ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-12 [11:23]�
91'926� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�895-GEN ]�
2024-09-08 |
Acting Chair WP1/9
� |
Report of Working Party 1/9 meeting
� |
Q1/9, Q2/9, Q4/9, Q6/9, Q7/9
� |
[ TD�895-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-11 [17:32]�
95'006� octetos |
� |
[ TD�895-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [13:21]�
90'527� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�777-GEN ]�
2024-06-06 |
� |
List of outgoing Liaison Statements
� |
� |
[ TD�777-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-11 [17:25]�
52'396� octetos |
� |
[ TD�777-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [13:40]�
48'957� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�862-GEN ]�
2024-09-03 |
Rapporteur Q10/9
� |
LS/o/r on the resolution of AAP comments (TSAG-LS44) [to TSAG]
� |
� |
[ TD�862-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-11 [17:14]�
49'296� octetos |
� |
[ TD�862-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-04 [02:45]�
40'024� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�860-GEN ]�
2024-09-03 |
Rapporteur Q10/9
� |
Report of Question 10/9 meeting
� |
� |
[ TD�860-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-11 [17:13]�
68'529� octetos |
� |
[ TD�860-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-08 [06:56]�
64'551� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�779-GEN ]�
2024-06-06 |
� |
Updated Work programme for Study Group 9 (as of 10 September 2024)
� |
� |
[ TD�779-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-11 [17:12]�
66'842� octetos |
� |
[ TD�779-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [13:42]�
64'960� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�754-GEN ]�
2024-06-06 |
� |
Draft agenda of SG9 Plenary meeting (Tokyo, 2-10 September 2024) � �
� |
� |
[ TD�754-GEN ]�Revision 4�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-11 [17:10]�
67'861� octetos |
� |
[ TD�754-GEN ]�Revision 3�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [13:57]�
66'964� octetos |
� |
[ TD�754-GEN ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-02 [01:45]�
59'619� octetos |
� |
[ TD�754-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-08-27 [18:06]�
58'611� octetos |
� |
[ TD�754-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-07-02 [15:25]�
41'262� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�775-GEN ]�
2024-06-06 |
� |
List of draft Recommendations proposed for "Consent/Determination" and other deliverables for approval at SG9 meeting (2-10 September 2024)�
� |
� |
[ TD�775-GEN ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [13:44]�
46'587� octetos |
� |
[ TD�775-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-02 [08:41]�
45'589� octetos |
� |
[ TD�775-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-01 [11:05]�
44'076� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�778-GEN ]�
2024-06-06 |
� |
Interim meetings plan - WP and Rapporteur meetings agreed by ITU-T SG9 (2-10 September 2024)
� |
� |
[ TD�778-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [13:43]�
46'765� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�776-GEN ]�
2024-06-06 |
� |
New Work Items agreed by SG9 (2-10 September 2024)
� |
� |
[ TD�776-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [13:39]�
44'888� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�893-GEN ]�
2024-09-07 |
Editor J.stvos-ct
� |
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.1207 (ex J.stvos-ct) "Smart television operating system - Conformance test"
� |
� |
[ TD�893-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [13:35]�
1'617'179� octetos |
� |
[ TD�893-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-08 [10:08]�
1'873'857� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�896-GEN ]�
2024-09-08 |
Chair WP2/9
� |
Report of Working Party 2/9 meeting
� |
Q11/9, Q3/9, Q5/9, Q8/9, Q9/9
� |
[ TD�896-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [13:32]�
79'789� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�880-GEN ]�
2024-09-04 |
Editor J.Supp. 11
� |
Output - draft revised J Supplement 11 "Guidelines for installing a digital television service for cable networks based on ITU-T Recommendations"
� |
� |
[ TD�880-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [11:31]�
1'258'768� octetos |
� |
[ TD�880-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-05 [11:23]�
1'258'592� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�854-GEN ]�
2024-09-03 |
Rapporteur Q4/9
� |
Report of Question 4/9 meeting
� |
� |
[ TD�854-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [11:29]�
59'299� octetos |
� |
[ TD�854-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-05 [11:41]�
57'976� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�861-GEN ]�
2024-09-03 |
Rapporteur Q11/9
� |
Report of Question 11/9 meeting
� |
� |
[ TD�861-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [11:18]�
61'383� octetos |
� |
[ TD�861-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-05 [09:44]�
58'008� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�859-GEN ]�
2024-09-03 |
Rapporteur Q9/9
� |
Report of Question 9/9 meeting
� |
� |
[ TD�859-GEN ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [11:16]�
74'928� octetos |
� |
[ TD�859-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [03:37]�
71'283� octetos |
� |
[ TD�859-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-08 [09:19]�
75'482� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�883-GEN ]�
2024-09-07 |
Rapporteur Q9/9
� |
LS/o on AAP Consent of the draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.1318 (ex. J.cloud-ow) "Requirements of E2E Network Platform for Cloud-based Object Wave Transmissions" [to ITU-T SG16, SG13, ETSI ISG F5G and IEC TC 100]
� |
� |
[ TD�883-GEN ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [11:07]�
54'580� octetos |
� |
[ TD�883-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [03:36]�
53'979� octetos |
� |
[ TD�883-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-08 [09:02]�
57'187� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�858-GEN ]�
2024-09-03 |
Rapporteur Q8/9
� |
Report of Question 8/9 meeting
� |
� |
[ TD�858-GEN ]�Revision 3�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [11:02]�
63'570� octetos |
� |
[ TD�858-GEN ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [09:26]�
62'880� octetos |
� |
[ TD�858-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [03:41]�
63'226� octetos |
� |
[ TD�858-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-08 [08:43]�
65'122� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�891-GEN ]�
2024-09-07 |
Rapporteur Q8/9
� |
LS/o on the initiation of new work item supplement to the Recommendations ITU-T J.1305-J.1306 J.Sup.mma-uc "Use cases of microservices architecture for audiovisual media in the converged media cloud" [to ITU-T SG13, ITU-T SG16]
� |
� |
[ TD�891-GEN ]�Revision 2�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [10:38]�
38'657� octetos |
� |
[ TD�891-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [03:43]�
38'608� octetos |
� |
[ TD�891-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-08 [08:58]�
37'236� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�855-GEN ]�
2024-09-03 |
Rapporteur Q5/9
� |
Report of Question 5/9 meeting
� |
� |
[ TD�855-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [10:33]�
58'586� octetos |
� |
[ TD�855-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-08 [09:56]�
57'053� octetos |
� |
� |
[ TD�894-GEN ]�
2024-09-07 |
Rapporteur Q5/9
� |
LS/o on AAP consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.1207 (ex J.stvos-ct) "Smart television operating system - Conformance test" [to ITU-T SG11, ITU-T SG16, ITU-R SG6 WP6B]
� |
� |
[ TD�894-GEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word |
2024-09-09 [10:30]�
42'125� octetos |
� |
Resultados: 97 documentos
Result Page:�
1 -
� |
Telecarga de m�ltiples documentos:�Formatos e idiomas que hay que tener en cuenta (si est�n disponibles):