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ITU-T�SG17�Meeting Documents
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[ TD�33-GEN ] 2025-02-03 ITU-T Study Group 20 and ITU-T Study Group 21 � LS/i on Draft Terms of Reference of the Joint Coordination Activities on metaverse standardization [from ITU-T SGs 20 & 21] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�33-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-02-03 [16:43]� 52'050� bytes
[ TD�32-GEN ] 2025-02-03 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on Revised Title and Terms of Reference of JCA-IoT and SC&C [from ITU-T SG20] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�32-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-02-03 [16:42]� 52'374� bytes
[ TD�31-GEN ] 2025-02-03 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on initiation of new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.DIoT-req-cap, "General requirements and capability framework of decentralized/distributed Internet of things" [from ITU-T SG20] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�31-GEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2025-02-03 [16:41]� 125'000� bytes
[ TD�30-GEN ] 2025-02-03 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on the consent of the draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4608 (ex Y.IoT-BoT-peer) "Capability and functional architecture of blockchain of things peers" [from ITU-T SG20] � Q14/17 �
[ TD�30-GEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2025-02-03 [16:40]� 281'740� bytes
[ TD�29-GEN ] 2025-02-03 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on the initiation of two new work items related to identity for metaverse [from ITU-T SG20] � Q10/17, Q11/17 �
[ TD�29-GEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2025-02-03 [16:39]� 929'230� bytes
[ TD�28-GEN ] 2025-02-03 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on Joint Correspondence group on Trust (CG-Trust) [from ITU-T SG20] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�28-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-02-03 [16:38]� 49'547� bytes
[ TD�27-GEN ] 2025-02-03 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on the establishment of a new Question under ITU-T Study Group 20 [from ITU-T SG20] � Q6/17 �
[ TD�27-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-02-03 [16:37]� 50'958� bytes
[ TD�26-GEN ] 2025-02-03 ITU-T Study Group 20 � LS/i on Joint Correspondence Group on Internet of Things Security (CG-IoTSec) [from ITU-T SG20] � Q6/17 �
[ TD�26-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-02-03 [16:36]� 48'961� bytes
[ TD�25-GEN ] 2025-01-29 ITU-T Study Group 12 � LS/i on SG12 liaison representatives to ITU-T Study Groups, SCV and JCAs [from SG12] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�25-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-02-03 [16:36]� 47'083� bytes
[ TD�15-WP1 ] 2025-02-03 Editors � Stable baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T X.1250rev: Baseline capabilities for enhanced identity management and interoperability � Q10/17 �
[ TD�15-WP1 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-02-03 [10:37]� 1'075'412� bytes
[ TD�5-WP1 ] 2025-01-23 Rapporteur, Q10/17 � Report of Q10/17 interim Rapporteur Group Meeting (Paris, 6 December 2024) � Q10/17 �
[ TD�5-WP1 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-29 [14:30]� 61'288� bytes
[ TD�12-WP1 ] 2025-01-27 Editors � 5th Revised text for draft Recommendation ITU-T X.accsadlt: Access security authentication based on DLT � Q10/17 �
[ TD�12-WP1 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [12:22]� 472'252� bytes
[ TD�11-WP2 ] 2025-01-23 Editors � Revised baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T X.fod-sec: Security guidelines for a feature on demand (FoD) service in a connected vehicle environment � Q13/17 �
[ TD�11-WP2 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [14:18]� 1'812'179� bytes
[ TD�11-WP4 ] 2025-01-29 Editors � Consent - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T X.1413 (ex Security controls for distributed ledger technology � Q14/17 �
[ TD�11-WP4 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-29 [09:36]� 79'413� bytes
[ TD�14-WP3 ] 2025-01-28 Editors � 6th baseline text for draft Supplement X.Sup-cdc ITU-T X.1060: Framework for the creation and operation for a cyber defence centre � Q3/17 �
[ TD�14-WP3 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-29 [09:31]� 139'094� bytes
[ TD�18-WP3 ] 2025-01-28 Editors � Revised baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T X.rm-sup: Risk management on the security of software supply-chain for telecommunication organizations � Q1/17 �
[ TD�18-WP3 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-28 [12:38]� 203'277� bytes
[ TD�17-WP3 ] 2025-01-28 Editors � 3rd revised baseline text for draft Technical Report ITU-T TR.cs-uc: Use cases for extracting the security requirements for cyber security reference architecture � Q1/17 �
[ TD�17-WP3 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-28 [12:35]� 228'664� bytes
[ TD�16-WP3 ] 2025-01-28 Editors � 2nd Revised baseline text Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.srm-fml: Security requirements and measures of federated machine learning � Q1/17 �
[ TD�16-WP3 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-28 [12:29]� 133'081� bytes
[ TD�15-WP3 ] 2025-01-28 Editors � Revised text for ITU-T X.1058 | ISO/IEC DIS 29151: Controls and guidance for personally identifiable information protection � Q3/17 �
[ TD�15-WP3 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-28 [12:25]� 269'958� bytes
[ TD�22-GEN ] 2025-01-24 SCV/CCT � LS/i on the appointment of a vocabulary rapporteur [from SCV/CCT] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�22-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [17:05]� 47'870� bytes
[ TD�20-GEN ] 2025-01-24 SCV/CCT � LS/i on the definition for term digital financial service from ITU-T Study Group 17 [from SCV/CCT] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�20-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [17:02]� 44'100� bytes
[ TD�24-GEN ] 2025-01-24 TSAG � LS/i on the Initial Submission of TSAG to the Council Working Group on Strategic and Financial Planning [from TSAG] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�24-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [17:07]� 47'876� bytes
[ TD�23-GEN ] 2025-01-24 SCV/CCT � LS/i on Reminder to comment on terms and definitions being developed by ITU-T SG17 [from SCV/CCT] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�23-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [17:05]� 46'639� bytes
[ TD�21-GEN ] 2025-01-24 SCV/CCT � LS/i on the validation of terms and definitions developed by ITU-T Study Group 17 [from SCV/CCT] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�21-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [17:03]� 55'973� bytes
[ TD�19-GEN ] 2025-01-24 SCV/CCT � LS/i on the definitions for term smartphone from ITU-T Study Group 17 [from SCV/CCT] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�19-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [16:52]� 44'044� bytes
[ TD�16-GEN ] 2025-01-24 FG-AINN � LS/i on call for contributions to new Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (FG-AINN) [from FG-ANN] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�16-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [16:51]� 51'808� bytes
[ TD�15-GEN ] 2025-01-24 JCA-ML � LS/i on Invitation to provide inputs to the "Machine learning standardization roadmap" [from JCA-ML] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�15-GEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2025-01-27 [16:50]� 190'770� bytes
[ TD�14-GEN ] 2025-01-24 JCA-ML � LS/i on Invitation to nominate the representative to the ITU-T JCA-ML [from JCA-ML] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�14-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [16:49]� 46'534� bytes
[ TD�11-GEN ] 2025-01-24 CCT � LS/i/r on Terms and definitions related to IMT-2020 (5G) technology [(reply to ITU-R WP 5D-5D/TEMP/175-LS72) [from CCT] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�11-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [16:46]� 50'242� bytes
[ TD�13-WP2 ] 2025-01-27 TSB � TSB edits to 4th Revised baseline text for Security features for assessment of mobile terminal security � Q6/17 �
[ TD�13-WP2 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [16:18]� 571'574� bytes
[ TD�12-WP2 ] 2025-01-27 TSB � TSB edits to 4th Revised baseline text for Security guidelines for mobile terminal integrity protection � Q6/17 �
[ TD�12-WP2 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [15:11]� 280'253� bytes
[ TD�9-WP2 ] 2025-01-23 Rapporteur, Q13/17 � Report of Q13/17 interregnum Rapporteur Group Meeting (RGM) (virtual, 7-8 January 2025) � Q13/17 �
[ TD�9-WP2 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [14:03]� 43'821� bytes
[ TD�10-WP2 ] 2025-01-23 Editors � Revised baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Evaluation methodologies for anonymization techniques using face images in autonomous vehicles � Q13/17 �
[ TD�10-WP2 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [14:02]� 1'667'969� bytes
[ TD�13-WP1 ] 2025-01-27 Editors � 1st baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T X.vctp Verifiable credential-based trust propagation framework in the decentralized identity � Q10/17 �
[ TD�13-WP1 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [11:27]� 739'299� bytes
[ TD�14-WP1 ] 2025-01-27 Editors � 3rd revised baseline text for draft Supplement ITU-T X.supp.divs: Rationale and initial approach of decentralized identity verification system (DIVS) based on verifiable data � Q10/17 �
[ TD�14-WP1 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [12:08]� 415'131� bytes
[ TD�8-WP1 ] 2025-01-23 Rapporteur, Q11/17 � Report of Q11/17 interregnum Rapporteur Group Meeting (Stockholm, 7 - 11 October 2024) � Q11/17 �
[ TD�8-WP1 ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-27 [10:47]� 123'904� bytes
[ TD�10-GEN ] 2025-01-24 CITS Expert Group on Communications Technology for Automated Driving � LS/i on the establishment of the Working Group 2 on Vehicular communications for advanced emergency braking, including to protect VRUs [from CITS EGCTAD] � Q13/17 �
[ TD�10-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-24 [15:09]� 59'888� bytes
[ TD�18-GEN ] 2025-01-24 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27/WG5 � LS/i on Identity Management, Privacy Technology, and Biometrics [from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27/WG5] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�18-GEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2025-01-24 [14:48]� 206'545� bytes
[ TD�17-GEN ] 2025-01-24 ISO/IEC JTC1/WG13 � LS/i on request for comments on ISO/IEC 2nd WD 31303, Trustworthiness - Overview and concepts [from ISO/IEC JTC1/WG13] � Q1/17 �
[ TD�17-GEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2025-01-24 [14:42]� 400'215� bytes
[ TD�13-GEN ] 2025-01-24 JCA-ML � LS/i on Invitation to provide inputs to the "Glossary of terms and definitions for machine learning" [from JCA-ML] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�13-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-24 [14:22]� 78'876� bytes
[ TD�12-GEN ] 2025-01-24 ITU-T Study Group 9 � LS/i/r on the resolution of AAP comments (reply TSAG-LS44) [from ITU-T SG9] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�12-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-24 [14:17]� 46'448� bytes
[ TD�9-GEN ] 2025-01-24 ITU-R WP 5D � LS/i on Terms and definitions related to IMT-2020 (5G) technology [from ITU-R WP 5D] � Q2/17, QALL/17 �
[ TD�9-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-24 [14:06]� 44'696� bytes
[ TD�7-GEN ] 2025-01-22 JCA-DCC � LS/i on highlights from the final meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Digital COVID-19 Certificates (JCA-DCC) [from JCA-DCC] � Q7/17 �
[ TD�7-GEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2025-01-24 [13:41]� 53'347� bytes
[ TD�8-GEN ] 2025-01-24 ITU-T Study Group 5 � LS/i on terms contained in ITU-T Study Group 5 draft Recommendations and Supplements [from ITU-T SG5] � QALL/17 �
[ TD�8-GEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2025-01-24 [14:04]� 116'796� bytes
Results: 44 total items.
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