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UIT-T�TSAG�Documents de r�unions
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R�sultats: 26 documents
Num�ro Date Source Titre
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[ TD�54-GEN ] 2025-02-04 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on Dual numbering of approved Recommendation ITU-T Y.4234 "Requirements, capabilities and deployment models for e-learning in remote classrooms" [from ITU-T SG 20] �
[ TD�54-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-02-04 [15:20]� 46'740� octets
[ TD�53-GEN ] 2025-02-04 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i/r on FG-MV deliverables: allocation and guidance for future work (reply to TSAG-LS46) [from ITU-T SG20] �
[ TD�53-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-02-04 [15:11]� 61'010� octets
[ TD�52-GEN ] 2025-02-04 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i/r on the resolution of AAP comments (reply to TSAG-LS44) [from ITU-T SG20] �
[ TD�52-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-02-04 [15:00]� 47'878� octets
[ TD�51-GEN ] 2025-02-04 ITU-T Study Group 20; ITU-T Study Group 21 � LS/i on Draft Terms of Reference of the Joint Coordination Activities on metaverse standardization [from ITU-T SG20, SG21] �
[ TD�51-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-02-04 [11:21]� 51'967� octets
[ TD�50-GEN ] 2025-02-04 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on Revised Title and Terms of Reference of JCA-IoT and SC&C [from ITU-T SG20] �
[ TD�50-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-02-04 [11:15]� 48'426� octets
[ TD�49-GEN ] 2025-01-30 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on Joint Correspondence group on Trust (CG-Trust) [from ITU-T SG20] �
[ TD�49-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-30 [16:09]� 49'529� octets
[ TD�48-GEN ] 2025-01-30 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on the establishment of a new Question under ITU-T Study Group 20 [from ITU-T SG20] �
[ TD�48-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-30 [16:06]� 50'950� octets
[ TD�47-GEN ] 2025-01-30 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on Joint Correspondence group on Internet of Things identification and Numbering, Naming, Addressing and Identification aspects (CG-Identification) [from ITU-T SG20] �
[ TD�47-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-30 [16:03]� 49'865� octets
[ TD�46-GEN ] 2025-01-30 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on Joint Correspondence Group on Internet of Things Security (CG-IoTSec) [from ITU-T SG20] �
[ TD�46-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-30 [15:52]� 49'099� octets
[ COL�1 ] 2025-01-23 TSAG � First meeting of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG), Geneva, 26-30 May 2025 �
[ COL�1 ]��-�Russian�-�Word 2025-02-04 [16:45]� 61'718� octets
[ COL�1 ]��-�Chinese�-�Word 2025-02-04 [16:45]� 66'729� octets
[ COL�1 ]��-�Arabic�-�Word 2025-02-04 [16:45]� 69'943� octets
[ COL�1 ]��-�Espa�ol�-�Word 2025-02-04 [16:45]� 70'481� octets
[ COL�1 ]��-�Fran�ais�-�Word 2025-02-04 [16:45]� 70'211� octets
[ COL�1 ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-24 [10:33]� 71'177� octets
[ TD�44-GEN ] 2025-01-16 CCT � LS/i/r on Terms and definitions related to IMT-2020 (5G) technology (reply to ITU-R WP 5D/TEMP/175) [from CCT] �
[ TD�44-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-17 [09:31]� 49'781� octets
[ TD�43-GEN ] 2025-01-16 CCT � LS/i on Naming for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) [from CCT] �
[ TD�43-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-17 [09:26]� 51'436� octets
[ TD�45-GEN ] 2025-01-16 Chair, SPCG � IEC/ISO/ITU-T SPCG Recommendation on new ITU-T Focus Group on 'Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (FG-AINN)' �
[ TD�45-GEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2025-01-16 [15:25]� 254'103� octets
[ TD�42-GEN ] 2025-01-16 3GPP TSG SA � LS/i on Metaverse application enablement [from 3GPP TSG SA] �
[ TD�42-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-16 [14:08]� 160'516� octets
[ TD�41-GEN ] 2025-01-16 FG-AINN � LS/i on call for contributions to new Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (FG-AINN) [from FG-AINN] �
[ TD�41-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-16 [13:53]� 51'816� octets
[ TD�40-GEN ] 2025-01-14 ITU-R WP 5D � LS/i on Terms and definitions related to IMT-2020 (5G) technology [from ITU-R WP 5D] �
[ TD�40-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-14 [17:26]� 44'450� octets
[ TD�39-GEN ] 2025-01-14 CWG-SFP � LS/i on Creation of the Council Working Group for Strategic and Financial Plans 2028-2031 [from CWG-SFP] �
[ TD�39-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-14 [17:15]� 449'974� octets
[ TD�38-GEN ] 2025-01-14 ITU-T Study Group 9 � LS/i/r on the resolution of AAP comments (reply to TSAG-LS44) [from ITU-T SG9] �
[ TD�38-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-14 [16:51]� 45'993� octets
[ TD�37-GEN ] 2025-01-14 EG-ComAD � LS/i on the establishment of the Working Group 2 on Vehicular communications for advanced emergency braking, including to protect VRUs [from EG-ComAD] �
[ TD�37-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-14 [16:47]� 57'005� octets
[ TD�36-GEN ] 2025-01-14 ITU-T Study Group 17 � LS/i on progress of the Correspondence Group on AI Security (CG-AISEC) [from ITU-T SG17] �
[ TD�36-GEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2025-01-14 [16:40]� 1'499'235� octets
[ TD�35-GEN ] 2025-01-14 ITU-D TDAG � LS/i/r on Work on Digital Transformation (reply to TSAG-LS24) [from ITU-D TDAG] �
[ TD�35-GEN ]��-�English�-�Word 2025-01-14 [16:33]� 145'239� octets
R�sultats: 26 documents
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Mis � jour le :�2025-02-04