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ITU-SG�CWGSFP3� C�(2022-02-21)�


Council Working Group for Strategic and Financial Plans for 2024-2027

Meeting� from 2022-02-21 to 2022-02-22

held in E-Meeting

Other Meetings : N/A

Results:16 total items.

Title Source Date
[ 16 ]
Contribution by China - Proposals to include innovation and security in the strategic goals of the ITU strategic plan for 2024-2027 � China (People's Republic of) 2022-02-15
[ 15 ]
Contribution by the United States, Canada and Australia - Proposal for revisions to draft annex 1 to Resolution 71: Draft ITU Strategic Plan for 2024-2027 � United States of America , Australia , Canada 2022-02-07
[ 14 ]
Contribution by Paraguay (Republic of) - Proposals for Annex 1 of the ITU Strategic Plan 2024-2027 � Paraguay (Republic of) 2022-02-07
[ 13 ]
Contribution by Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden to the third meeting of the CWG-SFP � Multi-countries 2022-02-07
[ 12 ]
Contribution by Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe to the third Council Working Group on Strategic and Financial Plans (CWG-SFP) meeting � Multi-countries 2022-02-07
[ 11 ]
Contribution by the Russian Federation - Proposals concerning document CWG-SFP-3/5 - Annex 2 to Resolution 71: situation analysis � Russian Federation 2022-02-07
[ 10 ]
Contribution by the Russian Federation - Proposals for document CWG-SFP-3/4, Annex 1 to Resolution 71: draft ITU strategic plan for 2024-2027 � Russian Federation 2022-02-07
[ 9 ]
Contribution by Algeria, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates to the third Council Working Group for the Strategic and financial plans (CWG-SFP) meeting � Mutli-countries 2022-02-06
[ 8 ]
Contribution by Algeria, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates - Proposals for the revision of the main body of Resolution 71 � Multi-countries 2022-02-06
[ 7 ]
Proposals for the revision of the main body of Resolution 71 (Rev. Dubai, 2018), "Strategic plan for the Union for 2020-2023" � Chairman, CWG-SFP 2022-01-24
[ 6 ]
Draft annex 3 to Resolution 71- Glossary of terms � Chairman, CWG-SFP 2022-01-20
[ 5 ]
Draft annex 2 to Resolution 71-Situational analysis � Chairman, CWG-SFP 2022-01-20
[ 4 ]
Draft annex 1 to Resolution 71 - Draft ITU strategic plan for 2024-2027 � Chairman, CWG-SFP 2022-01-20
[ 3 ]
Background information on the secretariat's input to the draft ITU Strategic Plan 2024-2027 � SG 2022-01-20
[ 2 ]
Report of the second CWG-SFP meeting � Chairman, CWG-SFP 2022-01-20
[ 1 ]
Draft agenda of the third meeting of Council Working Group for Strategic and Financial Plans 2024-2027 (CWG-SFP) � Chairman, CWG-SFP 2022-01-20
Results:16 total items.
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