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ITU-D�WTDC-10� C�(2010-05-24)�


World Telecommunication Development Conference 2010

Meeting� from 2010-05-24 to 2010-06-04

held in India [Hyderabad]

Other Meetings : N/A

Results:13 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�ANATEL, Brazil�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source Date
[ 114 ]
Proposal to modify ITU-D Strategic Plan � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-05-28
[ 39 ]
Proposed revision of the WTDC-06 Resolution 40 (Doha, 2006) � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
[ 38 ]
Proposal on the term of reference for Question 11-2/2 - Examination of terrestrial digital sound and television broadcasting technologies and systems, including cost/benefit analyses, interoperability of digital terrestrial systems with existing analogue networks, and methods of migration from analogue terrestrial techniques to digital techniques � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
[ 37 ]
Proposed revision of the WTDC-06 Resolution 45 � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
[ 36 ]
Proposed revision of the WTDC-06 Resolution 21 (Rev. Doha, 2006) and Resolution 32 (Rev. Doha, 2006) � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
[ 35 ]
Proposed revision of the WTDC-06 Resolution 31(Rev. Doha, 2006) � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
[ 34 ]
Proposed revision of the WTDC-06 Resolution 13 � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
[ 33 ]
Proposed revision of the WTDC-06 Resolution 10 � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
[ 32 ]
Proposal on revision of the WTDC-06 Resolution 8 � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
[ 31 ]
Proposed revision of the WTDC-06 Resolution 5 � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
[ 30 ]
Proposal for revision of scope and outputs for question 18-1/1 - Domestic enforcement of telecommunication laws, rules, and regulations by national telecommunications regulatory authorities � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
[ 29 ]
Proposal for revision of scope and outputs for question 10-2/1 - Regulation for licensing and authorization of converging services � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
[ 28 ]
Proposal for closer cooperation between Questions 7-2/1 and 10-2/2 ( Regulatory policies on universal access to broadband services) and 10-2/2 (Telecommunications for rural and remote areas) � ANATEL, Brazil 2010-04-16
Results:13 total items.
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