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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG09 : Reuni�n�2023-11-14�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG09� TD�(2023-11-14)�


Broadband cable and TV

Periodo de estudios 2022

Reuni�n� del 2023-11-14 al 2023-11-23

Lugar : Colombia [Bogota]

Otras reuniones : 2024-09-022024-05-09� [ 2023-11-14 ]� 2023-05-092022-09-06

Resultados :185 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 524-GEN ]
Report of Q4/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 2023-11-17
[ 523-GEN ]
Report of Q3/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q3/9 Q3/9 2023-11-17
[ 522-GEN ]
Report of Q2/9 meeting � Acting Rapporteur Q2/9 Q2/9 2023-11-17
[ 521-GEN ]
Report of Q1/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q1/9 Q1/9 2023-11-17
[ 520-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 3/9 meeting (Bangalore, 9-18 May 2023) � Rapporteur Q3/9 Q3/9 2023-11-17
[ 519-GEN ]
LS/o/r on deletion of P.862.[x] Recommendation (SG12-LS40) [to ITU-T SG12] � Rapporteur Q1/9 Q1/9 2023-11-17
[ 518-GEN ]
Agreement - Draft new Supplement ITU-T J.Suppl. 12 (ex J.Sup-HiNoC) "Comparison between third-generation HiNoC and second-generation HiNoC" � Editor J.Sup.12 (ex J.sup-HiNoC3) Q7/9, Q1/9 2023-11-17
[ 517-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.198.3 (ex J.HiNoC3-MAC) "MAC layer specification for third-generation HiNoC" � Editor J.198.3 (ex J.HiNoC3-MAC) Q7/9, Q1/9 2023-11-20
[ 516-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.198.2 (ex J.HiNoC3-PHY) "Physical layer specification for third-generation HiNoC" � Editor J.198.2 (ex J.HiNoC3-PHY) Q7/9, Q1/9 2023-11-17
[ 515-GEN ]
LS/o on AAP consent of two draft new Recommendations ITU-T J.198.2 (ex J.HiNoC3-PHY) and ITU-T J.198.3 (ex J.HiNoC3-MAC) and Agreement of draft new Supplement ITU-T J. Suppl. 12 (ex J.Sup-HiNoC) [to ITU-T SG15, ETSI TC Cable, IEC TC100, CableLabs, SCTE, TTA, TTC, IEEE 802.3 Ethernet WG, CCSA] � Rapporteurs Q1/9 and Q7/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 2023-11-16
[ 514-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised Recommendation J.298-rev "Requirements and technical specifications of a cable TV hybrid set-top box compatible with terrestrial and satellite TV transport" � Rapporteur Q6/9 Q6/9 2023-11-16
[ 513-GEN ]
Consent - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Rec. J.298 "Requirements and technical specifications of a cable TV hybrid set-top box compatible with terrestrial and satellite TV transport" � Editor J.298 (rev) Q6/9 2023-11-16
[ 512-GEN ]
Proposed updates to Q5/9 Questions text (terms of reference) � Rapporteur Q5/9 QALL/9, Q5/9 2023-11-17
[ 511-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 2/9 meeting (Bogota, 14-23 November 2023) � Acting Rapporteur Q2/9 Q2/9 2023-11-17
[ 510-GEN ]
Proposed updates to Q1/9 Questions text (terms of reference) � Rapporteur Q1/9 QALL/9, Q1/9 2023-11-15
[ 509-GEN ]
Proposed updates to Q4/9 Questions text (terms of reference) � Rapporteur Q4/9 QALL/9, Q4/9 2023-11-15
[ 508-GEN ]
Analysis for qualification of Khronos according to ITU-T A.5 � TSB QALL/9, Q5/9 2023-11-11
[ 507-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 8/9 meeting (Bogota, 14-23 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q8/9 Q8/9 2023-11-10
[ 506-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 6/9 meeting (Bogota, 14-23 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q6/9 Q6/9 2023-11-10
[ 505-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 10/9 meeting (Bogota, 14-23 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q10/9 Q10/9 2023-11-10
[ 504-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 9/9 meeting (Bogota, 14-23 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q9/9 Q9/9 2023-11-10
[ 503-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 1/9 meeting (Bogota, 14-23 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q1/9 Q1/9 2023-11-10
[ 502-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 11/9 meeting (Bogota, 14-23 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q11/9 Q11/9 2023-11-09
[ 501-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 4/9 meeting (Bogota, 14-23 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 2023-11-09
[ 500-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 7/9 meeting (Bogota, 14-23 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q7/9 Q7/9 2023-11-09
[ 499-GEN ]
LS/i on the consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3061 (ex Y.AN-Arch-fw) "Autonomous Networks - Architecture Framework" [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 13 QALL/9, Q3/9 2023-11-08
[ 498-GEN ]
LS/i on SG13 activity ad-hoc on "Future ICT Evolution for emerging Web Era" [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 13 QALL/9 2023-11-08
[ 497-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to update the information in the IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap [from JCA-IMT2020] � JCA-IMT2020 QALL/9, Q10/9 2023-11-08
[ 496-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 5/9 meeting (Bogota, 14-23 November 2023) � Rapporteur Q5/9 Q5/9 2023-11-08
[ 495-GEN ]
Output - Draft revised new ITU-T Supplement J.Sup-HiNoC "Comparison between third-generation HiNoC and second-generation HiNoC" (e-meeting, 4 September 2023) � Editor J.Sup-HiNoC Q7/9, Q1/9 2023-11-03
[ 494-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.HiNoC3-MAC "MAC layer specification for third-generation HiNoC" (e-meeting, 4 September 2023) � Editor J.HiNoC3-MAC Q7/9, Q1/9 2023-11-03
[ 493-GEN ]
LS/i on revision of ITU-T P.910: Subjective video quality assessment methods for multimedia applications [from ITU-T SG12] � ITU-T Study Group 12 QALL/9 2023-11-03
[ 492-GEN ]
Draft Report of the first meeting of the Focus Group on Cost models for affordable data services (FG CD), 5-6 October 2023, New Delhi, India � TSB QALL/9 2023-11-01
[ 491-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to provide inputs to the "Glossary of terms and definitions for machine learning" [from JCA-ML] � JCA-ML QALL/9, Q3/9, Q10/9 2023-10-31
[ 490-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to provide inputs to the "Machine learning standardization roadmap" [from JCA-ML] � JCA-ML QALL/9, Q3/9, Q10/9 2023-10-31
[ 489-GEN ]
LS/i on the agreement of ITU-T Q Suppl.76 and new draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.GIR. [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/9 2023-10-31
[ 488-GEN ]
LS/i on ITU Workshop "Episode 2: "Global approaches on combating counterfeiting of telecommunication/ICT devices and mobile device theft" [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/9 2023-10-31
[ 487-GEN ]
LS/i on the agreement of the Technical Report ITU-T QSTR-MCM-UC "Use Cases on the combat of Multimedia Content Misappropriation" [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/9 2023-10-31
[ 486-GEN ]
LS/i on ITU Tutorial on Testing Laboratories Recognition Procedure [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/9 2023-10-31
[ 485-GEN ]
LS/i on SG11 preparation for WTSA-24 � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/9 2023-10-31
[ 484-GEN ]
Draft report of the 26th IRG-AVA meeting (Geneva, 18 July 2023) � IRG-AVA Co-Chairs QALL/9, Q11/9 2023-10-30
[ 483-GEN ]
Draft report of the 25th IRG-AVA meeting (Virtual, 10 May 2023) � IRG-AVA Co-Chairs QALL/9, Q11/9 2023-10-26
[ 482-GEN ]
Report of Joint Question 1/9 & Question 7/9 Rapporteur meeting (e-meeting, 4 September 2023) � Rapporteur Q1/9 & Q7/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 2023-10-26
[ 481-GEN ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of Question 11/9 (e-meeting, 20 September 2023) � Rapporteur Q11/9 Q11/9 2023-10-26
[ 480-GEN ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of Question 3/9 (e-meeting, 17 August 2023) � Rapporteur Q3/9 Q3/9 2023-10-26
[ 479-GEN ]
Output - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Rec. J.298 "Requirements and technical specifications of a cable TV hybrid set-top box compatible with terrestrial and satellite TV transport" (e-meeting, 26 September 2023) � Editor J.298rev Q6/9 2023-10-26
[ 478-GEN ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of Question 6/9 (e-meeting, 26 September 2023) � Rapporteur Q6/9 Q6/9 2023-10-26
[ 477-GEN ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of Question 7/9 (e-meeting, 18 September 2023) � Rapporteur Q7/9 Q7/9 2023-10-26
[ 476-GEN ]
Output - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T J.1 "Terms, definitions and acronyms for television and sound transmission and integrated broadband cable networks" (e-meeting, 8 September 2023) � Editor J.1 Q10/9 2023-10-18
[ 475-GEN ]
LS/o/r on comments regarding of new terms and definitions (SG16-LS80) [to ITU-T SG16] (e-meeting, 8 September 2023) � Rapporteur Q10/9 Q10/9 2023-10-18
Resultados :185 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2023-11-30