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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG5RG-AP Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG5RG-AP�Documentos de la reuni�n
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Resultados: 40 documentos
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[ R�3 ] 2021-10-22 Chairman SG5RG-AP � Report of the third meeting of ITU-T SG5RG-AP, (Virtual, 19-20 October 2021) � QALL/5 �
[ R�3 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-22 [14:50]� 73'112� octetos
[ TD�61-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � List of Participants � QALL/5 �
[ TD�61-PLEN ]��-�English�-� PDF (acrobat) 2021-10-20 [12:54]� 497'046� octetos
[ TD�82-PLEN ] 2021-10-20 Chairman SG5RG-AP � Draft Report of the third meeting of ITU-T SG5RG-AP, (Virtual, 19-20 October 2021) � QALL/5 �
[ TD�82-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-20 [12:50]� 73'184� octetos
[ TD�81-PLEN ] 2021-10-20 TSB � Highlights of Contributions of Member States and Sector Members of the Asian and the Pacific region to ITU-T SG5, (Virtual, 19-20 October 2021) � QALL/5 �
[ TD�81-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2021-10-20 [11:38]� 425'976� octetos
[ TD�81-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-20 [11:38]� 46'548� octetos
[ TD�80-PLEN ] 2021-10-18 Chairman SG5RG-AP � Information on ITU-T SG5RG-AP priorities � QALL/5 �
[ TD�80-PLEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word 2021-10-20 [11:18]� 45'049� octetos
[ TD�80-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-18 [11:58]� 43'969� octetos
[ C�20 ] 2021-10-06 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) � Discussion on exemption conditions included in K.21, K.20, K.45 "Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in customer premises, telecommunication centre, access and trunk networks to over voltages and over currents" � Q2/5 �
[ C�20 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-06 [17:32]� 451'154� octetos
[ C�19 ] 2021-10-06 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) � Proposed new work item on "Net Zero Assessment and best practices in Smart Cities" � Q11/5 �
[ C�19 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-06 [17:18]� 59'394� octetos
[ C�18 ] 2021-10-06 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) � Proposed new work item on " Net Zero Assessment and best practices in Industrial Park" � Q11/5 �
[ C�18 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-06 [17:15]� 59'765� octetos
[ C�17 ] 2021-10-06 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) � Proposed new work item on "Net Zero Assessment and best practices in Base Station" � Q11/5 �
[ C�17 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-06 [17:13]� 60'078� octetos
[ C�16 ] 2021-10-06 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) � Proposed new work item on "Net Zero Assessment and best practices in data center/ telecommunication room" � Q11/5 �
[ C�16 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-06 [17:07]� 60'023� octetos
[ C�15 ] 2021-10-06 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) � Proposed new work item on "Methodologies for Measurement of GHG Emissions in Smart Cities" � Q9/5 �
[ C�15 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-06 [17:04]� 59'756� octetos
[ C�14 ] 2021-10-06 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) � Proposed new work item on "Methodologies for Measurement of GHG emissions in Industrial Park" � Q9/5 �
[ C�14 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-06 [16:53]� 59'863� octetos
[ C�13 ] 2021-10-06 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) � Proposed new work item on "Methodologies for Measurement of GHG emissions in Communication Base Station" � Q9/5 �
[ C�13 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-06 [16:49]� 59'690� octetos
[ C�12 ] 2021-10-06 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) � Proposed new work item on "Methodologies for Measurement of GHG emissions in data center/ telecommunication room" � Q9/5 �
[ C�12 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-06 [16:45]� 62'125� octetos
[ TD�77-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � Report of the second meeting of SG5RG-AP, (Virtual, 15-16 April 2021) � QALL/5 �
[ TD�77-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:48]� 66'882� octetos
[ TD�60-PLEN ] 2021-09-09 TSB � Draft agenda for the ITU-T SG5 Regional Group for Asia and the Pacific (SG5RG AP) virtual meeting, 19-20 Ocotber 2021 � QALL/5 �
[ TD�60-PLEN ]�Revision 1�-�English�-� Word 2021-10-18 [12:58]� 64'013� octetos
[ TD�60-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-09-09 [10:46]� 59'650� octetos
[ TD�79-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � Information on ITU-T SG5 and ITU-T SG5RG-AP mailing lists � QALL/5 �
[ TD�79-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [12:14]� 47'329� octetos
[ TD�78-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � Introductory presentation of ITU-T Study Group 5: Environment, climate change and circular economy � QALL/5 �
[ TD�78-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2021-10-07 [11:52]� 21'232'769� octetos
[ TD�76-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � LS/i on WTSA-20 preparations [from TSAG] � QALL/5 �
[ TD�76-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2021-10-07 [11:47]� 153'197� octetos
[ TD�75-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � List of SG5RG-AP Member States � QALL/5 �
[ TD�75-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:46]� 53'423� octetos
[ TD�74-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � Terms of Reference of SG5RG-AP � QALL/5 �
[ TD�74-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:45]� 58'211� octetos
[ TD�73-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � Management team of SG5RG-AP � QALL/5 �
[ TD�73-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:45]� 53'292� octetos
[ TD�72-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � ITU-T Study Group 5 mandate, Lead role (extract from Resolution 2 (Hammamet, 2016) and ITU-T Study Group 5 structure � QALL/5 �
[ TD�72-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:44]� 58'299� octetos
[ TD�71-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � List of Study Group 5 Management team, Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs � QALL/5 �
[ TD�71-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:43]� 58'405� octetos
[ TD�70-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � WTSA Resolutions concerning ITU-T SG5 Resolutions 72 and 73 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) and Resolution 79 (Dubai, 2012) � QALL/5 �
[ TD�70-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2021-10-07 [11:41]� 525'112� octetos
[ TD�69-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � Plenipotentiary Resolutions concerning ITU-T Study Group 5 � QALL/5 �
[ TD�69-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:41]� 81'001� octetos
[ TD�68-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � ITU-T Study Group 5 Work programme � QALL/5 �
[ TD�68-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:39]� 75'355� octetos
[ TD�67-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � Report of the meeting of Study Group 5 (virtual meeting 11-20 May 2020) � QALL/5 �
[ TD�67-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:38]� 129'745� octetos
[ TD�66-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � Setting Environmental Requirements for 5G � QALL/5 �
[ TD�66-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:38]� 56'088� octetos
[ TD�65-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative � QALL/5 �
[ TD�65-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:37]� 49'544� octetos
[ TD�64-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � Bridging the standardization gap and Regional Groups � QALL/5 �
[ TD�64-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Zip (Document) 2021-10-07 [11:35]� 706'725� octetos
[ TD�63-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � Guidelines for the preparation of Contributions to ITU-T: Relevant ITU A-series Recommendation � QALL/5 �
[ TD�63-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:12]� 59'991� octetos
[ TD�62-PLEN ] 2021-10-07 TSB � Remote participation guide for SG5RG-AP meeting (Virtual, 19-20 October 2021) � QALL/5 �
[ TD�62-PLEN ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-07 [11:10]� 525'488� octetos
[ C�22 ] 2021-10-06 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., China � Initial baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU T L.ICT_PROCURE "Public procurement of ICTs to mitigate the adverse effects of e-waste" � Q7/5 �
[ C�22 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-06 [17:47]� 53'787� octetos
[ C�21 ] 2021-10-06 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., China � Proposed A.1 justification for draft Recommendation ITU T L.ICT_PROCURE "Public procurement of ICTs to mitigate the adverse effects of e-waste" � Q7/5 �
[ C�21 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-10-06 [17:39]� 55'188� octetos
[ COL�4 ] 2021-09-09 TSB � Virtual meeting of ITU-T Study Group 5 Regional Group for Asia and the Pacific (SG5RG-AP), 19 - 20 October 2021 � QALL/5 �
[ COL�4 ]��-�Chinese�-� Word 2021-09-22 [14:20]� 59'130� octetos
[ COL�4 ]��-�English�-� Word 2021-09-09 [16:47]� 69'006� octetos
Resultados: 40 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2021-10-22