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ITU-T�SG 16� C�(2019-10-07)�



Study Period 2017

Meeting� from 2019-10-07 to 2019-10-17

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2022-01-172021-09-272021-04-192020-06-222019-06-142019-03-192018-10-262018-07-092018-02-162017-10-162017-01-16

Results:120 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 580 ]
New - Working Draft ISO/IEC 20071-2X on presentation of sign language � G3ict - Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (United States) Q26/16 2019-09-27
[ 579 ]
H.850 "Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Personal Health Devices interface Part 10: Transcoding for Bluetooth Low Energy: Personal Health Gateway - General requirements": Proposed text for revision � Chongqing University (China) , Personal Connected Health Alliance (United States) Q28/16 2019-09-26
[ 578 ]
H.850.7 "Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Personal Health Devices interface Part 10G: Transcoding for Bluetooth Low Energy: Personal Health Gateway - Continuous glucose monitoring": Proposed text for revision � Chongqing University (China) , Personal Connected Health Alliance (United States) Q28/16 2019-09-26
[ 577 ]
H.850.6 "Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Personal Health Devices interface Part 10F: Transcoding for Bluetooth Low Energy: Personal Health Gateway - Pulse oximeter": Proposed text for revision � Chongqing University (China) , Personal Connected Health Alliance (United States) Q28/16 2019-09-26
[ 576 ]
H.849 "Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Personal Health Devices interface Part 9: Transcoding for Bluetooth Low Energy: Personal Health Devices": Proposed text for revision � Chongqing University (China) , Personal Connected Health Alliance (United States) Q28/16 2019-09-26
[ 575 ]
H.846 "Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Personal Health Devices interface Part 6: Personal Health Gateway": Proposed text for revision � Chongqing University (China) , Personal Connected Health Alliance (United States) Q28/16 2019-09-26
[ 574 ]
H.845.17 "Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Personal Health Devices interface Part 5Q: Power status monitor": Proposed text for revision � Chongqing University (China) , Personal Connected Health Alliance (United States) Q28/16 2019-09-26
[ 573 ]
H.844 "Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Personal Health Devices interface Part 4: Continua Design Guidelines: Personal Health Gateway": Proposed text for revision � Chongqing University (China) , Personal Connected Health Alliance (United States) Q28/16 2019-09-26
[ 572 ]
H.842 "Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Personal Health Devices interface Part 2: Optimized Exchange Protocol: Personal Health Gateway": Proposed text for revision � Chongqing University (China) , Personal Connected Health Alliance (United States) Q28/16 2019-09-26
[ 571 ]
Accessibility to meetings for users with T-coil enabled hearing aids or cochlear implants during ITU meetings � G3ict - Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (United States) Q26/16 2019-09-25
[ 570 ]
FSTP-ACC-RCS (V2) "Technical Paper: Overview of Remote Captioning Services" (Rev.) � G3ict - Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (United States) Q26/16 2019-09-25
[ 569 ]
FSTP.ACC-ALD: Proposed updates � G3ict - Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (United States) Q26/16 2019-09-25
[ 568 ]
New: Proposed new work items about Vehicle Domain Services � Oki Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) (Japan) Q27/16 2019-09-24
[ 567 ]
VDS: Proposed updates to the definitions and et al. in ISO 23239-1:2019(CD) � Oki Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) (Japan) Q27/16 2019-09-24
[ 566 ]
HSTP.ACC-UC: Proposed updates to add a text to clause 6.1 and Appendix � Oki Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) (Japan) Q26/16, Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 565 ]
H.702 (V2): Proposed updates to add a new appendix about examples for H.702 system using broadcasting � Keio University (Japan) , Oki Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) (Japan) , Waseda University (Japan) Q26/16, Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 564 ]
H.702 (V2): Proposed updates to add descriptions about functions for persons with intellectual disabilities � Keio University (Japan) , Oki Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) (Japan) , Waseda University (Japan) Q26/16, Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 563 ]
New: H.CDN-AINW - Proposed new work item on requirements and reference model for CDN services over AI network � KDDI Corporation (Japan) , Oki Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) (Japan) Q5/16, Q21/16, Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 562 ]
New: Proposal for a new work item H.veri-sc on "Formal verification framework for smart contract" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q22/16 2019-09-24
[ 561 ]
Proposal to launch autonomous driving related technical study in SG16 � ADA Innovation Lab Limited (United Kingdom) , China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) , Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , University of Electronic Science and Technology of China QALL/16 2019-09-24
[ 560 ]
ITU-T Question 26/16 Ad Hoc Group on closed signing � G3ict - Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (United States) Q26/16 2019-09-24
[ 559 ]
New Use Case Work Item and Digital Evidence as an example of DLT Use Cases � Brazil Q22/16 2019-09-24
[ 558 ]
F.DLS: Review of requirements � Brazil Q22/16 2019-09-24
[ 557 ]
F.DLS: Review of Terms in F.DLSReview of Terms � Brazil Q22/16 2019-09-24
[ 556 ]
H.761(V4): Proposed replacement of text for http class in Lua API in order to include support for HTTPS and application embedded certificates � Brazil Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 555 ]
H.761(V4): Proposed replacement of text for udp class in Lua API to include support for server mode connections � Brazil Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 554 ]
H.761(V4): Proposed replacement of text for tcp class in Lua API in order to include support for server mode connections � Brazil Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 553 ]
H.761(V4): Proposed text for Clause 10.3.10 on the bit32 Lua module � Brazil Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 552 ]
H.761(V4): Proposed text for Clause 10.3.11 on the buffer Lua module � Brazil Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 551 ]
H.761(V4): Proposed text for Clause 10.3.8 on the network Lua module � Brazil Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 550 ]
H.761(V4): Proposed text for Clause 10.3.7 on the charset Lua module � Brazil Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 549 ]
H.IPTV-TMRAPI: Proposed text for Clause 6 on Overview � Brazil Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 548 ]
H.IPTV-TMRAPI: Changes on the definition of TMINFO � Brazil Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 547 ]
Proposal for new working item: A technical framework for DLT security supervision � Institute of Information Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences (IIE, CAS) (China) Q22/16 2019-09-24
[ 546 ]
F.ARMS "Requirements and reference framework for digital representation of cultural relics/artworks using augmented reality" Proposed updates in clause 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Mobile Communications Corporation Q21/16 2019-09-24
[ 545 ]
New: Proposal to establish a new Question on digital culture-related system, service and application � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Mobile Communications Corporation , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) QALL/16 2019-09-24
[ 544 ]
New: Proposal on a new work item of "Metadata for digital representation of cultural relics/artworks using augmented reality" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Mobile Communications Corporation Q21/16 2019-09-24
[ 543 ]
Questions: Proposed revision of Question 12/16 ToR � China Telecommunications Corporation Q12/16 2019-09-24
[ 542 ]
H.626 (Rev.): Updated text proposed for consent � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Telecommunications Corporation , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q12/16 2019-09-24
[ 541 ]
New: Proposal on a new work item of "Requirements and application scenarios for cloud gaming system" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Mobile Communications Corporation Q21/16 2019-09-24
[ 540 ]
H.ILE-PE: Proposal of a reference model for arena style presentation � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q8/16 2019-09-24
[ 539 ]
H.ILE-PE: Proposal of appending sub clause 6.3, Open style presentation, into H.ILE-PE � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q8/16 2019-09-24
[ 538 ]
H.ILE-MMT: Proposal of editorial changes � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q8/16 2019-09-24
[ 537 ]
H.ILE-MMT: Proposal of technical updates in H.ILE-MMT � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q8/16 2019-09-24
[ 536 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.7: Proposes to add services and key features in Clause 7 for integrated IPTV TD � China Unicom Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 535 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.6: Proposes to add contents in clause 10: virtualized IPTV TD functional requirement and make some modifications in other clauses � China Unicom Q13/16 2019-09-24
[ 534 ]
H.LLS-DIA: Proposed update to H.LLS-DIA "Architecture for spontaneous dialog processing system for language learning (New) � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q21/16 2019-09-24
[ 533 ]
F.IQAS-INT: Proposed updates � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q21/16 2019-09-24
[ 532 ]
F.EMO-NN: Proposed update � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q24/16 2019-09-24
[ 531 ]
H.764 (V2)-Proposal for consent � China Telecommunications Corporation Q13/16 2019-09-24
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