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ITU-T�SG 13� ALL�(2017-11-06)�


Future networks

Study Period 2017

Meeting� from 2017-11-06 to 2017-11-17

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Collective Letters��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 3 ]
Meeting of Study Group 13 (Geneva, 6-17 November 2017) � SG13 QALL/13 2017-07-21

Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 368 ]
Propose to Propose to modify the requirements in Y.NGNe-O-reqts � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/13 2017-11-02
[ 367 ]
Big Data - Overview and functional requirements for data integration � China Unicom Q17/13 2017-10-25
[ 366 ]
Proposal to provide use cases and scenarios in Y.bDDN-MNTMP � China Unicom Q7/13 2017-10-25
[ 365 ]
Proposal to provide security considerations in Y.bDDN-MNTMP � China Unicom Q7/13 2017-10-25
[ 364 ]
Proposal to provide performance considerations in Y.bDDN-MNTMP � China Unicom Q7/13 2017-10-25
Currently viewing 5 of 170� documents related to this meeting (more...)

Temporary Documents��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 197-GEN ]
Draft of guidelines and methodologies for developing technical Recommendations, output of the 4th meeting of the SG13 ad hoc group on "Guidelines for development of technical Recommendations" held during the SG13 meeting, Geneva, 6-17 November 2017 � Co-editors of the SG13 ad hoc group All/13 2017-11-14
[ 196-GEN ]
Agenda for the joint session of Q 2/13 and 21/13 � Rapporteurs Q21/13, Q2/13 2017-11-13
[ 195-GEN ]
Material from Tutorial on Artificial Intelligence � TSB ALL/13 2017-11-10
[ 194-GEN ]
Presentation on the ITU-T global search engine, thematic search and MyWorkspace � TSB QALL/13 2017-11-09
[ 193-GEN ]
Newcomer information session material � SG13 Chairman and Mentor QALL/13 2017-11-08
Currently viewing 5 of 242� documents related to this meeting (more...)

Reports��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 12 ]
Report of Working Party 3/13 (Network Evolution and Trust), Geneva, 6 - 17 November 2017 � ITU-T Working Party 3/13 Q5/13, Q2/13, Q16/13, Q1/13 2018-02-02
[ 11 ]
Determined Recommendation ITU-T Y.2774 (ex Y.DPI-ReqFN) "Functional requirements of deep packet inspection for future networks", (Geneva, 6-17 November 2017) � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q7/13 2018-02-15
[ 10 ]
Report of Working Party 2/13 (Cloud Computing and Big Data), Geneva, 6 - 17 November 2017 � ITU-T Working Party 2/13 Q7/13, Q19/13, Q18/13, Q17/13 2018-05-17
[ 9 ]
Report of Working Party 1/13 (IMT-2020 Networks and Systems) , Geneva, 6 - 17 November 2017 � ITU-T Working Party 1/13 Q6/13, Q23/13, Q22/13, Q21/13, Q20/13 2018-02-02
[ 8 ]
Report of the ITU-T Study Group 13 Meeting (Geneva, 6 - 17 November 2017) � ITU-T Study Group 13 QALL/13 2018-02-02

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