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World Telecommunication Development Conference  

The International Telecommunication Union, through the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), organizes a World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) every four years and a number of Regional Preparatory Meetings (RPMs) within that same period.

The Telecommunication Development Conferences serve as forums for free discussion by all concerned with the Development Sector. In addition, they review the numerous programmes and projects of the Sector and BDT. Results are reported and new projects are launched. The World Conferences set the agenda and the guidelines for the following four-year cycle, while the Regional Conferences review "work-in-progress" towards the overall objectives and ensure that goals are met.

Each Regional Preparatory Meeting brings together the countries in its region to explore and discuss their needs and the present and future projects of the Sector.

World Telecommunication Development Conference'10

ITU's fifth World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-10), will take place in Hyderabad, India from 24 May to 4 June 2010 (consultation of Member States is underway) with participants to include government delegates, Ministers, Ambassadors and representatives from the private sector, as well as regional and international organizations. It will be an opportunity to review the programmes and activities of ITU-D as well as to set the agenda for the following four-year cycle. The Regional Preparatory Meetings (RPM) being held in 2009 and early 2010 will provide regional input for WTDC'10.

World Telecommunication Development Conference'06

ITU’s fourth World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-06), which took place from 7 to 15 March in Doha, Qatar, gathered 969 participants, including 820 government delegates from 132 countries, 71 Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Ambassadors, 93 representatives from the private sector, and 38 representatives from regional and international organizations.

The purpose of the Conference was to agree on development priorities in view of the high-level recognition of the Digital Divide created by the rapid but uneven expansion of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Another objective of the Conference was to promote international cooperation and partnerships that can sustain and strengthen telecommunication infrastructure and institutions in developing countries.

The Conference adopted the Doha Declaration and the Doha Action Plan. The Doha Declaration stresses the need to quicken the “pace towards the creation of a truly global Information Society in order to bring opportunities to countries, and to create conditions aimed at deriving maximum benefit from the implementation of new services and applications in order to accelerate overall development”. [continues...]


World Telecommunication Development Conference'02

The Third World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-02) was held at L�tfi Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Centre in Istanbul, Turkey from 18-27 March 2002 and established work programs and guidelines, defined ICT development questions and priorities in view of the high-level recognition of the digital divide created by the rapid and pervasive expansion of ICTs.  [continues...]


World Telecommunication Development Conference'98

The second World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-98) held by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) since the establishment of its Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) took place in Valletta, Malta, from 23 March to 1 April 1998. It was attended by delegations from 139 Member States of ITU, headed by ministers or senior officials, 79 Sector Members and representatives of 29 organizations and agencies, as well as many private sector representatives. The purposes of the Conference were to:

  • review the results of global telecommunications since the Buenos Aires Conference
  • review the current major policy issues
  • examine technologies for the future
  • adopt a strategic plan for ITU-D as well as an action plan for 1999-2002: the Valletta Action Plan
  • consider financing and innovative forms of cooperation
  • take decisions on the ITU-D structure and working methods
  • set goals and objectives up to the year 2003 and define and establish a common vision and strategies for achieving balanced telecommunications development by and beyond the end of the century.

The Conference adopted the Valletta Declaration and the Valletta Action Plan to guide the activities of the Telecommunication Development Sector in the years 1999-2003.

World Telecommunication Development Conference'94

The first World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-94) held by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) since the establishment of its Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D), took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 21 to 29 March 1994. Delegations from 133 Member countries of the ITU, headed by ministers or senior officials, and representatives of 31 organizations and agencies, as well as many private sector representatives, participated in the Conference. The purposes of the Conference were:

  1. to review the progress made in telecommunication development since publication in December 1984 of the Report of the Independent Commission for World-Wide Telecommunications Development "The Missing Link";
  2. to set the goals and objectives up to the year 2000 and to define and establish a common vision and strategies for achieving balanced telecommunication development by and beyond the end of the century; and
  3. to approve an action plan which translates the goals and objectives agreed upon into a concrete work programme to be implemented over the next four years, identifying those priorities specific to the ITU and those areas of cooperation with its development partners.


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Updated : 2010-03-10