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ITU-T�REVCOM� TD-GEN�(2016-01-28)�


Review Committee

Study Period 2013

Meeting� from 2016-01-28 to 2016-01-29

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2016-07-15� [ 2016-01-28 ]� 2015-05-292015-01-192014-06-162014-01-162013-06-03

Results:32 total items.
Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source Date
[ 222-GEN ]
Executive summary of RevCom meeting (Geneva, 28-29 January 2016) � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom 2016-01-29
[ 221-GEN ]
Rapporteur Group on ITU-T Restructuring: Recommendation on Standardisation Strategy Function (SSF) (29 January, 2016) � Rapporteur, RG on ITU-T Restructuring 2016-01-29
[ 220-GEN ]
Update on SG16 collaboration related activities � Chairman, ITU-T SG16 2016-01-29
[ 219-GEN ]
LS/i on proposed text for the revision of Recommendation A.12 [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 2016-01-28
[ 218-GEN ]
LS/i on Y.4000 series structure [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 2016-01-28
[ 217-GEN ]
ITU-T SG11 structure and the new ITU-T SG20 � Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 11 2016-01-28
[ 216-GEN ]
LS/i to TSAG and RevCom on SG9 restructuring in view of WTSA-16 (to TSAG and RevCom) [from ITU-T SG9] � ITU-T SG9 2016-01-28
[ 215-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 15 Progress Report to RevCom and TSAG � Chairman, ITU-T SG15 2016-01-27
[ 214-GEN ]
Comparison of SSF(P) ToRs � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom 2016-01-27
[ 213-GEN ]
LS/i on Draft text of ITU-T Study Group 12 Questions, Study Period 2017-2020 [from ITU-T SG12] � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 2016-01-26
[ 212-GEN ]
Draft time plan for TSAG, Chairmen's meeting, RevCom and related rapporteur group meetings � TSB 2016-01-22
[ 211-GEN ]
LS/i/r on "List of possible stale work items for SG12" (Ref: RevCom - LS 1 -E) [from ITU-T SG12] � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 2016-01-22
[ 210-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 5 progress report � Chairman, ITU-T SG5 2016-01-21
[ 209-GEN ]
Summary of Liaison Statements and input TDs from SG Chairmen, SGs and FGs (RevCom, Geneva, 28-29 January 2016) � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom 2016-01-28
[ 208-GEN ]
Summary of Contributions (RevCom, Geneva, 28-29 January 2016) � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom 2016-01-27
[ 207-GEN ]
SSF: Latest draft of Standardization Strategy Function role and its suggested ToR (Geneva, 29 May - 1 June 2015) � Rapporteur, RG on ITU-T Restructuring 2016-01-22
[ 206-GEN ]
List of Collaboration Mechanisms of ITU-T: FGs, JCAs, GSIs and IRGs (position of 2016-01-18) � TSB 2016-01-21
[ 205-GEN ]
Statistics: Download of ITU-T Recommendations (position of 2016-01-22) � TSB 2016-01-25
[ 204-GEN ]
Statistics: List of work items without reference or with base texts older than 18 months (position of 2016-01-22) � TSB 2016-01-25
[ 203-GEN ]
Statistics on study group rapporteur group meetings (2013-01 till 2016-01) � TSB 2016-01-25
[ 202-GEN ]
Statistics: SG activities per ITU-T study group since January 2013 (January 2016 update) � TSB 2016-01-25
[ 201-GEN ]
Draft report of RevCom to WTSA-16 (and TSAG) - Version 4.1 (RevCom, January 2016) � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom 2016-01-25
[ 200-GEN ]
Communiqu� from the CTO Meeting (Budapest, 11 October 2015) � TSB 2016-01-12
[ 199-GEN ]
Final list of participants, ITU-T Review Committee meeting (Geneva, 28-29 January 2015) � TSB 2016-01-12
[ 198-GEN ]
LS/i/r on monitoring of study group activities (reply to RevCOM-LS001) [from ITU-SG13] � ITU-T SG13 2015-12-18
[ 197-GEN ]
LS/i on SG16 preparations for WTSA-16 (to TSAG and RevCom) [from ITU-T SG16] � ITU-T SG16 2015-11-03
[ 196-GEN ]
LS/i on advantages and disadvantages of merging SG9 and SG16 [from ITU-T SG9] � ITU-T SG9 2015-08-04
[ 195-GEN ]
RevCom action plan: updated version (Geneva, 28-29 January 2016) � Vice-Chairman, ITU-T RevCom 2015-08-04
[ 194-GEN ]
RevCom meeting facilities and information � TSB 2015-08-04
[ 193-GEN ]
RevCom Remote Participation - Adobe Connect Guide � TSB 2015-08-04
[ 192-GEN ]
Newcomer welcome pack and orientation session on 1 February 2016 � TSB 2015-07-24
[ 191-GEN ]
Draft agenda for the sixth meeting of the Review Committee (Geneva, 28 (PM) and 29 January 2016) � Chairman, ITU-T RevCom 2015-08-28
Results:32 total items.
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