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ITU-T�SG 16� TD-WP2�(2018-07-09)�



Study Period 2017

Meeting� from 2018-07-09 to 2018-07-20

held in Slovenia [Ljubljana]

Other Meetings : 2022-01-172021-09-272021-04-192020-06-222019-10-072019-06-142019-03-192018-10-26� [ 2018-07-09 ]� 2018-02-162017-10-162017-01-16

Results:39 total items.
Temporary Documents �(WP2) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 130-WP2 ]
FSTP-TRS-KPI "Technical Paper: Key performance indicators for telecommunication relay services" (New): updated draft (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Editor FSTP-TRS-KPI Q26/16 2018-07-20
[ 129-WP2 ]
F.WAAD "Safety requirements for wearable audio augmenting devices" (New): updated draft (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Rapporteur Q26/16 Q26/16 2018-07-20
[ 128-WP2 ]
H.ACC-GVP "Guidance on the Visual presentation of audio information, including captions and subtitles" (New): Updated text (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Editor H.ACC-GVP Q26/16 2018-07-19
[ 127-WP2 ]
FSTP-AM (v2) "Guidelines for accessible meetings" (Rev.): Initial text (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Editor FSTP-AM Q26/16 2018-07-19
[ 126-WP2 ]
H.702 (V2) "Accessibility profiles for IPTV systems" (Rev.): Initial text (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Rapporteur Q26/16 Q26/16 2018-07-19
[ 125-WP2 ]
FSTP-ACC-RemPart "Guidelines for supporting remote participation in meetings for all" (Rev.): Initial text for 2nd edition (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Editor F.791 Q26/16 2018-07-19
[ 124-WP2 ]
F.791 "Accessibility terms and definitions" (Rev.): Output draft for Consent � Editor F.791 Q26/16 2018-07-19
[ 123-WP2 ]
HSTP.SQM "Technical Paper on Sleep Monitoring" (New): Initial draft (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Editors HSTP.SQM Q28/16 2018-07-19
[ 122-WP2 ]
Draft LSs from Q26/16 � Rapporteur Q26/16 Q26/16 2018-07-19
[ 121-WP2 ]
Report of Question 26/16 "Accessibility to multimedia systems and services" � Rapporteur Q26/16 Q26/16 2018-07-19
[ 120-WP2 ]
Draft LSs from Q28/16 � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q28/16 2018-07-19
[ 119-WP2 ]
Report of Question 28/16 "Multimedia framework for e-health applications" � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q28/16 2018-07-19
[ 118-WP2 ]
Report of Question 24/16 "Human factors related issues for improvement of the quality of life through international telecommunications" (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Rapporteur Q24/16 Q24/16 2018-07-18
[ 117-WP2 ]
FSTP-RCSO "Technical Paper: Overview of remote captioning services" (New): Output draft (for Approval) � Editor FSTP-RCSO Q26/16 2018-07-18
[ 116-WP2 ]
F.ACC-ISSVReq "Requirements of information service system for visually impaired persons" (New): Initial draft (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Editor F.ACC-ISSVReq Q26/16 2018-07-18
[ 115-WP2 ]
F.HF-BC "Requirements and framework for blockchain-based human factor service models" (New): Initial draft (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Editors F.HF-BC Q24/16 2018-07-17
[ 114-WP2 ]
F.HF-SLM "Requirements and framework for ICT sleep management service models"(NEW): Initial draft (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Editors F.HF-SLM Q24/16 2018-07-17
[ 113-WP2 ]
F.UI-SH "User interface requirements and framework for e-services based on speech/NLP technology": Initial draft (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Editor F.UI-SH Q24/16 2018-07-17
[ 112-WP2 ]
Draft LSs from Q27/16 � Rapporteur Q27/16 Q27/16 2018-07-17
[ 111-WP2 ]
F.VS-AIMC "Use cases and requirements for multimedia communication enabled vehicle systems using artificial intelligence": Initial draft (Ljubljana, 9-20 July � Editor F.VS-AIMC Q27/16 2018-07-19
[ 110-WP2 ]
Report of Question 27/16 "Vehicle gateway platform for telecommunication/ITS services/applications" � Rapporteur Q27/16 Q27/16 2018-07-17
[ 109-WP2 ]
HSTP.MBI-Usecase "Use-cases of e-health applications and services using brain data" (New): Updated draft (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Rapporteur 28/16 Q28/16 2018-07-16
[ 108-WP2 ]
H.861.0 (V2) "Requirements on communication platform for multimedia brain information" (Rev.): initial draft (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � Rapporteur 28/16 Q28/16 2018-07-16
[ 107-WP2 ]
F.MCDC "Framework for in-flight and post-flight precautionary continuous monitoring for communicable disease control" (New): Output draft (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9 20 July 2018) � Editor F.MCDC Q28/16 2018-07-11
[ 106-WP2 ]
Report Q28/16 e-meeting (24 April 2018) � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q28/16 2018-06-22
[ 105-WP2 ]
F.Med-UHD "Framework for telemedicine systems using ultra-high definition imaging" (New): Output text � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q28/16 2018-06-22
[ 104-WP2 ]
F.SLD "Guidelines for safe listening devices/systems" (New): Output draft (for Consent) � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q28/16 2018-06-22
[ 103-WP2 ]
LS/o on a Technical Paper on the Continua (PCHA) Conformity Assessment Scheme and the test laboratory recognition procedure [to SG11 CASC] � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q28/16 2018-06-22
[ 102-WP2 ]
Report of the meeting of the IRG-AVA (Geneva, 17 April 2018) � Co-chair IRG-AVA Q26/16 2018-06-22
[ 101-WP2 ]
F.SLD: Output draft from the 2018-05-22 e-meeting (cleaned version with TSB editorial adjustments) � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q28/16 2018-06-20
[ 100-WP2 ]
Report of Q28/16 e-meeting on 11 June 2018 � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q28/16 2018-06-20
[ 99-WP2 ]
Report of Q28/16 e-meeting on 22 May 2018 � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q28/16 2018-06-20
[ 98-WP2 ]
Report of Q28/16 meeting (Geneva, 30 April 2018) � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q28/16 2018-06-20
[ 97-WP2 ]
Draft report of the 11th IRG-AVA meeting (Geneva, 2 October 2017) � IRG-AVA Co-chairs Q26/16 2018-05-15
[ 96-WP2 ]
Agenda and documentation for Q28/16 � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q28/16 2018-05-15
[ 95-WP2 ]
Agenda and documentation for Q27/16 � Rapporteur Q27/16 Q27/16 2018-05-15
[ 94-WP2 ]
Agenda and documentation for Q26/16 � Rapporteur Q26/16 Q26/16 2018-05-15
[ 93-WP2 ]
Agenda and documentation for Q24/16 � Rapporteur Q24/16 Q24/16 2018-05-15
[ 92-WP2 ]
Draft agenda and work plan for WP 2/16 (Ljubljana, 9-20 July 2018) � WP 2/16 Chairman Q28/16, Q27/16, Q26/16, Q24/16 2018-05-15
Results:39 total items.
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