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Home : ITU-T : TSAG : Meeting�2011-02-08�: Contributions� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-T�TSAG� C�(2011-02-08)�


Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2011-02-08 to 2011-02-11

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-07-022012-01-102010-02-082009-04-28

Results:19 total items.
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source Date
[ 0053 ]
Comments on EDH procedures Regarding Liaison Statement Documents � Egypt 2011-01-28
[ 0052 ]
Comments on the TSB Director's report on the CTO meeting OCT 2010 � Egypt 2011-01-28
[ 0051 ]
Review of transfer of work "Y.phy_arch_ngn" and "Definition on Multi-vendor Interoperability" from ITU-T SG13 to ITU-T SG 11 � Ministry of communications & IT, India 2011-01-28
[ 0050 ]
Support of changing from JCA-NID to JCA-IoT � ETRI 2011-01-27
[ 0049 ]
Proposal on admission of academia, universities and their associated research establishments to participate in the work of the standaridzation sector of the Union � United Arab Emirates 2011-01-27
[ 0048 ]
Accessibility and PP10 Resolution 175 � USA 2011-01-26
[ 0047 ]
Proposal for activity on Electronic Working Methods � UK 2011-01-26
[ 0046 ]
Proposals for review of Recommendation A.23 - Collaboration with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on information technology � Russian Federation 2011-01-26
[ 0045 ]
Proposal on Way forward for the study on Smart Grid � Japan 2011-01-26
[ 0044 ]
Proposal for further activities on cloud computing � France 2011-01-26
[ 0043 ]
Support to change the name of JCA-NID to JCA-IoT � France 2011-01-26
[ 0042 ]
Proposal for a description of proposed new deliverables within a study group � France 2011-01-26
[ 0041 ]
Proposal to update the Author's guide for drafting ITU-T Recommendations � France 2011-01-26
[ 0040 ]
Study Items for Requirement on Electronic Participation in Decision Making Physical Meetings � KDDI 2011-01-26
[ 0039 ]
Harmonizing deadlines for the submission of contributions and the registration procedures for meetings � Russian Federation 2011-01-25
[ 0038 ]
Proposal to clarify the ITU-T working rules and procedure � Korea (Rep. of) 2011-01-25
[ 0037 ]
Strengthening the role and responsibilities of each (lead) SG for maintaining terms and definitions � Korea (Rep.of) 2011-01-25
[ 0036 ]
Proposal for a revision of Resolution ITU-R 6 and Resolution ITU-T 18 to include provisions for setting up intersector rapporteur groups � Italy 2011-01-24
[ 0035 ]
Focus Group documents � Canada 2011-01-18
Results:19 total items.
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