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Home : ITU-D : CMDT-2017 : Meeting�2017-10-09�: Administrative Documents� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-D�CMDT-2017� ADM�(2017-10-09)�


World Telecommunication Development Conference 2017

Meeting� from 2017-10-09 to 2017-10-20

held in Argentina [Buenos Aires]

Other Meetings : 2017-11-27�

Results:34 total items.
Administrative Documents��Documents / Contributions

Title Source Date
[ 34 ]
Agenda for the twelfth Plenary meeting and closing ceremony (Friday, 20 October 2017, 09:00-12:00) � PLEN 2017-10-20
[ 33 ]
Draft Agenda for the 13th meeting of COM3 � COM3 2017-10-19
[ 32 ]
Draft Agenda of the Eleventh and Twelveth Sessions of Committee 3 � COM3 2017-10-18
[ 31 ]
Agenda for tenth and eleventh Plenary meetings (Thursday, 19 October, 0930h-1230h and 1430h-1730h) � PLEN 2017-10-19
[ 30 ]
Agenda for eighth and ninth Plenary meetings (Wednesday, 18 October, 1430h-1600h and 1630h-1730h) � PLEN 2017-10-18
[ 29 ]
Unused number � N/A � 2017-10-17
[ 28 ]
Draft agenda of the second meeting of Committee 2 � COM2 2017-10-17
[ 27 ]
Unused number � N/A � 2017-10-17
[ 26 ]
Draft agenda for the meetings of Committee 4 Ad hoc Group on Resolution 21 � COM4 2017-10-17
[ 25 ]
Draft Agenda for the nineth, tenth and eleventh sessions of Committee 3 � COM3 2017-10-16
[ 24 ]
Agenda of the third meeting of Committee 1 (Monday, 16 October 2017, at 1735 hours) � COM1 2017-10-14
[ 23 ]
Unused number � N/A � 2017-10-14
[ 22 ]
Draft agenda of the third session of Committee 3 drafting group on ITU-D SG Questions (Saturday, 14 October 2017, 1300h-1700h) � COM3 Drafting group 2017-10-14
[ 21 ]
Draft agenda of the meeting of Committee 4 Ad hoc group on Resolution 2 (Monday, 16 October 2017, 17h30 -18h30) � COM4 Ad hoc 2017-10-13
[ 20 ]
Draft agenda of the second session of Committee 3 drafting group on ITU-D Study Group Questions, (Friday, 13 October 2017, 1300h-1430h) � COM3 Drafting group 2017-10-13
[ 19 ]
Ad Hoc group meetings table � COM3 Drafting group 2017-10-14
[ 18 ]
Draft Agenda of the seventh meeting of Committee 3 (Monday, 16 october 2017, 1430h-1600h) � COM3 2014-10-17
[ 17 ]
Draft agenda of the meetings of Committee 4 Ad hoc Group on Resolutions 1 & 31 (Monday, 16 October 2017, 08h00 - 09h00) � COM4 Ad hoc 2017-10-12
[ 16 ]
Draft Agenda for the fifth and sixth Sessions of Committee 3 (Friday, 13 October 2017, 1030h-1200h and 1930h-2230h) � COM3 2017-10-12
[ 15 ]
Draft agenda for the fourth session of Committee 3 (Thursday, 12 October 2017, 16h30-17h30) � COM3 2017-10-12
[ 14 ]
Agenda of the second meeting of Committee 1 (Friday, 13 October 2017, 1735h-1800h) � COM1 2017-10-11
[ 13 ]
Draft Agenda of the first session of Committee 3 (Wednesday, 11 October 2017, 1130h-1230h) � COM3 2017-10-10
[ 12 ]
Agenda of the sixth Plenary Meeting (Wednesday, 11 October 2017, 0930h-1100h) � PLEN 2017-10-10
[ 11 ]
Draft agenda of Committee 4 (all sessions) � COM4 2017-10-08
[ 10 ]
Draft Agenda for the second and third sessions of Committee 3 (Thursday, 12 October 2017, 0930h-1100h and 1130h-1230h) � COM3 2017-10-08
[ 9 ]
Agenda of the first meeting of Committee 2 (Tuesday, 10 October 2017, 1735h-1800h) � COM2 2017-10-06
[ 8 ]
Agenda of the seventh Plenary meeting (Monday, 16 October 2017, 0930h-1100h) � PLEN 2017-10-10
[ 7 ]
Draft agenda of the first meeting of the Working Group of the Plenary (all sessions) � WG-PL 2017-10-04
[ 6 ]
Draft agenda of the fourth and fifth Plenary Meetings (Tuesday, 10 October 2017, 1130h-1230h and 1430h-1600h) � PLEN 2017-10-04
[ 5 ]
Draft agenda of the second and third Plenary Meetings (Monday, 9 October 2017, 1430h-1600h and 1630h-1730h) � PLEN 2017-10-02
[ 4 ]
Draft Agenda of the first Plenary Meeting (Monday, 9 October 2017, 1200h-1230h) � PLEN 2017-09-29
[ 3 ]
In-conference translation deadlines, classification and distribution of documents � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2017-07-20
[ 2 ]
WTDC-17 Draft Time Management Plan �
As from 10 October 2017, the TMP is contained in DT/4
Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2017-06-12
[ 1 ]
Provisional list of participants � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2017-06-12
Results:34 total items.
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